Location Place of Performance Zip Code Contact Solicitation Number Posted Date Response Date Procurement Method Classification Code NAICS Description
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases TBD Robert Singman, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-2607, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Paul McFarlane, Senior Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-0349, Fax 301-480-2622, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DMID-06-10 09/02/05 12/15/05 A: Research and Development 541710 Research and Development in the Physical, Engineering, and Life Sciences
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Lisa Coleman, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-3682, Fax 301-402-0972, Email - Shelly Goergen, Branch Chief, Phone 301-402-0641, Fax 301-480-4675, Email BAA-NIH-NIAID-DAIT-07-34 06/12/06 06/27/06 A: Research and Development 541720 Allergen and T Cell Reagent Resources for the Study of Allergic Diseases
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Charles Lerner, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-3831, Fax (301) 402-8579, Email - Susan Hoffman, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-3799, Fax (301) 402-8579, Email N02-PC-65027-20 10/20/06 12/12/06 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541720 Cancer Control and Population Science Program Scientific Support Contract
National Institute on Drug Abuse Diane Loeb, Contract Specialist, NIDA/NIH, Phone 301 443-6677, Fax 301 443-7595, Email - Craig Sager, Contract Specialist, NIDA/NIH, Phone (301) 443-6677, Fax (301) 443-7595, Email N01DA-7-5537 10/28/06 12/21/06 8a Competitive R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541611 State and Local Epidemiology Planning and Information Development
Division of Research Acquisition Aleta Dust, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-8055, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email 260-06-10 11/08/06 02/20/07 A: Research and Development 541710 The Effects of Intracochlear Electrical Stimulation on Neural Survival and Function
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Deborah Baca, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-443-4490, Email - Teresa Baughman, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-451-3690, Fax 301-480-4675, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DMID-08-04 12/07/06 04/23/07 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 541710 Statistical and Data Coordinating Center (SDCC) for Clinical Research in Infectious Diseases
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Jeffery Battle, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-0343, Fax 301-480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-AR-2006-045JNB 12/14/06 12/26/06 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Analytical Laboratory Instrument Manufacturing
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI70016 02/02/07 02/13/07 U: Education and Training 611310 Educational Services
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 20892 Elizabeth Osinski, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6947, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Fred Ettehadieh, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6961, Fax 301-402-3676, Email RFP-NIH-NICHD-NCS-07-11 02/15/07 04/16/07 A: Research and Development 541710 National Children's Study Centers
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 74465-0948 Elaine Hochman, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-3832, Fax (301) 402-8579, Email - Susan Hoffman, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-3799, Fax (301) 402-8579, Email N02-PC-75004-18 02/26/07 04/12/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 518210 Cherokee Nation Cancer Registry
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anita Hughes, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-3694, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Eileen Webster-Cissel , Branch Chief, Phone 301-496-0349, Fax 301-480-4675, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DAIDS-08-33 03/05/07 A: Research and Development 541710 NIAID HIV/AIDS Scientific and Operations Support
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions-Treatment and Support Branch 21702 Drake Russell, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-228-4217, Fax 301-228-4240, Email - MaryAnne Golling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 228-4215, Fax (301) 228-4240, Email N02-CM-77002-21 03/26/07 04/18/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Storage and Distribution of Chemicals and Drugs used in Preclinical Evaluation and Development
Office of Research Facilities/Office of Acquisitions 27709 Kyle Turner, Office of Research Facilities / Contracting Officer, RTP, NC, Phone 919-541-5763, Fax 919-541-5789, Email 292-07-P-(CQ)-0005 04/24/07 06/11/07 Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned M: Operation of Government Owned Facilities 561210 Central Utility Plant (CUP) Operations, Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 21224 Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NIH-NIDA-SSSAB-2007-02 04/30/07 06/15/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541519 National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program Information Technology Services
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anita Hughes, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-3694, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Eileen Webster-Cissel , Branch Chief, Phone 301-496-0349, Fax 301-480-4675, Email NIH-NIAID-DAIDS-08-19 05/08/07 05/23/07 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 541710 Synthesis of Therapeutic Agents for Treatment of Infectious Diseases
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions-Treatment and Support Branch Drake Russell, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-228-4217, Fax 301-228-4240, Email - MaryAnne Golling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 228-4215, Fax (301) 228-4240, Email N02-CM-77002-21A 05/22/07 07/12/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Storage and Distribution of Chemicals and Drugs used in Preclinical Evaluation and Development.
Office of Administration 20892 Lloyd Garnes, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-3341, Fax 301-480-3476, Email - Lloyd Garnes, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-3341, Fax 301-480-3476, Email 263-2007-Q-DT-0165 05/24/07 05/30/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541513 Development, Maintenance, & Enhancement of a Web Site
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 20892-7612 Suzanne Dawkins, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-3698, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Robert Singman, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-451-2607, Fax 301-480-4675, Email BAA-NIH-NIAID-DMID-08-20 06/26/07 10/30/07 A: Research and Development 541710 Development of Therapeutic Agents for Select Biodefense Pathogens
Office of Administration 20892 Andrew Maine, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-7364, Fax 301-402-0178, Email - Andrew Maine, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-7364, Fax 301-402-0178, Email Reference-Number-260-07-09 07/02/07 08/08/07 A: Research and Development 541710 Fabrication of Multielectrode Arrays
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20852 Odessa Henderson, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-3812, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email N02-RC-71006-74 07/18/07 08/30/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541511 Customized Network/LAN Database Management, Software Maintenance/Updates in LHC Lab Mgr Systems
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases 20817 Dana Harris, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-9987, Fax 301-480-4226, Email - Edward Kostolansky, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-4758, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-07-03 08/10/07 11/07/07 A: Research and Development 541710 The Type 1 Diabetes TrialNet
Office of Administration 20892 Lloyd Garnes, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-3341, Fax 301-480-3476, Email - Lloyd Garnes, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-3341, Fax 301-480-3476, Email 263-2007-Q-DT-0198 08/23/07 08/29/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 561990 Science Manangement & Research Admin Support Service
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20892 Juana Diaz, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-8613, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email - Richard Hartmann, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 496-8620, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email N02-RC-71010-74 08/23/07 10/09/07 Total Small Business Q: Medical Services 621512 Radiation Support and Related Services
Office of Administration 20892 Lloyd Garnes, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-3341, Fax 301-480-3476, Email - Lloyd Garnes, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-3341, Fax 301-480-3476, Email 263-2007-Q-DT-0177 08/24/07 08/29/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541380 Genetic Test ing
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases 20817 Dana Harris, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-9987, Fax 301-480-4226, Email - Edward Kostolansky, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-4758, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-07-05 08/24/07 11/20/07 A: Research and Development 541710 NIDDK Genetics Repository
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases 20817 Dana Harris, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-9987, Fax 301-480-4226, Email - Edward Kostolansky, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-4758, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-07-06 08/24/07 11/20/07 A: Research and Development 541710 NIDDK Biosample Repository
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases 20817 Dana Harris, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-9987, Fax 301-480-4226, Email - Edward Kostolansky, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-4758, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-07-07 08/24/07 11/20/07 A: Research and Development 541710 NIDDK Data Repository
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Patricia Haun, Purchasing Agent, Phone (301) 594-8855, Fax (301) 480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-07-291 08/28/07 09/11/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 518210 Launch a web-based Blood Glucose reporting system
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Heidi Holley, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-0641, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Karen Gamble, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-2234, Fax 301-402-0972, Email BAA-NIH-BARDA-NIAID-DMID-AI2007003 09/04/07 12/18/07 A: Research and Development 541710 Advanced Development of Multivalent Filovirus (Ebola and Marburg) Hemorrhagic Fever Vaccines
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Patricia Haun, Purchasing Agent, Phone (301) 594-8855, Fax (301) 480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-07-291-01 09/10/07 09/17/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 518210 Launch a web-based Blood Glucose reporting system
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Paul McFarlane, Chief, ECA/WHI Branch, Phone 301-435-0345, Fax 301-480-3430, Email - Jeffrey Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0338, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email Reference-Number-BAA-NHLBI-WH-09-01 09/20/07 A: Research and Development 541710 Toward Maximizing the Scientific Value of the Biologic Specimens from the Women?s Health Initiative II
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Lynda Johnson 3015943111 CC263-07-Q-LY-2346 09/21/07 09/26/07 N/A 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment software upgrade ANSOS to ANSOS One-staff 3 divisi
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-07-Q-MK-2342 09/21/07 09/26/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-07-Q-MK-2343 09/21/07 09/26/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institues of Health shall issue a sol
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-07-Q-MK-2344 09/21/07 09/26/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment Installation of card key system for 3C721A and 3C7
Office of Administration AUSTIN, KEITH 301 435 3890, NIHOD2007036 09/21/07 09/27/07 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support -Human Subjects Research Consultant
Office of Administration AUSTIN, KEITH 301 435 3890, NIHOD2007037 09/21/07 09/27/07 N/A U: Education and Training -National Quality Forum Membership
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS137359 09/21/07 09/25/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Bio-Tek Microplate Reader
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS159520 09/21/07 09/25/07 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 511210 ScholarOne Manuscript Database
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS159520 09/21/07 09/25/07 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 511210 ScholarOne Manuscript Database
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS87079 09/21/07 09/25/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Mx300P QXPR System
National Library of Medicine 20894 Rico Batte, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Rico Batte, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email 07-240-RDB 09/24/07 09/26/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541519 Maintenance Renewal
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andrea McGee 301-402-0735 CC263-07-Q-LL-2349 09/25/07 09/28/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 30090, 400 series med cart, denim with accessories
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andrea McGee 301-402-0735 CC263-07-Q-LL-2354 09/25/07 09/28/07 N/A J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment cleaning/inspection of furniture on various floors
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Albert Harris (301)594-3879 CC263-07-Q-MC-2350 09/25/07 09/28/07 Total Small Business M: Operation of Government Owned Facilities TO COLLABORATE WITH THE NIH-UCSF STUDIES RE PATIEN
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Albert Harris (301)594-3879 CC263-07-Q-MC-2352 09/25/07 09/28/07 Total Small Business M: Operation of Government Owned Facilities MAINTAINING AN ELECTRONIC CLINICAL DATABASE AND CR
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Joanne Deshler, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-0340, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email - Joanne Deshler, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-0340, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email NHLBI-HR-08-06 09/25/07 A: Research and Development 541710 SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study (SPIROMICS): Genomics and Informatics Center (GIC)
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Richard Phillips, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6462, Fax 301-480-3432, Email - Allison Stang, Procurement Technician, Phone 301-435-0356, Fax 301-480-3432, Email NHLBI-RR-08-15 09/25/07 10/09/07 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 541710 Knowledge-Based Resource for Linking Animal Models to Human Disease
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Cheryl Jennings, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-0347, Fax (301) 480-3430, Email - Katie McNamee, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-6674, Fax (301) 480-3430, Email NHLBI-HC-08-10_-08-11_-08-12_-08-13 09/26/07 11/12/07 A: Research and Development 541710 Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis-Continuation
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS107427 09/26/07 09/28/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Upgrade Agencourt NX FFPE Workstation
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS107820 09/26/07 09/28/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Agencourt DNA Workstation
National Institute on Aging 21224 Tequilla Wheeler, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8547, Fax 410-558-8319, Email - Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email HANDLS-801 10/02/07 10/11/07 A: Research and Development 541720 Longitudinal Study of the Effects of Race and Socioeconomic Status
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Tirene Crowell, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-0335, Fax 301-480-3338, Email - Joanne Deshler, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-0340, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email NHLBI-HR-08-08 10/02/07 A: Research and Development 541710 SPIROMICS:Clinical center
Office of Administration 20892 Andrew Maine, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-7364, Fax 301-402-0178, Email - Andrew Maine, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-7364, Fax 301-402-0178, Email NIHOD2007035 10/02/07 11/16/07 A: Research and Development 541710 ADVANCED ELECTRODE MICROFABRICATION ECHNIQUES FOR NEURAL PROSTHESES
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Lynda Johnson 3015943111 CC263-08-Q-LY-2371 10/03/07 10/08/07 N/A 81: Containers, Packaging, and Packing Supplies MPW BURN BOXES
Office of Administration Louis Kuta, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8024, Fax 301-402-0178, Email NIHAG2007001 10/03/07 A: Research and Development 541710 Management of the Primate Aging Database
Office of Administration Louis Kuta, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8024, Fax 301-402-0178, Email NIHAG2007001 10/03/07 A: Research and Development 541710 Management of the Primate Aging Database
Office of Administration Louis Kuta, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8024, Fax 301-402-0178, Email NIHAG2007001 10/03/07 A: Research and Development 541710 Management of the Primate Aging Database
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2374 10/04/07 10/09/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-97141 Cases of LA-15 adsorption columns catalog
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2375 10/04/07 10/09/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-97355 HBSS, 4 Liter bag. #08-003A
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2376 10/04/07 10/09/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-97324 Elutra Cell Separation System Disposable T
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2377 10/04/07 10/09/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment Anti-D #717380
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Richard Phillips, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6462, Fax 301-480-3432, Email NHLBI-DE-08-16 10/04/07 10/19/07 A: Research and Development 541712 NIDCR Clinical Trials Operations and Management Support
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Richard Phillips, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6462, Fax 301-480-3432, Email NHLBI-DE-08-16 10/04/07 10/19/07 A: Research and Development 541710 NIDCR Clinical Trials Operations and Management Support
Office of Administration Zedekiah Worsham, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-3560, Fax 301-451-5372, Email NIHOD2008040 10/04/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 561110 Long-Term Administrative Support Services for the NIH
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2382 10/09/07 10/12/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Institute on Aging 21224 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email FAC7 10/09/07 10/18/07 Q: Medical Services 541990 Occupational Medical Health Services
National Institute on Aging 21224 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email FAC9 10/09/07 10/23/07 99: Miscellaneous 562211 Medical Pathological Waste Services
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 James Kish, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6089, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email RFQ8172 10/09/07 10/23/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541612 Special studies and analysis - not R&D services
National Library of Medicine 20894 Tonitta Hopkins, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Erin Goldstein, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email NLM-08-002-TLH 10/10/07 10/19/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 517110 High Speed Internet Services
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Paula Pier, Contract Specialist, Phone 9195412616, Fax 9195415117, Email PP158314 10/10/07 10/12/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Renewal of Service Agreement for Aviso USA Ltd Roboseq Robot
National Library of Medicine 20817 Maxwell Kimpson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Karen Riggs, Contracting Officer, Phone 301 496-6546, Fax 301 402-0642, Email 08-005-MJK 10/11/07 10/26/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 518210 Web Content Management System (CMS)
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Jasmine Snoddy, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 594 1571, Fax 301 480 1358, Email - Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email 224785 10/11/07 11/01/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 Recruitment, Assessment, and Research Coordination of Schizophrenic Patients under Current Protocols
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Sabrina Lindsay 301-402-5273 CC263-08-Q-LX-2385 10/11/07 10/16/07 Total Small Business A: Research and Development MAINTENANCE ON ERGOMETER POP 10/2007-9/2008
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Sabrina Lindsay 301-402-5273 CC263-08-Q-LX-2386 10/11/07 10/16/07 Total Small Business A: Research and Development MAINTENANCE ON ERGOMETER POP 10/2007-09/2008
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2394 10/11/07 10/16/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2395 10/11/07 10/16/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall isssue a R
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2396 10/11/07 10/16/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80001-NG 10/11/07 10/25/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541612 Services for Ongoing Studies in the Areas of Tumor and Innate Immunity Biological Response Modification
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Ivan Hernandez, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-6954, Fax 301-480-0689, Email - Terrie Nestor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6790, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NIHAO2008009RefSSNIAID0701 10/25/07 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541512 Continued Maintenance, Support and Development for the CRIMSON II Database
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80003-MM 10/29/07 11/12/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Acquisition of Zeiss Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope for Advanced Technology Center
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Debbie Culpepper 301402-1928 CC263-08-Q-MD-2445 10/30/07 11/02/07 Total Small Business 68: Chemicals and Chemical Products MEDICAL OXYGEN (E) ALUMINUM REFILL
National Institute on Aging 21224 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNG8 10/30/07 11/08/07 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 621511 Human Ref-8 Beadchip Kits
National Institute on Drug Abuse 21224 Tonya Anderson, Contract Specialist, NIDA R&D Contracts Management Branch, Phone (301) 443-6677, Fax (301) 443-7595, Email - Kenneth Goodling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301)443-6677, Fax (301)443-7595, Email N01DA-4-9000-Mod-57 10/30/07 12/14/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Support Services for the Intramural Research Program
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2452 10/31/07 11/05/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2453 10/31/07 11/05/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892-0002 Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI224867 11/01/07 11/15/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541690 clinical diagnostics interviews of control subjects of patients with schizophrenia
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2458 11/02/07 11/07/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2459 11/02/07 11/07/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20850 John Manouelian, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-3813, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email - Richard Hartmann, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 496-8620, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email N02-CM-81000-48 11/02/07 12/19/07 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Drug Development Support For The Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP)
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 20892-3336 Elizabeth Shanahan, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-6775, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Ross Kelley, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-6960, Fax 301-402-3676, Email NICHD-CPR-08-10 11/02/07 12/18/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Biological Testing Facility
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-031 11/02/07 11/16/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541712 ANALYZE INFLUENZA DATASETS FROM MISMS MEETINGS
Division of Research Acquisition 20892-7540 Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email - Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email NIHOD2007039 11/02/07 11/23/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Development and Maintenance of an Aged Non Human Primate Tissue Bank
Division of Research Acquisition 20892-7540 Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email - Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email NIHOD2007039 11/02/07 11/23/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Development and Maintenance of an Aged Non Human Primate Tissue Bank
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ230023 11/02/07 11/15/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Maintenance Service for Electron Microscope
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ257442 11/02/07 11/15/07 67: Photographic Equipment 443130 Audio Visual Equipment
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20817 Terrie Nestor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6790, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NIAIDAO2007003(R) 11/05/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 611430 Learning and Development Support Services
Division of Research Acquisition 20892 Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email - Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email NIHOD2007041 11/05/07 11/30/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Brain Computer Interface for Communication: Neural Implant Signal Acquisition
Division of Research Acquisition 20892 Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email - Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email NIHOD2007041 11/05/07 11/30/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Brain Computer Interface for Communication: Neural Implant Signal Acquisition
Division of Research Acquisition 20892 Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email - Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email NIHOD2007042 11/05/07 11/30/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Brain Computer Interface for Communication: Neural Signal Processing and Control of Audiovisual Displays
Division of Research Acquisition 20892 Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email - Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email NIHOD2007042 11/05/07 11/30/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Brain Computer Interface for Communication: Neural Signal Processing and Control of Audiovisual Displays
Division of Research Acquisition 20892 Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email - Howard Cyrus, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 496-4487, Fax (301) 402-0178, Email NIHOD2007042 11/05/07 11/30/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Brain Computer Interface for Communication: Neural Signal Processing and Control of Audiovisual Displays
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS260647 11/05/07 11/08/07 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 511210 Scholar One Manuscript Database
National Library of Medicine 20894 Cara Calimano, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-6127, Fax 301 402-8169, Email - Cara Calimano, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-6127, Fax 301 402-8169, Email 08-022-CYC 11/06/07 11/21/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541519 Dark Fibers
National Institute on Aging 21224 Tequilla Wheeler, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8547, Fax 410-558-8319, Email FAC-23 11/06/07 11/15/07 68: Chemicals and Chemical Products 325120 Gas Requirements for Gerontology Research Center
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI242247 11/06/07 11/23/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 gene arrays that contain 1,000,000 SNPs
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Tanya Shields, Purchasing Agent, Phone 9195410388, Fax 9195415117, Email TS225661 11/06/07 11/12/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 COPAS Biosorters Maintenance Agreement
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Tanya Shields, Purchasing Agent, Phone 9195410388, Fax 9195415117, Email TS250784 11/06/07 11/13/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 NMR System Maintenance
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ241622 11/07/07 11/21/07 8a Competitive R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541611 Scientific Review Consultant
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2465 11/08/07 11/13/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institues of Health shall issue a Req
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2466 11/08/07 11/13/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-032 11/08/07 11/23/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT FOR LTQ FT
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80006-NG 11/08/07 11/26/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Zeiss Service Agreement
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email RFQ-NCI-80004-NG 11/08/07 11/26/07 Total Small Business T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 323110 Radiation Therapy and You (Spanish version)
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email RFQ-NCI-80005-NG 11/08/07 11/26/07 Total Small Business T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 323110 Radiation Therapy and You
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2467 11/09/07 11/14/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Richard Phillips, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6462, Fax 301-480-3432, Email - Allison Stang, Procurement Technician, Phone 301-435-0356, Fax 301-480-3432, Email NHLBI-RR-08-18 11/09/07 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541512 Knowledge-Based Resource for Linking Animal Models to Human Disease
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Richard Phillips, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6462, Fax 301-480-3432, Email - Allison Stang, Procurement Technician, Phone 301-435-0356, Fax 301-480-3432, Email NHLBI-RR-08-18 11/09/07 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541512 Knowledge-Based Resource for Linking Animal Models to Human Disease
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI274327 11/09/07 11/23/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 Review Grants Applications
National Library of Medicine 20892 Rico Batte, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Rico Batte, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email 08-023-RDB 11/13/07 11/19/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541611 Acquisition Support Services
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2468 11/13/07 11/16/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Deitra Lunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email - Paula Pier, Contract Specialist, Phone 9195412616, Fax 9195415117, Email DL276094 11/13/07 11/15/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 238990 Laboratory Casework
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-0001 Kesha Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-2605, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-HG-2008-20-KLW 11/14/07 11/29/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541511 Software Customization & Maintenance
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI245690 11/14/07 11/24/07 U: Education and Training 611310 Ion Channel Voltage
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Terry Knight, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6162, Fax 301-480-8720, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8169 11/14/07 11/30/07 Total Small Business B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541380 Genomic Services - DNA Sequencing
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80010-MM 11/14/07 11/28/07 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Management and Support Services to the Research and Development activities of the HIV/AIDS Program of the CCR, NCI.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Paula Pier, Contract Specialist, Phone 9195412616, Fax 9195415117, Email Reference-Number-PPI262461 11/14/07 11/18/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Equipment Service Agreement Renewal
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2472 11/15/07 11/20/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2473 11/15/07 11/20/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Institute on Aging 21224 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email FAC29 11/15/07 11/26/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 112990 Sperm Cryopreservation
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20817 Michele Pearlman, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-5644, Fax 301-480-0689, Email - Terrie Nestor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6790, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NIHAO2008006 11/15/07 88: Live Animals 112990 Maintenance and Support of a Specific Pathogen Free Indian-Origin Rhesus Macaque Breeding Program
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80007-NG 11/15/07 11/30/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Service agreement for Waters instrument
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 59840 Julienne Keiser, Purchasing Agent, Phone 406-363-9370, Fax 406-363-9288, Email - Lynda Kieres, Contracting Officer, Phone 406-363-9210, Fax 406-363-9288, Email Reference-Number-NOI-RML-8005 11/15/07 11/27/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 334516 Beckman Service Agreement
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI250014 11/16/07 11/30/07 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 Consulting
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2475 11/19/07 11/22/07 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Institute on Aging 21224 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LPCCOG088 11/19/07 11/29/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Hispanic Aging Survey Feasibility Study
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-7902 Cheryl Jennings, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-0347, Fax (301) 480-3430, Email - Jeffrey Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0338, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email NHLBI-HC-09-02_09-03 11/19/07 01/03/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA) Study
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email - Patricia Haun, Purchasing Agent, Phone (301) 594-8855, Fax (301) 480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-041 11/19/07 12/04/07 Q: Medical Services 334516 LABORATORY TESTING SERVICES
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI274327- 11/19/07 12/03/07 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 Review Grant Applications
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Lorena Waller, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6656, Fax 301-480-3695, Email WALLERLOR@NIAID.NIH.GOV - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8170 11/19/07 12/04/07 Total Small Business 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 424990 Animal Feed and Bedding
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80012-MM 11/19/07 12/03/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Acquisition of Biacore X100 Instrument for Characterizing Antibody/Antigen Interactions Through Kinetic & Thermodynamic Analysis in Real Time
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Aglae Cantave, Contact Specialist, Phone 301-402-5825, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Wanda Neal, Contract Officer, Phone 301-451-3685, Fax 301-480-4675, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DAIT-BARDA-08-09 11/19/07 12/05/07 A: Research and Development 541712 GLP Radionuclide/Radiation Animal Models and Resources Development
National Cancer Institute 00000 Melissa Borucki, Subcontract Specialist, Phone 301/228-4041, Fax 301/228-4037, Email S08-060 11/19/07 12/17/07 99: Miscellaneous 541990 Monoclonal Antibody Generation
National Cancer Institute 00000 Melissa Borucki, Subcontract Specialist, Phone 301/228-4041, Fax 301/228-4037, Email S08-060 11/19/07 12/17/07 99: Miscellaneous 541990 Monoclonal Antibody Generation
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS246765 11/19/07 11/23/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 511210 GeneSpring Software License Renewal
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2478 11/20/07 11/23/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2479 11/20/07 11/23/07 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2480 11/20/07 11/23/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2481 11/20/07 11/23/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institues of Health shall issue a Ful
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Rosie Owens, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0365, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB(AR)2008-030-RCO 11/20/07 12/05/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Scientific Repair and Maintenance
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Aglae Cantave, Contact Specialist, Phone 301-402-5825, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Wanda Neal, Contract Officer, Phone 301-451-3685, Fax 301-480-4675, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DAIT-BARDA-08-09 11/20/07 12/05/07 A: Research and Development 541712 GLP Radionuclide/Radiation Animal Models and Resources Development
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ290185 11/21/07 12/07/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 811310 Scientific Laser Scanner Equipment
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 02114 Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI266832 11/26/07 12/11/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541690 REM and autistic children
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 02114 Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI266832 11/26/07 12/11/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541690 REM and autistic children
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Paula Pier, Contract Specialist, Phone 9195412616, Fax 9195415117, Email Reference-Number-PP254977 11/26/07 11/29/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Service agreement for NIEHS Confocal Microscopes
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2486 11/27/07 11/30/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2487 11/27/07 11/30/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2488 11/27/07 11/30/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Institute on Aging 21224 Tequilla Wheeler, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8547, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNS-0002 11/27/07 12/06/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 333314 380FM Microscope
National Library of Medicine 20894-0002 Raymond Hawkins, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email NLM-08-030-RSH 11/28/07 12/14/07 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541618 Human Resource Support Program
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-7902 Deborah Coulter, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0368, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-(HL)-2008-032-DDC 11/29/07 12/12/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Analytical Laboratory Instrument
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences GENTRY, MELISSA M +1 919 316 4625, NIHES2008016 11/29/07 02/08/08 N/A 88: Live Animals 112990 --Live Animals and Specialized Services
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email nih-niddk-08-066 11/29/07 12/13/07 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 334419 MOUSE OR RAT TEST CHAMBER
National Cancer Institute 00000 Shannon Jackson, Supervisor, Research Subcontracts, Phone 301-228-4022, Fax 301-228-4037, Email - Shannon Jackson, Supervisor, Research Subcontracts, Phone 301-228-4022, Fax 301-228-4037, Email S08-062 11/29/07 12/20/07 A: Research and Development 541711 Radiopharmaceutical Development & Production
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2494 11/30/07 12/05/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-99592 The National Institutes of Health shall i
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2495 11/30/07 12/05/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-99527 The National Institutes of Health shall i
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2496 11/30/07 12/05/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-99526 The National Institutes of Health shall is
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2497 11/30/07 12/05/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a se
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2498 11/30/07 12/05/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Pl
National Institute on Drug Abuse Pedro Godinez, Contract Specialist, Phone 301.443.6677, Fax 301.443.7595, Email - Kenneth Goodling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301)443-6677, Fax (301)443-7595, Email N01DA-8-8878 11/30/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Medications Development for Stimulant Dependence 3 (MDS 3)
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20892 Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80015-NG 11/30/07 12/14/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Service Agreement for Applied Biosystems instruments
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2502 12/03/07 12/06/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-98883 The National Institutes of Health shall is
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2503 12/03/07 12/06/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Office of Administration 20892 Robert Bates, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301 435-3935, Fax 301 402-2145, Email - Linda Jones, Program Analyst, Phone 301-435-3954, Fax 301-402-0720, Email P(RB)-0002-5 12/03/07 04/03/08 X: Lease or Rental of Facilities 721110 HOTELS/EVENTS SUPPORT SERVICES
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 94404-1128 Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI2263281 12/03/07 12/18/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 325998 assay material and reagent materials
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Deitra Lunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email DL296004 12/04/07 12/10/07 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 541511 Ingenuity Pathways License Renewal
National Institute on Aging 21224 Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email - Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNS-283-2007 12/04/07 12/19/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Four Station Mouse Video Freeze System
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Deitra Lunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email DL291390 12/05/07 12/17/07 Total Small Business 99: Miscellaneous 339950 Exhibit Booth/Display
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-0001 Kesha Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-2605, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-HG-2008-021-KLW 12/05/07 12/20/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 423450 Laboratory Equipment - Laser Scanner
National Institute on Drug Abuse, IRP 21224 M. Gloria Mancuso, Purchasing Agent, National Institute on Drug Abuse/NIH, Phone 410 550-1424, Fax 410 550-3146, Email - Sheila Zichos, Administrative Officer, Phone (410) 550-1570, Fax (410) 550-3146, Email ZichosS@in NIHDA2008025 12/05/07 12/21/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 339999 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Albert Harris (301)594-3879 CC263-08-Q-MC-2513 12/06/07 12/11/07 Total Small Business J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEVELOP A PATIENT SIMULATION
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2514 12/06/07 12/11/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health intends to issue
Office of Administration Louis Kuta, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8024, Fax 301-402-0178, Email NIHAG2008004 12/06/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Dynamics of Health, Aging and Body Composition (Health ABC) Coordinating Unit
Office of Administration Louis Kuta, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8024, Fax 301-402-0178, Email NIHAG2008004 12/06/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Dynamics of Health, Aging and Body Composition (Health ABC) Coordinating Unit
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80016-NG 12/06/07 12/20/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541380 Dct-tTA Tetracycline Activator Mouse Line by Hprt Quick Knock-In Technology
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Effie Jennings (301)402-1928 CC263-08-Q-M8-2515 12/07/07 12/12/07 Total Small Business 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 10x7x7 styrofoam koolers
Office of Administration Marcia Goldman, Sr. Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-2302, Fax 301-402-3407, Email NIHOD2007028 12/07/07 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 monitoring, certification, preventative maintenance, repair decontamination neutralization and assembly/disassembly of equipment
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Tommy Hardee, Contracting Officer, Phone 919-541-0429, Fax 919-541-2712, Email - Shalon Kee, Receptionist, Phone 919-541-0585, Fax 919-541-5117, Email Reference-Number-N01-ES-35501 12/07/07 01/22/08 A: Research and Development 541711 Extension of Development of GeneSNPs as a Web-Accessible Highly Annotated Relational Database Of Human and Mouse Environmental Responsive Genes
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80018-NG 12/07/07 12/17/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541690 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email RFQ-NCI-80017-NG 12/07/07 12/21/07 Total Small Business T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 323110 Chemotherapy and You (Spanish)
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2518 12/10/07 12/13/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The Natonal Institutes of Health shall issue a sol
National Institute on Drug Abuse Amy Pasciak, Contract Specialist, NIDA/NIH, Phone 301.443.6677, Fax 301.443.7595, Email - Kenneth Goodling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301)443-6677, Fax (301)443-7595, Email N01DA-8-8875 12/10/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Analytical Services Center for Medications Development
National Institute on Drug Abuse Amy Pasciak, Contract Specialist, NIDA/NIH, Phone 301.443.6677, Fax 301.443.7595, Email - Kenneth Goodling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301)443-6677, Fax (301)443-7595, Email N01DA-8-8875 12/10/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Analytical Services Center for Medications Development
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Melissa Lombardo, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0370, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB(HL)-2008-05-MKL 12/10/07 01/14/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541612 Recruitment & Sourcing Services for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Melissa Lombardo, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0370, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB(HL)-2008-05-MKL 12/10/07 01/14/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541612 Recruitment & Sourcing Services for the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institute on Drug Abuse, IRP 21224-6823 LINDSAY, CAROL A +1 410 550 1570 x105, NIHDA2008032 12/10/07 12/26/07 N/A 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment --ADP Software
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Terry Knight, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6162, Fax 301-480-8720, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8171 12/10/07 12/19/07 Total Small Business B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 511210 Special Studies and Analysis - not R & D
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80011-MM 12/10/07 12/27/07 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541380 DNA Methylation Aberration and Prostate Cancer Risk Among U.S. Farmers in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS)
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI285561 12/10/07 12/27/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Hapiotype identification and genotyping
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI305298 12/10/07 12/26/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Microscope adapters
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-0001 Cecilia Morales, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0369, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB(DE)-2008-37-CDM 12/11/07 12/24/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541618 Other Management Consulting Services
Office of Research Facilities/Office of Acquisitions 20892-5711 Barbara Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-4333, Fax 301-402-1103, Email - Kenneth Roman, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-4332, Fax 301-402-1103, Email NIHOF2008027 12/11/07 01/15/08 8a Competitive Y: Construction of Structures and Facilities 236220 Sources Sought for Multi-Award Construction Contract
National Library of Medicine Uyen Phuong, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-6127, Fax 301-402-8169, Email RFQ-NLM-08-040-UHP 12/11/07 12/26/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541512 Professional Hardware Integration and Support Services
National Library of Medicine 20892 Maxwell Kimpson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Karen Riggs, Contracting Officer, Phone 301 496-6546, Fax 301 402-0642, Email 08-043-MJK 12/12/07 12/21/07 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 443120 Microsoft Consulting Services
National Institute on Aging 21224-6825 Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email - Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNG-16-2007 12/12/07 01/02/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 334516 Maintenance Service Contract Renewal
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Julius Tidwell, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-0101, Fax 301-594-5920, Email - Julius Tidwell, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-0101, Fax 301-594-5920, Email NIHCL2008010 12/12/07 01/28/08 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 541519 CRIS II Technical Support
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ297151 12/12/07 12/18/07 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 Autism Spectrum Disorder Scientific Writing
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-100 12/13/07 12/27/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 339999 INFRAPATCH SETUP
Office of Administration 20892 Zedekiah Worsham, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-3560, Fax 301-451-5372, Email 263-2008-M(GO)-0045 12/14/07 01/08/08 8a Competitive V: Transportation, Travel and Relocation 485999 NIH Shuttle Services SOO RFI
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2523 12/14/07 12/19/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100204 HLA Beyond Tears (2nd edition).
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2524 12/14/07 12/19/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall isssue a s
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Annmarie Keane, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-3814, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email - Richard Hartmann, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 496-8620, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email N01-RC-81009-16 12/14/07 A: Research and Development 541712 Identification, Referral and Follow-up of Patients who have HLTV-1 Associated Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma (ATI)
National Institute on Mental Health Bruce Anderson, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2234, Fax 301-443-0501, Email - Bruce Anderson, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2234, Fax 301-443-0501, Email NIHMH2008001 12/14/07 A: Research and Development 541712 NIMH Psychoactive Drug Screening Program
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Laurie Leonard, Contracting Officer, Phone 301 496-1813, Fax 301 402-4225, Email - Helene Braun, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-1813, Fax 301 402-4225, Email NIH-NINDS-08-01 12/14/07 02/28/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Facilities of Research Excellence (FORE) in Spinal Cord Injruy (SCI) - Training Program
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Laurie Leonard, Contracting Officer, Phone 301 496-1813, Fax 301 402-4225, Email - Helene Braun, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-1813, Fax 301 402-4225, Email NIH-NINDS-08-02 12/14/07 02/28/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Facilities of Research Excellence (FORE) in Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) - Replication Studies
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Terry Knight, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6162, Fax 301-480-8720, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8179 12/14/07 12/12/07 Total Small Business B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 334516 Orbital Shaking Incubator
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892-0002 Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI313144 12/14/07 12/29/07 Total Small Business J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Synthia CO system Upgrade
National Library of Medicine 20201 Karen Riggs, Contracting Officer, Phone 301 496-6546, Fax 301 402-0642, Email - Karen Riggs, Contracting Officer, Phone 301 496-6546, Fax 301 402-0642, Email 08-044-KDR 12/17/07 12/20/07 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 518210 Sun Identity Software
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases V. Lynn Griffin, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-7730, Fax 301-480-8501, Email NIH-NIDK-08-085 12/17/07 12/31/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 SERVICE CONTRACT
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80019-MM 12/17/07 12/31/07 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Purchase of Partec Volumetric Flow Cytometer
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Aglae Cantave, Contact Specialist, Phone 301-402-5825, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Wanda Neal, Contract Officer, Phone 301-451-3685, Fax 301-480-4675, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DAIT-BARDA-08-20 12/17/07 01/03/08 A: Research and Development 541711 GLP Radionuclide/Radiation Animal Models and Resources Development
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Aglae Cantave, Contact Specialist, Phone 301-402-5825, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Wanda Neal, Contract Officer, Phone 301-451-3685, Fax 301-480-4675, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DAIT-BARDA-08-20 12/17/07 01/03/08 A: Research and Development 541711 GLP Radionuclide/Radiation Animal Models and Resources Development
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2525 12/18/07 12/21/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institues of Health shall issue a sol
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2526 12/18/07 12/21/07 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2527 12/18/07 12/21/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2528 12/18/07 12/21/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2529 12/18/07 12/21/07 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Institute on Aging 21224 Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email - Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LMG-80-2007 12/18/07 01/07/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 541711 Laboratory equipment
National Library of Medicine 20892-0002 Raymond Hawkins, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Karen Riggs, Contracting Officer, Phone 301 496-6546, Fax 301 402-0642, Email NLM-08-045-RSH 12/18/07 01/03/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541511 National Research Service Award Project
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Candace Adams, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6219, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8180 12/18/07 01/03/08 Total Small Business 99: Miscellaneous 334516 Excitation Laser 405nM 350mW Upgrade
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Candace Adams, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6219, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8180 12/18/07 01/03/08 Total Small Business 99: Miscellaneous 334516 Excitation Laser 405nM 350mW Upgrade
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Cheryl Frazier, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6471, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8181 12/18/07 12/27/07 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 339112 Maintenance, repair and rebuilding of equipment
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 MyLinh Pham, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6710, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8182 12/19/07 12/29/07 Total Small Business Q: Medical Services 541690 Professional Services to tranform Epidemiology of non-TB Mycobacteria data
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Tanya Shields, Purchasing Agent, Phone 9195410388, Fax 9195415117, Email Reference-Number-TS258034 12/19/07 12/26/07 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 511210 Omniviz Software License Renewal
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email Reference-Number-VS280929 12/19/07 12/26/07 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 511210 Schrodinger Software License Renewal
National Cancer Institute Jeanne Lewis, Sr Subcontracts Specialist, Phone 301/228-4007, Fax 301/228-4037, Email - Shannon Jackson, Supervisor, Research Subcontracts, Phone 301-228-4022, Fax 301-228-4037, Email S08-054A 12/20/07 01/31/08 99: Miscellaneous 541990 Cancer Genome Characterization
National Institute of Health Library 20892-1150 James Porter, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-6431, Fax 301-402-0254, Email ML8001 12/21/07 01/17/08 76: Books, Maps, and Other Publications 511120 IEEE ALL SOCIETY PERIODICAL PACKAGE
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Diane Jeffers, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-2282, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Sylvia Robinson, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-2284, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8177 12/21/07 01/07/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 541511 Service Contract on X-Ray Crystallographic CPUs
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Candace Adams, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6219, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8184 12/21/07 01/07/08 99: Miscellaneous 334516 Hamamatsu digital camera C9100-13/Set A
National Library of Medicine 20817 Emria Briscoe, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email RFQNLM08049-EJB 12/21/07 01/04/08 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541519 Sottware Services
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2531 12/27/07 01/01/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100515 CliniMACS CD34 Reagent.
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2532 12/27/07 01/01/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-97977 Renewal of contract for HCV RIBA kits
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2533 12/27/07 01/01/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-98130 Reagent rental (value contract) agreement
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2534 12/27/07 01/01/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100039 Big dye term 3.1
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2535 12/27/07 01/01/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P100117 Service Package Renewal
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2536 12/27/07 01/01/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100236 Cell Dyn Sapphire analyzer and reagents (
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2537 12/27/07 01/01/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-10002 Subscription renewal for 2008 for DTM.
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2539 12/28/07 01/02/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts Deborah Britton, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 594-5914, Fax (301) 594-5920, Email RFQ-CC-100326 12/28/07 01/14/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541219 Budget Analyst Support Services
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-7902 Deborah Coulter, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0368, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-(HL)-2008-049-DDC 12/31/07 01/15/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Instruments & laboratory equipment
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80022-MM 12/31/07 01/14/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 xP5 Color Upgrade for 3-color Facscan, Warranty, Shipping/Delivery, Upgrade to Pentium Class PC
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20010 Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI324150 12/31/07 01/15/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541690 Neuropsychological Testing Autism Spectrum Disorders
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ333145 12/31/07 01/15/08 X: Lease or Rental of Facilities 721110 National Institute on Mental Health Intramural Research Program's Scientific Retreat
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ337245 12/31/07 01/08/08 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 334112 Spectra T50 Storage
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2540 01/02/08 01/07/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20817 Michele Pearlman, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-5644, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NIH2008007 01/02/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Clinical Trials Support
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80024-MM 01/02/08 01/16/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Analysis of Sessile Serrated and Other Polyps Using Colonoscopy Registry Data
National Institute on Aging 21224 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email RRBPMSU806 01/02/08 01/11/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 423850 Essential Support Plan
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Cecilia Morales, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0369, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB(DE)-2008-37-1-CDM 01/07/08 02/04/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541618 Strategic Plan for NIDCR
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Tommy Hardee, Contracting Officer, Phone 919-541-0429, Fax 919-541-2712, Email - Latise Lewis, Procurement Technician, Phone 919-541-7950, Fax 301-451-5594, Email Reference-Number-NIHES2008026 01/07/08 03/10/08 A: Research and Development 541711 Reproductive Assessments by Continuous Breeding (RACB)
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ332885 01/07/08 01/14/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 611430 Grantmanship Seminars, Workshop and Tutorial
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2541 01/08/08 01/11/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-91945-19 The National Institutes of Health shal
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2542 01/08/08 01/11/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100723 The National Institutes of Health shall i
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2543 01/08/08 01/11/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2544 01/08/08 01/11/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institues of Health shall issue a Req
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2545 01/08/08 01/11/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100775 The National Institutes of Health shall i
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2546 01/08/08 01/11/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100889 The National Institutes of Health shall i
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2547 01/08/08 01/11/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100886 Preventative Maintenance for 3 Planar CR
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2548 01/08/08 01/11/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100804 The National Institutes shall issue a so
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Tommy Hardee, Contracting Officer, Phone 919-541-0429, Fax 919-541-2712, Email - Latise Lewis, Procurement Technician, Phone 919-541-7950, Fax 301-451-5594, Email Reference-Number-NIHES2008026 01/08/08 03/10/08 A: Research and Development 541711 Identification of single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in Disease Susceptibility Genes Re-competition
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke 99999 Jason Williams, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-4985, Fax 301-402-4225, Email - Kirkland Davis, Chief, Contracts Management Branch, Phone (301) 496-1813, Fax (301) 402-4225, Email Reference-Number-NINDS-08-03 01/08/08 A: Research and Development 541712 NINDS Human Genetics Resource Center
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2549 01/09/08 01/14/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2550 01/09/08 01/14/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-100517 Donor screening testing for transfusion
National Institute on Drug Abuse Kenneth Goodling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301)443-6677, Fax (301)443-7595, Email N01DA-8-8876 01/09/08 03/10/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Assessment of Potential Cocaine Pharmacotherapies in Monkeys
National Institute on Drug Abuse Kenneth Goodling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301)443-6677, Fax (301)443-7595, Email N01DA-8-8876 01/09/08 03/10/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Assessment of Potential Cocaine Pharmacotherapies in Monkeys
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Elizabeth Shanahan, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-6775, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Ross Kelley, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-6960, Fax 301-402-3676, Email NICHD-CPR-08-19 01/09/08 02/23/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Biological Testing Facility
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 James Kish, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6089, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8189 01/09/08 01/24/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Maintenance, Repair and Rebuilding of equipment
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 James Kish, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6089, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8190 01/09/08 01/24/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Maintenance, repair, and rebuilding of equipment
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Fred J Ettehadieh, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6961, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Elizabeth D Osinski, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6947, Fax 301-402-3676, Email Reference-Number-NIH-NICHD-NCS-08-21 01/09/08 02/18/08 N/A A: Research and Development 541712 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Children's Study (NCS) Centers
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Fred Ettehadieh, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6961, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Elizabeth Osinski, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6947, Fax 301-402-3676, Email Reference-Number-NIH-NICHD-NCS-08-21 01/09/08 02/18/08 A: Research and Development 541712 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Children's Study (NCS) Centers
Office of Administration 20892 Kirtner Hobson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-4437810, Fax 3014967007, Email 263-2007-(KH)-0222 01/10/08 02/01/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Writer, Science Technical
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Albert Harris (301)594-3879 CC263-08-Q-MC-2551 01/10/08 01/15/08 Total Small Business J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment RESEARCH SAMPLE ASSAYS
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2552 01/10/08 01/15/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2553 01/10/08 01/15/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2554 01/10/08 01/15/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a aw
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2555 01/10/08 01/15/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2556 01/10/08 01/15/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment Two (2) Card Key Readers for Cell Processing Secti
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2557 01/10/08 01/15/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2558 01/10/08 01/15/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institues of Health shall issue a sol
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2559 01/10/08 01/15/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Deitra Lunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email DL296817 01/10/08 01/14/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Scanscope Upgrade
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 LaDonna Stewart, Contracting Specialist, Phone 301-451-8117, Fax 301-480-0689, Email - Terrie Nestor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6790, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NIHAO2008008 01/10/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Housing and Maintenance of Non-Human Primates
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Arlene White, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-5735, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8188 01/10/08 01/24/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541380 Protein Microarray Chip Fabrication, Porbing and Analysis
National Library of Medicine 02543 Emria Briscoe, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email RFQNLM08001EJB 01/10/08 01/25/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 561990 Professional Services in Support of NLM?s Outreach and Training Efforts in Biomedical Informatics
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 20892 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNG22 01/11/08 01/25/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Mitochondrial Projects
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Fred Ettehadieh, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6961, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Elizabeth Osinski, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6947, Fax 301-402-3676, Email Reference-Number-NIH-NICHD-NCS-08-07 01/11/08 02/18/08 A: Research and Development 541712 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, National Children's Study (NCS), REPOSITORY
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ312919 01/11/08 01/21/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 423490 Chromatography
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Steve Gunn, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6241, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email RFQ8186 01/11/08 01/25/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 333314 Microscope Components
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2560 01/14/08 01/17/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Kesha Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-2605, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB(HG)-2008-057-KLW 01/14/08 01/28/08 H: Quality Control, Testing, and Inspection 541380 Genotyping Services
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ319101 01/14/08 01/22/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541380 Toxicology Analysis
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2562 01/15/08 01/18/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Kesha Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-2605, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB(DE)-2008-55-KLW 01/15/08 02/04/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541611 Government Ethics and Human Resources Consultation
National Institute on Mental Health 20892-9661 Rosanne Wilson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-443-4433, Fax 301-443-0501, Email - Rosanne Wilson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-443-4433, Fax 301-443-0501, Email NIHMH2008002 01/15/08 A: Research and Development 541712 NIMH Chemical Synthesis and Drug Supply Program
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-104 01/15/08 01/29/08 X: Lease or Rental of Facilities 721110 Fourth Annual Meeting of Postdoctoral, Visiting Clinical Fellows and Graduate Students
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2565 01/16/08 01/21/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2566 01/16/08 01/21/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institues of Health shall issue a sol
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Allison Young, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6958, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Ross Kelley, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-6960, Fax 301-402-3676, Email NIH-NICHD-CDBPM-08-13 01/16/08 03/02/08 A: Research and Development 541711 Newborn Screening Translational Research Network Coordinating Center
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 59840 Julienne Keiser, Purchasing Agent, Phone 406-363-9370, Fax 406-363-9288, Email - Lynda Kieres, Contracting Officer, Phone 406-363-9210, Fax 406-363-9288, Email Reference-Number-NOI-RML-8006 01/16/08 01/31/08 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 334111 Sun Microsystems Server Upgrade
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2569 01/17/08 01/22/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Elizabeth Osinski, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6947, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Jacqueline Holden, Chief, NICHD Contracts Management Branch, Phone 301-435-6964, Fax 301-402-3676, Email NIH-NICHD-DESPR-08-24 01/17/08 03/03/08 A: Research and Development 541712 National Standard for Normal Fetal Growth
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80027-NG 01/17/08 01/31/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541380 Stability Testing
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2572 01/18/08 01/23/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2573 01/18/08 01/23/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2576 01/18/08 01/23/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20892 Odessa Henderson, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-3812, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email N02-RC-81005-74 01/18/08 03/04/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 621511 Enzyme-Linked Immunoassays of Soluble Receptors, Antibodies and Immunoglobulin
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 04609-0800 Elizabeth Shanahan, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-6775, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Ross Kelley, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-6960, Fax 301-402-3676, Email RFP-NICHD-CDBPM-08-15 01/18/08 03/10/08 A: Research and Development 541711 A Repository of Mouse Models for Cytogenetic Disorders
National Cancer Institute Jennifer Thomas, Subcontracts Specialist , Phone 301/228-4004, Fax 301/228-4037, Email thomasj@ncifcrf-gov - Shannon Jackson, Supervisor, Research Subcontracts, Phone 301-228-4022, Fax 301-228-4037, Email S08-086 01/18/08 02/19/08 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541511 Data Collection and Analysis Support Services
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Stacey Polk, Purchasing Agent, Phone (301) 496-1446, Fax (301) 594-5920, Email - Stacey Polk, Purchasing Agent, Phone (301) 496-1446, Fax (301) 594-5920, Email SP101188 01/18/08 02/02/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Patient Representative Assistant
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Stacey Polk, Purchasing Agent, Phone (301) 496-1446, Fax (301) 594-5920, Email - Stacey Polk, Purchasing Agent, Phone (301) 496-1446, Fax (301) 594-5920, Email SP101188 01/18/08 02/02/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Patient Representative Assistant
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2577 01/22/08 01/25/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2578 01/22/08 01/25/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2579 01/22/08 01/25/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2580 01/22/08 01/25/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2581 01/22/08 01/25/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2582 01/22/08 01/25/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 James Kish, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6089, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8198 01/22/08 02/06/08 S: Utilities and Housekeeping Services 238990 Housekeeping Services
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email - Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80025-MM 01/22/08 02/05/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 PLCO Special Projects
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 59840 Julienne Keiser, Purchasing Agent, Phone 406-363-9370, Fax 406-363-9288, Email - Lynda Kieres, Contracting Officer, Phone 406-363-9210, Fax 406-363-9288, Email Reference-Number-NOI-RML-8007 01/22/08 02/07/08 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541711 Custom Genome Sequencing
National Library of Medicine 20894 Ryan Singletary, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Karen Riggs, Contracting Officer, Phone 301 496-6546, Fax 301 402-0642, Email 08-060-RLS 01/23/08 02/06/07 76: Books, Maps, and Other Publications 451211 Book Order
National Institute on Drug Abuse Tonya Anderson, Contract Specialist, NIDA R&D Contracts Management Branch, Phone (301) 443-6677, Fax (301) 443-7595, Email - Kenneth Goodling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301)443-6677, Fax (301)443-7595, Email N01DA-8-7766 01/23/08 03/24/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Synthetic Peptides & Other Drugs of Abuse - Purity Determination, Stability Testing & Quantitative Analysis
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Tanya Shields, Purchasing Agent, Phone 9195410388, Fax 9195415117, Email TS342487 01/23/08 01/30/08 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 325188 BigDye Terminator Kits
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Sabrina Lindsay 301-402-5273 CC263-08-Q-LX-2584 01/24/08 01/29/08 Total Small Business A: Research and Development DESIGN ,TRAIN&IMPLEMENT AND CONDUCT EXERCISE FOR C
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-0001 Kesha Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-2605, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-HG-2008-023-KLW 01/24/08 02/08/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541611 Management Consulting
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20817 Alexander Kramer, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-6835, Fax 301-480-0689, Email Reference-Number-NIHAO2008011 01/24/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Operation of a Facility for the Study of Infectious Agents, Vaccines and Antimicrobials in Adult and Pediatric Human Subjects
Office of Administration 20892 Kirtner Hobson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-4437810, Fax 3014967007, Email 263-2008-L-(KH)-00009 01/25/08 02/08/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Writer, Science Technical
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 LaDonna Stewart, Contracting Specialist, Phone 301-451-8117, Fax 301-480-0689, Email - Terrie Nestor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6790, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NIHAO2008010 01/25/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541511 VRC Data Management Support
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email RFQ-NCI-80028-NG 01/25/08 02/12/08 Total Small Business T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 323110 Pain Control
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andrea McGee 301-402-0735 CC263-08-Q-LL-2593 01/28/08 01/31/08 Total Small Business 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment agp-oee, wild packets omni engine ent.
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2595 01/28/08 01/31/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2596 01/28/08 01/31/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P101738 The National Institutes of Health shall is
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2597 01/28/08 01/31/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80013-NA 01/28/08 02/11/08 Q: Medical Services 621399 Perfusionist
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-0001 Kesha Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-2605, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-HG-2008-023B-KLW 01/29/08 02/15/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541611 Management Consulting
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Ross Kelley, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-6960, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Lisa Coleman, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8552, Fax 301-402-3676, Email Reference-Number-NIH-CRP-CRHB-SS-001 01/29/08 03/15/08 A: Research and Development 541711 Maintenance and Operation of a Peptide Synthesis Facility
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2598 01/30/08 02/04/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-101804 The National Institutes of Health shall
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 21224 Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email - Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNS-445-2008 01/30/08 02/14/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 541511 Laboratory equipment
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andrea McGee, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-0735, Fax 301-402-0479, Email RFQ101785 01/30/08 02/14/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541511 Senior IT Architect
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ370006 01/30/08 02/09/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT FLOW CYTOMETER II
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS224648 01/30/08 02/06/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Maintenance Renewal on Canon Copiers
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Carolyn N Flowers, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0425, Fax 919-541-2712, Email - Tommy N. Hardee, Contracting Officer, Phone 919-541-0429, Fax 919-541-2712, Email 2007014 01/31/08 02/15/08 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 541711 Management and Support of the National Toxicology (NTP) Archives and Frozen Tissue Bank (FTB) and Data and Specimen Repository for the NTP National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Carolyn Flowers, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0425, Fax 919-541-2712, Email - Tommy Hardee, Contracting Officer, Phone 919-541-0429, Fax 919-541-2712, Email 2007014 01/31/08 02/15/08 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 541711 Management and Support of the National Toxicology (NTP) Archives and Frozen Tissue Bank (FTB) and Data and Specimen Repository for the NTP National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 20892-7612 Suzanne Dawkins, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-451-3698, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Robert Singman, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-451-2607, Fax 301-480-4675, Email BAA-DMID-NIAID-BARDA-NIHAI20080022 01/31/08 A: Research and Development 541711 Application of Platform Technologies for the Development of Therapeutics for Biodefense
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80030-NG 01/31/08 02/14/08 99: Miscellaneous 541511 Enterprise Wizard Software License
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80031-NG 01/31/08 02/14/08 99: Miscellaneous 541511 Apelon Metaphase Software License
National Cancer Institute Kimberly Iman, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 228-4033, Fax (301) 228-4037, Email - Jennifer Thomas, Subcontracts Specialist , Phone 301/228-4004, Fax 301/228-4037, Email thomasj@ncifcrf-gov S08-090 01/31/08 02/28/08 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541511 Support for caGRID Infrastructure Adoption and caBIG Tools
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Cecilia Morales, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0369, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB(DE)-2008-52-CDM 02/01/08 02/19/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Statistical Genetics Consultant for NIDCR
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andrea McGee, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-0735, Fax 301-402-0479, Email RFQ100790 02/01/08 02/16/08 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 423450 Medication Administration System
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2601 02/04/08 02/07/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-101850 The National Institutes of Health shall i
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2602 02/04/08 02/07/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-101849 Anti-A Bioclone #711220
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20892 Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Renita Smith, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-8612, Fax 301-480-0241, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80033-NG 02/04/08 02/19/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Services for Evaluation Strategies for he NCI
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 92103-8433 Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NIH-NIDA-SSSAB-2008-01 02/04/08 03/20/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Operation, Maintenance, Support and Enhancement of the Neuroscience Information Framework
Westat (NINDS PRIME CONTRACTOR) Russell Walker, Senior Contract Administrator, Phone 240/453-5624, Fax 301/738-3500, Email - Russell Walker, Senior Contract Administrator, Phone 240/453-5624, Fax 301/738-3500, Email WESTAT-8079-05-04 02/04/08 03/03/08 A: Research and Development 541990 Clinical Sites for a Pilot Trial of Lithium in Subjects with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) or Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD)
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2603 02/05/08 02/08/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Deitra Lunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email DL373854 02/05/08 02/14/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 BeadXpress System
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences BRYANT, JAMES E +1 919 541 7685, NIHES2008031 02/05/08 02/29/08 Total Small Business T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 541430 -R-Solicitation for New Multi-Media Services Contract; FY 08 Funds will be used f
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20892 Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80034-NG 02/05/08 02/20/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Tecnai F30He (Polara) Microscope service agreement
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS320439 02/05/08 02/12/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 333314 Microinjection System
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 India Payne 3014964848 CC263-08-Q-MF-2605 02/06/08 02/20/08 Total Small Business 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment JK2440- BOTTOM FOR 1/1 CONTAINER
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 21224 Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email - Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email FAC-78-2008 02/06/08 02/15/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Remove and Install Tomo Lines/equipment
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 21224 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email FAC82 02/06/08 02/15/08 Total Small Business 99: Miscellaneous 238990 Rigging Services to Move Three Magnets
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Not available Donna Berkowitz, Procurement Analyst, Phone (301) 435-0362, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email - Stacy Turner, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-6676, Fax (301) 480-7390, Email RFP-NHLBI-HC-09-04 02/06/08 05/30/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) Coordinating Center
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Not avaiable Stacy Turner, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-6676, Fax (301) 480-7390, Email - Donna Berkowitz, Procurement Analyst, Phone (301) 435-0362, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email RFP-NHLBI-HC-09-05 02/06/08 05/30/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT) Clinical Center Networks
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 20852 Elizabeth Osinski, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6947, Fax 301-402-3676, Email - Jacqueline Holden, Chief, NICHD Contracts Management Branch, Phone 301-435-6964, Fax 301-402-3676, Email RFP-NIH-NICHD-NCS-08-09 02/06/08 04/17/08 A: Research and Development 541712 National Children's Study Environmental Sample Analytical Laboratories
National Cancer Institute 99999 Melissa Borucki, Subcontract Specialist, Phone 301/228-4041, Fax 301/228-4037, Email - gene Anderson, Supervisor, Phone 301-228-4008, Fax 301-228-4037, Email S08-080 02/06/08 02/22/08 99: Miscellaneous 541990 CMO for Production of IL-15
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2607 02/07/08 02/12/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2608 02/07/08 02/12/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Office of Administration 20892 Zedekiah Worsham, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-3560, Fax 301-451-5372, Email NIHOD2007012 02/07/08 8a Competitive V: Transportation, Travel and Relocation 485999 NIH Shuttle Services
National Institute on Mental Health 20892-9661 Mark Lohrmann, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-8886, Email - Mark Lohrmann, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-8886, Email NIMH-08-OS-00001 02/07/08 02/22/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 561210 NIMH Information Resource Center
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI383526 02/07/08 02/13/08 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 541511 Schizophrenia Research Website
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andrea McGee, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-0735, Fax 301-402-0479, Email RFQ102327 02/07/08 02/21/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541611 Coaching Services
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ380362 02/07/08 02/17/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 FLOW CYTOMETER II
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 19182 Ivan Hernandez, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-6954, Fax 301-480-0689, Email - Terrie Nestor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6790, Fax 301-480-0689, Email Reference-Number-HHSN2722004000060C 02/08/08 03/17/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 561612 Security Guard Services
Office of Administration Doris Vaughn, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-3351, Fax 301-480-3662, Email HHSN2632008GZ0001 02/11/08 02/26/08 58: Communications, Detection and Coherent Radiation 519120 Radio Frequency Identification System
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions-Treatment and Support Branch Kathy Giuliano, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-3821, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email - MaryAnne Golling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 228-4215, Fax (301) 228-4240, Email N02-CM-87001-45 02/11/08 04/16/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 561110 Assistance to the Development Therapeutics Program
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Arlene White, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-5735, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8204 02/11/08 02/25/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 333314 66 - Microscope Parts and Accessories
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Deborah Coulter, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0368, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email Reference-Number-NHLBI-PB-(HL)-2008-038-DDC 02/11/08 03/26/08 L: Technical Representative 541712 Laboratory Services
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS345854 02/12/08 02/21/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Maintenance Renewal of Rigaku X-Ray Detector and Generator System
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2611 02/13/08 02/18/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2612 02/13/08 02/18/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Instittues of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2613 02/13/08 02/18/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2614 02/13/08 02/18/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institues of Health shall issue a Req
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2615 02/13/08 02/18/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-102460 PDI 15" television with touch screen, wi
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2616 02/13/08 02/18/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall a Request
National Institute on Drug Abuse 20892-8402 Robin Jeffries, Contract Specialist, NIDA R&D Contracts Management Branch, Phone 301.443.6677, Fax 301.443.6677, Email - Craig Sager, Contracting Officer, NIDA/NIH, Phone (301) 443-6677, Fax (301) 443-7595, Email cs591t@nih N01DA-8-8880 02/13/08 02/28/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Toxicological Evaluation of Potential Medications to Treat Drug Addiction
National Institute on Drug Abuse 20892 Robin R Jeffries, Contract Specialist, NIDA R&D Contracts Management Branch, Phone 301.443.6677, Fax 301.443.6677, Email - Craig D Sager, Contracting Officer, NIDA/NIH, Phone (301) 443-6677, Fax (301) 443-7595, Email cs591t N01DA-8-8880 02/13/08 02/28/08 N/A A: Research and Development 541712 Toxicological Evaluation of Potential Medications to Treat Drug Addiction
National Institute on Drug Abuse 20892-8402 Robin Jeffries, Contract Specialist, NIDA R&D Contracts Management Branch, Phone 301.443.6677, Fax 301.443.6677, Email - Craig Sager, Contracting Officer, NIDA/NIH, Phone (301) 443-6677, Fax (301) 443-7595, Email cs591t@nih N01DA-8-8880 02/13/08 02/28/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Toxicological Evaluation of Potential Medications to Treat Drug Addiction
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-136 02/13/08 02/27/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 423490 ZEBRAFISH HOUSING SYSTEM
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-139 02/13/08 02/27/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 SINGENUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISMS (SNPs) ANALYSIS FOR NURSES HEALTH STUDY
National Cancer Institute 21702-1201 Carolyn Eyler, Buyer, Phone (301) 846-6191, Fax (301) 846-5311, Email - Debra Hogarty, Supervisor, Purchasing, Phone (301) 846-1127, Fax (301) 846-5311, Email X08-014 02/13/08 02/27/08 46: Water Purification and Sewage Treatment Equipment 423830 Blanket Purchase Agreement covering Chillers, Cooling Towers, (Water Treatment, parts, supplies and services as listed, but not limited to:
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Jasmine Snoddy, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 594 1571, Fax 301 480 1358, Email 377762 02/14/08 02/28/08 Total Small Business B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541720 Psychology of Addiction and Modern Psychometrics Project
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Sharon Miller, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-3783, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email - George Kennedy, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-3779, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email N02-CP-81015-49 02/14/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541712 Multi-disciplinary Investigations of Environmental Causes of Cancer
Office of Administration 94608 Lorraine Geiser, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-3349, Fax 301-480-3153, Email NIHOD2008050 02/14/08 02/28/08 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 443120 Service for the NIH Library's Millennium System
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80035-MM 02/14/08 02/25/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Service Agreement
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 India Payne 3014964848 CC263-08-Q-MF-2619 02/15/08 02/28/08 Total Small Business 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 400179- CVD MONOPOLAR SCISSOR
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80036-NG 02/15/08 03/03/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Review and Internal Evaluation
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Jasmine Snoddy, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 594 1571, Fax 301 480 1358, Email - Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI391022 02/15/08 03/01/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541690 Study of differential roles in declarative and procedural memory
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2620 02/19/08 02/22/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2621 02/19/08 02/22/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 00000 John Manouelian, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-3813, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email - Richard Hartmann, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 496-8620, Fax (301) 402-6699, Email N02-CM-81010-48 02/19/08 04/04/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 Central Institutional Review Board (CIRB) Initiative
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI382491 02/19/08 03/05/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Infinium Genotyping
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80032-MM 02/19/08 03/04/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Support for the NCI Community Cancer Centers Program (NCCCP)
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Kesha Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-2605, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email Reference-Number-NHLBI-PB(HG)-2008-084-KLW 02/19/08 04/07/08 H: Quality Control, Testing, and Inspection 541380 Genotyping Services
National Cancer Institute Jennifer Thomas, Subcontracts Specialist , Phone 301/228-4004, Fax 301/228-4037, Email thomasj@ncifcrf-gov - Shannon Jackson, Supervisor, Research Subcontracts, Phone 301-228-4022, Fax 301-228-4037, Email S07-103 02/19/08 03/19/08 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541511 caBIG Knowledge Centers
National Cancer Institute 00000 Matt Desantis, Subcontracts Specialist, Phone 301/228-4002, Fax 301/228-4037, Email - gene Anderson, Supervisor, Phone 301-228-4008, Fax 301-228-4037, Email S08-119 02/19/08 03/14/08 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541711 Cancer Biomarker Assays for Evaluation of In Vitro Nanoscale Diagnostic Devices
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2623 02/20/08 02/25/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes shall issue a sole source
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80037-MM 02/20/08 03/05/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Agilent Product G2539 Scanner Upgrade
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 59840 Julienne Keiser, Purchasing Agent, Phone 406-363-9370, Fax 406-363-9288, Email - John Foley, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-2284, Fax 301-480-0689, Email jfoley@NIAID.NIH.GOV Reference-Number-RML-RFQ-8004 02/20/08 03/05/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 SEQUENCER
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Valerie Hankins, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-5803, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email RFQ8192 02/20/08 03/05/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541711 R - Professional, administrative, and management support services
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email RFQ-NCI-80038-NG 02/20/08 03/06/08 Total Small Business T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 323110 Coping with Advanced Cancer
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2626 02/21/08 02/26/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall a sole sou
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2627 02/21/08 02/26/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2628 02/21/08 02/26/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2629 02/21/08 02/26/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2630 02/21/08 02/26/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2631 02/21/08 02/26/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2632 02/21/08 02/26/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Deitra Lunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email DL380087 02/21/08 03/01/08 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 443120 Network Appliance Licenses
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Amber Harris, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-495-3419, Fax 301-480-0689, Email - Terrie Nestor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-6790, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NIHAO2008015 02/21/08 03/06/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Production & Delivery of Schistosoma Mansoni
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases V. Lynn Griffin, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-7730, Fax 301-480-8501, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-135 02/21/08 03/06/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 MINIDAWN TRISTAR -30MW LASER POWER, TRIPLE ANGEL
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-140 02/21/08 03/06/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 MAINTENANCE /SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR MS TAP INSTRUMENT
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-141 02/21/08 03/06/08 99: Miscellaneous 334516 10 Standard Cluster Generation Kits
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Valerie Hankins, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-5803, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8208 02/21/08 03/03/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 811219 J - Maintenace, Repair and Alteration of Equipment
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 20892 Harry Brubaker, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-443-2966, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Yvette Brown, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-451-3686, Fax 301-480-4675, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DMID-AI2008-010 02/21/08 03/06/08 A: Research and Development 541711 GENOMIC SEQUENCING CENTERS FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 20892 Yvette R Brown, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-451-3686, Fax 301-480-4675, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DMID-AI2008-010 02/21/08 03/06/08 N/A A: Research and Development 541711 GENOMIC SEQUENCING CENTERS FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases 20892 Harry Brubaker, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-443-2966, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Yvette Brown, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-451-3686, Fax 301-480-4675, Email RFP-NIH-NIAID-DMID-AI2008-010 02/21/08 03/06/08 A: Research and Development 541711 GENOMIC SEQUENCING CENTERS FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 21224 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LG8199 02/22/08 03/02/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 BeadStation Upgrade
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-110a 02/22/08 03/07/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334413 CHAMELEON ULTRA II TI SAPPHIRE LASER
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI391411 02/22/08 03/07/08 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541511 Experimental Control And Data Acquisition Software For The Recording From Non-Human Primates
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Lynda Johnson 3015943111 CC263-08-Q-LY-2641 02/25/08 02/28/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support INSTALLATION OF PLASMA TV AND LSD PROJECTOR
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2638 02/25/08 02/28/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2643 02/25/08 02/28/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80041-NG 02/25/08 03/11/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 621511 P53 Mutation Signatures of PAH Exposure in Esophageal Tissues
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 21224 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNG47 02/26/08 03/06/08 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 621511 MicroRNA Reagent Kits
National Institute on Drug Abuse, IRP 21224 MANCUSO, MARY G +1 410 550 1424, NIHDA2008044 02/26/08 03/14/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541612 -Management Support Services
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80040-NG 02/26/08 03/07/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Zeiss LSM 5 Live
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2645 02/27/08 03/03/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-102898 The National Institutes of Health shall
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Theresa Shroff, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 228-4223, Fax (301) 228-4240, Email - MaryAnne Golling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 228-4215, Fax (301) 228-4240, Email N02-CM-77021-39 02/27/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541711 Development and Production of Parenteral Dosage Forms for Clinical Trials
National Library of Medicine 20894 Cara Calimano, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-6127, Fax 301 402-8169, Email - Cara Calimano, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-6127, Fax 301 402-8169, Email 08-069-CYC 02/28/08 03/14/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Usability and Accessibility Study of a New User Interface for
National Library of Medicine 20894 Cara Calimano, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-6127, Fax 301 402-8169, Email - Cara Calimano, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-6127, Fax 301 402-8169, Email 08-070-CYC 02/28/08 03/14/08 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541519 Proteus Appliance & Support/Maintenace Service
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 India Payne 3014964848 CC263-08-Q-MF-2649 02/28/08 03/04/08 Total Small Business 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment PMA FY08 FULL SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR STERRAD 100S S
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2647 02/28/08 03/04/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-102921 Fetal Bovine Serum-Premium Select, Heat
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2648 02/28/08 03/04/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-102906 Tissue Culture Bag, 1 liter 4R2110 #150
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, R&D Contracts Management Branch Patricia Hanacek, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-6226, Fax 301-443-3891, Email - Matthew Packard, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-3041, Fax 301-443-3891, Email NIAAA-08-05 02/28/08 04/18/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541512 Alcohol Epidemiologic Data System (AEDS)
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences BARBOUR, PATRICK J +1 919 541 7596, NIHES2008027 02/29/08 04/30/08 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 541712 -Support for Preparation of NTP Nomination Background Information and Documents
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Diane Jeffers, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-2282, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8213 02/29/08 03/20/08 Total Small Business 99: Miscellaneous 541380 Clinical Tests
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Lorena Waller, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6656, Fax 301-480-3695, Email WALLERLOR@NIAID.NIH.GOV - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8216 02/29/08 03/14/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 811310 Maintenance Repair and Rebuilding of Equipment
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Jasmine Snoddy, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 594 1571, Fax 301 480 1358, Email Reference-Number-NOI378865 02/29/08 03/14/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Data Analysis for a Large Gene Expression Project
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 James Kish, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6089, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email RFQ8194 02/29/08 03/15/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Instruments and Laboratory Equipment
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 India Payne 3014964848 CC263-08-Q-MF-2654 03/03/08 03/17/08 Total Small Business 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment MB30001- RELIANCE ENDOSCOPE PROCESSOR 208V,60HZ,3P
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2651 03/03/08 03/06/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103149 The National Institutes of Health shall
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2653 03/03/08 03/06/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103149 The National Institutes of Health shall i
National Cancer Institute 21702 Kimberly Abdinoor, Subcontracts Specialist, Phone (301) 846-5170, Fax (301) 846-6541, Email - Chad Hildebrand, Manager, Construction Subcontracts, Phone (301) 846-5422, Fax (301) 846-6541, Email H08-1237 03/03/08 03/31/08 Y: Construction of Structures and Facilities 238990 Paving and related contruction services
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80043-MM 03/03/08 03/17/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 511120 Supplemental Publication: Gene-Nutrition & Gene-Physical Activity Interactions in the Etiology of Obesity
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817 Kathleen Marsden, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0364, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email RFP-NHLBI-PB(HL)-2008-059-KJM 03/03/08 04/30/08 8a Competitive D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541513 Development and Maintenance of Information Systems for NHLBI Scientific Programs
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2656 03/04/08 03/07/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2657 03/04/08 03/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Institute on Drug Abuse Tonya Anderson, Contract Specialist, NIDA R&D Contracts Management Branch, Phone (301) 443-6677, Fax (301) 443-7595, Email - Kenneth Goodling, Contracting Officer, Phone (301)443-6677, Fax (301)443-7595, Email N01DA-8-1137 03/04/08 05/08/08 A: Research and Development 541820 International Research Training and Support
National Library of Medicine 20892 Joan Coulter, Business Opportunity Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Karen Riggs, Contracting Officer, Phone 301 496-6546, Fax 301 402-0642, Email NLM08-075-jc 03/04/08 03/19/08 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 511210 Licenses, software, and maintenance support to Alma Bioinformatics
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20802 Valerie Hankins, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-5803, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8217 03/04/08 03/13/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Maintenance, Repair, and Alteration of Equipment
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80026-MM 03/04/08 03/18/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Annual Maintenance Agreement for Affymetrix Equipment
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20892 Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80048-NG 03/04/08 03/19/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Service Agreement for FEI Nova 200 Dual Beam Microscopes
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Valarie Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS266594 03/04/08 03/10/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Applied Biosystems Maintenance Renewal
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Albert Harris (301)594-3879 CC263-08-Q-MC-2659 03/05/08 03/10/08 Total Small Business J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment SERVES AS A RESEARCH AND EDITORIAL MANAGER TO THE
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 India Payne 3014964848 CC263-08-Q-MF-2660 03/05/08 03/14/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support Back-up Service Agreement for 12 months which can
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 21224 Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email - Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email CRB-OCD-08-061 03/05/08 03/20/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 339112 Laboratory Supplies
National Institute on Drug Abuse, IRP 21224 MANCUSO, MARY G +1 410 550 1424, NIHDA2008047 03/05/08 03/20/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 623220 -RESIDENTIAL MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE ABUSE FACILITIES
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 59840 Julienne Keiser, Purchasing Agent, Phone 406-363-9370, Fax 406-363-9288, Email - Lynda Kieres, Contracting Officer, Phone 406-363-9210, Fax 406-363-9288, Email Reference-Number-NOI-RML-8008 03/05/08 03/20/08 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541511 Custom Software Upgrade
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email RFQ-NCI-80047-NG 03/05/08 03/19/08 Total Small Business T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 323110 Mid-East Monograph
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80049-MM 03/06/08 03/20/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 511120 Supplemental Publication Services
Office of Administration 20892 Aleise Roberts, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-3342, Fax 301-435-8679, Email - Christina Vaughan, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-435-3937, Fax 301-402-2145, Email 263-2008(AR)-0232 03/07/08 03/21/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 Senior Policy Analyst
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-7902 Deborah Coulter, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0368, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-(HL)-2008-091-DDC 03/07/08 03/20/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Blood Presure, biopotential, and activity measurement systems/transmitters
National Institute on Mental Health 20892 Bruce Anderson, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2234, Fax 301-443-0501, Email - Bruce Anderson, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2234, Fax 301-443-0501, Email NIMH-08-DN-00018 03/07/08 05/23/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Preparation of Developing Brain Tissue from Rhesus macaque for Gene Expression Analysis
National Library of Medicine Tonitta Hopkins, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Robin Hope-Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-4379, Fax 301-402-0642, Email NLM-08-076-RHW 03/07/08 03/31/08 G: Social Services 624190 HIV/AIDS Community Information Outreach Project 2008
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Candace Adams, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6219, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8221 03/07/08 03/24/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Infors Multitron Shaking Incubators
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Steve Gunn, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6241, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email RFQ8196 03/07/08 03/24/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 423490 Liquid Chromatography Systems
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andrea McGee 301-402-0735 CC263-08-Q-LL-2662 03/10/08 03/12/08 Total Small Business 75: Office Supplies and Devices 222731-00, Rapid Dry Photographic Glossy Paper/190
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2663 03/10/08 03/13/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2664 03/10/08 03/13/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103386 The National Insitutes of Health shall i
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2665 03/10/08 03/13/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2666 03/10/08 03/13/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue Requ
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2667 03/10/08 03/13/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2668 03/10/08 03/13/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Office of Administration 20892 Zedekiah Worsham, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-3560, Fax 301-451-5372, Email NIHOD2008052 03/10/08 S: Utilities and Housekeeping Services 812930 NIH Campus Parking Services
National Institute on Mental Health 20852 Mark Lohrmann, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-8886, Email - Bruce Anderson, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2234, Fax 301-443-0501, Email NIMH-08-DN-00011 03/10/08 05/30/08 A: Research and Development 541712 NIMH Toxicological Evaluation of Novel Ligands Program
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Valerie Hankins, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-5803, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Lesley Williams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8218 03/10/08 03/20/08 Total Small Business B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 811219 J - Maintenance, Repair and Alteration of Equipment
National Cancer Institute 00000 Shannon Jackson, Supervisor, Research Subcontracts, Phone 301-228-4022, Fax 301-228-4037, Email - Shannon Jackson, Supervisor, Research Subcontracts, Phone 301-228-4022, Fax 301-228-4037, Email S08-031 03/10/08 03/24/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 Preclinical safety testing (Pharmacology/Toxicology) of non-radioactive forms of candidate medical imaging agents
Office of Logistics and Acquisition Operations 20852 Wendy Rivera, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-435-3919, Fax 301-480-1137, Email - Wendy Rivera, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-435-3919, Fax 301-480-1137, Email 263-fx-2008-0228 03/11/08 03/18/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Audit Services
National Institute on Drug Abuse Diane Loeb, Contract Specialist, NIDA/NIH, Phone 301 443-6677, Fax 301 443-7595, Email - Craig Sager, Contracting Officer, NIDA/NIH, Phone (301) 443-6677, Fax (301) 443-7595, Email N01DA-8-8877 03/11/08 05/16/08 A: Research and Development 541711 RECEPTOR PROFILING AND COMPOUND LIBRARY SCREENING
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Lynn Salo, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6962, Fax 301-402-3676, Email NICHD-NCMRR-09-01 03/11/08 04/23/08 A: Research and Development 541712 -community Assessment Rehabilitation Experiment (CARE)
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-161 03/11/08 03/25/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 333314 CONOPTICS POCKEL'S CELLS COMPONENTS
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ435361 03/11/08 03/18/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 32-Channel MultiChannel Acquisition Processor
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2670 03/12/08 03/17/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2671 03/12/08 03/17/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103372 The National Institutes of Health shall
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-116 03/12/08 03/26/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 AVANCE III 400 MHZ ULTRASHIELDED PLUS NMR SPECTROMETER
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases V. Lynn Griffin, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-7730, Fax 301-480-8501, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-124 03/12/08 03/25/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 561210 RHE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ADRENAL CORTEX AND ADRENAL 2008
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI418057 03/12/08 03/22/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541380 Custom Gene Targeting Service for the generation of AT1 1 (spg3A) Knock-in Mouse
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-RFQ-NCI-80042-MM 03/12/08 03/26/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Upgrade of a FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer
National Cancer Institute Jennifer Thomas, Subcontracts Specialist , Phone 301/228-4004, Fax 301/228-4037, Email thomasj@ncifcrf-gov S08125 03/12/08 04/11/08 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541511 caBIG DSIC Knowledge Centers
Office of Research Facilities/Office of Acquisitions 27709-2233 Kyle Turner, Office of Research Facilities / Contracting Officer, RTP, NC, Phone 919-541-5763, Fax 919-541-5789, Email NIHOF2008039 03/13/08 04/30/08 Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned M: Operation of Government Owned Facilities 561210 Central Utility Plant (CUP) Operations, Research Triangle Park (RTP), North Carolina
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 James Bryant, Contract Specialist, Phone 9195417685, Email - James Patterson, Supervisory Contracting Officer, Phone 919-541-7821, Fax 919-541-5117, Email Reference-Number-MM70040EX-2 03/13/08 03/28/08 T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 541430 Graphic Design Services
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 59840 Julienne Keiser, Purchasing Agent, Phone 406-363-9370, Fax 406-363-9288, Email - Lynda Kieres, Contracting Officer, Phone 406-363-9210, Fax 406-363-9288, Email Reference-Number-NOI-RML-8011 03/13/08 03/26/08 U: Education and Training 611430 Onsite BSL-4 Training
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2672 03/14/08 03/19/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2673 03/14/08 03/19/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2674 03/14/08 03/19/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2675 03/14/08 03/19/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI441278 03/14/08 03/29/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 HumanHap610-quad v1.0 Genotyping
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI442380 03/14/08 03/24/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 Communication Network Expansion for the NIDA Network Initiative Project
National Library of Medicine Uyen Phuong, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-6127, Fax 301-402-8169, Email RFQ-NLM-08-082-UHP 03/14/08 03/28/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 511120 Research Findings In Scientific Publications
National Library of Medicine Uyen Phuong, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-6127, Fax 301-402-8169, Email RFQ-NLM-08-083-UHP 03/14/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 712110 Professional Museum Asset Research Services
Office of Administration 20892 Van Holley, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-9439, Fax 301-402-3407, Email - Van Holley, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-9439, Fax 301-402-3407, Email 2362008(VH)0233 03/17/08 03/20/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Laboratory Equipment and Supplies
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2676 03/17/08 03/20/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103867 The National Institutes of Health shall
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2678 03/17/08 03/20/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103884 Continuing purchase order FM705449 for Pe
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Deitra Lunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email DL394625 03/17/08 03/22/08 V: Transportation, Travel and Relocation 485999 Transit Commuter Benefits
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Deitra Lunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email DL401839 03/17/08 03/23/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541611 Advisory Services
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2679 03/18/08 03/21/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a so
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2680 03/18/08 03/21/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103323 The National Institutes of Health shall
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2682 03/18/08 03/21/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-101200 The National Institutes of Health shall
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80053-NG 03/18/08 04/01/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Camera for SECTOR 2400
Office of Administration 20892 John Best, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-496-4595, Fax 301-496-8422, Email 263-2008-L(SG)-00013 03/19/08 05/05/08 T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 541810 Recruit Advertisement
Office of Administration 20892 John Best, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-496-4595, Fax 301-496-8422, Email 263-2008-L(SG)-00014 03/19/08 05/05/08 T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 541810 Recruitment Advertising
Office of Administration 20892 John Best, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-496-4595, Fax 301-496-8422, Email 263-2008-L(SG)-00015 03/19/08 05/05/08 T: Photographic, Mapping, Printing, and Publications 541810 Recruitment Advertisement
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2684 03/19/08 03/24/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104067 The National Institutes of Health shall i
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2686 03/19/08 03/24/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104071 The National Institutes of Health shall
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 21224 Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email - Phyllis Exum, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8533, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LMG-144-2008 03/19/08 03/28/08 B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541712 Gene Targeting Protocol
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20817 Alexander Kramer, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-6835, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NIHAO2008012 03/19/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Operation of a Facility for the Study of Influenza Viruses, Vaccines and Antimicrobials in Adult and Pediatric Human Subjects
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ441290 03/19/08 03/28/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 333314 Confocal Laser Scanning Biological Microscope
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 20892 Patricia Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNG59 03/20/08 04/03/08 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 621511 10 Standard Cluster Generaton Kits - GA
National Institute on Mental Health Bruce Anderson, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2234, Fax 301-443-0501, Email - Bruce Anderson, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2234, Fax 301-443-0501, Email NIMH-08-DN-00019 03/20/08 06/04/08 A: Research and Development 541712 High-throughput Collection of Gene Expression Data in Developing Rhesus Macaque Brain
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 59840 Julienne Keiser, Purchasing Agent, Phone 406-363-9370, Fax 406-363-9288, Email - Lynda Kieres, Contracting Officer, Phone 406-363-9210, Fax 406-363-9288, Email Reference-Number-NOI-RML-8012 03/20/08 04/04/08 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541711 Ergo Server License Renewal
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Paula Pier, Contract Specialist, Phone 9195412616, Fax 9195415117, Email Reference-Number-PP382623 03/20/08 03/24/08 J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 Renewal of Service Agreement for Waters Corporation Instruments
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Kathleen Gregory, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ453989 03/20/08 03/28/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 MICROPLATE READER INSTRUMENT
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2688 03/21/08 03/26/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103989 The National Institutes of Health shall
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-7902 Deborah Coulter, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0368, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-(HL)-2008-097-DDC 03/21/08 04/09/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Genome Analyzer II System
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-0001 Kesha Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-2605, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-HG-2008-100-KLW 03/21/08 04/04/08 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 511210 Software License
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2690 03/24/08 03/27/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103925 The National Institutes of Health shall
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2692 03/24/08 03/27/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103817 The National Institutes of Health shall
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Deitra Lunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email DL411415 03/24/08 04/02/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Sector Imager 2400
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Kristiane Cooper, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-6671, Fax 301-480-3430, Email - Nora Rivera, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0712, Fax (301) 480-3430, Email NHLBI-HL-08-20 03/24/08 04/08/08 A: Research and Development 541712 Children Ebstein's Anomaly Research Study
National Institute on Drug Abuse, IRP LINDSAY, CAROL A +1 410 550 1570 x105, NIHDA2008051 03/24/08 04/04/08 N/A A: Research and Development 339112 -The National Institute on Drug Abuse, Intramural Research Program intends to awa
National Library of Medicine 20817 Emria Briscoe, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email NLM-08-093-EJB 03/24/08 04/01/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541611 Support Services
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2694 03/25/08 03/28/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892-7902 Deborah Coulter, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0368, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Debra Hawkins, Chief, Procurement Branch, Phone (301) 435-0367, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB-(AR)-2008-102-DDC 03/25/08 05/12/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 All Other Professional, Scientific and TechnicalServices
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80056-MM 03/25/08 04/08/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Fluorescent Vertical Microscope
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Idella Simpson, Procurement Technician, Phone 301-435-8781, Fax 301-480-1358, Email - Susan Nsangou, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-443-2104, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ449435 03/25/08 03/31/08 R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee Planning and Development
National Library of Medicine Kimberly Pringle, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Erin Goldstein, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email RFQ-NLM-08-092-KDP 03/25/08 04/09/08 Total Small Business L: Technical Representative 541519 Maintenance Support Services for TOXNET System
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2695 03/26/08 03/31/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104340 The National Institutes of Health shall
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2696 03/26/08 03/31/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104353 The National Institutes of Health shall
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2698 03/26/08 03/31/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103809 Extended Warranty Service Agreement for
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2699 03/26/08 03/31/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-103885 Hours to provide further funding Quality
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2700 03/26/08 03/31/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104037 Preventive maintenance of refrigerators
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2701 03/26/08 03/31/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104064 Elutra Cell Separation System Disposable
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892-0001 Deborah Britton, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 594-5914, Fax (301) 594-5920, Email RFQCC01476 03/26/08 04/09/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 Chemistry Analyzers Training Reagents and Services
National Library of Medicine 20892 Cara Calimano, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-6127, Fax 301 402-8169, Email - Cara Calimano, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 496-6127, Fax 301 402-8169, Email 08-086-CYC 03/27/08 04/11/08 D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 519190 Metropolitan Research and Education Network Membership
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases V. Lynn Griffin, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-7730, Fax 301-480-8501, Email - Marlene Mireles, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-8831, Fax 301-480-4226, Email NIH-NIDDK-08-08-189 03/27/08 04/11/08 Z: Maintenance, Repair or Alteration of Real Property 811219 MAINTENANCE
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email Reference-Number-NCI-80058-MM 03/27/08 04/10/08 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 541711 Purchase of SNP500 and HapMapp DNA
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 59840 Fawn Hess, Purchasing Agent, Phone 406-363-9438, Fax 406-363-9376, Email - Lynda Kieres, Contracting Officer, Phone 406-363-9210, Fax 406-363-9288, Email Reference-Number-NOI-RML-8009 03/27/08 04/14/08 68: Chemicals and Chemical Products 541711 Custom Gene Chip
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development 20892-7510 Rukshani Fernando, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8552, Fax 301-4023676, Email - Elizabeth Osinski, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-6947, Fax 301-402-3676, Email RFP-NIH-NICHD-DESPR-08-29 03/27/08 05/26/08 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 541712 Multiple Study Data Coordinating Center for DESPR
National Library of Medicine 20892-5488 Robin Hope-Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-4379, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Robin Hope-Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-4379, Fax 301-402-0642, Email NLM-08-088 03/28/08 04/17/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 Technical and Programmatic Support Services for NLM/SIS Outreach Projects
National Library of Medicine 20814 Rico Batte, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Rico Batte, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email 08-099-RDB 03/29/08 04/02/08 99: Miscellaneous 541519 Maintenance Renewal
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2704 03/31/08 04/03/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-102058 A02 SSP standard unitray.
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2707 04/02/08 04/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104458 The National Institutes of Health shall
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2708 04/02/08 04/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-96973 The National Institutes of Health shall i
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2709 04/02/08 04/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104527 The National Institutes of Health shall
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2710 04/02/08 04/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2711 04/02/08 04/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment The National Institutes of Health shall issue a Re
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2712 04/02/08 04/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104115 The National Institutes of Health shall
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2713 04/02/08 04/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104666 Digitek rolls of 50 format No: new "3.67
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2713 04/02/08 04/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104666 Digitek rolls of 50 format No: new "3.67
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Elizabeth Dean, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-3793, Email - Virginia DeSeau, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-3798, Email N02-PC-85002-29 04/03/08 N/A B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541720 velopment of the Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE)
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Elizabeth Dean, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-435-3793, Email - Virginia DeSeau, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-3798, Email N02-PC-85002-29 04/03/08 N/A B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541720 velopment of the Patient-Reported Outcomes version of the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (PRO-CTCAE)
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 DianeJeffers, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-2282, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - LesleyWilliams, Procurement Analyst, Phone 301-402-6545, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8228 04/03/08 04/18/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 493120 rvice
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 20892 Patricia L Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNG66 04/04/08 04/14/08 N/A 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 621511 man 1M-Duo v2.0 DNA Analysis Kits
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases 20850 MEEKS, DIANE R +1 301 594 8839, MEEKS, DIANE R NIHDK2008008 04/04/08 05/23/08 N/A B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541690 -Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Surveillance in Recipients of Human Growth Hormone
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences David C. Sedgley, Contract Specialist, Phone (919)541-4027, Fax (919)541-2712, Email NIHES2008017 04/04/08 06/05/08 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 541712 -NTP Technical Reports Preparation Support Services
National Library of Medicine 20894 Tonitta L. Hopkins, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-4381, Fax 301-402-8169, Email - Robin D Hope-Williams, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-4379, Fax 301-402-8169, Email NLM-08-091-TLH 04/04/08 04/21/08 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 541519 nual Support
National Library of Medicine 20892-5488 Robin D Hope-Williams, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-435-4379, Fax 301-402-8169, Email - Tonitta D Hopkins, Phone 301-496-6546, Email NLM-08-76-RHW 04/04/08 06/16/08 N/A G: Social Services 624190 DS Community Information Outreach Project 2008
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 90292-6695 Joseph S Cuccurullo, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 435 8780, Fax 301 480 1358, Email - Susan A Nsangou, Phone 301-443-2104, Email NOI456673 04/04/08 04/21/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 511210 atistic Modeling Interactive Tool for Research Grant Data Analysis
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20814 KathleenGregory, Contracting Officer , Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI462658 04/04/08 04/15/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 ectronically Controlled Patient Chair and eXimia Navigation System
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20892 MalindaHoldcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80054-NG 04/07/08 04/21/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 rvices to Support Clinical Translation of Cancer Nanotechnology-Based Therapeutics
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions MelissaMarino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80061-MM 04/07/08 04/21/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 rchase of LightScanner LS 96-well System
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 DeborahCoulter, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0368, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - ChrisBelt, Deputy Director, Offfice of Acquisitions, NHLBI, Phone 301-435-0330, Fax 301-480-3338, Email NHLBI-PB-{HL}-2008-109-DDC 04/07/08 04/22/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 strument & laboratory equipment
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions MelissaMarino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80062-MM 04/08/08 N/A B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541712 tabase Matches for the Transplant Cancer Match Study
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions MelissaMarino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80063-MM 04/08/08 04/22/08 N/A J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 intenance Agreement for the TomoTherapy Hi-ART System
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 KathleenGregory, Contracting Officer , Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email RFQ478432 04/08/08 04/16/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 alyzer System
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 SteveGunn, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6241, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - SylviaRobinson, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-2284, Fax 301-480-3695, Email RFQ8197 04/08/08 04/23/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 olet Laser Upgrade Kit
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB AlexanderKramer, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-6835, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NIHAO200816 04/09/08 04/24/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 llaborative Clinical Administrative and Management Support Services
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 MyLinhPham, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6710, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8231 04/09/08 04/19/08 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 325413 S
National Library of Medicine Uyen H Phuong, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-6127, Fax 301-402-0642, Email RFQ-NLM-08-109-UHP 04/09/08 04/23/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 519120 dexing Services for Journals Published in Latin American Countries
National Library of Medicine 20814 RicoBatte, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-8169, Email 08-100-RDB 04/10/08 04/14/08 Total Small Business D: Automatic Data Processing and Telecommunication 511210 ftware and Maintenance Support
National Library of Medicine 20814 RicoBatte, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-8169, Email 08-111-RDB 04/10/08 04/14/08 Total Small Business 99: Miscellaneous 541511 ntinuation of Support Services
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 DeitraLunney, Contract Specialist, Phone 919-541-0387, Fax 919-541-5117, Email DL452089 04/10/08 04/15/08 N/A S: Utilities and Housekeeping Services 325120 ntal/Exchange of Gas Cylinders/Tanks
National Cancer Institute Melissa Borucki, Sr. Subcontract Specialist, Email - Amy Gray, Subcontract Specialist, Email S08-181 04/10/08 05/23/08 N/A A: Research and Development 541990 I-Chemical Biology Consortium
Office of Administration 20892-0201 Timothy Johnson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301402-5450, Fax 301-4021050, Email - CatherineHiltner, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-3063, Fax (301) 402-5449, Email 263-2008-P{FH}-0237 04/11/08 05/28/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541611 HICS SUPPORT FOR THE NIH ETHICS OFFICE
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 India Payne 3014964848 CC263-08-Q-MF-2729 04/11/08 04/18/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support VARIETY OF WIGS WITH DIFFERENT SIZES AND LENGTHS
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 India Payne 3014964848 CC263-08-Q-MF-2730 04/11/08 04/18/08 Total Small Business 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment Clean and repair a wide variety of scopes and inst
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions 20892 MalindaHoldcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80065-NG 04/11/08 04/21/08 N/A Q: Medical Services 541690 nior Research Nurse Consultant
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 KathleenGregory, Contracting Officer , Phone 301-435-2238, Fax 301-480-1358, Email NOI473353 04/11/08 04/21/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 ST-REAL TIME PCR SYSTEM WITH 96-WELL BLOCK
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 MarilynApolito, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-534-0497, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - JohnFoley, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-2284, Fax 301-480-0689, Email NOI8215 04/11/08 04/29/08 N/A 99: Miscellaneous 541712 e for Service
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 AndreaMcGee, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-0735, Fax 301-402-0479, Email - Ann G Argaman, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 594-5919, Fax (301) 594-5920, Email RFQ102944-1 04/11/08 04/26/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541511 cillary Consultant
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 AndreaMcGee, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-0735, Fax 301-402-0479, Email - Ann G Argaman, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 594-5919, Fax (301) 594-5920, Email RFQ103532-1 04/11/08 04/25/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541511 jects Plus Configuration Consultant
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Jasmine D Snoddy, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 594 1571, Fax 301 480 1358, Email 459290 04/14/08 04/28/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 811219 gh Performance Liquid Chromatography Systems
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions MelissaMarino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80064-MM 04/14/08 04/23/08 N/A 68: Chemicals and Chemical Products 325414 0mg of Daclizumab-CHX-A" DTPA
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases V. LynnGriffin, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-7730, Fax 301-480-8501, Email NIHDK2008011 04/14/08 04/28/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 611430 -NURSE CONTINUNING EDUCATION PROGRAM (SIDS)
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 DeborahCoulter, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0368, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Chris Belt, Contract Officer, Phone 301.435.6672, Fax 301.480.3338, Email NHLBI-PB-{HL}-2008-111-DDC 04/15/08 05/30/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 l Other Professional, Scientific and Technical Services
National Library of Medicine 20892 RaymondHawkins, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Emria C Briscoe, Phone 301-496-6546, Email NLM-08-113-RSH 04/15/08 04/25/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 S Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 AndreaMcGee, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-0735, Fax 301-402-0479, Email RFQ104068-1 04/15/08 04/30/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541512 ientific Computing Support
National Library of Medicine 20892 RaymondHawkins, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email - Emria C Briscoe, Phone 301-496-6546, Email RFQ-NLM-08-114-RSH 04/15/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541512 S eTravel Solution Software
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Gail Akinbinu 301496-0692 CC263-08-Q-LW-2736 04/16/08 04/21/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support MRI Tech services incld perform studies in brain a
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda D Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80066-NG 04/16/08 04/25/08 N/A 99: Miscellaneous 519120 bercitizen Health and Taking the Pulse Survey Subscription Service
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda D Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80067-NG 04/16/08 04/25/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 nome Analyzer upgrade
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Kate - Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-1710, Email NIHDK2008012 04/16/08 04/30/08 N/A 65: Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment 334516 --SNPLEX CORE REAGENTS, ETC
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan A Nsangou, Phone 301-443-2104, Email NOI486136 04/16/08 05/01/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 velopment of an instrument for assessing mental health systems and services
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Gail Akinbinu 301496-0692 CC263-08-Q-LW-2738 04/17/08 04/22/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support Renewal of Research Technical Services until 6/13/
Office of Administration Marcia - Goldman, Sr. Contract Specialist, Phone 301-496-2302, Fax 301-402-3407, Email NIHOD2008062 04/17/08 N/A U: Education and Training 611430 velope science curricula for high schools and elementary/middle schools
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Sabrina Lindsay 301-402-5273 CC263-08-Q-LX-2743 04/18/08 04/23/08 Total Small Business A: Research and Development LABOR COST FOR PROGRAMMING TO MODIFY EXISTING SOFT
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Effie Jennings (301)402-1928 CC263-08-Q-M8-2740 04/18/08 04/23/08 Total Small Business J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment Annual maintenance on liebert air handling units
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Effie Jennings (301)402-1928 CC263-08-Q-M8-2741 04/18/08 04/23/08 Total Small Business 99: Miscellaneous moving services
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Effie Jennings (301)402-1928 CC263-08-Q-M8-2742 04/18/08 04/23/08 Total Small Business 72: Household/Commercial Furnishings and Appliances tempur-pedic mattress, bags
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Kate - Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-1710, Email NIHDK2008016 04/22/08 05/06/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 --BD Laser II Special Order System
Office of Administration Andrew L. Maine, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-451-7364, Fax 301-402-0178, Email NIHOD2008063 04/22/08 06/06/08 N/A A: Research and Development 541712 velopment and Maintenance of an Aged Cell Bank
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Candace Adams, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6219, Fax 301-480-3695, Email - Linda C Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email NOI8235 04/22/08 05/01/08 N/A 99: Miscellaneous 511210 owJo Site License
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 59840 Julienne J Keiser, Purchasing Agent, Phone 406-363-9370, Fax 406-363-9288, Email - Lynda W Kieres, Contracting Officer, Phone 406-363-9210, Fax 406-363-9288, Email NOI-RML-8015 04/22/08 05/07/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 plied Biosystems Sequencer Upgrade
National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases/AMOB 20892 Terry M Knight, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-402-6162, Fax 301-480-8720, Email - Linda C Taylor, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-402-5762, Fax 301-480-3695, Email RFQ8201 04/22/08 05/05/08 Total Small Business 68: Chemicals and Chemical Products 325998 emicals
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Melissa P Marino, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-4509, Fax 301-402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80068-MM 04/23/08 05/07/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541820 -sponsoring a Sino-US Joint Symposium at the Hong Kong-Shanghai ILC
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Kesha L. Williams, Contract Specialist, Email - Chris R Belt, Deputy Director, Offfice of Acquisitions, NHLBI, Phone 301-435-0330, Fax 301-480-3338, Email NHLBI-PB-HG-2008-104-KLW 04/23/08 05/08/08 Total Small Business B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541690 ientific Consultation
National Cancer Institute 21702 Dennis J Dougherty, Manager, Research Contracts, Phone (301) 846-1087, Fax (301) 846-5414, Email - gene D Anderson, Supervisor, Phone 301-228-4008, Fax 301-228-4037, Email Pentre04232008 04/23/08 06/09/08 N/A M: Operation of Government Owned Facilities 722212 eration of a cafeteria at NCI-Frederick on Fort Detrick, MD.
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 20892 Patricia L Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email LNG73 04/24/08 05/09/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 423450 ereo Investigator
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Joseph S Cuccurullo, Contract Specialist, Phone 301 435 8780, Fax 301 480 1358, Email NOI449135 04/24/08 05/09/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541690 ientific Content of a Strategic Plan in Response to the Combating Autism Act of 2006
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Cecilia A Morales, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0369, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Crist Belt, Contract Officer, Phone 301.435.6672, Fax 301.480.3338, Email NHLBI-PB-{DE}-2008-126-CDM 04/25/08 05/29/08 N/A B: Special Studies and Analyses - Not R&D 541990 ECIAL STUDIES and analysis
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20892 Deborah - Coulter, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0368, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email - Chris Belt, Contract Officer, Phone 301.435.6672, Fax 301.480.3338, Email NHLBI-PB-{HL}-2008-110-DDC 04/25/08 05/29/08 N/A Q: Medical Services 541690 dical Services
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, R&D Contracts Management Branch Patricia N. Hanacek, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-594-6226, Fax 301-443-3891, Email - NIAAA-08-05_{NIHAA2008007} 04/26/08 05/27/08 Total Small Business A: Research and Development 541512 cohol Epidemiological Data System (AEDS)
National Library of Medicine 20892 Joan Coulter, Business Opportunity Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email 08-121jc 04/28/08 05/12/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541512 rge Systems IT Support
National Library of Medicine 20892 Joan Coulter, Business Opportunity Specialist, Phone 301-496-6546, Fax 301-402-0642, Email 08-122jc 04/28/08 05/12/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541511 acle Support Technical Specialist
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Frank Vidergar, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-1490, Fax 301-480-4675, Email - Teresa A Baughman, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-451-3690, Fax 301-480-4675, Email BAA-NIAID-DMID-NIHAI2008025 04/28/08 09/12/08 N/A A: Research and Development 541712 rgeted Clinical trials to Reduce the Risk of Antimicrobial Resistance
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2753 04/28/08 05/01/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-104702 The National Institutes of Health shall
Office of Research Facilities/Office of Acquisitions 59840 James S Parr, Contract Specialist, Phone 406-363-9207, Fax 406-363-9457, Email NIHOF2008046 04/28/08 05/30/08 Total Small Business H: Quality Control, Testing, and Inspection 561621 nual Fire Suppression System Inspection
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Gail Akinbinu 301496-0692 CC263-08-Q-LW-2754 04/29/08 05/06/08 Total Small Business R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support Lab Tech Services for the period 5/12/08 - 5/11/09
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD Cheryl P Jennings, Contracting Officer, Phone (301) 435-0347, Fax (301) 480-3430, Email - Jeffrey A Williams, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0338, Fax (301) 480-3338, Email NHLBI-HC-09-08 04/29/08 N/A A: Research and Development 541712 ronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA)- Echocardiography Reading Center
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases Tina Robinson, Contract Specialist, Phone 301-402-8778, Fax 301-480-1710, Email NIHDK2008017 04/29/08 05/13/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 541990 -Synthesis and Testing of Enantiomers Entities
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20852 Susan A Nsangou, Phone 301-443-2104, Email 519738 04/30/08 05/07/08 Total Small Business 70: ADP Equipment Software, Supplies, Equipment 334310 deo Teleconferencing Unit
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda L Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80069-NG 04/30/08 05/12/08 N/A 68: Chemicals and Chemical Products 325413 munohistochemical and in situ-hybridization Reagents and Supplies
National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Rockledge Dr. Bethesda, MD 20817 Sharon L Cummings, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 435-0352, Fax (301) 480-3345, Email NHLBI-PB(HL)-2008-145-SLC 04/30/08 N/A Q: Medical Services 622110 BURBAN HOSPITAL CARDIOVASCULAR MRI PROJECT
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Valarie T Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS470574 04/30/08 05/26/08 N/A 95: Metal Bars, Sheets, and Shapes 423830 llet Racks and Upright Beams
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences 27709 Valarie T Sims, Purchasing Agent, Phone 919-541-0460, Fax 919-541-5117, Email VS496885 04/30/08 05/15/08 N/A J: Maintenance, Repair, and Rebuilding of Equipment 811219 toclave System Maintenance
Clinical Center/Office of Purchasing & Contracts 20892 Andre Moody 301-402-2677 CC263-08-Q-MK-2756 05/01/08 05/06/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment P-105870 The National Institutes of Health shall i
National Cancer Institute, Office of Acquisitions Malinda L Holdcraft, Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email - Caren N Rasmussen, Lead Contract Specialist, Phone (301) 402-4509, Fax (301) 402-4513, Email NCI-80070-NG 05/01/08 05/12/08 N/A 68: Chemicals and Chemical Products 325188 ood and Bone Marrow Reagents
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases V. LynnGriffin, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-7730, Fax 301-480-8501, Email NIHDK2008018 05/01/08 05/15/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support -ANNUAL SUMMER INSTITUTE FOR REPRODUCTIVE AND PERINATAL EPIDEMIOLOGY
Nat'l Institute of Diabetes, Digestive, & Kidney Diseases V. LynnGriffin, Purchasing Agent, Phone 301-594-7730, Fax 301-480-8501, Email NIHDK2008019 05/01/08 05/15/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 333999 --DOUBLE MULTITON II INCUBATED ORBITAL SHAKER
National Library of Medicine 20894 Uyen H Phuong, Contracting Officer, Phone 301-496-6127, Fax 301-402-0642, Email RFQ-NLM-08-110-UHP 05/01/08 05/16/08 N/A R: Professional, Administrative and Management Support 492110 ily Courier Services
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan A Nsangou, Phone 301-443-2104, Email NOI480291 05/02/08 05/17/08 N/A 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 grade to a 2 axis computer controlled stepping motor system
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions 20892 Susan A Nsangou, Phone 301-443-2104, Email NOI489434 05/02/08 05/17/08 Total Small Business 67: Photographic Equipment 334310 gital Camera Upgrade for the Observation Rooms for the Pediatrics and Developmental Neuropsychiatry Branch
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Station Support/Simplified Acquisitions Susan A Nsangou, Phone 301-443-2104, Email RFQ512385 05/02/08 05/12/08 Total Small Business 66: Instruments and Laboratory Equipment 334516 gh Vacuum Deposition System
National Institute on Aging, IRP, BRC 21224 Patricia L Meise, Purchasing Agent, Phone 410-558-8043, Fax 410-558-8319, Email FAC155 05/05/08 05/15/08 N/A 99: Miscellaneous 332313 Shielding for NMR
National Cancer Institute 21702 Dennis J Dougherty, Manager, Research Contracts, Phone (301) 846-1087, Fax (301) 846-5414, Email - gene D Anderson, Supervisor, Phone 301-228-4008, Fax 301-228-4037, Email S08-170 05/05/08 06/09/08 8a Competitive M: Operation of Government Owned Facilities 722212 eration of a cafeteria at NCI-Frederick on Fort Detrick, MD