NCBI C Toolkit Cross Reference


  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding='iso-8859-1'?>
  2 <doc>
  3   <title>
  4     Instructions for Macintosh OS 9 and OS X
  5   </title>
  6   <contents>
  8     <h4 class="c6">System Requirements</h4>
 10     <p>
 11       The current version of
 12       Sequin works with the following Windows versions:
 14       <ul>
 15         <li>Macintosh OS 9</li>
 16         <li>OS X</li>
 17       </ul>
 19       It may work on other versions (MacOS &lt; 9), as
 20       well.
 21     </p>
 23     <h4 class="c6">Downloading Sequin</h4>
 24     <p>
 25       We provide a single download for both MacOS and OS X
 26       platforms.
 27       <ol>
 28         <li class="c7">Create temporary installation folder on
 29         your hard drive where you will place the downloaded
 30         Sequin installation file.</li>
 31         <li class="c7">Download Sequin using your Web browser
 32         by clicking this link:<br />
 33         <a href=
 34            "">sequin.Mac.hqx</a>.
 35         </li>
 36         <li class="c7">Your Web browser may show a dialog box
 37         asking if you want to run the program, or save it to
 38         disk. Choose <span class="c1"><span class=
 39         "c8">S</span>ave to disk...</span> and save the file in
 40         the installation folder.</li>
 41         <li>If your Web browser can't download the file for
 42         some reason, see <a href=
 43         "seq_trouble.html">Troubleshooting</a>.</li>
 44       </ol>
 45     </p>
 47     <h4 class="c6">Installing Sequin</h4>
 49     <p>
 50       Follow these instructions to install Sequin on
 51       Macintosh:
 52       <ol>
 53         <li class="c7">The file should automatically extract
 54         into a new file called <span class=
 55         "c9">sequin.Mac.sea</span>. If it doesn't, use BinHex
 56         or UnStuff to convert it. Move the <span class=
 57         "c9">.sea</span> file to your installation folder if it
 58         isn't already there.</li>
 59         <li class="c7">Double-click the file <span class=
 60         "c9">sequin.Mac.sea</span>. (It is a self-extracting
 61         archive.) This will create a folder called Sequin
 62         Folder in your installation folder.</li>
 63         <li class="c7">Place the Sequin Folder in your
 64         Applications directory. This contains two versions of
 65         the Sequin, asn2gb, and tbl2asn applications (one with
 66         an "OSX" suffix and one without). It also contains the
 67         <span class="c9">sequin.htm</span> user's guide. The
 68         applications with the OSX suffix run only on Mac OS X.
 69         The other versions use Apple's "Carbon" library, and
 70         can run on both OS 9 or OS X.</li>
 71         <li class="c7">To run Sequin, double-click the
 72         <span class="c9">Sequin</span> file in MacOS 9, or the
 73         <span class="c9">SequinOSX</span> file in OS X.</li>
 74         <li class="c7">To run tbl2asn, double-click
 75         <span class="c9">tbl2asn</span> in MacOS 9, or
 76         <span class="c9">tbl2asnOSX</span> in OS X.</li>
 77       </ol>
 78     </p>
 79   </contents>
 80   <css>seq_mac_download.css</css>
 81 </doc>

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