CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL
RECORD_TYPE                    = STREAM
PRODUCT_CREATION_TIME          = 1999-01-26
OBJECT                         = TEXT
   NOTE                        = "Description of the FORTRAN software
                                  provided with the MOLA CD-ROM set"
END_OBJECT                     = TEXT

There are two utility programs provided, PEDR2TAB, and AREOID.
PEDR2TAB converts binary PEDR files to ASCII tables.
(An earlier version, known as TABLE, is now obsolete.)
Since all MOLA data are available in integer form, virtually any computer
can extract the binary data in full precision. 
AREOID calculates the areoid reference surface at an arbitrary point
on the planetary surface, so that other terrain models may be compared.

These programs are written in the stable and portable Fortran-77
language, with MIL-STD-1753 features and other extensions. Source code is
provided, with executables for most common workstations and personal
computers. The user interface differs slightly, however.

Although the software contained herein has been tested,
no warranty, expressed or implied, is made by NASA, the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory (JPL), or the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), as to
the accuracy and functioning of the software and related materials, and
no responsibility is assumed by NASA, JPL, or GSFC.


0. For PEDR2TAB, you must choose the appropriate
   version of the source code and executable from the directories
   BIGENDIAN (Mac, Sun, HP, RS6000, SGI, IBM370, etc.) or
   SMALLENDIAN (VAX, ALPHA, IBM PC or compatible).

   AREOID is architecture-independent, apart from user interface.

1. Copy the executable binary to a directory where it will be found. If the
   hardware platform and operating system you use are not compatible,
   recompilation may be necessary. The executables may need to be renamed
   to suit your architecture. The Mac executables are compiled separately
   for the PowerPC and 68K platforms.

2. Copy the preferences or .prm file to the working directory, edited according 
   to one's needs, noting the comments therein. The PEDR files need not be
   in the same directory, but some implementations may try to create output
   in the PEDR directory, unless a single explicit output file is given.

PROGRAM PEDR2TAB - output ascii table(s) from MOLA PEDRs, one line for
each altimetry shot detected. The user may choose to see all ranges, or only
those that are/are not ground hits, in a selected region. The user may output
any of eight groups of MOLA instrument values. By default, topography,
range, planetary radius, and flags are output.

See the document "PEDR2TAB.FMT" for names and descriptions of the MOLA output.
By default a single file "MOLA.TAB" is created containing all selected shots.
The file "PEDR2TAB.PRM" allows the user to select the parameters to output and
the region to select, and to change the output conventions.

As an option, each PEDR file in a list is searched for frames in the selected
region and lines are output, either to one big file, or separate files by the 
same name with a suffix ".TAB". On computers with a command-line-interface,
one may either invoke "PEDR2TAB " for a single file,
or PEDR2TAB with no arguments to read a list of files.


1. Workstations with big-endian numerics (i.e., SUN)
   use the UNIX versions. PC's using little-endian numerics use a version with
   a byte-swapping function, as do DEC ALPHAs and VAXes.
   DEC compilers define record length differently from other systems
   (irecl=194 instead of 776).
   They use only modest memory allocation via the FORTRAN runtime environment.

2. This software is not supported by the MOLA Instrument and Science Teams.
   The PEDR Software Interface Specification 2.7 is the authoritative document,
   and should be consulted if questions arise.

   If you have any comments, improvements, or bug reports, please e-mail to:


PEDR2TAB without arguments queries on stdin for the name of a file
	 which may be either a PEDR with extension ".B" or ".b" ,
	 or a list of PEDR filenames. A single ASCII output file
	 may be generated with a user-specified name, defaulting to "MOLA.TAB",
	 or individual PEDR-named files with a user-specified suffix,
	 defaulting to ".TAB".

PEDR2TAB  generates output file(s) as described above.
	 Either way, console messages are written to stdout.


The program uses the Language Systems Fortran FILE=* extension to open a file
through a Finder dialog window. Output is generated as described above for the
command-line interface. If the file is a list, folder paths must be qualified
with colons (:), for example, "MGSL0001:PEDR:AP000XX:AP00003K.B".

If copied by ftp or other means, PEDR's must be transferred in raw or binary
mode. It is very important that the binary files have a filetype
of "TEXT" or other document type when accessed, as the OPEN routine
doesn't see unknown file types. The output file (defaults to MOLA.TAB) is a
TEXT document with creator "MPS", for MacIntosh Programmers Workshop,
but should be readable by a spreadsheet program or text processor.

PROGRAM AREOID - calculate equipotential topographic reference surface.

This program allows one to compare the topography on the CD with planetary
radii obtained from other sources. It accepts three columns of input in free
format, lat-lon-radius or lon-lat-radius, and outputs the corresponding
areoid radius and topography. Units are areocentric degrees of arc and meters.
It assumes a degree-and-order 70 potential model, and an equatorial radius of
3396000. meters. The "GMM1.2" file is an interim solution incorporating the
earlier GMM-1 model and MGS tracking data through SPO-1.
It is for reference only. It is not a validated science data product,
nor is it to be used for any purpose other than comparison with this MOLA release.

The program optionally accepts alternate potential models from the command line.
It is designed as a filter, taking from standard input and writing to standard
output, either of which may be redirected or pipes.


The program uses the Language Systems Fortran FILE=* extension to open input
and output files through a Finder dialog window. A single output ASCII table
is generated when the program is run. It is very important that the input file
have a filetype of "TEXT" or other non-application type when accessed.
The output file (defaults to AREOID.TAB) is an "MPW document" but can be read
by a spreadsheet program or text processor.
 softinfo.txt		this document
 pedr2tab.fmt		Output format description


pedr2tab.		Executables for various platforms. See README files.

pedr2tab.f		FORTRAN source for UNIX programmers
pedr2tab.DEC.f		FORTRAN source for Digital Equipment (VAX, ALPHA)
pedr2tab_PC.f		FORTRAN source for Microsoft PC's (WinXX, DOS)
pedr2tab_PCLINUX.f	FORTRAN source for PC's running LINUX
pedr2tab.MAC.f		FORTRAN source for MacOS programmers

PEDR2TAB.PRM		Preferences (parameters) read by all versions
FILELIST		Sample list of PEDR filenames

 areoid.		various executables
 GMM1.2			potential model used in the SPO-1 release
 GMM1.3			potential model used in the SPO-1&2 release
 areoid.f.UNIX		FORTRAN source for UNIX programmers
 areoid.f.MAC		FORTRAN source for MacOS programmers
 areoid.prefs		runtime preferences

This software is under development and benefits from community feedback.

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