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[IGSREPORT-7643] Wk 1082 JPL Analysis Report

IGS Electronic Report   12 Oct 18:52:56 PDT 2000      Message Number 7643

Author: D C Jefferson

JPL ANALYSIS REPORT   GPS-WEEK 1082 (DAYS 275-281, DATES 2000 Oct 01 - Oct 07)

Submitted by the JPL IGS/FLINN Analysis Team:

D C Jefferson, Y E Bar-Sever, M B Heflin, F H Webb, J F Zumberge

all at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 
Pasadena, CA  91109.

Files listed below are available in Unix compressed format and can be
retrieved using anonymous ftp to sideshow.jpl.nasa.gov (,
directory pub/jpligsac/1082.  These files (except for *.tro) have also
been sent to the CDDIS.

filename             contents
jpl10827.sum         This text file.
jpl10827.erp         Earth rotation parameters for GPS week 1082.
jpl10827.snx         Ground station coordinates for GPS week 1082, SINEX format.
jpl1082[0-6].sp3     GPS ephemerides for GPS week 1082, sp3 format.
jpl1082[0-6].tro     Ground station troposphere estimates for GPS week 1082.
jpl1082[0-6].clk     GPS and ground station clocks for GPS week 1082, RINEX.

Median Orbit Repeatability (see table below): 8.0 cm

A large clock discontinuity (reset) of about 630 microseconds was detected
for PRN11 at approximately 08:55 on day 279.

Due to potential problems, data from stations mentioned below were not
considered for use in the global solution for the day indicated.  (For
geographical reasons, they may not have been used in any case.)

WARNING: NRC1 (not USNO) used as reference clock days 276, 280, and 281.
WARNING: Data from PRN15 and PRN28 excluded the entire GPS week 1082.
WARNING: Data from PRN25 excluded days 275-277.
WARNING: Data from BILL, LBCH, MALI, NOUM, PETP, REYK, WTZT excluded day 275.
WARNING: Data from BILL, CAGL, LBCH, MEDI, NTUS, PETP, WES2, WTZT excluded day           276.
WARNING: Data from BILL, GOPE, LBCH, PETP, WES2, WTZT excluded day 277.
WARNING: Data from LBCH, PETP, WES2, WTZT excluded day 278.
WARNING: Data from HARV, KELY, LBCH, NTUS, PETP, WTZT, YAKZ excluded day 279.
WARNING: Data from DAEJ, GUAT, JAB1, LAMA, NTUS, PETP, WTZT, YAKZ excluded day           280.
WARNING: Data from GUAT, JAB1, KELY, PETP, QUIN, WTZT, WUHN excluded day 281.

In the following table, UT1R-UTC are the integrated values based on estimated
LODR values in the adjacent column.  See IGS Report No. 1498 (jpl07827.sum)
for details:

JPL ERP TABLE                               GPS week 1082 (2000 Oct 01 - Oct 07)
version 2           
     MJD   XPole   Ypole  UT1R-UTC   LODR Xsg Ysg UTsg LOsg Nr Nf Nt   Xrt   Yrt
         10**-6" 10**-6"      .1us .1us/d 10**-6" .1us .1us/d          10**-6"/d
51818.50   -6506  247417   1553906   7727  36  42  140  140 42  0 24 -1418   424
51819.50   -8147  248124   1546172   7741  40  48  141  141 42  0 24 -1744   378
51820.50  -10284  248800   1538957   6690  38  48  144  144 42  0 24 -2214   210
51821.50  -12229  249228   1532313   6598  35  43  134  134 42  0 25 -2052   473
51822.50  -13931  249804   1525577   6873  37  44  132  132 42  0 25 -1709   824
51823.50  -15421  250230   1518473   7335  34  39  134  134 42  0 25 -1313   224
51824.50  -16933  250525   1510914   7784  37  48  138  138 42  0 25 -1213   191

The following table indicates the "3-dimensional orbit repeatability", as 
defined in IGS Mail Message 37, for GPS week 1082:
["3d rss" = sqrt(xrms**2 + yrms**2 + zrms**2)]

JPL ORBIT REPEATABILITY TABLE               GPS week 1082 (2000 Oct 01 - Oct 07)
      00 10  1   00 10  2   00 10  3   00 10  4   00 10  5   00 10  6   00 10  7
prn   3d rss (cm)
  1      17          7          8          6          9          9          6   
  2      13          9          8          5          8          4          7   
  3       8          8          5          6          6          7          6   
  4      12          8          9          5         13         10         18   
  5       8          7          7          5          9          8          7   
  6       8          7          6         13         12          9         10   
  7      16          6          6          5         11          8          4   
  8       9          6          4          4         12          7          4   
  9       8          6          7          9         25         14          8   
 10       5          6          3          3          6         10          4   
 11       9         14         16          8          9          7          7   
 13      12          6          4          7          8         13          5   
 17       7          5          6          4         13         14         11   
 19       8          6          6          9          7         15         18   
 20      13          7         10         17          5         10         13   
 21      11         10          8         10          9          8          6   
 22       8          4          4          5          8          4          4   
 23       9         11          4         10          7          6          8   
 24       8          6          7          4         12          8          9   
 25                                       10          4          5          6   
 26       8          3          4          8          6          6          5   
 27       9          6          4          6          9          8          6   
 29      47          6         12          9         12          6         13   
 30      10          8          7          4          6         10          6   
 31       6          4          4          6         10          6          9   

The following table statistically summarizes this week's "engineering data", as
described in IGS Report No. 1528:

JPL ENGINEERING DATA SUMMARY TABLE          GPS week 1082 (2000 Oct 01 - Oct 07)
 receiver/transmitter (dot means point positioned, * means fiducial site)
 |     days analyzed
 |     |      rms clock noise (ns)
 |     |      |           average clock solution (us)
 |     |      |           |           rms pseudorange (cm)
 |     |      |           |           |   (dot means pcode not analyzed)
 |     |      |           |           |           rms phase (mm)
 |     |      |           |           |           |           average arc (hr)
 |     |      |           |           |           |           |
 |___  |__    |_______    |_______    |___        |___        |__
ALGO*  6.0    .278        1.63        34.0        3.53        3.00    
ALIC   1.0    95.4       -.858e-01    49.0        5.00        4.06    
AOML   2.0    27.1       -.286e-02    59.5        7.06        2.98    
AREQ*  4.0    .278e+05    72.9        26.0        4.00        2.83    
ARTU   5.0    .104e+05   -.284        35.8        4.63        2.41    
ASC1   3.6    467.        .350e-02    80.3        5.27        2.74    
AUCK*  5.0    17.1        .282e-02    58.8        4.43        2.74    
BAHR*  4.9    .294e+04    770.        34.2        5.90        3.35    
BJFS   1.0    1.07        690.        19.0        6.00        3.28    
CAS1*  2.0    11.2       -.169e-01    27.0        3.57        .940    
CHAT*  2.0    28.3       -.167e-01    92.5        5.00        2.99    
CIC1   6.0    45.7       -.872e-02    56.9        4.00        2.96    
COCO   7.0    14.9       -.536e-02    26.6        5.61        3.85    
DAV1*  6.7    22.8       -.638e-02    77.5        3.99        1.26    
DGAR   6.9    480.        .158        32.6        6.91        3.12    
EISL   5.8    .119e+05   -.177e-01    87.1        4.82        2.49    
FAIR*  6.5    1.68       -1.26        26.5        3.85        .831    
FORT*  5.1    2.91        .350          .         5.52        1.76    
GALA   6.8    34.5       -.136        24.7        4.16        2.92    
GOUG   1.0    .289e+06    515.        60.0        4.00        2.75    
GUAM*  5.8    40.3       -.165        45.1        8.00        3.26    
GUAT   1.0    .288e+06    505.        94.0        6.00        1.58    
HOB2*  1.0    .106       -31.3        46.0        6.00        3.56    
HRAO   7.0    .289e+06    502.        78.3        5.19        3.61    
IISC   1.5    46.5       -.652e-02    90.0        5.53        1.93    
IRKT*  7.0    .489       -.132        66.8        4.74        2.56    
JAB1   4.9    35.1       -.144        61.4        6.00        2.98    
JPLM   1.0    11.3        191.        67.0        4.00        3.52    
KARR   1.0    128.       -.286e-02    44.0        6.00        3.32    
KELY   3.9    14.7        .233e-02    62.3        5.73        1.41    
KIT3*  1.9    116.       -.390e-02    46.5        4.56        3.45    
KODK   3.0    .312e+05   -.814        37.7        4.68        2.32    
KOKB*  6.9    .706       -2.28        45.9        5.07        1.15    
KOUR*  7.0    51.1       -.138        47.5        6.85        2.85    
KWJ1*  6.1    866.       -.255e-01    65.8        5.44        1.08    
LHAS*  7.0    14.6       -.375e-02    33.1        4.60        3.35    
MAC1*  6.6    15.0       -.102        33.1        4.08        1.62    
MAD2   1.0    .841e-01   -1.72        37.0        5.00        2.41    
MAG0   7.0    .210e+05   -.432        43.3        4.46        2.55    
MALI*  2.5    .196e+05   -182.        85.0        7.02        1.43    
MAS1*  5.7    17.5        .584        30.5        4.35        3.44    
MAW1   1.9    19.9       -.169e-01    34.5        4.00        1.23    
MCM4*  3.9    .582e+04    13.2        60.1        4.78        1.20    
METS   1.0    .268        481.        22.0        4.00        2.51    
NICO    .6    19.1       -.124e-01    25.0        5.00        3.74    
NOUM    .9    .288e+06    484.        79.0        5.00        2.04    
NRC1   3.1    .           .           48.1        4.35        3.59    
NYA1   4.0    262.       -.404        32.6        4.00        1.38    
NYAL*  3.0    .109       -.345        52.6        4.68        1.63    
OHIG*  5.9    157.       -.145e-01    87.8        4.19        2.02    
ONSA*  7.0    12.1       -.498e-01    45.3        4.31        2.40    
PERT*  1.0    2.51        .270        72.0        4.00        2.80    
POL2   1.0    16.8        .329e-02    59.0        4.00        3.09    
RAMO   2.0    30.5       -.108        62.1        5.53        2.26    
REYK   2.9    8.99       -.133e-01    55.5        5.70        1.40    
RIOG   1.9    24.7       -.913e-01    34.6        4.00        2.52    
SANT*  6.2    305.       -.283        31.4        4.15        1.13    
SELE   4.0    49.8       -.133e-01    78.5        3.55        2.86    
SFER   1.0    .621        837.        71.0        5.00        2.54    
STJO   5.0    2.85        .447        31.2        4.87        3.23    
TIDB*  7.0    .323        522.        29.9        5.59        3.79    
TIXI   1.0    22.3       -.933e-01    42.0        5.00        1.77    
TOW2   1.0    28.0       -.121e-01    18.0        4.00        3.47    
TRAB   1.9    17.3        .390e-01    43.5        5.00        3.16    
TSKB*  4.8    263.       -.628        63.7        4.00        2.62    
UCLU   1.0    48.5       -.820e-02    58.0        4.00        2.99    
USNO   4.0    .           .           45.5        5.52        3.57    
VESL    .9    .288e+06    487.        57.0        5.00        1.99    
WHIT   1.0    25.6       -.849        30.0        5.00        2.52    
WTZR*  6.3    176.       -.470        56.1        4.61        2.51    
WUHN   5.9    .377e+05   -.882        88.7        6.00        3.40    
YAR1*  5.6    519.       -.539        51.0        3.73        1.80    
YELL*  6.9    .239        .507        39.6        4.29        1.40    
ZECK   1.0    13.2        .174e-02    71.0        3.00        2.62    
PRN01  7.0    3.45        147.        50.4        5.00        2.12    
PRN02  7.0    3.51       -279.        49.9        5.00        2.30    
PRN03  7.0    1.94        45.7        49.8        4.74        2.06    
PRN04  7.0    1.13        469.        54.9        5.00        2.13    
PRN05  7.0    3.75        268.        50.7        5.15        2.31    
PRN06  7.0    6.15       -.354e-01    53.0        5.45        2.37    
PRN07  7.0    1.79        165.        51.1        5.00        2.31    
PRN08  7.0    2.79        556.        50.7        5.00        2.15    
PRN09  7.0    2.13       -10.9        54.9        5.16        2.32    
PRN10  7.0    2.67        57.5        53.6        5.00        2.27    
PRN11  6.8    .406e+05    447.        51.0        5.00        1.98    
PRN13  7.0    .819       -829.        57.3        5.00        2.17    
PRN17  6.9    4.76       -277.        53.2        5.32        2.28    
PRN19  7.0    4.13        310.        48.2        5.00        2.10    
PRN20  7.0    .484       -52.6        55.9        5.00        2.18    
PRN21  7.0    3.74        16.8        51.5        5.00        2.16    
PRN22  7.0    1.30        329.        54.7        5.00        2.08    
PRN23  7.0    6.03        .445        52.3        5.00        2.46    
PRN24  7.0    2.56        5.93        48.3        5.00        2.27    
PRN25  4.0    2.95        8.70        52.0        5.00        2.07    
PRN26  7.0    .795        561.        52.3        5.31        2.20    
PRN27  7.0    4.47        32.8        47.5        5.00        2.15    
PRN29  7.0    .746        124.        51.1        4.87        2.24    
PRN30  7.0    1.72       -40.5        54.7        5.16        2.18    
PRN31  7.0    2.82        13.5        54.5        5.15        1.96    

As described in IGS Mail Message 37, the following table compares the JPL
precise ephemerides with those from the broadcast ephemeris:

      00 10  1   00 10  2   00 10  3   00 10  4   00 10  5   00 10  6   00 10  7
prn   3d rss (cm)
  1     440        469        517        512        460        422        535   
  2     696        653        588        442        526        653        531   
  3     484        385        468        497        404        440        329   
  4     482        414        652        758        632        580        730   
  5     649        755        569        831        604        760        529   
  6     516        723        728        656        752        616        507   
  7     491        536        419        419        426        622        448   
  8     384        529        496        440        450        432        700   
  9     509        366        452        383        446        463        237   
 10     462        463        532        656        511        552        467   
 11     536        450        372        575        291        622        390   
 13     352        416        514        538        486        463        662   
 17     260        719        497        606        525        513        335   
 19     499        534        444        388        549        962        655   
 20     618        466        515        640        491        632        635   
 21     747        398        441        365        512        518        409   
 22     795       1925        466        688        661        360        220   
 23     924        692        873        822        584       1050        485   
 24     420        511        573        474        790       1138        806   
 25                                      688        600        801        415   
 26     298        448        341        332        456        349        505   
 27     540        496        544        532        740       1228        386   
 29     563        357        370        416        650        806        433   
 30     278        410        636        624        393        581        600   
 31     530        459        498        356        524        592        806   

global:   algo alic aoml areq artu asc1 auck bahr bjfs cas1 chat cic1 coco dav1 dgar eisl fair fort gala goug guam guat hob2 hrao iisc irkt jab1 jplm karr kely kit3 kodk kokb kour kwj1 lhas mac1 mad2 mag0 mali mas1 maw1 mcm4 mets nico noum nrc1 nya1 nyal ohig onsa pert pol2 ramo reyk riog sant sele sfer stjo tidb tixi tow2 trab tskb uclu usno vesl whit wtzr wuhn yar1 yell zeck