#!/bin/sh #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Bourne shell script to derive sea ice concentration data for a # rectilinear grid whose cells measure two degrees of latitude by two # degrees of longitude. # # The procedure is to use a list of the geographic coordinates of the grid # cell centers as the request file for the program u_rtrv. The result is # a table where each row is a grid cell, and columns 3 through 14 # represent the ice concentration profile for each grid cell (columns 1 # and 2 reiterate the grid cell coordinates). # # Using the UNIX cut command, the columns themselves are isolated in # separate files, and the program table.c is used to rearrange each column # into a tab-delimited ASCII table suitable for entry into a spreadsheet. # # Peter N. Schweitzer (U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA 22092) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Set the values of the following variables to the full names of the # directories containing the appropriate files # BIN contains the (compiled) executable version of topo.c BIN=/var/ftp/pub/data/sea_ice/bin # SRC is the directory that contains the list of composite monthly average # sea-ice concentration data files. SRC=/var/ftp/pub/data/sea_ice/Derived/unix # DST is the directory whose subdirectories will contain the results DST=/var/ftp/pub/data/sea_ice/Derived/grids #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- NORTHERN HEMISPHERE --------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd $SRC $BIN/u_rtrv -v \ -i n \ -r $DST/north/grid_n.2x2 \ -o $DST/north/arctic.2x2 cut -f3 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/jan cut -f4 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/feb cut -f5 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/mar cut -f6 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/apr cut -f7 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/may cut -f8 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/jun cut -f9 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/jul cut -f10 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/aug cut -f11 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/sep cut -f12 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/oct cut -f13 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/nov cut -f14 $DST/north/arctic.2x2 >$DST/north/dec for M in jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec do $BIN/table $DST/north/$M >$DST/north/$M.tab done #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #- SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE --------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------- $BIN/u_rtrv -v \ -i $SRC/s \ -r $DST/south/grid_s.2x2 \ -o $DST/south/antarct.2x2 cut -f3 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/jan cut -f4 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/feb cut -f5 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/mar cut -f6 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/apr cut -f7 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/may cut -f8 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/jun cut -f9 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/jul cut -f10 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/aug cut -f11 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/sep cut -f12 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/oct cut -f13 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/nov cut -f14 $DST/south/antarct.2x2 >$DST/south/dec for M in jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec do $BIN/table $DST/south/$M >$DST/south/$M.tab done #-------------------------------------------------------------------------