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1980's LECP Publication Bibliography

LECP - Low Energy Charged Particles Investigation

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Cheng, A.F., and S.M. Krimigis, "A Model of Global Convection in Jupiter's Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 94, p. 12003, 1989.

Cheng, A.F., and S.M. Krimigis, "Energetic Neutral Particle Imaging of Saturn's Magnetosphere," Solar System Plasma Physics, J.H. Waite, Jr., J. Burch, and R. Moore (Eds.), AGU Monograph, No. 54, p. 253, 1989.

Krimigis, S.M., T.P. Armstrong, W.I. Axford, C.O. Bostrom, A.F. Cheng, G. Gloeckler, D.C. Hamilton, E.P. Keath, et al., "Hot Plasma and Energetic Particles in Neptune's Magnetosphere," Science, Vol. 246, p. 1483, 1989.

Kurth, W.S., D.A. Gurnett, F.L. Scarf, and B.H. Mauk, "Plasma Waves in the Magnetotail of Uranus," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 94, p. 3505, 1989.

Thompson, W.R., S.K. Singh, B.N. Khare, and C. Sagan, "Triton: Stratospheric Molecules and Organic Sediments," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 16, p. 981, 1989.

Thompson, W.R., T. Henry, J. Schwartz, B.N. Khare, and C. Sagan, "Production and Fate of Hydrocarbons, Nitriles, and Heteropolymers on Titan," Origins Life, Vol. 19, p. 475, 1989.


Decker, R.B., "Computer Modeling of Test Particle Acceleration at Oblique Shocks," Space Sci. Rev., Vol. 48, p. 195, 1988.

Gold, R.E., R.B. Decker, S.M. Krimigis, L.J. Lanzerotti, and C.G. Maclennan, "The Latitude and Radial Dependence of Shock Acceleration in the Heliosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 93, p. 991, 1988.

Krimigis, S.M. and D. Venkatesan, "In Situ Acceleration of Charged Particles in the Outer Solar System Observed by the Voyager Spacecraft," Astrophys. & Space Sci., Vol. 144, p. 463, 1988.

Krimigis, S.M., E.P. Keath, B.H. Mauk, A.F. Cheng, L.J. Lanzerotti, R.P. Lepping, and N.F. Ness "Observations of Energetic Ion and Electron Enhancements Upstream and Downstream of Uranus' Bow Shock by the Voyager 2 Spacecraft," Planet. Space Sci., Vol. 36, p. 311, 1988.

Smith, R.A., F. Bagenal, A.F. Cheng, and D.F. Strobel, "On the Energy Crisis in the Io Plasma Torus," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 15, p. 545, 1988.


Beeck, J., G.M. Mason, D.C. Hamilton, G. Wibberenz, H. Kunow, D. Hovestadt, and B. Klecker, "A Multi-Spacecraft Study of the Injection and Transport of Solar Energetic Particles," Astrophys. J., Vol. 322, p. 1052, 1987.

Behannon, K.W., R.P. Lepping, E.C. Sittler, Jr., N.F. Ness, B.H. Mauk, S.M. Krimigis, and R.L. McNutt, Jr., "The Magnetotail of Uranus," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 15354, 1987.

Bell, II, E.V., "Interactions of Charged Particles with Natural Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn," Ph. D. Dissertation, Dept. of Physics, U. of Kansas, 1987.

Cheng, A.F., "Proton and Oxygen Plasmas at Uranus," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 15309, 1987.

Cheng, A.F., S.M. Krimigis, G.H. Mauk, E.P. Keath, C.G. Maclennan, L.J. Lanzerotti, M.T. Paonessa, and T. P. Armstrong, "Energetic Ion and Electron Phase Space Densities in the Magnetosphere of Uranus," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 15315, 1987.

Coroniti, F.V., W.S. Kurth, F.L. Scarf, S.M. Krimigis, C.F. Kennel, and D.A. Gurnett, "Whistler Mode Emissions in the Uranian Radiation Belts," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 15234, 1987.

Decker, R.B., S.M. Krimigis, and D. Venkatesan, "Latitudinal Gradient of Energetic Particles in the Outer Heliosphere during 1985-86," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 3375, 1987.

Gold, R.E., L.J. Lanzerotti, and C.G. Maclennan, "Enhanced Low Energy (1MeV) Ion Fluxes in the Outer Heliosphere," Planet. Space Sci., Vol. 35, p. 1359, 1987.

Krimigis, S.M., "Observations of Energetic Ions and Electrons at Interplanetary Shocks and Upstream of Planetary Bow Shocks by the Voyager Spacecraft," Proceedings of the International Symposium on Collisionless Shocks, Belatonfured, Hungary, K. Szego (Ed.), Central Institute for Research, Academy of Science, Budapest, p. 3, 1987.

Lanzerotti, L.J., W.L. Brown, and K.J. Marcantonio, "Experimental Study of Erosion of Methane Ice by Energetic Ions and Some Considerations for Astrophysics," Ap. J., Vol. 313, p. 910, 1987.

Lanzerotti, L.J., C.G. Maclennan, J.N. Broughton, D. Venkatesan, and R.P. Lepping, "Magnetic Field and Particle Pressure in the Plasma Sheet of Jupiter," Magnetotail Physics, A.T.Y. Lui (Ed.), Johns Hopkins U. Press, p. 383, 1987.

Lanzerotti, L.J., W.L. Brown, C.G. Maclennan, A.F. Cheng, S.M. Krimigis, and R.E. Johnson "Effects of Charged Particles on the Surface of the Satellites and Rings of Uranus," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 14949, 1987.

Mauk, B.H., S.M. Krimigis, E.P. Keath, A.F. Cheng, T.P. Armstrong, L.J. Lanzerotti, G. Gloeckler, and D.C. Hamilton, "The Hot Plasma and Radiation Environment of the Uranian Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 15283, 1987.

Mauk, B.H., and S.M. Krimigis, "Radial Force Balance Within Jupiter's Dayside Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 9931, 1987.

Paonessa, M., and A.F. Cheng, "Satellite Sweeping in Offset Tilted Dipole Fields," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 1160, 1987.

Sittler, E.C., R.P. Lepping, B.H. Mauk, and S.M. Krimigis, "Detection of Hot Plasma Component Within the Core Regions of Jupiter's Distant Magnetotail," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 9943, 1987.

Thompson, W.R., T. Henry, B.N. Khare, L. Flynn, J. Schwartz, and C. Sagan, "Uranian Auroral Chemistry," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 92, p. 15083, 1987.

Venkatesan, D., R.B. Decker, and S.M. Krimigis, "Cosmic Ray Intensity Gradients During 1984-86," 20th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf., Moscow, Vol. 2, p. 385, 1987.


Bell, II, E.V., and T.P. Armstrong, "Monte Carlo Simulation of Charged Particle Impact on the Satellites of Jupiter and Saturn," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 91, p. 1397, 1986.

Cheng, A.F., "Energetic Neutral Particles from Jupiter and Saturn," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 89, p. 4524, 1986.

Cheng, A.F., "Radial Diffusion and Ion Partitioning in the Io Torus," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 13, p. 517, 1986.

Cheng, A.F., "Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets," APL Tech. Digest, Vol. 7, p. 348, 1986.

Cheng, A.F., P. Haff, R.E. Johnson, and L.J. Lanzerotti, "Interactions of Planetary Magnetospheres with Icy Satellite Surfaces," Satellites, J.A. Burns and M.S. Matthews (Eds.), U. of Arizona Press, p. 403, 1986.

Gold, R.E., and D. Venkatesan, "Study of Interplanetary Spatial Structures During STIP Interval V (June-July, 1978)," Solar Technology Information Program (STIP) Symposium on Retrospective Analysis and Future Coordinated Intervals, 1986.

Gold, R.E., L.J. Lanzerotti, C. Maclennan, and S.M. Krimigis, "Latitude Dependence of Corotating Shock Acceleration in the Outer Heliosphere," The Sun and the Heliosphere in Three Dimensions, R.G. Marsden (Ed.), Reidel Publishers, Holland, p. 325, 1986.

Khurana, K.K., M.G. Kivelson, T.P. Armstrong, and R.J. Walker, "Voids in Jovian Magnetosphere Revisited: Evidence of Spacecraft Charging," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 92, p. 13399, 1986.

Krimigis, S.M., "Energetic Ions Upstream of Planetary Bow Shocks: Fermi Acceleration or Leakage?," Proceedings of the Comp. Study of Magnetospheric Systems-CNES, Cepadues Editions, France, p. 99, 1986.

Krimigis, S.M., "Luncheon at the White House: On Comets and the Planet Uranus," APL Tech. Digest, Vol. 7, p. 383, 1986.

Krimigis, S.M., "Hot Plasma and Unusual Composition in Jupiter's Magnetosphere, The Twenty-Two Most Frequently Cited Publications," APL Tech. Digest, Vol. 7, p. 403, 1986.

Krimigis, S.M., T.P. Armstrong, W.I. Axford, A.F. Cheng, G. Gloeckler, D.C. Hamilton, E.P. Keath, L.J. Lanzerotti, and B.H. Mauk, "The Magnetosphere of Uranus: Hot Plasma and Radiation Environment," Science, Vol. 233, p. 99, 1986.

Lanzerotti, L.J., W.L. Brown, and R.E. Johnson, "Astrophysical Implications of Ice Sputtering," Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, B14, Amsterdam, North Holland, p. 373, 1986.

Lanzerotti, L.J., and R.E. Johnson, "Astrophysical Implications of Ions Incident on Insulators," Ion Beam Modification of Insulating Materials, P. Mazzoldi and G.W. Arnold (Eds.), Amsterdam, 1986.

Lanzerotti, L.J., and S.M. Krimigis, "Comparative Magnetospheres," APL Tech. Digest, Vol. 7, p. 383, 1986.

Paonessa, M., and A.F. Cheng, "Limits on Ion Radial Diffusion Coefficients in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 91, p. 1391, 1986.


Behannon, K.W., M.L. Goldstein, R.P. Lepping, H.K. Wong, B.H. Mauk, and S.M. Krimigis, "Low Frequency Waves and Associated Energetic Ions Downstream of Saturn," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 90, p. 10791, 1985.

Brown, D.C., "Observations of Sunward and Tailward Ion Streaming in the Magnetotail of Jupiter with Voyager 2," Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Physics Paper 86-160, U. of Maryland, 1985.

Cheng, A.F., "Magnetospheric Interchange Instability," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 91, p. 9900, 1985.

Cheng, A.F., S.M. Krimigis, and T.P. Armstrong, "Near Equality of Ion Phase Space Densities at Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 90, p. 526, 1985.

Cheng, A.F., L.J. Lanzerotti, and C.G. Maclennan, "Does Saturn Have Rings Outside 10R(S)?," Nature, Vol. 317, p. 508, 1985.

Cheng, A.F., and M.T. Paonessa, "A Theory of Satellite Sweeping," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 90, p. 3428, 1985.

Gold, R.E., L.J. Lanzerotti, C.G. Maclennan, and S.M. Krimigis, "Latitude Dependence of Corotating Shock Acceleration," 19th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., San Diego, 1985.

Gold, R.E., L.J. Lanzerotti, C.G. Maclennan, and S.M. Krimigis, "Latitude Dependence of Corotating Shock Acceleration in the Outer Heliosphere," ESLAB Proceedings, Les Diablarets, Switzerland, 1985.

Gold, R.E., and D. Venkatesan, "Longitudinal Distribution of Cosmic Rays in the Heliosphere," 19th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., San Diego, Vol. 4, p. 405, 1985.

Hamilton, D.C., G.M. Mason, and G. Gloeckler, "Constraints on Solar Flare Particle Transport Models from Anisotropy Observations at Voyager 1," 19th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., Vol. 4, p. 321, 1985.

Johnson, R.E., L.A. Barton, J.W. Boring, W.A. Jesser, W.L. Brown, and L.J. Lanzerotti, "Charged Particle Modification of Ices in the Saturnian and Jovian Systems," Ices in the Solar System, J. Klinger, et al. (Eds.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1985.

Krimigis, S.M., R.D. Zwickl, and D.N. Baker, "Energetic Ions Upstream of Jupiter's Bow Shock," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 90, p. 3947, 1985.

Krimigis, S.M., and E.T. Sarris, "Acceleration of Ions and Electrons to Near-Cosmic Ray Energies in a Perpendicular Shock: The January 6, 1978 Event," 19th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., Vol. 4, p. 170, 1985.

Lanzerotti, L.J., W.L. Brown, and R.E. Johnson, "Laboratory Studies of Ion Radiation of Water, Sulfur Dioxide, and Methane Ice," J. Klinger, et al. (Eds.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., 1985.

Lanzerotti, L.J., and S.M. Krimigis, "Comparative Magnetospheres," Phys. Today, Vol. 38, p. 25, 1985.

Lanzerotti, L.J., C.G. Maclennan, and R.E. Gold, "Interplanetary Conditions During 3 kHz Radio Wave Detections in the Outer Heliosphere," Nature, Vol. 316, p. 243, 1985.

Lanzerotti, L.J., C.G. Maclennan, R.E. Gold, and S.M. Krimigis, "Latitude Dependence of Co-rotating Shock Acceleration," 19th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., Vol. 4 , p. 186, 1985.

Mason, G.M., D.C. Hamilton, G. Gloeckler, and B. Klecker, "Radial Transport of 1 MeV/Nucleon Ions During the November 22, 1977 Solar Particle Event," 19th International Cosmic Ray Conference Papers, NASA Science and Tech. Info. Branch, Vol. 4, p. 347, 1985.

Mauk, B.H., S.M. Krimigis, and R.P. Lepping, "Particle and Field Stress Balance Within a Planetary Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 90, p. 8253, 1985.

Paonessa, M., "Voyager Observations of Ion Phase Space Densities in the Jovian Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 90, p. 521, 1985.

Sarris, E.T., and S.M. Krimigis, "Multispacecraft Observations of the East-West Asymmetry of Solar Energetic Storm Particle Events," Solar Phys., Vol. 96, p. 413, 1985.

Sarris, E.T., and S.M. Krimigis, "Quasi-Perpendicular Shock Acceleration of Ions to ~2 MeV Observed by Voyager 2," Astrophys. J.,Vol. 298, p. 676, 1985.

Sarris, E.T., R.B. Decker, and S.M. Krimigis, "Deep Space Observations of the E-W Asymmetry of Solar ESP Events: Voyagers 1 and 2," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 90, p. 3961, 1985.

Schardt, A.W., W.S. Kurth, R.P. Lepping, and C.G. Maclennan, "Particle Acceleration in Saturn's Outer Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 90, p. 8539, 1985.

Tariq, G.F., T.P. Armstrong, and J.W. Lowry, "Electrodynamic Interaction of Ganymede with the Jovian Magnetosphere and the Radial Spread of Wake-Associated Disturbances," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 90, p. 3995, 1985.

Venkatesan, D., R.B. Decker, and S.M. Krimigis, "Voyager 1 and 2 Measurements of Radial and Latitudinal Cosmic Ray Gradients During 1981-84.," 19th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., Vol. 4, p. 170, 1985.


Baker, D.N., R.D. Zwickl, S.M. Krimigis, J.F. Carbary, and M.H. Acuņa, "Energetic Particle Transport in the Upstream Region of Jupiter: Voyager Results," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 89, p. 3775, 1984.

Cheng, A.F., "Magnetospheres, Moons, and Rings of Uranus," Uranus and Neptune, J. Bergstralh (Ed.), NASA Conf. Publ. CP-2330, p. 541, 1984.

Cheng, A.F., "Adiabatic Theory in Rapidly Rotating Magnetospheres," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 89, p. 5453, 1984.

Cheng, A.F., "Escape of Sulfur and Oxygen from Io," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 89, p. 3939, 1984.

Cheng, A.F., M.T. Paonessa, C.G. Maclennan, L.J. Lanzerotti, and T.P. Armstrong, "Longitudinal Asymmetry in the Io Plasma Torus," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 89, p. 3005, 1984.

Cheng, A.F., and T.W. Hill, "Do the Satellites of Uranus Control its Magnetosphere?," Uranus and Neptune, J.T. Bergstralh (Ed.), NASA Conf. Publ. CP-2330, p. 557, 1984.

Decker, R.B., S.M. Krimigis, and D. Venkatesan, "Estimate of Cosmic Ray Latitudinal Gradient," Astrophys. J. Lett.,Vol. 279, p. 119, 1984.

Fan, C.Y., G. Gloeckler, and D. Hovestadt, "The Composition of Heavy Ions in Solar Energetic Particle Events," Space Sci. Rev., Vol. 83, p. 124, 1984.

Johnson, R.E., L.A. Barton, W.A. Jesser, L.J. Lanzerotti, and W.L. Brown, "Charged Particle Modification of Ices in the Saturnian and Jovian Systems," Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Ices in the Solar System," Nice, France, 1984.

Johnson, R.E., L.J. Lanzerotti, and W.L. Brown, "Sputtering Process: Erosion and Chemical Change," Adv. Space Res., Vol. 4, p. 41, 1984.

Lanzerotti, L.J., W.L. Brown, and R.E. Johnson, "Laboratory Studies of Ion Irradiation of Water, Sulfur Dioxide, and Methane Ices," Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on "Ices in the Solar System," Nice, France, 1984.

Scarf, F.L., L.A. Frank, D.A. Gurnett, L.J. Lanzerotti, A. Lazarus, and E.C. Sittler, Jr., "Measurements of Plasma, Plasma Waves, and Suprathermal Charged Particles in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere," Saturn, T. Gehrels and M. Matthews (Eds.), U. of Arizona Press, p. 318, 1984.

Tariq, G.F., "Voyager 2 Encounter with Ganymede's Wake: Hydrodynamic and Electrodynamic Processes," Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Physics, U. of Kansas, 1984.

Venkatesan, D., R.B. Decker, and S.M. Krimigis, "Radial Gradient of Cosmic Ray Intensity from a Comparative Study of Data from Voyagers 1 and 2 and IMP-8," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 89, p. 3735, 1984.

Venkatesan, D., R.B. Decker, and S.M. Krimigis, "Cosmic Ray Inten. Gradients in the Radial Dist. 1-13 AU as Deter. from a Comp. Stud. of Observs. by Spacecraft VGRs 1&2, and Earth-Orb. IMP-8," 18th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., Vol. 10, p. 156, 1984.

Venkatesan, D., R.B. Decker, and S.M. Krimigis, "Radial Gradient of Cosmic Ray Intensity from a Comparative Study of Data from Voyager 1 and 2 and IMP8," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 89, p. 3735, 1984.


Armstrong, T.P., M.T. Paonessa, E.V. Bell, and S.M. Krimigis, "Voyager Observations of Saturnian Ion and Electron Phase Space Densities," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 8893, 1983.

Baker, D.N., R.D. Zwickl, J.F. Carbary, S.M. Krimigis, and R.P. Lepping, "Energetic Ion Acceleration and Transport in the Upstream Region of Jupiter: Voyager 1 and 2," Adv. Space Res., Vol. 3, p. 77, 1983.

Carbary, J.F., B.H. Mauk, and S.M. Krimigis, "Corotation Anisotropies in Saturn's Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 8937, 1983.

Carbary, J.F., S.M. Krimigis, and W.H. Ip, "Energetic Particle Microsignatures of Saturn's Satellites," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 8947, 1983.

Cheng, A.F., "Thin, Rotating Plasma Disks," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 13, 1983.

Cheng, A.F., C.G. Maclennan, L.J. Lanzerotti, M.T. Paonessa, and T.P. Armstrong, "Energetic Ion Losses Near Io's Orbit," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 3936, 1983.

Hamilton, D.C., D.C. Brown, G. Gloeckler, and W.I. Axford, "Energetic Atomic and Molecular Ions in Saturn's Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 8905, 1983.

Hamilton, D.C., and G. Gloeckler, "The September 1979 Solar Cosmic Ray Event," 18th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., 1983.

Johnson, R.E., J.W. Boring, C.T. Reimann, L.A. Barton, E.M. Sieveka, J.W. Garrett, K.R. Farmer, W.L. Brown, and L.J. Lanzerotti, "Plasma-Ion Induced Molecular Ejection on the Galilean Satellites: Ejected Molecule Energies," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 10, p. 892, 1983.

Johnson, R.E., W.L. Brown, and L.J. Lanzerotti, "Energetic Charged Particle Erosion of Ices in the Solar System," J. Phys. Chem., Vol. 87, p. 4218, 1983.

Krimigis, S.M., J.F. Carbary, E.P. Keath, T.P. Armstrong, L.J. Lanzerotti, and G. Gloeckler, "General Characteristics of Hot Plasma and Energetic Particles in the Saturnian Magnetosphere: Results from the Voyager Spacecraft," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 8871, 1983.

Krimigis, S.M., and E.C. Roelof, "Low Energy Particle Population," Physics of the Jovian Magnetosphere, A. Dessler (Ed.), Cambridge U. Press, England, p. 106, 1983.

Lanzerotti, L.J., "Supply of SO(2) for the Atmosphere of Io," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 989, 1983.

Lanzerotti, L.J., C.G. Maclennan, R.P. Lepping, and S.M. Krimigis, "On the Plasma Conditions at the Dayside Magnetopause of Saturn," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 10, p. 1200, 1983.

Lanzerotti, L.J., C.G. Maclennan, W.L. Brown, R.E. Johnson, L.A. Barton, C.T. Reimann, J.W. Garrett, and J.W. Boring, "Implications of Voyager Data for Energetic Ion Erosion of the Icy Satellites of Saturn," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 8765, 1983.

Maclennan, C.G., L.J. Lanzerotti, S.M. Krimigis, and R.P. Lepping, "Low Energy Particles at the Bow Shock and Magnetopause of Saturn," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 8817, 1983.

Roelof, E.C., R.B. Decker, and S.M. Krimigis, "Latitudinal and Field-Aligned Cosmic Ray Gradients 2-5 AU: Voyagers 1 and 2 and IMP-8," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 9889, 1983.

Tariq, G.F., T.P. Armstrong, and T.H. Collison, "Voyager 2 Observations of Energetic Particle Variations in the Ganymede Wake Region: A Possible Acceleration Mechanism," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 5551, 1983.


Brown, W.L., L.J. Lanzerotti, and R.E. Johnson, "Fast Ion Bombardment of Ices and Its Astrophysical Implications," Science, Vol. 218, p. 525, 1982.

Carbary, J.F., and S.M. Krimigis, "Charged Particle Periodicity in the Saturnian Magnetosphere," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 9, p. 1073, 1982.

Cheng, A.F., "SO(2) Ionization and Dissociation in the Io Plasma Torus," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 87, p. 5301, 1982.

Cheng, A.F., L.J. Lanzerotti, and V. Pirronello, "Charged Particle Sputtering of Ice Surfaces in Saturn's Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 87, p. 4567, 1982.

Cheng, A.F., L.J. Lanzerotti, and V. Pirronello, "On the Lifetime of E-Ring Grains and Their Nature," Sun and Planetary System, W. Fricke and G. Teleki (Eds.), D. Reidel Publishing Co., p. 251, 1982.

Johnson, R.E., L.J. Lanzerotti, and W.L. Brown, "Planetary Applications of Ion-Induced Erosion of Condensed-Gas Frosts," Nucl. Instrum. Meth., p. 147, 1982.

Krimigis, S.M., "Voyager Encounters with Jupiter's Magnetosphere: Results of the Low Energy Charged Particle (LECP) Experiment," Compendium in Astronomy, Mariolopoulos, et. al. (Eds.), Reidel Publishers, Holland, p. 191, 1982.

Krimigis, S.M., "A Post-Voyager View of Saturn's Environment," APL Tech. Digest, Vol. 3, p. 180, 1982.

Krimigis, S.M., and T.P. Armstrong, "Two Component Proton Spectra in the Inner Saturnian Magnetosphere," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 9, p. 1143, 1982.

Krimigis, S.M., T.P. Armstrong, W.I. Axford, C.O. Bostrom, G. Gloeckler, E.P. Keath, L.J. Lanzerotti, J.F. Carbary, D.C. Hamilton, and E.C. Roelof, "Low Energy Hot Plasma and Particles in Saturn's Magnetosphere," Science, Vol. 215, p. 571, 1982.

Kutchko, F.J., P.R. Briggs, and T.P. Armstrong, "The Bidirectional Particle Event of October 12, 1977, Possibly Associated with a Magnetic Loop," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 87, p. 1419, 1982.

Lanzerotti, L.J., W.L. Brown, W.M. Augustyniak, R.E. Johnson, and T.P. Armstrong, "Laboratory Studies of Charged Particle Erosion of SO(2) Ice and Applications to the Frosts of Io," Astrophys. J., Vol. 259, p. 920, 1982.

Maclennan, C.G., L.J. Lanzerotti, S.M. Krimigis, R.P. Lepping, and N.F. Ness, "Effects of Titan on Trapped Particles in Saturn's Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 87, p. 1411, 1982.


Armstrong, T.P., M.T. Paonessa, S.T. Brandon, S.M. Krimigis, and L.J. Lanzerotti, "Low Energy Charged Particle Observations in the 5-20 R(J) Region of the Jovian Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 86, p. 8343, 1981.

Carbary, J.F., S.M. Krimigis, E.P. Keath, G. Gloeckler, W.I. Axford, and T.P. Armstrong, "Ion Anisotropies in the Outer Jovian Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 86, p. 8285, 1981.

Carbary, J.F., and S.M. Krimigis, "Low Energy Charged Particles at Saturn," APL Tech. Digest, Vol. 2, p. 87, 1981.

Decker, R.B., M.E. Pesses, and S.M. Krimigis, "Shock-Associated Low-Energy Ion Enhancements Observed by Voyagers 1 and 2," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 86, p. 8819, 1981.

Hamilton, D.C., G. Gloeckler, S.M. Krimigis, and L.J. Lanzerotti, "Composition of Non-Thermal Ions in the Jovian Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 86, p. 8301, 1981.

Hamilton, D.C., and G. Gloeckler, "Evolution of the Energetic Particle Composition During the November 1977 Solar Flare Event as Observed by Voyager 2," 17th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., Vol. 10, p. 49, 1981.

Johnson, R.E., L.J. Lanzerotti, W.L. Brown, and T.P. Armstrong, "Erosion of Galilean Satellite Surfaces by Jovian Magnetospheric Particles," Science, Vol. 212, p. 1027, 1981.

Kirsch, E.S., S.M. Krimigis, J.W. Kohl, and E.P. Keath, "Upper Limits for X-ray and Energetic Neutral Particle Emission from Jupiter: Voyager 1 Results," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 8, p. 169, 1981.

Kirsch, E.S., S.M. Krimigis, W.H. Ip, and G. Gloeckler, "X-ray and Energetic Neutral Particle Emission from Saturn's Magnetosphere," Nature, Vol. 292, p. 718, 1981.

Krimigis, S.M., "A Post-Voyager View of Jupiter's Magnetosphere," Endeavour, Vol., 5, p. 50, 1981.

Krimigis, S.M., "Planetary Magnetospheres: The In Situ Astrophysical Laboratories," 17th Intl. Cosmic Ray Conf. Proc., Vol. 12, p. 229, 1981.

Krimigis, S.M., J. F. Carbary, E. P. Keath, C.O. Bostrom, W.I. Axford, G. Gloeckler, L.J. Lanzerotti, and T.P. Armstrong, "Characteristics of Hot Plasma in the Jovian Magnetosphere: Results from the Voyager Spacecraft," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 86, p. 8227, 1981.

Krimigis, S.M., T.P. Armstrong, W.I. Axford, C.O. Bostrom, G. Gloeckler, E.P. Keath, L.J. Lanzerotti, J.F. Carbary, D.C. Hamilton, and E.C. Roelof, "Low-Energy Charged Particles in Saturn's Magnetosphere: Results from Voyager 1," Science, Vol. 212, p. 225, 1981.

Lanzerotti, L.J., C.G. Maclennan, T.P. Armstrong, S.M. Krimigis, R.P. Lepping, and N.F. Ness, "Ion and Electron Angular Distributions in the Io Torus Region of the Jovian Magnetosphere," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 86, p. 8491, 1981.

Zwickl, R.D., S.M. Krimigis, J.F. Carbary, E.P. Keath, T.P. Armstrong, D.C. Hamilton, and G. Gloeckler, "Energetic Particle Events ( 30 keV) of Jovian Origin Observed by Voyager 1 and 2 in Interplanetary Space," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 86, p. 8125, 1981.


Burlaga, L.F., R.P. Lepping, R. Weber, T.P. Armstrong, C.C. Goodrich, J.D. Sullivan, D.A. Gurnett, P. Kellogg, E. Keppler, F. Mariani, F.M. Neubauer, H. Rosenbauer, and R. Schwenn, "Interplanetary Particles & Fields, Nov. 22, 1977 - Dec. 7, 1977: Helios, Voyager, and IMP Observations Between 0.6 AU and 1.6 AU," J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 85, p. 2227, 1980.

Carbary, J.F., "Periodicities in the Jovian Magnetosphere: Magnetodisc Models After Voyager," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 7, p. 29, 1980.

Carbary, J.F., and S.M. Krimigis, "Encounters with Jupiter: The Low Energy Charged Particle Results of Voyager," APL Tech. Digest, Vol. 1, p. 60, 1980.

Cheng, A.F., "Effects of Io's Volcanoes on the Plasma Torus and Jupiter's Magnetosphere," Astrophys. J., Vol. 242, p. 212, 1980.

Hamilton, D.C., G. Gloeckler, S.M. Krimigis, C.O. Bostrom, T.P. Armstrong, W.I. Axford, C.Y. Fan, L.J. Lanzerotti, and D.M. Hunten, "Detection of Energetic Hydrogen Molecules in Jupiter's Magnetosphere by Voyager 2: Evidence for an Ionospheric Plasma Source," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 7, p. 813, 1980.

Krimigis, S.M., T.P. Armstrong, W.I. Axford, C.O. Bostrom, C.Y. Fan, G. Gloeckler, L.J. Lanzerotti, D.C. Hamilton, and R.D. Zwickl, "Energetic (~100 keV) Tailward-Directed Ion Beam Outside the Jovian Plasma Boundary," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 7, p. 13, 1980.

Lanzerotti, L.J., C.G. Maclennan, R.P. Lepping, and S.M. Krimigis, "Intensity Variations in Plasma Flow at the Dawn Magnetopause," Planet. Space Sci. Vol. 28, p. 1163, 1980.

Lanzerotti, L.J., C.G. Maclennan, S.M. Krimigis, T.P. Armstrong, K.W. Behannon, and N.F. Ness, "Statics of the Nightside Jovian Plasma Sheet," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 7, p. 817, 1980.

Zwickl, R.D., S.M. Krimigis, T.P. Armstrong, and L.J. Lanzerotti, "Ions of Jovian Origin Observed by Voyager 1 and 2 in Interplanetary Space," Geophys. Res. Lett., Vol. 7, p. 453, 1980.

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