How to install a VIM syntax file for use editing SNORT rule files.
What is in this directory?
   A vim snort syntax file and instructions on how to set vim up to use it.
   To assist in correctly creating a snort rules file.
  1. VIM - ViIMproved programmers text editor
  2. Knowledge of, and ability to, modify some vim control files.
     On my Debian Linux system:
     a. VIM looks for the file ~/.vimrc before falling back to the default
        found in /etc/vimrc.
     b. VIM runtime control files and documentation can be found in
        % export VIMRUNTIME=/usr/share/vim/vim56
  3. The file "hog.vim", for want of a better name (suffix), found in
First some instructions to try this thing out. 
   Get in the directory "hog-vim-1.9" which is defined in the tarfile hog-vim.tgz.
   % vim snort.conf
   :syntax manual
   :so hog.vim
   If you want to create html of the rules file (color),
   :so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/2html.vim
     Your current window should be the one with the html, save it to a file
     for viewing by a web browser.
     (If you need to position the cursor in the html window, then just type
     CTRL-w a few times until you are there.)
How to install the file hog.vim on a linux system (assumes vim is installed)
   a. Insert the following in file $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim
      " snort rules syntax
      au BufNewFile,BufRead *.hog,*.rules,snort.conf set ft=hog
                            ^     ^       ^ note these are names I use
   b. Insert the followin in file $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/synload.vim
      SynAu hog
   c. Copy hog.vim into the syntax directory.
      #cp hog.vim $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hog.vim
   d. If necessary, modify your personal vim rc file ~/.vimrc to enable
      Look for this 3 line section:
      "if has("syntax")
      "  syntax on 
      And, if necessary, remove the quote marks at the beginning of the 3 lines.
That should do it.  Please send questions, fixes, improvements to:
