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Internal Revenue Bulletin:  2007-26 

June 25, 2007 


Under § 7121 of the Internal Revenue Code, [insert taxpayer’s name, address, and identifying number] (“Taxpayer”) and the Commissioner of Internal Revenue (“Commissioner”) make the following closing agreement:


1. On or before March [insert date and year], Taxpayer submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”), an application for certification under the qualifying advanced coal project program described in Notice 2007-52 (“Application for § 48A Certification”);

2. Taxpayer’s Application for § 48A Certification is for the qualifying advanced coal project (the “Project”) described below—

(1) The Project will use [insert either “an integrated gasification combined cycle (as defined in § 48A(c)(7))” or “an advanced coal-based technology (as defined in § 48A(c)(2) and (f)) other than an integrated gasification combined cycle”];

(2) The Project will be located at [insert address or other identifying designation];

(3) The Project is [insert either: “a new electric generation unit (as defined in § 48A(c)(6))”; “a retrofit of an existing electric generation unit (as defined in § 48A(c)(6))”; or “a repower of an existing electric generation unit (as defined in § 48a(c)(6)”);

(4) The Project will have a total nameplate generating capacity (as defined in section 3.02 of Notice 2007-52) of at least [insert number] megawatts;

[If the Project is an integrated gasification combined cycle project, insert:

(5) At all times more than 50 percent of the cumulative total fuel input (as defined in section 3.03(1) of Notice 2007-52 and including coal and any other fuel input) used during normal plant operations (as defined in section 3.03(2) of Notice 2007-52) for the Project will be [insert either: “bituminous coal”; “subbituminous coal”; or “lignite”];] and

3. On [insert date of acceptance letter issued under section 4.02(10) of Notice 2007-52], the IRS accepted Taxpayer’s Application for § 48A Certification for the Project and allocated a qualifying advanced coal project credit under § 48A in the amount of $[insert number] to the Project.


1. The total amount of the qualifying advanced coal project credit to be claimed for the Project under § 48A(a) must not exceed $[insert the number in WHEREAS clause #3].

2. If Taxpayer fails to satisfy any of the certification requirements in § 48A(e)(2) within the time specified in § 48A(d)(2)(D) (2 years from [insert the date in WHEREAS clause #3]), or if the IRS does not issue a certification for the Project under Notice 2007-52, the qualifying advanced coal project credit in the amount of $[insert the number in WHEREAS clause #3] allocated to the Project is fully forfeited.

3. If the Project is not placed in service by Taxpayer within 5 years of the date of issuance of the certification as determined under section 6.03 of Notice 2007-52, the qualifying advanced coal project credit in the amount of $[insert the number in WHEREAS clause #3] allocated to the Project is fully forfeited.

4. If the plans for the Project change in any significant respect from the plans set forth in the application for DOE certification (as defined in section 4.01 of Notice 2007-52) and the Application for § 48A Certification (as defined in section 4.01 of Notice 2007-52) and, under section 7.03 of Notice 2007-52, the acceptance of Taxpayer’s Application for § 48A Certification on [insert the date in WHEREAS clause #3] is void, the qualifying advanced coal project credit in the amount of $[insert the number in WHEREAS clause #3] allocated to the Project is fully forfeited.

[If the Project is not an integrated gasification combined cycle project, insert:

5. If the Project fails to satisfy any of the requirements in § 48A(e)(1)(A), (C), (D), (E), and (F) for a qualifying advanced coal project or, during normal plant operations (as defined in section 3.03(2) of Notice 2007-52), fails to satisfy the requirement in § 48A(e)(1)(B) for a qualifying advanced coal project—

(1) at the time the Project is placed in service, the qualifying advanced coal project credit in the amount of $[insert the number in WHEREAS clause #3] allocated to the Project is fully forfeited; and

(2) after the Project is placed in service (and after satisfying all such requirements at the time the Project is placed in service), the Project ceases to be investment credit property and the recapture rules of § 50(a) apply.]

[If the Project is an integrated gasification combined cycle project, insert:

5. (1) If the Project fails to satisfy any of the requirements in § 48A(e)(1)(A), (C), (D), (E), and (F) for a qualifying advanced coal project or, during normal plant operations (as defined in section 3.03(2) of Notice 2007-52), fails to satisfy the requirement in § 48A(e)(1)(B) for a qualifying advanced coal project—

(a) at the time the Project is placed in service, the qualifying advanced coal project credit in the amount of $[insert the number in WHEREAS clause #3] allocated to the Project is fully forfeited; and

(b) after the Project is placed in service (and after satisfying all such requirements at the time the Project is placed in service), the Project ceases to be investment credit property and the recapture rules of § 50(a) apply.

(2) If at any time more than 50 percent of the cumulative total fuel input (as defined in section 3.03(1) of Notice 2007-52 and including coal and any other fuel input) used during normal plant operations (as defined in section 3.03(2) of Notice 2007-52) is not [insert the primary feedstock in WHEREAS clause #2(5)], the Project ceases to be investment credit property and the recapture rules of § 50(a) apply.]

6. Taxpayer will not claim the qualifying gasification project credit under § 48B for any qualified investment for which the qualifying advanced coal project credit is allowed under § 48A.

7. If Taxpayer elects to claim the qualifying advanced coal project credit on the qualified progress expenditures paid or incurred by Taxpayer during the taxable year(s) during which the Project is under construction and the Project ceases to be a qualifying advanced coal project (whether before, at the time, or after the Project is placed in service), rules similar to the recapture rules in § 50(a)(2)(A) through (D) apply.

8. This agreement applies only to Taxpayer. Any successor in interest must execute a new closing agreement with the IRS. If the interest is acquired at or before the time the Project is placed in service and the successor in interest fails to execute a new closing agreement, the qualifying advanced coal project credit in the amount of $[insert the number in WHEREAS clause #3] allocated to the Project is fully forfeited. If the interest is acquired after the time the Project is placed in service and the successor in interest fails to execute a new closing agreement, the Project ceases to be investment credit property and the recapture rules of § 50(a) apply.


1. The matter it relates to may be reopened in the event of fraud, malfeasance, or misrepresentation of a material fact;

2. It is subject to the Internal Revenue Code sections that expressly provide that effect be given to their provisions (including any stated exception for § 7122) notwithstanding any law or rule of law; and

3. If it relates to a tax period ending after the date of this Closing Agreement, it is subject to any law enacted after such date, which applies to the tax period.

By signing, the parties certify that they have read and agreed to the terms of this Closing Agreement.
Taxpayer: [insert name and identifying number]  
By: Date Signed:
[insert name]  
Title: [insert title]  
[insert taxpayer’s name]  
Commissioner of Internal Revenue  
By: Date Signed:
[insert name]  
Title: [insert title]  
I have examined the specific matters involved and recommend the acceptance of the proposed agreement.
(Receiving Officer)
Date Signed
I have reviewed the specific matters involved and recommend the acceptance of the proposed agreement.
(Reviewing Officer)
Date Signed

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