Class EDR

  extended by jpl.mipl.tlm.jedi.EDR
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EDR
extends java.lang.Object

A java EDR Object used for implementing the new RealTime Display Manager/Server. Basically, to use this object, you'll first need to use one of the <filetype>EDRReaders. They ingest a file from disk and populate the EDR object fields.

This class was intended to offer a way for an EDR file to be made into a Java Object such that it could then be passed around with RMI (or other) mechanisms. This means that I must implement the Serializable interface.

Anyway, class EDR is designed to be a minimal definition of an EDR such that only the salient elements are serialized and, therefore, passed over the network. At a minimum, EDR defines the following characteristics:

Finally, it should be noted that my definition of an EDR, which is derived from the MPF examples I have, is that all the pertinent information is found in the VICAR Property label items. Though the Tasks elements are filled and used, it is the Property hashtable that is, seemingly, of most importance. This also enforces the assumption that all such keywords are unique within the VICAR label.

$Id:,v 1.26 2003/10/03 18:39:44 myche Exp $
Myche McAuley
See Also:
VicarJAIEDRReader, IsisEDRReader, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  short[] data
protected  int depth
protected  java.lang.String filename
protected  int height
protected  java.lang.String org
protected  int preferredScale
protected  java.util.Hashtable properties
protected  java.util.Hashtable tasks
protected  UniqPropertyChangeSupport upcs
protected  int width
Constructor Summary
EDR(java.lang.String filestr)
Method Summary
 void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
 int getDepth()
          getDepth() returns the depth (bands) of the EDR.
 EDR getEDR()
 java.lang.String getFilename()
 int getHeight()
          getHeight() returns the height of the EDR.
 double getLabelItemDouble(java.lang.String item)
 float getLabelItemFloat(java.lang.String item)
 int getLabelItemInt(java.lang.String item)
 java.lang.Double getLabelItemNumeric(java.lang.String item)
          getLabelItemNumeric is a convenience function that calls getLabelItemString and converts the resulting value into a Double.
 java.lang.String getLabelItemString(java.lang.String item)
 java.lang.String getLabelItemString(java.lang.String item, int occurence)
          getLabelItemString will obtain the value for the label item by utilizing the populated hashtables.
 java.lang.String getLabelItemString(java.lang.String item, java.lang.String prop)
          getLabelItemString will obtain the value for the label item by utilizing the populated hashtables.
 java.lang.String getOrg()
          getOrg() returns the organization of the EDR.
 int getPreferredScale()
          getPreferredScale() returns the desired factor by which the data should be scaled for the display.
 java.lang.String getPropertyFromKey(java.lang.String key)
          getPropertyFromKey will obtain the Property which cointains the supplied label item (keyword).
 int getWidth()
          getWidth() returns the width of the EDR.
 void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)
 void setDepth(int d)
 void setEDR(EDR newEDR)
          Basically, setEDR will copy everything except the UniqPropertyChangeSupport from the newEDR.
 void setHeight(int h)
 void setOrg(java.lang.String o)
 void setPreferredScale(int ps)
 void setWidth(int w)
 java.lang.String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int width


protected int height


protected int depth


protected java.lang.String org


protected int preferredScale


protected java.util.Hashtable properties


protected java.util.Hashtable tasks


protected short[] data


protected java.lang.String filename


protected transient UniqPropertyChangeSupport upcs
Constructor Detail


public EDR(java.lang.String filestr)


public EDR(EDR initEDR)


public EDR()
Method Detail


public void setEDR(EDR newEDR)
Basically, setEDR will copy everything except the UniqPropertyChangeSupport from the newEDR. This is useful for updating this Bean and, therefore, propogating that update to any registered listeners.


public java.lang.String getLabelItemString(java.lang.String item,
                                           java.lang.String prop)
getLabelItemString will obtain the value for the label item by utilizing the populated hashtables.

Conversion of the results to appropriate types (int, float, etc...) is left for other wrapper methods.


public java.lang.String getLabelItemString(java.lang.String item,
                                           int occurence)
getLabelItemString will obtain the value for the label item by utilizing the populated hashtables.

Conversion of the results to appropriate types (int, float, etc...) is left for other wrapper methods.


public java.lang.String getPropertyFromKey(java.lang.String key)
getPropertyFromKey will obtain the Property which cointains the supplied label item (keyword). Keys are assumed to be unique within an EDR label.


public java.lang.String getLabelItemString(java.lang.String item)


public java.lang.Double getLabelItemNumeric(java.lang.String item)
getLabelItemNumeric is a convenience function that calls getLabelItemString and converts the resulting value into a Double. From there, other routines can convert to int, float, etc...

See Also:
getLabelItemInt(String), getLabelItemFloat(String), getLabelItemDouble(String)


public int getLabelItemInt(java.lang.String item)


public float getLabelItemFloat(java.lang.String item)


public double getLabelItemDouble(java.lang.String item)


public int getWidth()
getWidth() returns the width of the EDR. This method is supplied so as to hide any discrepancies between differing input formats (e.g. VICAR and PDS) and their keyword peculiarities to represent such fundamental information. The EDR should always be instantiated by the appropriate <filetype>Reader such that the: width, height, depth, and org can be obtained by calling getWith(), getHeight(), getDepth(), and getOrg() respectively.

See Also:
getHeight(), getDepth(), getOrg()


public int getHeight()
getHeight() returns the height of the EDR. This method is supplied so as to hide any discrepancies between differing input formats (e.g. VICAR and PDS) and their keyword peculiarities to represent such fundamental information. The EDR should always be instantiated by the appropriate <filetype>Reader such that the: width, height, depth, and org can be obtained by calling getWith(), getHeight(), getDepth(), and getOrg() respectively.

See Also:
getWidth(), getDepth(), getOrg()


public int getDepth()
getDepth() returns the depth (bands) of the EDR. This method is supplied so as to hide any discrepancies between differing input formats (e.g. VICAR and PDS) and their keyword peculiarities to represent such fundamental information. The EDR should always be instantiated by the appropriate <filetype>Reader such that the: width, height, depth, and org can be obtained by calling getWith(), getHeight(), getDepth(), and getOrg() respectively.

See Also:
getWidth(), getHeight(), getOrg()


public java.lang.String getOrg()
getOrg() returns the organization of the EDR. This method is supplied so as to hide any discrepancies between differing input formats (e.g. VICAR and PDS) and their keyword peculiarities to represent such fundamental information. The EDR should always be instantiated by the appropriate <filetype>Reader such that the: width, height, depth, and org can be obtained by calling getWith(), getHeight(), getDepth(), and getOrg() respectively.

See Also:
getWidth(), getHeight(), getDepth()


public int getPreferredScale()
getPreferredScale() returns the desired factor by which the data should be scaled for the display. This is most useful for those cases where the data returned by the instrument is very small (spatially) and JEDI could benefit from scaling the data for enlargement. A good example of this would be the Cassini VIMS instrument. It can return cubes on the order of 64 x 64 x 352. By setting the preferredScale = 4, then we can cause JEDI to display the data at 256 x 256 (x 3 bands for red, grn and blu).


public void setPreferredScale(int ps)


public void setWidth(int w)


public void setHeight(int h)


public void setDepth(int d)


public void setOrg(java.lang.String o)


public java.lang.String getFilename()


public EDR getEDR()


public void addPropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)


public void removePropertyChangeListener(java.beans.PropertyChangeListener pcl)


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object