Package jpl.mipl.mdms.FileService.komodo.api

Package containing Komodo APIs to development client applications that are clients of the Komodo framework.


Interface Summary
Constants Purpose: Interface to define constants and error codes for the Komodo API.
DomainFactoryIF Factory interface for Domain objects

Class Summary
Admin All actions that can be take on a file type
Capability This class contains user's capabilities for a file type.
Client A simplified wrapper class for all general user operations defined in the APIs.
ClientRestartCache Purpose: Client restart cache JavaBean is used to cache file download and query information.
Domain Abstract superclass of all Domain parsing classes.
DomainFactory Factory class to provide access to all Domain objects.
FileType Purpose: This class defines all operations that can be performed on a file type.
FileTypeInfo BaseClient-side Komodo internal file type class.
RequestTerminationHandler Purpose: Handler that waits for invocation to begin a shutdown procedure.
RestartExceptionListener Implements the ExceptionListener interface which is used for catching any recoverable exceptions during construction of XMLDecoder object.
RestartInfo Deprecated.  
Result Result class maintains information about individual files.
SaxDomain SAX XML parsing implementation of Domain object
ServerGroup Purpose: This class defines all operations that can be performed on a server group.
ServerInfo BaseClient-side Komodo server info class.
ServerProxy Purpose: The sever proxy class that implements the Komodo server proxy class.
Session Implements the Session session class.
VFT This class contains all actions that can be take on a VFT by a user.

Exception Summary
SessionException Session Exception class.

Package jpl.mipl.mdms.FileService.komodo.api Description

Package containing Komodo APIs to development client applications that are clients of the Komodo framework.

Below are a list of properties used by various components of the FEI client.
- Number of seconds connection will wait for read operation before throwing a timeout signal.
- Posivitve integer, or 0 for no timeout. Units is milliseconds.
- Default: 30000 milliseconds (5 minutes)

- Keep alive time. Number of milliseconds a push subscription/notification will wait before sending a Ping request.
- Positive integer in the range of (30000, 300000). Units is milliseconds.
- Default: 180000 ms (3 minutes)

- Restart directory.
- String of valid directory path.
- Default: Checks $FEI5CCDIR. If not defined, then user home directory.
- Path to the keystore file used for SSL communication.
- String of valid keystore filepath.
- Default: $FEI5/mdms-fei.keystore

- Komodo configuration directory. Contains config files used by the Komodo framework,
- String of valid directory path.
- Default: $FEI5

Location of the FEI domain file containing server group and filetype information.
String of valid domain file path.
Default: $FEI5/domain.fei

- Logging configuration file. Controls logger verbosity and targets.
- String of valid logger configuration file path.
- Default: $FEI5/mdms.lcf (mdmsgui.lcf for GUI applications)

- Interval between successive queries for pull-type subscription/notification.
- Positive integer, units in minutes.
- Default: 1 minute

- Sets the number of seconds between a client pulse to server. 0 means no pulse.
- Positive integer, units in seconds.
- Default: 0 (no pulse)

DOM document builder factory implementation class.
String of full classname.
Default: None

- SAX parser factory implementation class.
- String of full classname.
- Default: None.

- SAX parser driver implementation class
- String of full classname.
- Default: None

- Identifies the launching application name for messages.
- String of application name.
- Default: None.
- Sets preference for IPv4 Stack for network.
- String of 'true' or 'false'
- Default: false

- Enables debug message.
- String of 'true' or 'false'
- Default: false

- Defines the operation of the application. Used with the utility client.
- One of komodo.util.(add,accept,get,subscribe,notify,crc,checkfiles,check, delete,display,makeclean,list,rename,replace,reference, comment,showtypes,login,credList,logout)
- Default: None.

- Property that can be set for X11 or headless environments.
- String of 'true' or 'false'
- Default: false
- Allows the application to run without displaying a Java icon in a Mac OS dock.
- String of 'true' or 'false'
- Default: false