GrazingLands Research Laboratory

A research lab of the
Agricultural Research Service,
United States Department of Agriculture.



The climate data described herein are contributed by the Agricultural Research Service, Grazinglands Research Laboratory, El Reno, OK. The data for the SGP97 period (June, July and August) is provided for the 42 ARS Micronet stations in the Little Washita River Watershed. The data consists of accumulated rainfall, relative humidity, air temperature at 1.5 m, solar radiation, and soil temperature at 5, 10, 15 and 30 cm below ground surface. A data quality indicator is provided for each data entry. The climate data is provided in 5-minute increments and the soil temperature data is provided in 15-minute increments.  A documentation file provides the necessary information on data units and quality indicators, as well as a disclaimer.

The data is located at the following FTP address:

The data documentation file (ars5m.txt) is provided in the main directory: .../pub/spg97/micronet

The climate data is provided in three sub-directories off the main directory: ..../pub/spg97/micronet/97jun, ..../pub/spg97/micronet/97jul, and ..../pub/spg97/micronet/97aug

Each of the above sub-directories contains in excess of 1200 data files that are organized by day and station.  The first four digits of each file name represent the month and the day; the middle character 'a' signifies ARS station; and, the last three digits are the station or instrument site number; the file name extension signifies 5 minute data. The LAT.- LONG. coordinates of each station are given in a table and the approximate location is shown on a map of the Little Washita River Watershed. The contents and organization of each file is described in the data documentation file.


Format for the ARS micronet 5-minute data files
Version: a5m001
Date: 1997-10-02

This file describes the 5-minute ARS micronet data files. Each data file contains a line each for the version reference string, the 4-letter station ID, the date and a blank line. These are followed by a data-header line and finally the data.

This gives the version reference string for the file's data format and units. If either format or units are revised then the version also will be changed. (At the top of this document is the version for the specific file type that this document describes.)

The station ID of the file.

The year, month and day separated by "-". The date is followed by a blank line.

The header line gives the organization for the data records. The header line contains the following:

STID - station ID (same as above)
TIME - CST time (hours and minutes separated by a space)
RAIN - accumulated rainfall (mm)
RELH - relative humidity (%)
TAIR - air temperature at 1.5 m (deg(C)
SRAD - solar radiation (W/m^2)
TS05 - soil temperature at 05 cm depth (deg-C)
TS10 - soil temperature at 10 cm depth (deg-C)
TS15 - soil temperature at 15 cm depth (deg-C)
TS30 - soil temperature at 30 cm depth (deg-C)
BATV - battery voltage (volts)
FLSV - flag status value

Most parameters are followed by a "Q". This indicates a column for the quality check (QC) character.

Each line of data contains values associated with the header representation. For most parameters there is an associated QC character which represents the following:

g - good (passed QC tests - extremely low probability of error)
S - suspect (QC tests indicate some suspicion - low probability of error)
W - warning (several QC test failures - high probability of error)
F - failure (known error)
M - missing (data not received)
I - ignore
N - not installed
U - unknown

The values for the parameters RAIN, RELH, TAIR, SRAD, and FLSV are valid for the 5-minute period ending at the specified time. All other parameters are valid for the 15-minute period ending at the specified time. The 15-minute parameter values are included only every third record. For the other two times the values are set to -999.0.

Note on FLSV
A non-zero value for FLSV indicates that a technician was servicing the site. All data should be checked thoroughly to the users satisfaction before using.

Sample Format
For reading the data line in FORTRAN 77 the following format statement could be used:

format (x, a4, 2x, i2, x, i2, f8.2, x, a1, 7(f7.1, x, a1), f7.1, i7)


The ARS Micronet data of the Little Washita River Watershed are accepted and used by the recipient upon the express understanding that the ARS and it's employees make no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy, completeness, reliability or suitability for any one purpose, and that ARS and it's employees shall be under no liability to any person by reason of any use made thereof.

The ARS requests that the recipient of the ARS Micronet data does not distribute, publish or disseminate the data under the recipient's name without full and up-front acknowledgement of ARS as the source of the data, and that the recipient acknowledges the support and role of ARS in publications that use and are based on the ARS data. The data can be requested from the ARS Micronet Data manager at USDS-ARS, 7207 W. Cheyenne St., El Reno, OK 73036.



     ID         D   M    S           D  M    S              FT
   110         35 00 51.55 N   98 00 20.06 W   1241
   111         35 00 57.25 N   97 57 06.32 W   1181
   121         34 57 31.28 N   97 53 54.51 W   1125
   122         34 58 22.25 N   97 57 09.95 W   1206
   123         34 58 16.07 N   98 00 20.25 W   1251
   124         34 58 22.10 N   98 03 28.75 W   1270
   125         34 59 08.58 N   98 07 40.84 W   1375
   130         34 57 23.31 N   98 17 04.74 W   1433
   131         34 57 01.06 N   98 14 00.81 W   1503
   132         34 56 30.     N   98 10 42.     W   1400
   133         34 56 56.70 N   98 07 41.18 W   1410
   134         34 56 11.67 N   98 04 31.00 W   1257
   135         34 55 38.33 N   98 01 11.42 W   1198
   136         34 55 39.70 N   97 57 56.10 W   1126
   137         34 56 42.20 N   97 55 22.55 W   1140
   144         34 52 44.34 N   97 55 01.56 W   1271
   145         34 53 03.20 N   97 58 16.89 W   1208
   146         34 53 07.37 N   98 01 22.98 W   1175
   147         34 54 24.82 N   98 04 32.69 W   1369
   148         34 53 56.98 N   98 07 41.31 W   1412
   149         34 53 54.38 N   98 10 51.13 W   1378
   150         34 54 21.93 N   98 15 03.79 W   1412
   151         34 54 47.56 N   98 17 33.97 W   1464
   152         34 51 40.14 N   98 15 03.83 W   1363
   153         34 51 18.85 N   98 12 00.19 W   1358
   154         34 51 18.84 N   98 08 13.29 W   1288
   155         34 50 27.33 N   98 01 12.65 W   1280
   156         34 50 34.63 N   97 57 30.39 W   1302
   157         34 49 29.45 N   97 54 44.29 W   1340
   158         34 47 00.86 N   97 55 57.87 W   1340
   159         34 47 47.93 N   97 59 35.65 W   1439
   160         34 48 01.02 N   98 02 13.13 W   1349
   161         34 47 50.16 N   98 05 25.97 W   1336
   162         34 48 48.     N   98 08 30.     W   1310
   163         34 49 03.     N   98 11 42.     W   1340
   164         34 49 17.87 N   98 16 44.14 W   1340
   165         34 46 57.92 N   98 08 43.65 W   1313
   166         34 45 13.70 N   98 05 22.26 W   1281
   167         34 45 16.09 N   98 02 12.12 W   1304
   168         34 45 15.15 N   97 58 38.76 W   1370
   181         34 52 11.02 N   98 18 04.87 W   1319
   182         34 50 41.81 N   98 04 23.45 W   1212

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