Collage showing the new U S P T O building after construction as well as images of fiscal 2004 U S P T O activities. Image is part of the header for the U S P T O Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2004
United States Patent and Trademark Office
Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2004
Financial Section

Table of Contents |  Management |  Financial |  Supplemental |  Auditor |  IG |  Other

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Consolidating Statements of Net Cost
For the years ended September 30, 2004 and 2003
(Dollars in Thousands)
  2004 2003
Enhance Quality and Minimize Processing Time        
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $   211,787  $  24,160  $   235,947  $   234,276 
Gross Cost with the Public     895,257    102,127      997,384      914,671 
single underline
Total Program Cost   1,107,044    126,287    1,233,331    1,148,947 

Intragovernmental Earned Revenue
     (5,218)      (209)      (5,427)      (5,159)
Earned Revenue from the Public  (1,064,853)  (168,743)  (1,233,596)  (1,157,084)
single underline
Total Program Earned Revenue  (1,070,071)  (168,952)  (1,239,023)  (1,162,243)
single underline
Net Program Cost/(Income) $    36,973  $ (42,665) $    (5,692) $   (13,296)
double underline

Create a Flexible Organization through E-Government and Worldwide IP
Intragovernmental Gross Cost       7,413        3,272       10,685       11,648 
Gross Cost with the Public      31,334       13,831       45,165       45,478 
single underline
Total Program Cost      38,747       17,103       55,850       57,126 
single underline
Net Cost/(Income) from Operations $    75,720  $   (25,562) $    50,158  $    43,830 
double underline

Total Entity
Total Program Cost (Notes 10 and 11) $ 1,145,791  $ 143,390  $ 1,289,181  $ 1,206,073 
Total Earned Revenue  (1,070,071)  (168,952)  (1,239,023)  (1,162,243)
single underline
Net Cost/(Income) from Operations $    75,720  $ (25,562) $    50,158  $    43,830 
double underline

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements.

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