Yca - EPICS Yorick CA/catcher/scanSee Package

Maintained by Ben-chin Cha (cha@aps.anl.gov)


Yca is an EPICS extensions tool writen in Yorick interpreter language to provide EPICS users a powerful graphic package for scan data displaying and analysis tool. Yorick is a free of licensed interactive data displaying package obtained from LLNL. It is an interpreted programming language, designed for postprocessing or steering large scientific simulation codes capable of translating to and from the raw numeric formats of all modern computers. In addition to the powerful mathematical and graphic commands within Yorick, yca also provides the user to access channel access functions like caget / caput / caMonitor /caScan, and packaged 1D/2D/3D scan data graphic routines, binary/ascii IO routines, etc.

The complete package of Yca include a set of yorick programs which allows the EPICS user easily to view scan data previously saved. It can display data catcher saved 1D data file or 2D image files, it can also display any 1D/2D/3D scanSee mda files saved by IOC. It provides the EPICS catcher and scanSee users another set of simple, easy and very efficient browser in viewing data and producing graphic hard copy, ascii data, etc.

The channel access functions are implemented in yca.i. The scan record related functions are implemented in yscan.i. The various functions of reading/writing binary data is implemented in b_read.i. Packaged conveninent 1D/2D graphic commands are implemented in panimage.i. The color table related functions are implementd in loadct.i, and createP.i. The catcher.i contains all the functions for processing and displaying catcher data. The scanSee.i contains all the functions for processing and displaying scanSee data. The custom.i contains the startup configuration for yca.

The Custom.i allows the user effectively to view any scan data previously saved by catcher or scanSee. Combined with UNIX openwin tools, yca allows the user easily to access any data and generate hard copy post script plot, freely export the scan data to ascii format. Post script plot is viewed by gv and the ascii text file is viewed by textedit. The strong point of yca is that no licensed software is used and it is very efficient and fast.

Currently, only various 2D surface, contour, image graphics, multiline 1D plot, and textual display functions are implemented. The analysis functions are not implemented yet.

Download and Installation Instructions

Download and installation instructions for UNIX system administrator is given here. General EPICS users should bypass this section.

System Requirement

Currently yca is only available on the UNIX system.

In order to build the EPICS extensions tools yca written in Yorick language the following libraries are required.

  • Yorick 1.5 Release library
  • EPICS base Release 3.13.2 ca and Com library
  • EPICS extensions Lca library
  • The executable yca depends on the Lca library built from epics/extensions/src/ca directory which depends on the epics/base ca and com libraries. The Yca package consists of few yorick programs written in C and Yorick interpreter language and few color table palette files.

    For easy start of yca with file selection user interface, the frontend file selection box is simplely implemented by calling the python/Tkinter file selection widget. Therefore, the software package python/Tkinter is also required.

    Yorick 1.5 Package

    Yorick 1.5 and library release is required for compiling and running yca.

    Yorick is an interpreted programming language, designed for postprocessing or steering large scientific simulation codes. Yorick includes an interactive graphics package which is completely free and it is very efficient, and a binary file package capable of translating to and from the raw numeric formats of all modern computers.

    More information about Yorick documents and software download can be found from Yorick

    Epics Extensions Yca Package

    The instruction for downloading and compiling Yca for UNIX system is given here.
    	1) For unix system, at the epics/extensions/src directory 
    		mkdir ca
    		mkdir Yca
    	2) Download the Lca.zip file and extracted in the ca sub-directory 
    		cd ca
    		unzip Lca.zip
    	3) Download the Yca.zip file and extracted in  the Yca sub-directory 
    		cd Yca
    		unzip Yca.zip
    	4) Modify Makefile.yca to reflect the library path version # on your Unix system 
    		vi Makefile.yca
    	5) Create yca program
    		make -f Makefile.yca
    	6) Install yca to epics/extensions directory
    The yorick programs will be installed under epics/extensions/yoricklib directory. The color table files will be installed under epics/extensions/gistlib library. The script program and executable will be installed under epics/extensions/bin/solaris directory.
    	7) Test yca program in Yca directory
    	yca			// start yca program
    	help,yca 		// list all functions in yca.i
    	help,caget		// get caget command syntax
    	help,yscan		// list all functions in yscan.i
    	quit			// exit yca program

    Access Yca Software Package

    For general EPICS users, the instruction for setting up and running yca on the UNIX system is given here.
    1) Make sure /usr/local/epics/extensions/bin/solaris is in your
       search path, and /usr/local/epics/extensions/lib/solaris is in
       your LD_LIBRARY_PATH 
    2) Run the setup script, it will create ~/Yorick and ~/Gist directories
       and makes necessary file links for user (you only need to do once
       before any Yorick application)
    3) Create the data sub-directory and download the sample test data 
       ydata.zip file and extracted in the data sub-directory 
    	mkdir ~/Yorick/data
    	cd ~/Yorick/data
    	unzip ydata.zip
    4) Run yca as interpreter
    	cd ~/Yorick
       Staring yca this way, a user can load any yorick program written by 
       him/her self. It allows the  user to access any yca functions.
    5) Access packaged catcher/scanSee program by any of the following methods
        a) By UNIX script "runyca" automatically run the yorick yca and
           python yo.py
        b) Directly read in scan file name on "yca" command line:
    	cd ~/Yorick
    	yca data/2xfm_0020.mda
    	Legal files accepted on the command line yca can be either
    	scanSee *.mda , catcher 1D, or catcher 2D image files
    If there is a configuration file "yca.config" file found in the startup working directory, the yo.py program will start the yca visualization function immediately depending on the type of input file picked.

    Yca User's Guide

    The yca.i and yscan.i yorick programs are automatically loaded into the yca. It allows the user to access the channel access caget/caput/caScan functions. The following Yorick programs are dynamically loaded into yca by the custom.i file. If user want to load his own yorick function into yca he may create a private version of custom.i file and modify the custom.i program accordingly.
    Each pop-up dialog window is simulated by Yorick push buttons. Each dialog window runs sequentially until it is closed by the done button, then click another button from the parent window to pop up a new child window or close the parent window.

    The interactive yca prompt is ">", the yca is normally terminated by entering the 'quit' command at the prompt.

    Command Syntax

    It is assumed that the user already run yorick_setup previously. If a user only want to run yca as a scan browser then simply try the UNIX script runyca command.

    To start the yca as an interpreter:

    	cd ~/Yorick
    A user can always try to use the help command to query the command syntax about a known function name defined in yca. A user can use help to query any one of it about the command syntax listed below. For example,
    	> help, caget
    For normal termination of yca use
    	> quit
    To use "CNTL-C" stop a function execution if it takes unexpected long time to execute, yca will return the command prompt > to user. In case of yca hang up and the user can not stop the execution a user can use the "CNTL-\" to kill the yca interpreter.

    yca.i functions

    The yca.i contains a collection of custom build yorick channel access functions. It includes the following additional built in functions available in yca. A user can use help to query any one of it about the command syntax listed below.
    	cagetCount	- get the number of elements
    	cagetWave	- get the wave form record
    	caputWave	- put the wave form record
    	cagetString	- get the string value(s)
    	caputString	- put the string value(s)
    	caget		- get the double value(s)
    	caput		- put the double value(s)
    	cagetAll	- get the value, status, severity values
    	caSearch	- search the pv name
    	caSearchList	- search a list of pv names
    	caMonitorAdd    - add PV to monitored list
    	caMonitorClear  - clear the monitored PVs
    	caMonitorGetEvent - get event array of monitored PVs
    	caMonitor	- add/clear/get the PV monitored
    	caTimeStamp	- get the time stamp when the PV value changed 

    yscan.i functions

    The yscan.i contains a collection of custom build yorick scan functions. It includes the following additional built in functions available in yca. A user can use help to query any one of it about the command syntax listed below.
            caScanDef       - get the vector for defined positioner and detector
            caScanPvnames   - get the pvnames for defined positioner & detector
            caScanVals      - get the readback and data arrays from the scan record
            caScanPlot      - plot the data arrays versus P1
            caScan          - help on the procedure of getting scan values
            caScanAdd       - set monitor on scan record
            caScanClear     - clear monitor on scan record
            caScanGet       - get the intermediate,temporary scan data arrays

    loadct.i functions

    The loadct.i contains a collection of custom build yorick color graphic functions. It includes the following additional built in functions available in yca. A user can use help to query any one of it about the command syntax listed below.
     	xloadct 	- pops up the color table setup window dialog
    	colorbar	- draw color bar on current graphic window
    	rpalette	- convert color table to reverse order 
    	loadct		- set the color table to be used
    	hcp_open	- specify hard copy file to be used
    	hcp_add		- append the graph to hard copy output file
    	hcp_close	- close hard copy device
    	plh		- histogram plot
    	tv or TV	- plot 2D image array
    	logplg		- log y plot
    	box		- set plot region frame box option
    	erase		- create / erase graphic window
    	hqg		- turn on/off high quality graphic output

    b_read.i functions

    The b_read.i contains a collection of custom build yorick binary read and write functions. It includes the following additional built in functions available in yca. A user can use help to query any one of it about the command syntax listed below.
    	b_ptr		- find pointer array for binary data object
    	byte2str	- convert byte array to string array
    	str2byte	- convert string array to byte array
    	b_read		- read a binary object from the binary file
    	b_append	- append a binary object at the end of binary file 
    	b_write		- write a binary object at the specified offset position
    	b_update	- replace the old binary object by the new object at 
    			  the specified position
    	size		- return the size information about a binary object 
    	xdr_read	- simulate the IDL's XDR_READ routine
    	xdr_write	- simulate the IDL's XDR_WRITE routine
    	cmdPipe		- returns unix system command output 
    	mdaowner	- find the owner of the mda file
    	finduser	- find the USERID of the current user
    	bread		- read a data array object from the binary stream
    	bread_str	- read a string object from the binary stream
    	delvar          - delete a defined varible from yca
    	defkey          - extract keyword string from command_line string
    	bkup_file	- backup a file with suffix ".bk"

    panimage.i functions

    The panimage.i contains a collection of custom yorick image processing functions. It includes the following additional built in functions available in yca. A user can use help to query any one of it about the command syntax listed below.
    	pickimageDialog - dialog for picking 2D image from catcher image file
    	calc_limits	- calculate new plot limits for a graph window
    	linetype	- dialog window for plot1d modification
    	replot		- modify plot1d graph through calling linetype
    	plot1d		- multi-lines 1D plot routine
    	showhide	- show or hide a plotted curve
    	panimage	- dialog for thumb nail image selection 
    	ascii2im	- construct image array from a ascii file created by 
            ascii2im        - construct image array from a ascii file created by
                              im2ascii (read scanSee generated image ascii file)
            im2ascii        - overwrite/append the image data to an ascii file
    	tv_query	- plot 2D iamge data with option of query data on
    			  the yca output terminal
    	IMD_plc		- contours plot of 2D image data
    	plot2ascii	- extracted plot data to ascii file
    	pl3d		- 3D surface plot extracted from demo2.i
    	IMD_im		- contours plot with index axes
    	surface	        - 3D surface plot of 2D image data
            readasciiHD     - bypass comment line at the beginning of file which
                              begin with "; "
            readascii1D     - read ascii 1D text file generated by scanSee
            readasciiDA     - read sscii data array generated by writeasciiDA
    	writeasciiDA    - overwrite/append data array to text file
    	strtoks		- extract tokens from an input string

    catcher.i functions

    The catcher.i contains a collection of 1D/2D data catcher scan data processing functions written in yorick. It includes the following additional functions available in yca. A user can use help to query any one of it about the command syntax listed below.
    	catcher2d	- dialog extract all 2D images from a catcher image file
    	catcher2d_read	- read the specified set of image from 2D image file
    	writeCatcherImage - append a set of image data to a specified image file
    	readCatcherImage - extract the specified image from a catcher image file
    	pickimage	- dialog to pick 2D image
    	catcher2d_checkfile - check whether input file is 2D image file
    	catcherimage_ptr - find offset position array of all images
    	u_dump		- dump portion of binary data from a binary file
    	padz		- return padded char array to meet word size of 4
    	u_write		- append a data object at the end of binary file
    	u_read		- read a data object at specified offset of binary file
    	catcher1d_ptr   - find offset position array of all 1D scans
    	catcher1d	- dialog for picking 1D catcher data
    	catcher1d_data  - read and populate 1D data from input offset position
    	catcher1d_extract - extract 1D scan from src file, put to a dest file
    	catcher1d_write - write a set of 1D scan data to a binary file
    	catcher1d_read  - read a set of 1D scan data from opened file stream
    	catcher_quit    - update yca.config and quit yca 
    	catcher_report1D - generate 1D catcher ascii report file
    	catcher_report2D - generate 2D catcher ascii report file
    	catcher_fixfile - trancate binary file with known offset position 

    scanSee.i functions

    The scanSee.i contains a collection of 1D/2D/3D scan data processing functions written in yorick. It includes the following additional built in functions available in yca. A user can use help to query any one of it about the command syntax listed below.
    	scanSee_setprinter - override default printer
    	scanSee_file     - access the new file through file number
    	scanSee_rand 	 - find out the rank of mda file
    	scanSee_read 	 - a scanSee file reader only required for 1D/2D
    	scanSee_read3D 	 - a 3D scanSee file reader for 2D image array
    	scanSee_read2D 	 - read all 2D scan data for a given 3D scan seqno
    	scanSee_read3DAll- read whole 3D scan data set including inner most array
    	scanSee_3DimagesPick - use panimage to slice out 3D spectrum data array 
    	scanSee_3Dimages - inner most detector images slice out of 3D data array
    	scanSee_images   - extract 2D or 3D panimages for 3D scan
    	scanSee_readENV  - read extra PV values if detected
    	scanSee_readHeader - Extract scan record header information
    	scanSee_read1D 	 - Extract 1D data array from 2D/3D file
    	scanSee_1D 	 - Extract 1D data array from 2D file only
    	scanSee_panimage - dialog to pick and view detector image array
    	scanSee_ascii1D  - create 1D ascii file
    	scanSee_print    - call plot1d to plot all detectors defined
    	scanSee_view1D   - dialog for selecting 1D scanno and replot 
    	scanSee_TV   	 - plot selected 2D image data
    	scanSee_2Dascii  - generate 2D ascii image data
    	scanSee_3D  	 - dialog for processing 3D scan data
    	scanSee_replot   - dialog for 1D plot modification
    	scanSee		 - frontend for mda file visualization
    	scanSee_view2D   - dialog for selecting 2D panimage data
    	scanSee_info 	 - generate 1D plot data info
    	scanSee_calcfile - dialog for calculating next file
    	check_fileOK	 - dialog for check whether to read the 3D file
    	scanSee_quit     - update yca.config and with quit option
    	scanSee_write3D  - read in 3D mda file and save data arrays in a XDR file
    	findfile 	 - check for file existence, return 1 found, 0 not found

    ascii.i functions

    The ascii.i contains a collection of ascii report generation functions for scanSee type mda file. Where appropriate the Unix openwindow tool textedit is used to display the ascii file created.
    	scanSee_report   - driver to generate 1D/2D ascii report 
    	scanSee_1Dreport - generate 1D ascii report 
    	scanSee_2Dreport - generate 2D ascii image report 
    	scanSee_report2DAll - generate ascii report for all selected images 

    realtime.i functions

    The realtime.i contains a collection of functions controling and viewing 1D/2D realtime scanning for catcher or scanSee data file.
    	scanSee_Scan      - dialog for starting scanSee realtime scanning
    	scanSee_realtime  - display and redraw realtime 1D/2D data window
    	catcher_save1Dscan - save 1D scan data in catcher format
    	catcher_2dScan     - start 2D scan and save 1D/2D catcher data
    	catcher_1dScan     - display 1D realtime scanning and save 1D data
    	catcher_scanHeader - setup realtime data structure before scanning
    	catcher_scanCreate - create new 1D catcher file with new 1D scan
    	catcher_scanAppend - append 1D scan to an existing 1D catcher file
    	catcher_checkfile  - check whether 1D catcher file picked
    	catcher_scanDialog - dialog for starting data catcher user interface

    Config File

    If the yca is started by the script runyca or by python program yo.py the "yca.config" file will be used to restart the yca. The contents of "yca.config" consists of two lines: first line is the input scan file name with full path and the second line gives the file path where all the scan files located.

    If the configuration file is found, it will run yca directly with the found file. If the configuration file is not found, it will start with file selection dialog to let user manually to select the file. The legal file is either catcher 1D/2D or scanSee 1D/2D/3D mda files.

    The "Open" and "Up" buttons in python program yo.py allows the user navigate through the file system to pick the desired input file. If wrong type of input file is picked, the info window and the file selection will be popped up again.

    The file selection dialog in yo.py is terminated by clicking the "Cancel" button on the file selction dialog.

    Scan Files

    Three types of scan files can be accepted by yca command. Yca starts scanSee program if the input file is ended with ".mda", it starts the catcher 2D image program if the input file is ended with ".image", otherwise it assumes that the catcher 1D input is entered.

    For a omplete list of legal commands acceptable by the yca/yorick program please refer the original document at Yorick site.

    Examples of Yca

    Few examples of yca command application are given below:
    1. Start with any catcher 1D filename on command line
    	yca filename 
    2. Start with any catcher 2D filename.image on command line
    	yca filename.image
    3. Catcher 1D/2D commands available within yca:
    	catcher1d,"filename",ptr          	// access 1D plot
    	replot					// modify 1D plot
    	catcher2d,"filename.image",ptr		// access 2D panimage data
    	xloadct				 	// try different color table
    	pickimage,"filename.image",ptr 		// access image # data
    4. Start with any scanSee 1D/2D/3D filename on command line'
    	yca filename.mda
    5. Start the script "yo.py" to use the python file selection dialog to pick
    	catcher or scanSee data
    6. During query the image data form the panimage window 3, the
       mouse control is controlled by window 0, 
    	left mouse - query the image data, the x,y,z values will be 
    		     printed in yca interactive terminal 
            right mouse - stop the query, the mouse control return to
    			window 3

    Yca Dialogs Interface

    Yorick does not have fancy widget object, only button object and mouse function are available for event control. So all the yca dialog currently is simulated by using the button object. Great effort is done in keeping yca user interface as simple and as efficient as possible.

    Because of lacking of slider object in yorick, the slider button is simulated in yca to accomplish the sliding effects. The sliding button is marked as "1...N", it can be any value of 1 to N which depends on location user clicked within the button. Click the left most edge of sliding button implies the first number picked, Click the right most edge of sliding button implies the last number picked. The actual number picked by clicking the relative position on the button is scaled according to the range of number represented by the button. The sliding button has been heavily used in yca to determine the number of sequence picked by user.

    There are at most seven windows can be used by yorick. The control button is functioning seqentially, a user can not jump arbitrarily from window to window in yca. It is controlled by the logic of the yca program. Normally the mouse control is grabbed by the child window if there is push button in the child window. The child window must be closed appropriately before the control can be passed back to the parent window. Very often if the mouse is not functioning in a window, very likely the control is grabbed by the child window.

    In the future upgrade the user interface will be implemented as much as possible by using the python/Tkinter widget programming.

    The user interface of Yca dialog windows is briefly described below.

    Tkinter File Selection Interface

    The file selection is implemented by the Tkinter file selection dialog. It allows the user navigate through the file system with easy. A startup configuration file "yca.config" is used to let user easily to restart the yca with the last file examined by user.

    Common 1D/2D Interface

    Common 1D/2D interface functions are identified, and they are implemented such that they can be reused by general purpose yca applications. The common routines are listed below:

    panimage selection dialog

    A panimge dialog is implemented such that any array of 2D image arrays can pass into this program and let user click the thumb nail image to pick the desired image to view data, generate PS hard copy, or ascii image data. Panimage will try to pack the whole array into the n^2 square drawing areas. For very big array the thumb nail images will be very small. A typical panimage dialog is shown here.

    	panimage, array [,arout]  [,no=] [,all=] [,detname=] [,title=] [,fn=] [,dialog=] 
    	Generate a thumb nail images from the input image array. It
    	allow the user to select desired image from the thumb nail images.
    	array - specify input image data array(wd,ht,num)
    		image with wd x ht dimension , with num of images in array
    	arout - optional output, return the resultant 2D display image array
    	no    - specifies the number of images per row for 2D panimage display
    	all   - specifies the output ascii file name for whole panimage array
    	detname - specifies the detname to be displayed instead of seq #
    	win   - specifies the window number to be used
    	title - specifies the title
    	fn    - specifies the filename of data extracted
    	dialog - if specified no button interface desired
    	Use Yorick window 3 for panimage, 1 for surface and contour
    	Use win for displayinge the selected image
    	'Ascii'        - generate ascii report, default '1.txt' is used
    			 if keyowrd all='new.txt' file is specified
    	'Polka'        - send PS to printer Polka
    	'Print'        - send PS to default printer
    	'Q Yorick 1'   - get into query the Yorick 1 image pixel value
    	'Done'  - close the panimage window yorick 3
    	'Xloadct - use window 4 to load color table to widow 0 and 1
    	'Contour - generate contour plot for selected image
    	'Surf Ms - generate surface mesh plot for selected image
    	'Surface... - pops up child surface dialog for the selected image
    	mouse button 1 - pick the thumb image to pop up window yorick 0
    			 follows with click  the  'Q Yorick 1' 
    			 mouse button 1 in Yorick 0 window to query
    			 mouse button 2/3 terminates query
           Note: if problem encontered in press mouse, 
                 tried to use CNTL-C to break out the problem mode

    surface dialog

    The surface dialog allow the user have great flexibility of getting surface or contour plot for input image 2D array. The viewing angles theta and phi slide from -90 to 90 degrees. The increment and decrement arrows allows the angle change by 3 degrees for each mouse click.

    	Phi..      - viewing angle phi slider 0 to 180 degree
    	Theta..    - viewing angle theta slider 0 to 180 degree
    	<          - decrement with 3 degrees
    	>          - increment with 3 degrees
    	Reset      - reset phi=30, theta=60
    	Image      - display 2D image in window 1	
    	Mesh/Shade - set color shade off/on
    	Nobox      - do not draw bound coordinates
    	Contour    - draw contour line plots with 8 levels
    	Cntr-fill  - contour filled with color with 8 levels
     	Cntr-levs  - contour level slider from 5 to 25
    	Print      - generate PS output, use gv to view PS output
    	Done       - close the dialog, return to calling parent	

    plot1d modification dialog

    The plot1d command will generate a multi-line 1D plot on window 0. A typical 1D multi-line plot is show here.

    	plot1d, ya, xa [,win=] [,title=] [,xtitle=] [,ytitle=] [,legend=]
    		[,timestamp=] [hide_def=]
    	This func can plot multiple lines in a 2D cartesian coordinate
    	ya(num_pt,nc) - input array, ya, gives the data curve array to be 
    			plotted, nc gives number of 1D curves in ya
    	xa(num_pt)    - optional input, xa gives the x vector value, 
    			num_pt gives data points in each curve
    			default to indgen(num_pt)
    	win           - yorick window number, default 0
    	title         - string to specify the plot title
    	xtitle        - string to specify the xtitle
    	ytitle        - string to specify the ytitle
    	legend(nc)    - string array to specify the legend of curves 
    	timestamp     - string to specify the timestamp associated with data
    	hide_def(nc)  - int array to indicates whether each curve to be 
    			displayed initially, 0 show, 1 hide
    The total number of Toggle buttons is same as the number of detectors defined in scan1 record. By default, initially the detectors 1,2,16,17 in the data array "ya" are plotted in the graph. If the total number of detectors defined is less than 16, the last 2 detectors are plotted instead of 16,17. The linetype command can be used to modify the multi-line 1D plot. It allows the user to show/hide the lines, change line width, color, type texture, send output to printer, view ascii data, etc. Currently, it is target for at most 85 lines. An example of linetype dialog of total 80 lines in the 1D array is shown here.

    	linetype, type, width, color, mark [,win=]
    	Dialog for modifying line characteristics for the next line plot.
    	The initial graph must be created by the plot1d command.
    	type   - return line type used in curve plot, initial 1
    	width  - return line thickness, initial 5
    	color  - return line color used, initial "black"
    	mark   - return mark on/off, initial off
    	win    - plot window number, default 0
       Buttons used in linetype dialog:
    	Polka - route PS plot to Polka
    	Print - send PS plot to default printer
    	Query - list plot info on yca terminal
    	Ascii - use textedit to display plot data
    	Done  - close the dialog
    	Line characteristic control buttons:
    	Marks - on/off button
    	Axis  - Linear,LogX,LogY,LogXY
    	Refresh  - redraw with default options
    	Type  - blank,solid,dash,dot,dash.dot,dash.dot.dot
    	Color - click color button override the default cyclic
    		     red,green,blue,yellow,cyan,black for selected line
    	Hide/Show Curves 
    	Hide All - hide all 1D curves
    	Show All - show all 1D curves
    	Toggle button #'s - bold letter # implies curve is plotted

    xloadct dialog

    The xloadct command let the user to load the color tables currently supported at APS. The default color table used by yorick is "earth.gp". The default color used by catcher and scanSee is rainbow plus white, "cl39.gp". New color palette can be created by dump_palette, an example is given in "createP.i"


    catcher Interface


    The catcher1d command let user to use scan number dialog to select 1D scan from an input catcher 1D file. The 1D scanno slider allows the user randomly click the relative position on the slider bar to pick from first to last scan.

    	catcher1d,filename [,ptr] [,scanno]
    	This func allows the user to use window 6 to select the desired
    	1D scan from the input catcher 1D file. By default all the 1D
    	data lines are plotted. 
    	Ascii button - Update 1D ascii data file "1.txt" with the selected 
    		       1D scan # 
    	Append button - Append the selected 1D scan # ascii data to existing
            Modify... button - popup dialog for 1D plot modification
            Done button   - Close the catcher1d select dialog
            <             - select previous (decrement) scanno
            1D Slicer...  - simulate scanno slider button
            >             - select next (increment) scanno
            Numbered button - scanno selection
    	file   - specify 1D catcher file
    	ptr    - return 1D scan offset positon array
    	scanno - return the 1D scan number currently picked
      SEE ALSO:
    	'linetype' func for interactively modify the 1D plot or access 
                     various plot options


    The pickimageDialog command let user use the flexible image sequence number dialog to select the desired image from the input catcher image file.

    	pickimageDialog, file, ptr  [, exit=]
    	A dialog for selecting image from catcher 2D image file.  Before 
            calling this function the ptr array must be known already.
    	file - specify the catcher 2D image file
    	ptr  - pointer array at the beginning of each set of image data
    	exit - if it is specified,  exit of yca is implied
       Buttons used in this image selection dialog:
    	Ascii - generate and view 2D ascii file "1.txt" for selected image
    	Polka - route PS output to polka printer (window 0 & 1)
    	Print - send PS output to default printer (window 0 & 1)
    	AppendAscii - append the selected image data to ascii file "1.txt"
    	Contour - plot image contour in window 1
    	Surface - plot surface plot in window 1
    	Done  - close image selection dialog 
    	Image # selection buttons:
    	<=	- previous image seqno (decrease 1)
    	=>	- next image seqno (increase 1)
    	PanImages - popup thumb nail panimage dialog for image selection
    	Phi     - slider H-rotation angle phi 0 to 180 degree
    	<, >    - phi angle increment, decrement buttons
    	Theta   - slider V-rotation angle theta 0 to 180 degree
    	<, >    - theta angle increment, decrement buttons
    	Numbered buttons - specify image seqno found in file




    scanSee Interface

    For scanSee different dialog window pops up depending on the rank of scan detected. It is assumed that the scanSee file all ended with file type ".mda" and they are automatically saved by the IOC. To invoke scanSee dialog:
            scanSee, fn [,exit=]
            Start scanSee dialog with input mda file.
    	Different dialog windows pop up according to the rank of scan detected.
            fn   - 1D/2D/3D scanSee mda file
            exit - if specified, exit of yca is desired at the endo of dialog

    scanSee_1D dialog

    For 1D scan detected, the linetype modification dialog and the plot1d graph window are both automatically pop up for users. The number of buttons drawn for Show and Hide indicates exactly how many curves (or detectors) defined in the scan1 record detected. A typical example is shown below, there are 8 detectors defined in this case.

    scanSee_2D dialog

    For 2D scan detected, it pops up 3 windows: window 0 for showing TV image or 1D line plots, window 1 for showing contour or surface plot, and window 5 for view1D/2D dialog. Window 5 dialog consists of three buttons: PanImages, View1D, Done and a label showing the filename picked.

    	PanImages  - call scanSee_view2D to pop up panimage dialog to select 
    		     the desired 2D image  
       	View1D     - pop up scanSee_view1D dialog to select 1D scan data
       	Done	   - close the view 1D/2D dialog with the option of quit yca.
    scanSee_view1D dialog
    The 'View1D' button will pop up the scanSee_view1D dialog. A typical example is given below:

    	Ascii - generate 1D ascii data for selected 1D scanno
    	Append - append 1D ascii data to "1.txt"
    	Modify... - pop up linetype modification dialog
    	Done      - close the scanSee_view1D dialog
    	First     - access the first set of 1D scan
    	Next      - access the next set of 1D scan
    	Prev      - access the previous set of 1D scan
    	Last      - access the last set of 1D scan
    	1...#     - 1D scanno slider scaled 1 to last scanno #
    scanSee_view2D dialog
    The 'PanImages' button will pop up the scanSee_view2D dialog. A typical example is given below:

    A user can click any image icon to pick the desired image, the image in window 0 will be updated according to user pick. At the end a user should click 'Done' button to close the panimage window. Then the control pass back to the calling window.

    scanSee_3D dialog

    For 3D scan detected, it first will ask user whether the inner most spectrum data array to be read or not. The default setting is no 3D data set to be read in. If no data is read in at all the program will close by itself.

    The following figure shows the user dialog for the case where 3D data array is read in by the program, if the 3D data array not to be read, the top row buttons associated with the 3D data set will not be drown.

    For the case where 3D data array are read in, it pops up 3 windows: window 0 for showing TV image or 1D line plots, window 1 for showing contour or surface plot, and window 5 for scanSee_3D dialog.

    	scanSee_3D,fn [,exit=]
    	Pop up 3D scanSee dialog.
    	fn     - 3D scanSee mda file
    	exit   - if specified, quit yca at the close of dialog

    Buttons defined in scanSee 3D dialog: - Pick 3D Images: I/J/K: 1...# - pick I/J/K index value (slider: rank 1/2/3 dimension) which depends on the picked 'Axial' value < , > - 2D image slice for previous, or next axial index Det 1...# - pick detector seqno (slider: for defined detectors for the inner most scan record) Axial:1...3 - pick axial index number (slider: 1-left 1/3, 2-middle 1/3, 3-right 1/3) < , > - 2D image slice for previous, or next detectors - Line Plots: J: 1...# - pick J index , rank 2 dimension slider K: 1...# - pick K index, rank 3 dimension slider(outer most) 1DSpectrum - 1D spectrum data of rank 1 detectors for pick J,K Ascii - generate 1DSpectrum ascii data - Pick 2D Images: 2D PanImage - pop up paniamge dialog to view 2D image array 2D-Detectors - pick rank 2 detector's image (slider) < - detector decrement > - detector increment Ascii - generate ascii data for selected image Contour - contour plot for selected image Sf-Mesh - surface mesh for selected image phi - H-rotation angle slider: 0 to 180 theta - V-rotation angle slider: 0 to 180 - Line Plots: Scan#K:1...# - 1D data of rank 2 detectors Ascii - ascii report of 1D data of rank 2 detectors Load CT - dailog for load color table Modify 1D Plot... - dialog for modifying line plot Polka - route PS output to printer polka Print - send PS output to default printer Done - close 3D dialog with option of quit yca


    At the end of scanSee dialog, it pops up the file sequence dialog for the files located in the same directory. It shows the current fullpath file name and few buttons to select desired file to be viewed next.

    	Prev File      - pick previous file from the directory
    	File Slider... - use slider to pick next file from the directory
    	Next File      - pick next file from the directory
    	Current File   - reopen the current file from the directory
    	Done           - quit yca  return control to calling program
    	Displaying Realtime Scanning:
    	Scan...        - pop up the realtime scanning dialog
    At the click of "Scan..." button, the following "scan_monitor_dialog" pops up.


    The "scan_monitor_dialog" allows the user to start/view the 1D/2D plot while scan is going on. For 2D scan at end of each 2D scan, the 2D image window is updated. The start scan button allow the user to start 1D/2D scans if the user owns the scan records, otherwise the user can only view the scanning while scan is going on.

    	Init               - initialize 1D/2D realtime window
    	Show/View Scan...  - display realtime 1D/2D scanning plot
    	Done               - close this scan monitoring dialog
    	Start scan1        - start and display the 1D scan for owner
    			     non owner can only display the 1D scan if detected
    	Start scan1        - start and display the 2D scan for owner
    			     non owner can only display the 2D scan if detected

    3D Scan Display

    Following show a typical set of image, surface, contour, plot1D of spectrum, and plot1D data for scan 2 detectors.




    scan1 data

    scan2 data