Reports > USPTO Annual Reports
Collage showing the Stop Fakes.gov logo as well as other images of U S P T O activities and intellectual property and the words Educate, Register, and Protect. Image is part of the header for the U S P T O Performance and Accountability Report for Fiscal Year 2005.
Performance and Accountability Report Fiscal Year 2005
Financial Section

Table of Contents | Management | Financial | Supplementary | Auditor | IG | Other

NOTE 10. Intragovernmental Costs and Exchange Revenue

Total intragovernmental costs and exchange revenue, by Strategic Goal, for the years ended September 30, 2005 and 2004 were as follows:

USPTO Intragovernmental Costs and Exchange Revenue by Strategic Goal
For the year ended September 30, 2005
(Dollars in Thousands)
Patent Trademark Total

Strategic Goal 1: Enhance Patent Quality and Minimize Processing Time
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $   240,733  $       -  $   240,733 
Gross Cost with the Public    909,060        -    909,060
single underline
Total Program Cost  1,149,793        -  1,149,793
Intragovernmental Earned Revenue      (5,869)        -      (5,869)
Earned Revenue from the Public  (1,191,912)        -  (1,191,912)
single underline
Total Program Earned Revenue  (1,197,781)        -  (1,197,781)
single underline
Net Program Income $   (47,988) $       -  $   (47,988)
single underline

Strategic Goal 2: Enhance Trademark Quality and Minimize Processing Time
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $         -  $  31,227  $    31,227 
Gross Cost with the Public          -  117,918    117,918
single underline
Total Program Cost          -  149,145    149,145
Intragovernmental Earned Revenue          -      (239)        (239)
Earned Revenue from the Public          -  (174,787)    (174,787)
single underline
Total Program Earned Revenue          -  (175,026)    (175,026)
single underline
Net Program Income $         -  $ (25,881) $   (25,881)
single underline

Strategic Goal 3: Create a Flexible Organization Through E-Government and Worldwide Intellectual Property
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $    21,635  $   4,555  $    26,190 
Gross Cost with the Public     81,699   17,201     98,900
single underline
Total Program Cost    103,334   21,756    125,090
single underline
Net Cost/(Income) from Operations $    55,346  $  (4,125) $    51,221 
double underline

Total Entity
Total Program Cost (Notes 11 and 12) $ 1,253,127  $ 170,901  $ 1,424,028 
Total Earned Revenue  (1,197,781)  (175,026)  (1,372,807)
single underline
Net Cost/(Income) of Operations $    55,346  $  (4,125) $    51,221 
double underline


USPTO Intragovernmental Costs and Exchange Revenue by Strategic Goal
For the year ended September 30, 2004
(Dollars in Thousands)
Patent Trademark Total

Strategic Goal 1: Enhance Patent Quality and Minimize Processing Time
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $   203,312  $       -  $   203,312 
Gross Cost with the Public    859,432         -     859,432
single underline
Total Program Cost  1,062,744         -   1,062,744
Intragovernmental Earned Revenue      (5,218)         -       (5,218)
Earned Revenue from the Public  (1,087,273)         -   (1,087,273)
single underline
Total Program Earned Revenue  (1,092,491)         -   (1,092,491)
single underline
Net Program Income $   (29,747) $       -  $   (29,747)
single underline

Strategic Goal 2: Enhance Trademark Quality and Minimize Processing Time
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $         -  $  24,160  $    24,160 
Gross Cost with the Public           -    102,127      102,127 
single underline
Total Program Cost           -    126,287      126,287 
Intragovernmental Earned Revenue           -       (209)        (209)
Earned Revenue from the Public           -   (146,323)    (146,323)
single underline
Total Program Earned Revenue           -   (146,532)    (146,532)
single underline
Net Program Income $         -  $ (20,245) $   (20,245)
single underline

Strategic Goal 3: Create a Flexible Organization Through E-Government and Worldwide Intellectual Property
Intragovernmental Gross Cost $    15,888  $   3,272  $    19,160 
Gross Cost with the Public     67,159   13,831     80,990
single underline
Total Program Cost     83,047   17,103    100,150
single underline
Net Cost/(Income) from Operations $    53,300  $  (3,142) $    50,158 
double underline

Total Entity
Total Program Cost (Notes 11 and 12) $ 1,145,791  $ 143,390  $ 1,289,181 
Total Earned Revenue  (1,092,491)  (146,532)  (1,239,023)
single underline
Net Cost/(Income) of Operations $    53,300  $  (3,142) $    50,158 
double underline


Intragovernmental expenses relate to the source of the goods or services, not the classification of the related revenue.

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