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Minnesota State Statistics

Updated: January 2006 (Printer Friendly Version) Get Acrobat Reader
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Beneficiary Data - December 2004


775,050 beneficiaries
$686 million
$886 average monthly benefit
  Retired workers
$494 million
$955 average monthly benefit

    Their dependents

$ 24 million
$489 average monthly benefit
  Disabled workers
$ 75 million
$879 average monthly benefit

    Their dependents

$ 5 million
$258 average monthly benefit
  Survivors 101,490 $ 88 million $863 average monthly benefit

Earnings and Employment Data - 2003

  • About 3.1 million residents worked in Social Security covered employment.
  • Covered earnings totaled about $91 billion.
  • About $11.3 billion was paid in Social Security taxes.


SSA Press Office  440 Altmeyer Bldg.  6401 Security Blvd.  Baltimore, MD 21235 
410-965-8904  FAX 410-966-9973

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