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U.S. Trade by Commodity with Mexico
(Millions of Dollars; Total Exports, F.a.s. and General Imports, Customs)
SITC rev 3 Commodity 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
  _________ EXPORTS _______ __        
0 FOOD AND LIVE ANIMALS 4,621 5,335 5,047 5,483 6,020
1 Beverages And Tobacco 127 139 145 156 136
2 Crude Materials, Inedible, Except Fuels 3,138 3,013 3,248 3,478 3,728
3 Mineral Fuels, Lubricants And Related Materials 4,303 3,288 3,270 2,879 3,317
4 Animal And Vegetable Oils, Fats And Waxes 303 273 457 380 493
5 Chemicals And Related Products 8,944 8,527 8,768 9,911 12,230
6 Manufactured Goods Classified Chiefly By Material 15,790 13,756 13,175 13,040 15,633
7 Machinery And Transport Equipment 57,144 51,437 47,941 47,215 53,878
8 Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 12,332 11,466 11,576 11,222 11,384
9 Commodities & Transactions Not Classified Elsewher 5,020 4,277 3,902 3,694 3,955
. TOTAL 111,721 101,509 97,531 97,457 110,775
  Top 20 Commodities          
776 Thermionic, Cold Cathode and Photocathode Valves 9,379 7,894 6,669 6,063 6,450
784 Parts And Accessories Of Motor Vehicles 7,325 6,819 6,482 5,937 6,320
772 Electrical Apparatus For Switching Or Protecting 5,423 4,274 4,078 4,253 4,917
759 Parts For Office Machines & ADP Machines 1,942 1,626 2,665 3,954 4,162
752 Automatic Data Process Machines 2,629 2,877 2,722 2,688 4,000
764 Telecommunications Equipment 4,151 3,991 3,287 3,107 3,459
994 Estimated Low Value Shipments 3,670 3,353 3,146 3,003 3,348
781 All Motor Vehicles 2,778 3,260 3,149 2,510 3,107
893 Articles Of Plastics 3,338 2,998 2,931 2,815 3,017
778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 3,694 2,768 2,710 2,480 2,853
334 Oil (Not Crude) 3,208 2,430 2,219 2,164 2,621
713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines 2,427 2,178 2,111 2,000 2,575
699 Manufactures Of Base Metal 2,998 2,435 2,318 2,171 2,473
773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 2,306 2,046 1,875 1,748 1,872
874 Measuring/Checking/Analysing Instuments 1,533 1,536 1,386 1,276 1,732
511 Hydrocarbons & Specified Derivatives 851 710 791 1,028 1,469
575 Plastics 978 964 1,016 1,106 1,389
743 Pumps, Air Or Other Gas Compressors And Fans 1,093 1,270 994 1,051 1,172
642 Paper & Paperboard, Cut To Size Or Shape, Article 1,182 1,173 1,085 1,073 1,169
582 Plates, Sheets, Film, Foil & Strip Of Plastics 1,055 941 966 1,021 1,164
  _________ IMPORTS _______ __        
0 FOOD AND LIVE ANIMALS 4,521 4,527 4,526 5,257 6,126
1 Beverages And Tobacco 1,299 1,410 1,633 1,759 1,837
2 Crude Materials, Inedible, Except Fuels 817 752 724 742 973
3 Mineral Fuels, Lubricants And Related Materials 12,763 10,210 12,209 15,497 19,714
4 Animal And Vegetable Oils, Fats And Waxes 29 26 23 43 46
5 Chemicals And Related Products 1,783 1,810 1,917 2,158 2,848
6 Manufactured Goods Classified Chiefly By Material 9,128 8,730 9,438 9,476 12,112
7 Machinery And Transport Equipment 79,479 78,265 77,193 75,883 83,847
8 Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles 20,220 19,924 21,289 21,308 21,730
9 Commodities & Transactions Not Classified Elsewher 5,873 5,779 5,781 5,951 6,609
. TOTAL 135,911 131,433 134,732 138,073 155,843
  Top 20 Commodities          
333 Crude Oil 11,953 9,511 11,500 14,428 17,999
781 All Motor Vehicles 15,770 14,310 13,530 11,826 11,167
764 Telecommunications Equipment 9,128 8,803 7,801 7,258 8,405
761 Television Receivers 4,573 4,732 4,846 5,249 7,416
782 Special Purpose Motor Vehicles 4,853 6,816 6,705 7,226 7,078
784 Parts And Accessories Of Motor Vehicles 4,639 4,643 5,259 5,661 6,671
752 Automatic Data Process Machines 6,413 7,914 7,188 6,138 6,369
773 Equipment For Distributing Electricity 5,602 5,114 5,612 5,511 5,724
931 Special Transactions Not Classified By Kind 4,285 4,245 4,196 4,250 4,681
821 Furniture & Bedding Accessories 3,202 3,212 3,825 4,275 4,317
772 Electrical Apparatus For Switching Or Protecting 3,713 3,344 3,494 3,794 4,297
778 Electrical Machinery And Apparatus 3,144 2,833 2,948 3,406 3,922
713 Internal Combustion Piston Engines 2,676 2,344 2,565 2,867 3,878
54 Vegetables, Roots and Tubers, Fresh, Chilled or F 1,573 1,781 1,793 2,115 2,396
845 Articles Of Apparel Of Textile Fabrics 2,875 2,867 2,626 2,486 2,300
874 Measuring/Checking/Analysing Instuments 1,845 1,865 2,141 2,331 2,170
699 Manufactures Of Base Metal 1,555 1,560 1,744 1,791 2,139
841 Men's Or Boy's Coats, Jackets Etc, Not Knit 2,349 2,105 2,149 2,154 2,099
716 Rotating Electric Plant And Parts 1,901 1,780 1,935 2,050 2,084
872 Medical Instruments & Appliances 998 1,177 1,482 1,816 2,004

Top 20 commodities are sorted by 2004 values. Unrevised data. "." represents no trade while "0" represents trade less than $.5 million. Last updated 5/31/2005.

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