Upload Documents


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About Uploading Documents

Many positions require you to submit, as part of your Application Package, supporting documents, such as a résumé, transcripts, Veterans' Preference documents, and others. To find out what documents are required for the job announcement for which you are applying, consult the How to Apply tab of the job announcement on USAJOBS or the Checklist tab of the Application Package Status page of Application Manager.


The Upload Documents page provides a way for you to upload electronic copies of supporting documents you need submit for your Application Package. Document Upload is the preferred method for submitting supporting documents because your documents are attached to your Application Package immediately, and you can typically see within a matter of minutes that they are processed and complete. Uploaded documents look sharp and clear when viewed by hiring managers.


The lists of documents on the Upload Documents page and on the Checklist and Details displays do not automatically refresh. To see the document status change when it occurs, you must change pages and come back, or user your browser's refresh button.

Documents cannot be deleted.

It is not possible in this version of Application Manager to delete documents, but you can add new ones. If you have multiple copies of a document type, the reviewers can tell from the upload dates and times which ones are your most recent.


To add new documents, you can simply click the Add Documents button. (Normally, you would want to refrain from clicking Update Application Package unless you intend to follow all the steps again from start to finish.)

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If you only have a hard copy of a particular document and you do not have a way to scan it into a file that you can upload, you can submit it by following the fax instructions below. Note, however, that fax processing normally takes up to 24 hours, occasionally longer. By their very nature, faxed documents are harder to read than uploaded files.


Although Upload Documents appears in the Navigation Box on the left side of Application Manager's window as a step that would typically occur before the Submit My Answers step, you can actually visit this page and upload documents at any time after you begin the Application Package.


If "Return to USAJOBS" appears on this page, you need to click if you want to either search for more jobs or to have your application status updated in your USAJOBS account. If you do not click this link, your USAJOBS account profile will not be updated to reflect the work you have done on the Application Package.

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Instructions for Uploading Documents

Note the file types and restrictions below. Follow the steps listed in the Document Upload Instructions on the Upload Documents page itself.

File Types and Restrictions
Reducing file sizes to meet the 2 MB limit

If you are scanning documents into your computer, scanning software will typically offer to save files in TIFF or BMP format, or perhaps PDF. These are likely to be too large.  The software may also offer to save as JPG (or JPEG) which is far more compact.  In addition, the software may allow you to select lower quality for an even smaller file size.  We have found 50% quality still looks quite good and results in a file size often less than a tenth of the original.  

If your scanning software does not let you save the file in a compact format, there are free downloads out there that do. One such that we are aware of for Windows is called Irfanview. On recent Mac systems, Preview will perform this function.

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The following restrictions apply to files submitted through this Document Upload Service:

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Instructions for Faxing Supporting Documents

If you have supporting documents in electronic format, or if you can scan them into an acceptable file format (see above list of File Types and Restrictions), please upload them on the Document Upload page of Application Manager instead of faxing them. Fax only those documents for which you have only a paper copy and cannot obtain an electronic version (such as by scanning).


The fax number is (478) 757-3144. Your faxed documents must be accompanied by either the Fax Cover Sheet or Form 1203-FX as directed below, depending upon the manner in which you are submitting your answers to the assessment questionnaire.

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USAJOBS Portfolio Documents

USAJOBS  has added a feature to the job seeker account that allows you to upload and store supporting documents at USAJOBS.  You can store up to five documents at a time and choose from among the following document types when uploading their documents:



USAJOBS Job Seeker Portfolio

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When can I use Portfolio Documents?

You may send these supporting documents from your USAJOBS job seeker account to Application Manager if the following are true for the announcement you are applying to:

(1) the hiring agency has decided to accept supporting documents in addition to Resumes (such as transcripts, etc.)

(2) the hiring agency has decided to accept USAJOBS Resumes, and

(3) you  use the Apply Online button at the bottom of the job announcement.


Selecting USAJOBS Resume and Portfolio documents

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Portfolio Documents - "Awaiting Retrieval from USAJOBS"

Application Manager will not retrieve your USAJOBS portfolio documents until you click Submit My Answers to submit your Application Package. In other words, as long as your Application Package is in "Incomplete" status, the status for your USAJOBS portfolio documents will be "Awaiting Retrieval from USAJOBS."  

Once you click Submit My Answers, please allow 6-8 hours for the USAJOBS portfolio documents to be retrieved. If Application Manager is unable to retrieve your USAJOBS portfolio documents for any reason, you will be notified by email and be provided instructions on how to submit your documents.


Instructions for Adding a USAJOBS Resume or Portfolio Document to an existing Application Package.


For AUTOMATIC USAJOBS Resume transfer or Portfolio Documents

To attach your USAJOBS Resume or Portfolio Documents to an existing Application Package, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your MyUSAJOBS profile at (www.usajobs.gov).

  2. Search for the vacancy you are applying to in your My Applications area.

  3. Press the Apply Online button on the bottom left of the page.

  4. Select the resume and/or documents you want to transfer to Application Manager.

  5. Press the Apply For This Position Now button.

  6. Once you are in Application Manager https://applicationmanager.gov/ (If you see a message about the site's certificate, please press yes or the link to continue to the website.), please review your Checklist and Details tabs for your USAJOBS Resume and/or Portfolio Documents.


For MANUAL USAJOBS Resume Transfer or Portfolio Documents

To manually upload your USAJOBS Resume or Portfolio Documents to an existing Application Package, please follow these steps:

  1. Log into your MyUSAJOBS profile at (www.usajobs.gov)

  2. Preview/view your USAJOBS Resume.

  3. Save the document as an .html file somewhere on your computer.

  4. To do this, please copy and paste your resume from USAJOBS into a MS Word document. When you save it, save it as a file type (this option will be available under "File Name" called ["Web Page *.htm; *.html]).

  5. *For Portfolio documents, simply open them up, and save the on your computer hard drive.

  6. Log into your Application Manager account at https://applicationmanager.gov/ (If you see a message about the site's certificate, please press yes or the link to continue to the website.).

  7. Open the Application Package you would like to add your USAJOBS Resume and/or Portfolio Documents to.

  8. Switch to the Details view and click the "Add Documents" button.

  9. Upload your USAJOBS Resume and/or Portfolio Documents.


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