LC Digital Repository Development and Support
Batch Manifest
Version 2.1

Table of Contents

  Background     Components  ( Batch Manifest File , Attribute File )
  Overview     Examples  ( Batch Manifest File , Attribute File )
  Assumptions     Batch Rework Iterations
  Definition     Other Useful Information


LC collection material being included in the National Digital Library are batched for digitization and quality review processing. Depending upon the material involved, the digitization may be performed by either contractors or LC personnel. Regardless, the electronic files that are the product of digitization are submitted for LC quality review in batches analogous to those in which the collection items from which they were derived were processed.

Currently (Spring 1998), such batches of digitized files are submitted for quality review on CD/ROM. However file transfer protocol (FTP) as well as other means may also be used. In order to keep track of what is actually being submitted, each batch of digitized files submitted for quality review will be accompanied by an electronic Batch Manifest.


  1. Each delivery event by which digitized material is transferred to LC will include an electronic Batch Manifest for each batch that is part of the delivery event.
  2. All delivery events by which LC receives digitized material will caontain a Batch Manifest manifest for each batch included in the event, regardless of the medium used for delivery (e.g., CD/ROM, FTP, floppy disk).
  3. Normally, delivery events will contain a single batch of material. However, there may be times when the delivery event includes more than one batch. When that is the case, there will be an separate Batch Manifest for each batch that is part of the delivery event. Each Batch Manifest encountered will signal the start of a new batch and will be immediately followed by the digitized files associated with that batch.
  4. When a delivery event contains a single batch, the first thing transferred to LC will be the Batch Manifest for that batch. For example, if a single batch is being transferred to LC via CD/ROM, the Batch Manifest would be on the first track of the CD/ROM. The digitized files associated with the batch would immediately follow the Batch Manifest.
  5. The Batch Manifest will contain an entry, or record, for each digitized object in the batch being delivered.


  1. More than one delivery event may be required to transfer the full contents of a given batch of digitized objects from a vendor or other supplier to LC.
  2. A batch may contain digitized material of any data type (e.g., gif, tif, sid, jpeg, wav, mpeg, SGML).
  3. Where applicable, information such as dimensions (dpi) and chromatic value are assumed to be carried in the file header.
  4. All digital materials in a batch are assumed to have the same custodian and initial digital compilation/collection assignment as the aggregate with which the batch is associated. Consequently, custodian and digital compilation/collection will be supplied from the aggregate's entry in the Aggregate Profile table (AGG_PRO) after the delivery event.


The Batch Manifest identifies the digital files that comprise a digitized batch being delivered to the Library of Congress for quality review and incorporation into the LC digital repository. It also serves as the delivery vehicle for structural metadata attributes that were identified during each file's digitization process.


  1. Batch Manifest File:  Contains the list of files in the batch as well as metadata attribute values associated with each file.
  2. Attribute File:  Identifies the fields carried in each Batch Manifest File entry and the order in which they occur.

Batch Manifest File:

  1. File Name:  Consists of the batch ID followed by a period (.) followed by the file extension "mnf."   Example:  sighh004.mnf
  2. Fields within Batch Manifest entries will be of fixed length. Unless otherwise noted, the data in each field will be left justified and right padded with blanks for the full length of the field.
  3. All Batch Manifest File data fields that are specified in the Attribute File (see below) must be present in each file entry. When a field does not apply to a given Batch Manifest File entry, it will be set to "hash" (#) marks for the full length of the field.
  4. Data Fields
    NOTE:  Field defaults indicated as "None" must be explicitly input.
     Field defaults indicated as "n/a" will be set to hash marks(#).

    FieldField NameField
    1Batch IDBID8Character StringNoneYes
    2Batch ExtensionEXT3Character StringBlanksYes
    3Aggregate NameAGG8Character StringNoneYes
    4Upper Convenience GroupUCG30Character StringNoneNo 
    5Item IDITEM10Character StringNoneYes
    6Lower Convenience GroupLCG30Character StringNoneNo 
    7File NameFN10Character StringNoneYes
    8File ExtensionFXT4Character StringNoneYes
    9File SizeFSIZE9NumberNoneYes
    10File Size UnitFSU2 KB = Kilobytes
    MB = Megabytes
    GB = Gigabytes
    TB = Terabytes
    PB = Petabytes
    11Date CreatedDATE8YYYYMMDDCurrent date
    (e.g., 19981031)
    12Creator IDCRE9 See Creator Code Table NoneYes
    13Operator IDOPR4 Character String n/aNo 
    14Equipment IDEQU5 Character String NoneYes
    15Original Content TypeOCT4 0001 = Audio
    0002 = Text
    0003 = Motion Visual
    0004 = Non-motion Visual
    16Digitized Content UseDCU2 01 = Archival
    02 = Service
    03 = Preview
    17DescriptionDESC60 Character String NoneYes 
    18Side DigitizedSIDE1 0 = Front
    1 = Back
    2 = Other
    19Presentation Sequence NumberPSEQ3 Character String
    (right justified; leading blanks)
    20Grid Coordinate - Alphabetic (Column)GCL3 Alphabetic Character String
    (right justified; leading blanks)
    21Grid Coordinate - Numeric (Row)GRW3 Numeric Character String
    (right justified; leading zeros)
    22DetailDTL3 Lower case "x" followed by a "one-up count" number
    (right justified; leading blanks)
    23Printed Page NumberPPN20 Character String
    (right justified; leading blanks)
    24Printed Sheet NumberPSN25 Character String
    (right justified; leading blanks)
    25Printed Plate NumberPPL25 Character String
    (right justified; leading blanks)
    26CoverCVR4 0001=Front-Cover-Outside
    27Page FeaturePFEA4 0029 = Addendum
    0023 = Advertisement(s)
    0024 = Bibliography
    0024 = Blank Page
    0007 = Editorial Page
    0008 = End Paper
    0026 = Errata
    0009 = Illustration List
    0027 = Production Note
    0028 = References
    0016 = Table List
    0017 = Table of Contents
    0022 = Title Page
    28IndexINDX4 0010 = Index
    0013 = Author or Name
    0011 = Comprehensive
    0015 = Mixed Text and
                Illustration Index
    0014 = Special Index
    0012 = Subject Index
    29TargetTRGT4 0018 = Content Target
    0019 = Identifying Target
    0020 = Irregularity Target
    0021 = Scanning Target
    30Scanning OrientationORI3 000 = 0 degrees
    090 = 90 degrees
    180 = 180 degrees
    270 = 270 degrees
    31Associated File TypeAFT3 001 = Catalog File
    002 = Document Type
    003 = Entity File
    004 = Entities
    005 = SGML Catalog File
    006 = Entityrc File
    007 = Navigator File
    008 = SGML Packet
    009 = RealAudio
              Streaming File
    010 = Style Sheet
    32Associated File NameAFN30 Character String n/aNo 

    Additional metadata attribute fields may be included in the Batch Manifest File but are not required. The presence of such additional fields will vary according to the nature of the digitized material found in each batch.


  6. Batch Extension Field:

    This field is used to indicate the "rework" status of a batch of digitized objects. If the batch is being processed for the first time this field is empty. If the batch contains a first iteration of reworked digital objects (i.e., rescanned or otherwise corrected), this field contains the letters "rwk." Any subsequent rework iterations this field will contain the letters "rw" followed by the number of the rework iteration. If the batch is being completely replaced, the batch extension field contains the letters "red."


    sighh004    = Initial version of batch sighh004
    sighh004rwk = First "rework" iteration of batch sighh004
    sighh004rw1 = Second "rework" iteration of batch sighh004
    sighh004rw2 = Third "rework" iteration of batch sighh004
    : :    :             :             :
    sighh004rwn = Nth "rework" iteration of batch sighh004
    sighh004red = Redelivery of batch sighh004 in its entirety

  7. Scanning Orientation Field:

Attribute File:

  1. File Name:  Consists of the Batch ID followed by a period (.) followed by the file extension "att."   Example:  sighh004.att
  2. The Attribute File contains one record for each field found in Batch Manifest File entries. These records are arranged in the order in which the fields appear in the Batch Manifest File.
  3. Fields within the Attribute File record will be of fixed length. The data in each field will be left justified and right padded with blanks for the full length of the field.
  4. Each Attribute File record will contain the following:

    Field NameLength
    ID of Batch Manifest File data field 5
    Name of Batch Manifest File data field25
    Length of Batch Manifest File data field 3

Examples of Attribute File and Batch Manifest File Data

Rework iterations of a batch will contain only the files of those digitized objects that have been rescanned or otherwise corrected. Objects that were correct in early iterations of the batch do not need to be resupplied by the vendor.

Other Useful Information:

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Created: 12/4/97       Revised: 10/5/99
National Digital Library Program - Digital Repository Development Project