A seagull flies over the California Coastal National Monument which stretches along the entire coast of California and extends 12 miles into the Pacific Ocean.  The Monument includes 20,000 rocks, islands, pinnacles and reefs.
Wagon wheel in the Carrizo Plain National Monument Geothermal Well Rock Climbing Wild Horses River Rafters on Cache Creek
BLM>California>Noxious Weeds>BLM Manual 9015 - Integrated Weed Management
Print Page


Release 9-321, 12/2/92

Table of Contents

.01 Purpose
.02 Objectives
.03 Authority
.04 Responsibility
.05 Reference
.06 Policy
.07 File and Records Maintenance

.1 Weed Management Planning
     .11 Manage Noxious Weeds
     .12 Ensure Environmental Controls and Objectives

.2 Program Management
     .21 Develop, Coordinate, and Adequately Fund Program
     .22 Use an Integrated Weed Management Approach
     .23 Environmental Analysis Process
     .24 Determine the Factors
.3 Management Priorities
     .31 Developing Weed Management Plans
     .32 Ensure that Seed Purchased is Free of Noxious Weeds
     .33 Weed Free Forage
     .34 Assessment
.4 Cooperation
     .41 Coordinate Treatment
     .42 Cooperative Agreements
     .43 Emphasize Cooperative Research Development and Application Program
     .44 Provide Effective Leadership
.5 Training
     .51 Ensure Agency Proficiency
     .52 Develop and Distribute Public Education Material
.6 Information and Reporting
     .61 Establish and Maintain the BLM Automated Information Management System
     .62 Report the Acres Treated or Retreated
.7 Noxious Weed Classification System
     .71 Management Emphasis Priorities
          A. Class A Weeds
          B. Class B Weeds
          C. Class C Weeds
.8 Noxious Weed Risk Assessment
     .81 Risk Assessment Process
          A. Pre-Field Review
     .82 Field Reconnaissance
          A. Presence of Class A or B Weeds
          B. Presence of Class B Weeds
          C. Presence of No Weeds
          D. Risk Determination
     .83 Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperative Agreements
Glossary of Terms
1. Risk Assessment Factors and Rating
2. Sample Memorandum of Understanding
                             9015 - INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT
.01 Purpose. This Manual Section sets forth the BLM's policy relating to the management and coordination of Noxious weed
activities among activities of the BLM, organizations, and individuals. It is in furtherance of BLM responsibilities mandated by
the Legislation identified in .03 below.

.02 Objectives. The BLM is vitally interested in an integrated pest management approach to the control and management of
noxious Weeds. The BLM has and shall continue to remain active in developing, demonstrating, and applying the essential
science, technology, and stewardship necessary to effectively manage and prevent the spread and infestation of noxious weeds.
The BLM's historical role has been reactive; the objective of this policy is to more fully integrate all BLM programs and
activities into actions which will improve the quality and ecological conditions of lands under the BLM management in the
United States.

.03 Authority.
     A. Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1701-1712).

     B. Public Rangelands Improvement Act of 1978 (43 U.S.C. 1901 et seq.).

     C. Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974 (as amended 1990) 7 U.S.C. 2801-2813.

     D. Departmental Manual Parts 609 and 517.

     E. Carlson-Foley Act of 1968 Public Law 90-583.

     F. Executive Order 11987, Exotic Organisms.
.04 Responsibility.
     A. The Director and Deputy Director. The Director formulates the BLM policy within limits set by the above authorities,
     assuring that the BLM Integrated Weed Management program conforms with the Department of the Interior policy and
     legislative mandates. This responsibility is exercised through the Assistant Director, Land and Renewable Resources.

     B. The Chief. Division of Forestry. Acting for the Assistant Director, Land and Renewable Resources, the Chief is
     responsible for overseeing the Integrated Weed Management program and he also reviews and monitors the
     implementation actions on BLM lands. The Chief, Division of Forestry is responsible for specifically:
          1. Representing the Director on national committees and ad hoc groups concerned with noxious weed

          2. Maintaining contact with the Forest Service, Forest Service Research, Agricultural Research Service (ARS),
          Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), and Cooperative Research Service (CRS) program
          managers to review the current noxious weed research program, identify additional research needs, set priorities,
          and help coordinate weed control research efforts.

          3. Providing national program leadership for the noxious weed program through the BLM's budget process and
          land management planning direction.

          4. Determining national noxious weed information needs.

          5. Monitoring BLM State Office compliance with national policy.
          6. Establishing standards for training and continuing education.


     C. Other Washington Office Division Chiefs. Other Washington Office Division Chiefs are responsible for
     coordinating and ensuring specific guidelines are met and providing for the Integrated Weed Management
     program in their area of responsibility

     D. State Directors. State Directors are responsible for ensuring adherence to BLM policy and procedures
     developed in this Manual Section The State Director and his immediate State Office staff are solely responsible
     for authorizing the development of Statewide memorandum of understanding on BLM lands within his/her State
     under the concept of the BLM integrated Weed Management program (See Appendix 2 for sample memorandum
     of understanding )

     E. Each District Manager is responsible for planning and implementing Integrated Weed Management programs
     utilizing biological control agents, pesticides, and grazing management in conformance with existing guidelines. The
     District Manager coordinates and secures from the BLM State Office and State agencies necessary approvals
     and authorizations as may be required to carry out a weed program


.05 Reference. See Departmental Manual Parts 517-Pesticides, 609-Weed Control Program, and 611-Forest Pest Control
Program; and BLM Manual Sections 1745-Introduction, Transplant, Augmentations, and Reestablishment of Fish, Wildlife,
and Plants, and 1740-Renewable Resource Improvement and Treatment, 5800-Forest Protection and Forest Pest
Management, 9011-Chemical Pest Control, 9014-Use of Biological Control Agents on Pests on Public Land, and BLM
Manual Section 1742-Emergency Fire Rehabilitation (EFR)

.06 Policy. It is BLM's policy to undertake integrated Noxious weed management activities and implement programs to:

     A. Promote and facilitate cooperation and coordination among other Federal and State agencies and county weed
     control departments, private organizations, and individuals in planning and implementing integrated pest
     management approaches to confine or reduce the rate of spread, manage, and control noxious weeds.

     B. Promote and facilitate continuing research and technology developments to manage noxious weeds utilizing
     integrated weed management approaches.

     C. Protect, enhance, and wisely use terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.

     D. Provide technical, managerial, educational, and other assistance programs to land managers, operators, and
     other users that will encourage the adoption and use of conservation and prevention integrated weed management
     practices to manage and confine or reduce the rate of spread of noxious weeds

     E. Promote and facilitate the development of use-oriented management strategies that reduces the long-term
     dependence on noxious weed control programs.

     F. Provide land and aquatic resource inventories compatible among agencies to identify and classify noxious
     weeds and noxious weed infestations. (See Appendix 1, Risk Assessment Factors and Rating )


.07 File and Records Maintenance. See Manual Section 1270 for guidance on establishing and maintaining file 3 and Manual
Section 1272 for disposition of records.


                             9015 - INTEGRATED WEED MANAGEMENT


.1 Weed Management Planning.

     .11 Manage Noxious Weeds. The BLM manage noxious weeds and undesirable plants on BLM lands consistent
     and integrated with land management planning documents .

     .12 Ensure Environmental Controls and Objectives. Ensure that environmental controls and objectives for
     threatened, endangered, proposed and sensitive species, including applicable laws and regulations such as the
     National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), Federal Land Policy and Management Act, Clean Water Act, and
     Endangered Species Act, and so on, are followed.


.2 Program Management.

     .21 Develop, Coordinate, and Adequately Fund Program. The BLM shall develop, coordinate, and adequately
     fund a noxious weeds and undesirable plants management program for the BLM lands.

     .22 Use an Integrated Weed Management Approach. The BLM shall use an Integrated Weed Management
     (IWM) approach to prevent, control or contain noxious weeds and undesirable plant species targeted under
     cooperative agreements .

     .23 Environmental Anaysis Process. In conjunction with the environmental analysis process, assess
     ground-disturbing projects and any projects that alter plant communities, to determine the risk of introducing
     noxious weeds. For projects having moderate or high risk, provide positive management measures as indicated in
     the Risk Assessment. (See Appendix 1.)

     .24 Determine the Factors. The BLM shall determine the factors which favor the initial establishment and spread
     of noxious weeds when considering alternative control or treatment measures, and design management practices
     or prescriptions to reduce the need for future treatment(s).


.3 Management Priorities.

     .31 Developing Weed Management Plans. Management shall follow the preceding steps in developing weed
     management plane.

          A. Prevent establishment and spread of new infestation by early detection, increase the general
          knowledge and awareness of employees, other users of the BLM lands, private
          landowners/operators, and State agencies about the noxious weed problems.

               1. Evaluate acquisition of private lands being acquired through purchase, donation or
               exchange for noxious weeds.

               2. Recreational uses should be evaluated to determine if permitted uses may contribute
               to the spread of noxious weeds such as OHVs camping, and backpacking.

          B. Reduce existing infestation levels.

          C. Manage and contain established stands.

          D. Obtain full cooperation of States, local weed control boards, and other Federal agencies in
          management and control.

     .32 Ensure that Seed Purchased is Free of Noxious Weeds. Ensure that seed purchased and planted on BLM
     lands is free of noxious weed seeds and at least meets State seed standards. (examples are forage, fire
     rehabilitation, browse, ground cover, tree seeds, mining disturbance, and oil and gas disturbance. )

     .33 Weed-Free Forage. Where States have enacted legislation and have an active program to make weed-free
     forage available, ensure guidance restricting the transport of feed, hay, straw or mulch which is not certified as
     weed free.

     .34 Assessment. Where the assessment (See Appendix 1 - Risk Assessment Process) indicates a moderate to
     high risk of introducing or spreading noxious weeds, take appropriate actions as follows:

          A. Where private sawmills could be a source of introducing noxious weeds to BLM lands, work
          with sawmill owners, State, and local government agencies to eliminate threat. Use stipulations in
          timber sale contracts, if necessary, to accomplish management objectives. (See BLM Manual
          Section 5400 )

          B. Require all contractors involving land disturbing activities as road construction, campground
          construction, range improvement, timber sale, mining, oil and gas activities, or other resource related
          activities such as fire equipment to clean all equipment prior to entry on BLM lands. Use stipulations
          in contracts, permittee, leases, and other authorizations if necessary to accomplish this objective.

          C. Ensure that all contracts involving ground disturbing activities contain provisions which hold
          contractors responsible for the prevention or control of noxious weeds caused by their operations.


.4 Cooperation.

     .41 Coordinate Treatment. Coordinate treatment efforts with cooperators as authorized in the 1974 Noxious
     Weed Act as amended in 1990.

     .42 Cooperative Agreements. As appropriate, enter into cooperative agreements with State agencies or local
     agencies to coordinate the management of Noxious weeds or undesirable plants on BLM lands. If the principal
     purpose of the agreement is to assist the State or local government in accomplishing a public purpose by
     transferring money, property, or anything of value, the policies of Manual Section 1511 and Handbook H-1511-1
     must be followed in preparing and executing the agreement.

     .43 Emphasize Cooperative research, Development, and Application Program. The BLM shall emphasize
     cooperative research, development, and application programs that define the ecological requirements of noxious
     weeds, cost effective management strategies, and beneficial uses.

     .44 Provide Effective Leadership. The BLM shall provide effective leadership in establishing partnerships with
     other Federal, State, local and international agencies. Cooperate with them in the following areas:

          A. Researching, developing, and introducing or redistributing biological control agents in North

          B. Formulating and implementing IWM prescriptions and measures based on beneficial uses.

          C. Developing interagency data bases, and sharing inventory information.

          D. Developing educational and public awareness materials and handbooks.

          E. Researching, developing, and using desirable plant species that are competitive with noxious


.5 Training.

     .51 Ensure Agency Proficiency. The BLM shall conduct training in weed management which covers the concepts
     and principles of weed science. Included are regional and BLM State workshops, agency or inter-agency
     continuing education courses and university short courses or other course work which includes plant identification,
     preventative measures, physical, mechanical or chemical methods, biological agents, cultural methods and land
     management methods for the containment and/or control of undesirable plant species.

     .52 Develop and Distribute Public Education Material. The BLM shall develop and distribute public education
     materials which improve or increase public awareness of noxious weed issues, problems, and impacts.

.6 Information and Reporting.

     .61 Establish and Maintain the BLM Automated Information. The BLM shall establish and maintain in its
     Automated Information Management System (AIMS) a current inventory of acres infested with noxious weeds
     and undesirable plants, by species and location by Resource Area, District, State, and County. Delineate three
     infestation levels: low (less than 5 percent canopy cover); moderate (5-25 percent canopy cover); and high (over
     25 percent canopy cover). The Washington Office Assistant Director for Land and Renewable Resources uses
     this information to document infestation trends, economic impacts, long term management strategies, and for
     reporting the extent and growth of the infestations. The BLM State Offices shall compile the above information for
     the Washington Office and shall also utilize the data for management and oversight of the program.

     .62 Report the Acres Treated or Retreated. By October 31, report the acres treated or retreated during the
     previous fiscal year to the Washington Office, Chief, Division of Forestry (WO 230). The treatment technique will
     differ by site and species. For acres treated biologically, report only those acres which had biological agents
     introduced on them during the reporting period. Reporting the total acres treated or retreated at the end of each
     fiscal year, by whatever technique used, will provide tracking of target accomplishments and data for determining
     unit costs.

.7 Noxious Weed Classification System. In areas not presently encumbered by noxious weeds, place management emphasis on
preventing the spread of weeds into these areas. In those areas presently encumbered, manage each class of noxious weeds

     .71 Management Emphasis Priorities. The following provides a systematic approach for assigning management
     emphasis priorities. The classes are:

          A. Class A Weeds. Class A - Those noxious weeds that are exotic (not native) to the State or area,
          and are of limited distribution or are unrecorded in the State or area and pose a serious threat to
          agricultural crops and rangelands in the State. Class A weeds receive highest priority. - Management
          emphasis is complete control.

          B. Class B Weeds. Class B - Those noxious weeds that are non-native (exotic) plant species that
          are of limited distribution or unrecorded in a region of the State but are common in other regions of
          the State and have been identified by the BLM or State as potentially harmful. Class B-Weeds
          receive second highest priority. Management emphasis is to control the spread, decrease population
          size, and eventually eliminate the weed population when cost-effective technology is available.

          C. Class C Weeds. Class C - Consists of any other noxious weeds {exotic or native) or undesirable
          plants. This classification receives the lowest priority. Management emphasis is to contain spread to
          present population size or decrease population to a manageable size.

               1. The weed classes may be further subdivided to meet the BLM State or local needs.

.8 Noxious Weed Risk Assessment. Develop a Risk assessment when it is determined that an action may introduce or spread
noxious weeds or when known habitat exists. Also determine the potential and prescribe follow-up monitoring and project
actions necessary to reduce or prevent the spread of noxious weeds having moderate or high risk for establishment. The
primary focus of a risk assessment is on each ground disturbing or site altering project authorized, funded, or conducted on the
BLM lands.

     .81 Risk Assessment Process. The noxious weed risk assessment process is described in Appendix 1. It must be
     accomplished by, or closely supervised by, a person who has a good understanding of noxious weed ecology.
     Integrate the risk assessment with the NEPA scoping process (see BLM Manual Section 1790).

          A. Pre-Field Review. Review existing information for the subject area.

               1. Check local BLM, State/county weed board, and Natural Heritage or Data
               Conservation Center records to determine if noxious weed species have been sighted
               in or adjacent to the area. Develop a list of species considered for possible occurrence.

               2. Compare the habitat requirements of noxious weed species with habitat known to
               occur in the area to determine if potential habitat for Noxious weed species exists.

               3. Determine if a field reconnaissance is needed using the following:

                    a. If no noxious weeds are likely to occur within the area, document the
                    results and proceed with the project as planned.

                    b. If the presence of noxious weed species are or their habitats are within
                    or adjacent to the area is a. indicated by the pre-field review, conduct a
                    field reconnaissance.

               4. Summarize the results, including a list of species considered and any sources of area
               habitat information. File in the Risk Assessment Report and appropriate NEPA

     .82 Field Reconnaissance. Use a sampling design in the field reconnaissance sufficient to reliably show that likely
     areas of noxious weed occurrence were searched at the proper time of year for identification of noxious weed
     species. Field reconnaissance also includes inspection of potential sawmills, gravel pits, equipment yards, or other
     areas for the presence of noxious weed species which could be transported onto the BLM lands. Take the
     following actions as necessary as a result of the reconnaissance:

          A. Presence of Class A or B Weeds. If class A or B weeds are present:

               1. Develop and implement management measures to control weeds.

               2. Install a monitoring system for a minimum of 5 years.

               3. Determine the risk of introducing noxious weeds.

          B. Presence of Class C Weeds. If Class C Weeds are present:

               1. Develop and implement management measures to prevent spread of noxious weeds.

               2. Install a monitoring system for a minimum 3 years.

               3. Determine the risk of introducing noxious weeds.

          C. Presence of No Weeds. If no weeds are present or likely to occur:

               1. Document the results.

               2. Proceed with the project as planned.

                    a. File in the Risk Assessment Report and the appropriate NEPA
                    document. Include a list of species for which a reconnaissance was
                    conducted, a description of the survey design, and a narrative of the
                    habitat information developed in the pre-field review. Report all sightings
                    of noxious weed species to the appropriate interested and affected parties
                    including county and/or State agencies, other Federal agencies, and
                    monitoring and oversight groups.

          D. Risk Determination. Using the risk assessment in determining the risk rating of introducing noxious
          weeds in the area. Document the results, including planned preventative, management, control, and
          monitoring measures. Include a list of species considered for possible occurrence and any sources of
          area habitat information and supporting material from the pre-field review and field reconnaissance.
          Summarize the results and file in the Risk Assessment Report and the appropriate document.

               1. Risk Rating. Use a Risk rating to describe the relative risk of the potential for
               noxious weed establishment in the project area and to serve to guide further action
               regarding project modification or implementation. Calculate the risk rating as follows:

                                 Risk Rating = Likelihood x Consequence

                        where: Likelihood = the likelihood that noxious weed species will
                                 becoming established in the project area.

                          Consequence = the consequence of noxious weed species
                                 becoming established in the project area.

               2. Factors. Use the factors in developing the Risk Rating. The factors are:

                    a. Factor 1: Likelihood of noxious weed species spreading to project

                    b. Factor 2: Consequence of noxious weed establishment in project area.

                    The risk or likelihood and consequences of noxious weed. range from a
                    value of O (none) to 100 (high). See Appendix 1, page 3, step 3, or value
                    ratings and procedural steps for determining the risk rating, and
                    monitoring requirements.

     .83 Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperative Agreements. Enter into a memorandum of Understanding
     with a State or other Federal agency where cooperation will facilitate or further management and control. Use
     cooperative agreements with local weed control entities for the management and control of noxious weeds. A
     cooperative agreement shall:

          A. Prioritize and target noxious weeds, undesirable plant species or group of species to be
          controlled or contained within a specific geographical area.

          B. Describe the Integrated Weed Management (IWM) system to be used to prevent, control or
          contain the targeted noxious weeds, undesirable plant species or group of species.

          C. Detail the means of implementing the integrated management system, including defining the duties
          of the cooperators. Establish a timeframe for the initiation and completion of the tasks specified in the
          IWM approach.

                                         Glossary of Terms


cooperative agreements: the term "cooperative agreement" means a written agreement between the BLM and a State agency
entered into pursuant to the Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974, as amended by Section 1453 of the Food, Agriculture,
Conservation and Trade Act of 1990


                            RISK ASSESSMENT FACTORS AND RATING
                                   RISK ASSESSMENT FACTORS

Factor 1
Likelihood of Noxious Weed Species Spreading to Project Area:

                                Noxious weed species not located within or adjacent to the
                                project area. Project activity is not likely to result in the
                                establishment of noxious weed species in the project area.
                                Noxious weed species present in areas adjacent to but not within
                                the project area. Project activities can be implemented and
                                prevent the spread of noxious Weeds into the project area.
                                 Noxious weed species located immediately adjacent to or within
                                the project area. Project activities are likely to result in some areas
                                becoming infested with noxious weed species even when
                                preventative management actions are followed. Control measures
                                are essential to prevent the spread of Noxious weeds within the
                                project area.
                                Heavy infestations of Noxious weeds are located within or
                                immediately adjacent to the project area. Project activities, even
                                with preventative management actions are likely to results in the
                                establishment and spread of noxious weeds on disturbed sites
                                throughout much of the project area.

Factor 2
Consequence of Noxious Weed Establishment in Project Area

                     Low to Nonexistent (1):
                                       None. No cumulative effects expected.
                      Moderate (5):
                                       Possible adverse effects on site and possible expansion
                                       of infestation within project area. Cumulative effects on
                                       native plant community are likely but limited.
                      High (10):
                                       Obvious adverse effects within (10) the project area
                                       and probable expansion of noxious weed infestations
                                       to areas outside the project area. Adverse cumulative
                                       effects on native plant community are probable.


                                          RISK RATING

Step 1 - Identify level of likelihood and consequence of adverse effects and assign values according to the following:

None - 0
Low - 1
Moderate - 5
High - 10

Step 2 - Multiply level of likelihood times consequence.

Step 3 - Use the value resulting in Step 2 to determine Risk Rating and Action as follows:

                                    Proceed as planned.
                                    Proceed as planned. Initiate control treatment on noxious weed
                                   populations that get established in the area.
                                   Develop preventative management measures for the proposed
                                   project to reduce the risk of introduction or spread of noxious
                                   weeds into the area. Preventative management measures should
                                   include modifying the project to include seeding the area to
                                   occupy disturbed sites with desirable species. Monitor area for
                                   at least 3 consecutive years and provide for control of newly
                                   established populations of noxious weeds and follow-up
                                   treatment for previously treated infestations.
                                    Project must be modified to reduce risk level through
                                   preventative management measures including seeding with
                                   desirable species to occupy disturbed sites and controlling
                                   existing infestations of noxious Weeds prior to project activity.
                                   Project must provide at least 5 consecutive years of monitoring.
                                   Projects must also provide for control of newly established
                                   populations of Noxious weeds and follow-up treatment for
                                   previously treated infestations.

                                 Sample Memorandum of Understanding


                               MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING
                                            between the
                                       ___ Department of ___
                                    U.S. Department of the Interior
                                     Bureau of Land Management
                           Management of Noxious Weeds and Undesirable Plants


Federal Noxious Weed Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-629) (76 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.) as amended by the Food, Agriculture,
Conservation and Trade Act of 1990, Section 1453 ("section 15. Management of Undesirable Plants on Federal lands");
Carlson-Foley Act ( P. L. 90-583).


The parties to this Memorandum of Understanding are: USDI Bureau of Land Management; ___ State Office and ___
Department of ___.


The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding between the Department of ___ and the USDI Bureau of Land
Management is to coordinate the management of noxious Weeds and undesirable plant species on Bureau of Land
Management lands in ___, and to encourage and formalize the cooperative relationship necessary for the effective management
of undesirable plants, including implementation of actions to prevent, control, and contain undesirable plants through an
integrated weed management (IWM) system.

Additional Agency agreements may be developed to outline activities by and between individual work units as needed for
specific teaks. Such agreements will provide for the use of facilities, personnel, reimbursement for personnel expenses,
cooperative projects, transfer of funds, and other activities as appropriate and be subject to the laws and regulations pertaining
to the respective agencies.


The intent of this Memorandum of Understanding is not to alter or not to be construed to change the intent of Federal Noxious
Weed Act of 1974 (P.L. 93 629) (7 U.S.C. 2801 et seq.)' as amended by the Food, Agriculture, Conservation and Trade Act
of 1990; Section 1453 ("Section 15, Management of Undesirable Plants on Federal lands").


Provide leadership in prevention, control, and containment efforts that are fully coordinated between the Federal, State, and
County Weed Districts.

Implement actions to prevent, control, and contain undesirable plants in cooperation between Bureau of Land Management
Districts and County weed Districts through implementation of cooperative agreements.

Promote the Bureau of Land Management and ___ Department of ___ interests in an Integrated Weed Management (IWM)
system approach to undesirable plants. Implement an IWM system using all available methods or a combination of methods
including consideration of: (1) the most efficient and effective method of preventing, containing, or controlling undesirable plants
species; (2) scientific evidence and current technology; (3) the physiology and habitat of a plant species; and (4) the economic,
social, and ecological consequences of implementing the program.


In order to cooperatively promote the management of noxious weeds and undesirable plants, prevent the introduction and continuing spread of undesirable plant species, and protect the environment and its natural ecosystem, both parties agree to the following:

     A. The ___ Department of ___ will:

          1. Provide a currant list of designated and declared noxious weed (undesirable plant) species as approved by State law.

          2. Establish certification standards for noxious weed free forage, including certificate of inspection and transit certificate forms.

          3. Promote agriculture producers to market certified weed-free forage and encourage outdoor recreationists to use only weed-free forage. Implement an awareness program through pamphlets, posters, and other appropriate media processes.

          4. Continue to cooperate with State colleges and universities for the education, research, and evaluation of undesirable plant species, based upon the availability of funds.

          5. Provide technical assistance when requested.

          6. Notify the BLM of Statewide meetings concerning noxious weed management.

     B. The BLM will:

          1. Within the BLM land management plan priorities, and budgetary constraints, establish and fund a BLM undesirable plant management program through the agency 's budgetary process. The BLM is not required to carry out Noxious weed management programs on BLM-administered lands unless         similar programs are being implemented on State, private, or Forest Service administered lands in the management area.

          2. Where the assessment indicates a moderate to high risk of introducing or spreading noxious weeds, carry out a program that includes:

               a. Requiring contractors involved in land disturbing actions to clean all equipment prior to entry on the BLM lands.

               b. Reaching agreement where the equipment will be available for inspection prior to initial and subsequent move-ins of equipment.

               c. Requiring use of weed-free forage where States have enacted legislation to make  weed-free forage available, and require that all forage (feed, hay, straw, or mulch) that is brought onto BLM lands be noxious weed free, and meet regional certification standards for noxious weed-free forage.

               d. Stipulating in contracts involving ground disturbing activities to contain provisions which hold contractors responsible for the eradication of noxious weeds caused by their operations.

               e. Developing a public education awareness program on noxious weed-free forage in cooperation with the ___ Department of ___.

          3. Establish and maintain a current inventory of acres infested with noxious weeds and undesirable
          plants by species and location. Delineate three infestation levels: low (less than S percent canopy cover); moderate (5 - 25 percent canopy cover), and high (over 25 percent canopy cover).

     C. Both the USDI Bureau of Land Management and the ___, Department of ___ will:

          1. Promote the implementation of an IWM system approach for Noxious Weeds, including but not limited to: (a) education, (b) preventive measures, (c) physical or mechanical methods (d) biological agents, (e) herbicide methods, (f) cultural methods, and (g) management.

          2. Promote the philosophy and concept of vegetation management programs, which can play a role in preventing the establishment and continuing spread of Noxious Weeds.

          3. Encourage an increase in the level of knowledge, awareness, and commitment to noxious weed management through cross-training, sharing of technical expertise, and development of technical and educational material.

Annually review this Memorandum of Understanding and make revisions. and updates as necessary to meet the purpose of this agreement. Amendments shall become effective upon written approval of all parties.

By _____________________ Date ___________
Department of ____________
State of _________________

By _____________________ Date ___________
State Director, ____________
Bureau of Land Management

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