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EPS File Manipulation Routines

This chapter discusses the interfaces for EPS routines that deal with an EPS file as a whole.

As described in Chapter 2, EPS File Compunents , an EPS file is defined as a collection of data files and a pointer file which contains the full path to these data files. An unopened EPS file is referred to by the pointer file name; once an EPS file is opened, it is referred to by an EPS file identifier returned by function ep_open (or epopen for Fortran) when you open the EPS file. The EPS file identifier is also referred to as "system data structure" (Dbase* epf ) for C interface and as "pointer file identifier" (integer epf) for Fortran interface in the manual. Each data file listed in the pointer file is loaded to the database at the time you position to it by using the EPS function call ep_set_next(or epsetnext for Fortran), and unloaded when you load the next data file or when you close the pointer file. The EPS routines only operate on the current loaded data file; once a data file is unloaded (closed), you cannot load it unless you close the entire EPS file and reopen it again. However, you can open several EPS files (i.e. pointer files) at the same time.

The operations supported on an EPS file are:

Open an EPS File

The function ep_open or epopen for Fortran) opens an EPS file, initializes internal tables, allocates the memory necessary for the tables and data, forms an internal database for the EPS file, and returns a unique EPS file identifier which can subsequently be used to refer to the internal database. This routine must be called before any routine that uses the EPS file identifier. All data files listed in the pointer file will be opened in the same mode.

The input argument EPS file, file, can be either a pointer file which contains a list of data file names or a single data file when reading. If a BLANK string is specified when creating, no pointer file will be generated. Refer to the following table when you specify the EPS file argument.

EPS File Specification
Open ModeInput EPS File argumentComments
READa pointer file namecontains a list of data files
READa single data file namenetCDF or Classic EPIC file
READan ASCII tablecontains data info
EDITa pointer or single data file namenetCDF file only
CREATEA Pointer file Namewill contain a list of output data files
CREATEA Blank or Null Stringno pointer file will be generated

When READ, the pointer file can contain a list of netCDF or Classic EPIC data files, or ASCII data file information table. (Refer to EPS Implementation of ASCII Data File Format for details about ASCII data format.) When EDIT, the pointer file must contain only netCDF data files. When CREATE, the pointer file will contain a list of output data files which have the same data type (netCDF or Classic EPIC).

The input argument option, opts, contains information about open mode and file type. There are only 4 possible inputs for the file processing options which are listed in the following table.

EPS File Specification
Open ModeData File TypeInput option, opts

All input options described in the above table are constants and defined in the include file named ``epsystem.h'' (or ``epsystem.fh'' for Fortran). When opening an existing EPS file, it is sufficient to use option EPREAD for read or EPEDIT for edit; the file type need not be specified. When opening a new EPS file, the option must be given as either EPCREATE+EPEPIC to create a classic EPIC file or EPCREATE+EPCDF to create a netCDF file. The output argument, epf, is the EPS file identifier, also referred as ``EPIC system data structure'' for C interface or as ``pointer file identifier'' for Fortran interface.

Possible causes of error and warning to this routine call include:

ep_open: C Interface
   void ep_open(Dbase** epf, char* file, int opts)

      epf O EPIC system data structure 
     file I EPS file 
     opts I EPS file processing options
ep_open: FORTRAN Interface
   subroutine epopen(integer epf, character*(*) file, integer opts)

      epf O pointer file identifier 
     file I EPS file 
     opts I EPS file processing options

Close an EPS File

The function ep_close (or epclose for Fortran) closes an EPS file, i.e. an EPS pointer file and associated data files. It frees the memory that has been allocated by the ep_open and succeeding EPS routines. When the EPS file was opened for create, ep_close also writes out variable information and attributes information of last opened data file before closes the EPS file. Without using ep_close, an opened EPS file will not be closed properly when a program terminates.

ep_close: C Interface

   void ep_close(Dbase* epf)

     epf I EPIC system data structure
ep_close: FORTRAN Interface
   subroutine epclose(integer epf)

      epf I pointer file identifier 

Position to Next Data File

The function ep_set_next (or epsetnext for Fortran) will position to the next data file in the pointer file based on the sort specifier and close the previously opened data file. If EPS file is opened with EPREAD or EPEDIT, a pointer of data file name (no path name included) will be returned by the function (or returned in argument filename for Fortran).

When opening an existing EPS file, the default order for positioning to the next data file is the order listed in the pointer file. When reading the classic EPIC data files, user can call epsetsort to specify the sorting criteria. If doing so, epsetsort must be called before epsetnext. The first time epsetnext is called, the current data file is set to the first data file.

When writing an EPS file, the file name, filename, is an input argument which indicates the output file name; this filename can be specified with or without the path name.

Possible causes of error and warning to this routine call include:

ep_set_next: C Interface

   char* ep_set_next(Dbase* epf, char* filename)

        epf I EPIC system data structure 
   filename I new data file name when opened with EPCREATE
              Enter (char *)NULL when opened with EPREAD or EPEDIT.
epsetnext: Fortran Interface
   subroutine epsetnext(integer epf, character*(*) filename)

        epf  I  pointer file identifier 
   filename I/O data file name. It is an input argument when creating a file.
                It is an output argument when reading or editing a file. 

Get Total Number of Data Files in Database

The integer function ep_inq_numfile (or epinqnumfile for Fortran) returns total number of data files in the database.

ep_inq_numfile: C Interface

   int ep_inq_numfile(Dbase* epf)

        epf I EPIC system data structure 

epinqnumfile: FORTRAN Interface

   integer function epinqnumfile(integer epf)

        epf  I  pointer file identifier 

Check the Last Data File in Database

The Logical function ep_last_datafile (or eplastdatafile for Fortran) returns true if the last data file in the database is reached; returns false otherwise.

ep_last_datafile: C Interface int ep_last_datafile(Dbase* epf) epf I EPIC system data structure

eplastdatafile: FORTRAN Interface

   logical function eplastdatafile(integer epf)

        epf  I  pointer file identifier 

Get Current Data File Path Name

The function ep_inq_dir (or epinqdir for Fortran) returns the directory path name of the current data file. It must be called after the function call epsetnext.

ep_inq_dir: C Interface

   void ep_inq_dir(Dbase* epf, (char**) path)

        epf I EPIC system data structure 
       path O current data file path name 

epinqdir: FORTRAN Interface

   subroutine epinqdir(integer epf, character*(*) path )

        epf I pointer file identifier 
       path O current data file path name 

Get File and Data Type

The function ep_inq_type (or epinqtype for Fortran) returns the type of the current opened data file (e.g. EPIC, CDF) and the data type (e.g. CTD for CTD data or profile data, TIME for time series data). The EPS routines recognize the file type at the time when the data file is loaded, that is, when ep_set_next is called. Therefore, this function must be called after ep_set_next (or epsetnext for Fortran) is called. For a classic EPIC file, the data type information is provided by a flag in the data file (header 2, col 78); for a netCDF file the data type information is obtained by reading the global attribute ``DATA_TYPE''.

ep_inq_type: C Interface

   void ep_inq_type(Dbase* epf, char** ftype, char** dformat)

        epf I  EPIC system data structure
      ftype O  data file type
    dformat O  data format
epinqtype: FORTRAN Interface
   subroutine epinqtype(integer epf, character*(*) ftype,
                        character*(*) dformat)

        epf I  pointer file identifier
      ftype O  data file type 
    dformat O  data format 

Set Sort Criteria

The function ep_set_sort (or epsetsort for Fortran) sets the criteria for the sorting of data records for reading. This function is only implemented for classic EPIC data files and netCDF files in which all variables are sharing the same set of axes. If epsetsort is used, it should be called prior to the first invocation of epsetnext. The input argument sort specifier, sort, indicates the data file sorting order: sort(i) > 0, ort by increasing values of axis i; sort(i) < 0, sort by decreasing values of axis i; and sort(i) = 0, do not sort. For example, sort={1,2,0,0} indicates to sort by increasing x-axis then by increasing y-axis and not to sort by z-axis and time-axis.

ep_set_sort: C Interface

   void ep_set_sort(Dbase* epf, int* sort)

        epf I  EPIC system data structure
    sort[4] I  sort specifier.

epsetsort: FORTRAN Interface

   subroutine epsetsort(integer epf, integer sort(4))

        epf I  pointer file identifier
       sort I  sort specifier.

Set EPS Error Handling Options

The function ep_err_opts (or eperropts for Fortran sets the error handling options which will be carried on through out the program unless this function is called again. When an error or warning has occurred, the error code and error message will be stored in the internal database. By default, error message will not be printed out and the program will not stop. The available options are listed in the following table.

EPS Routine Error Handling Options
EPDEFAULTdefault; no error message and no stop on any error
EPCONTcontinue on warning and fatal error
EPCONTWcontinue on warning and stop on fatal error
EPSTOPstop on warning and fatal error
EPPRINTERRprint out the error message; can be combined with above options except EPDEFAULT

The EPPRINTEER canbe combined with other options except EPDEFAULT. For example, set opts to be EPSTOP+EPPRINTERR will print out the error message and exit when an error or warning occurs. If this function has never been called, the default error-handling option will be used. In this case, in order to catch EPS error at right place, user needs to call EPS routine epinqerr and epmesg, or call epmesgdo to print the error and take the corresponding action after each EPS routine call in the program. (See discussion in the following sections.)

ep_err_opts: C Interface

   void ep_err_opts(int opts)

        opts I  Error handling options

eperropts: FORTRAN Interface

   subroutine eperropts(integer opts)

        opts I  Error handling options

Get EPS Error Code

Integer function ep_inq_error (or epinqerr for Fortran) returns the value of the error code of the latest EPS routine: 0 = no error, positive integer = fatal error, and negative error = warning error. Epinqerr does not clear the error.

ep_inq_error: C Interface

   int ep_inq_error(Dbase* epf)

        epf I  EPIC system data structure

epinqerr: FORTRAN Interface

   integer function epinqerr(integer epf)

        epf I  pointer file identifier 

Get EPS Error Message

The function ep_message (or epmesg for Fortran) returns a string that describes the error. The string is valid only if epinqerr returns a non-zero result.

ep_message: C Interface

   void ep_message(Dbase* epf, char** string)

        epf I  EPIC system data structure 
     string O  description of the error

epmesg: FORTRAN Interface

   subroutine epmesg(integer epf, character*(*) string, integer len)

        epf I  pointer file identifier 
     string O  description of the error
        len O  length of the string 

EPS Error Handler

If an error has occurred during the latest EPS routine call, the function ep_mesg_do (or epmesgdo for Fortran) writes the error message to screen (or to logical unit lun for Fortran) and take the specified action. Actions are: EPSTOP, stop on warning and fatal errors; EPCONTW continue on warning, stop on fatal; EPCONT, continue on warning and fatal errors.

ep_mesg_do: C Interface

   void ep_mesg_do(Dbase* epf, int action)

        epf I  EPIC system data structure 
     action I  do the specified action

epmesgdo: FORTRAN Interface

   subroutine epmesgdo(integer epf, integer lun, integer action)

        epf I  pointer file identifier 
        lun I  Fortran logical unit number 
     action I  do the specified action 

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