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001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ASCII"?>
003 <!-- oks-schema version 2.0 -->
006 <!DOCTYPE oks-schema [
007   <!ELEMENT oks-schema (info, (include)?, (comments)?, (class)+)>
008   <!ELEMENT info EMPTY>
009   <!ATTLIST info
010       name CDATA #REQUIRED
011       type CDATA #REQUIRED
012       num-of-includes CDATA #REQUIRED
013       num-of-items CDATA #REQUIRED
014       oks-format CDATA #FIXED "schema"
015       oks-version CDATA #REQUIRED
016       created-by CDATA #REQUIRED
017       created-on CDATA #REQUIRED
018       creation-time CDATA #REQUIRED
019       last-modified-by CDATA #REQUIRED
020       last-modified-on CDATA #REQUIRED
021       last-modification-time CDATA #REQUIRED
022   >
023   <!ELEMENT include (file)+>
024   <!ELEMENT file EMPTY>
025   <!ATTLIST file
026       path CDATA #REQUIRED
027   >
028   <!ELEMENT comments (comment)+>
029   <!ELEMENT comment EMPTY>
030   <!ATTLIST comment
031       creation-time CDATA #REQUIRED
032       created-by CDATA #REQUIRED
033       created-on CDATA #REQUIRED
034       author CDATA #REQUIRED
035       text CDATA #REQUIRED
036   >
037   <!ELEMENT class (superclass | attribute | relationship | method)*>
038   <!ATTLIST class
039       name CDATA #REQUIRED
040       description CDATA ""
041       is-abstract (yes|no) "no"
042   >
043   <!ELEMENT superclass EMPTY>
044   <!ATTLIST superclass name CDATA #REQUIRED>
045   <!ELEMENT attribute EMPTY>
046   <!ATTLIST attribute
047       name CDATA #REQUIRED
048       description CDATA ""
049       type (bool|s8|u8|s16|u16|s32|u32|s64|u64|float|double|date|time|string|uid|enum|class) #REQUIRED
050       range CDATA ""
051       format (dec|hex|oct) "dec"
052       is-multi-value (yes|no) "no"
053       multi-value-implementation (list|vector) "list"
054       init-value CDATA ""
055       is-not-null (yes|no) "no"
056   >
057   <!ELEMENT relationship EMPTY>
058   <!ATTLIST relationship
059       name CDATA #REQUIRED
060       description CDATA ""
061       class-type CDATA #REQUIRED
062       low-cc (zero|one) #REQUIRED
063       high-cc (one|many) #REQUIRED
064       is-composite (yes|no) #REQUIRED
065       is-exclusive (yes|no) #REQUIRED
066       is-dependent (yes|no) #REQUIRED
067       multi-value-implementation (list|vector) "list"
068   >
069   <!ELEMENT method (method-implementation*)>
070   <!ATTLIST method
071       name CDATA #REQUIRED
072       description CDATA ""
073   >
074   <!ELEMENT method-implementation EMPTY>
075   <!ATTLIST method-implementation
076       language CDATA #REQUIRED
077       prototype CDATA #REQUIRED
078       body CDATA ""
079   >
080 ]>
082 <oks-schema>
084 <info name="" type="" num-of-includes="1" num-of-items="3" oks-format="schema" oks-version="oks-03-10-01 built &quot;Mar 12 2008&quot;" created-by="rabello" created-on="" creation-time="10/5/07 10:07:03" last-modified-by="wiedenat" last-modified-on="" last-modification-time="26/3/08 18:51:46"/>
086 <include>
087  <file path="daq/schema/df.schema.xml"/>
088 </include>
091  <class name="HLTCommonParameters" description="Common configuration parameters for bootstraping the HLT framework used by HLT trigger implementation classes">
092   <attribute name="messageSvcType" description="The implementation of the message service to use." type="string" init-value="TrigMessageSvc" is-not-null="yes"/>
093   <attribute name="jobOptionsSvcType" description="Implementation of the jobOptions service to use." type="string" init-value="JobOptionsSvc" is-not-null="yes"/>
094   <attribute name="dllName" description="The name of the library containing the Gaudi bootstrap code" type="string"/>
095   <attribute name="factoryName" description="Name of the factory function inside dllName that can bootstrap Gaudi." type="string"/>
096  </class>
098  <class name="HLTImplementationDB" description="OKS type for HLT running through a database connection">
099   <superclass name="HLTImplementation"/>
100   <attribute name="instance" description="The set of chains to use for HLT (L2 or EF)." type="enum" range="L2,EF"/>
101   <attribute name="hltPrescaleKey" description="Configuration key for HLT prescale set" type="string"/>
102   <attribute name="configureHLTMenuFrom" description="Configuration source for HLT menu" type="enum" range="DB,XML" init-value="DB"/>
103   <attribute name="additionalConnectionParameters" description="additional connection string parameters" type="string" is-multi-value="yes"/>
104   <relationship name="HLTCommonParameters" description="Relationshipt to common HLT configuration parameters." class-type="HLTCommonParameters" low-cc="zero" high-cc="one" is-composite="no" is-exclusive="no" is-dependent="no"/>
105   <relationship name="TriggerDBConnection" description="Relationship to database connection parameters
106 " class-type="TriggerDBConnection" low-cc="zero" high-cc="one" is-composite="no" is-exclusive="no" is-dependent="no"/>
107  </class>
109  <class name="HLTImplementationJobOptions" description="OKS type for python JobOption HLT running.">
110   <superclass name="HLTImplementation"/>
111   <attribute name="jobOptionsPath" description="Path (full or relative) to the top-level jobotions you want run with." type="string" is-not-null="yes"/>
112   <attribute name="evtSel" description="The event selector" type="string" init-value="NONE" is-not-null="yes"/>
113   <attribute name="pythonSetupFile" description="The bootstrapping python file for the PSC" type="string"/>
114   <attribute name="showInclude" description="If we should show the files we include() as we go." type="bool" init-value="0"/>
115   <attribute name="logLevel" description="The logging level to be set at the MessageService" type="string" is-multi-value="yes" init-value="ERROR"/>
116   <attribute name="tracePattern" description="If we should trace some particular include()&apos;s" type="string"/>
117   <attribute name="preCommand" description="A set of python commands to be executed just before the execution of your top-level jobOptions." type="string" is-multi-value="yes"/>
118   <attribute name="postCommand" description="A set of python commands to be executed just after reading your top-level python joboptions, near the end of the configuration phase" type="string" is-multi-value="yes"/>
119   <relationship name="HLTCommonParameters" description="Common parameters that dictate common behavior between python jobOptions and DB implementations of the PSC configuration" class-type="HLTCommonParameters" low-cc="zero" high-cc="one" is-composite="no" is-exclusive="no" is-dependent="no"/>
120  </class>
122 </oks-schema>

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Due to the LXR bug, the updates fail sometimes to remove references to deleted files. The Saturday's full rebuilds fix these problems
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