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 DAFAH ( DAF, assign handles )
     .                   FTYPE,
     .                   ND,
     .                   NI,
     .                   IFNAME,
     .                   RESV,
     .                   HANDLE,
     .                   UNIT,
     .                   FHSET,
     .                   ACCESS  )


     Assign handles to DAFs as they are opened.






      INTEGER               INTEOC
      PARAMETER           ( INTEOC = 4 )

      INTEGER               LBCELL
      PARAMETER           ( LBCELL  = -5 )
      CHARACTER*(*)         FNAME
      CHARACTER*(*)         FTYPE
      INTEGER               ND
      INTEGER               NI
      CHARACTER*(*)         IFNAME
      INTEGER               RESV
      INTEGER               HANDLE
      INTEGER               UNIT
      INTEGER               FHSET ( LBCELL : * )
      CHARACTER*(*)         ACCESS


     Variable  I/O  Entry points
     --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
     FNAME     I,O  OPR, OPW, ONW, OPN (Obsolete), HFN, FNH
     FTYPE      I   ONW
     ND        I,O  ONW, OPN (Obsolete), HSF
     NI        I,O  ONW, OPN (Obsolete), HSF
     IFNAME     I   ONW, OPN (Obsolete)
     RESV       I   ONW, OPN (Obsolete)
     HANDLE    I,O  OPR, OPW, ONW, OPN (Obsolete), CLS, HLU, LUH, HFN,
                    FNH, SIH
     UNIT      I,O  HLU, LUH
     FHSET      O   HOF
     ACCESS     I   SIH
     RECL       P   OPR, OPW, ONW, OPN (Obsolete)
     FTSIZE     P   OPR, OPW, ONW, OPN (Obsolete), CLS, HLU, LUH, HFN,
     FILEN      P   SIH


     FNAME       on input is the name of a DAF to be opened, or
                 the name of a DAF about which some information
                 (handle, logical unit) is requested.

     FTYPE       on input is a code for the type of data that is
                 contained in the DAF file. This code has no meaning or
                 interpretation at the level of the DAF file
                 architecture, but is provided as a convenience for
                 higher level software. The maximum length for the file
                 type is four (4) characters. If the input string is
                 longer than four characters, the first nonblank
                 character and its three, or fewer, immediate nonblank
                 successors will be used as the file type. The file
                 type may not contain nonprinting characters, and it IS
                 case sensitive.

                 NAIF has reserved for its own use file types
                 consisting of the upper case letters (A-Z) and the
                 digits 0-9. NAIF recommends lower case or mixed case
                 file types be used by all others in order to avoid
                 any conflicts with NAIF file types.

     ND          on input is the number of double precision components
                 in each array summary of a new file.

     NI          on input is the number of integer components in each
                 array summary in a new file.

     IFNAME      is the internal file name for a DAF to be created.

     RESV        is the number of records to be reserved in a DAF
                 to be created.

     HANDLE      on input is the handle of a DAF about which some
                 information (file name, logical unit) is requested,
                 or the handle of a DAF to be closed.

     UNIT        on input is the logical unit connected to a DAF
                 about which some information (file name, handle) is

     ACCESS      is the type of access a DAF is open for, that is,
                 either reading or writing.  The values of ACCESS
                 may be


                 Leading and trailing blanks are ignored, and case
                 is not significant.


     FNAME       on output is the name of a DAF for which
                 the corresponding handle or logical unit has been

     ND          on output is the number of double precision
                 components in each array summary of an existing file.

     NI          on output is the number of integer components in
                 each array summary in an existing file.

     HANDLE      on output is the handle of a DAF for which
                 the corresponding file name or logical unit has been

     UNIT        on output is the logical unit connected to a DAF
                 for which the corresponding file name or handle has
                 been supplied.

     FHSET       is a SPICELIB set containing the handles of the
                 currently open DAFs.


     RECL        is the record length of a DAF. Each record
                 must be large enough to hold 128 double
                 precision numbers or 1000 characters, whichever
                 is greater. The units in which the record length
                 must be specified vary from environment to
                 environment. For example, VAX Fortran requires
                 record lengths to be specified in longwords,
                 where two longwords equal one double precision
                 number.  See the include file '' for

     FTSIZE      is the size of the file table maintained internally
                 by DAFAH. In effect, FTSIZE is the maximum number
                 of DAFs that the DAF routines allow to be open
                 simultaneously.  See the include file ''
                 for details.

     FILEN       is the maximum filename length.  See the include file
                 '' for details.

     INTEOC      is the ASCII decimal integer code of the character
                 recognized by SPICE as representing the end of the
                 comment data in the reserved record area.


     1) If DAFAH is called directly, the error SPICE(BOGUSENTRY)
        is signalled.

     2) See entry points DAFOPR, DAFOPW, DAFONW, DAFOPN, DAFCLS,
        exceptions specific to those entry points.


     All DAFs opened by this routine are specified by name.


     DAFAH serves as an umbrella, allowing data to be shared by its
     entry points:

        DAFOPR         Open for read.
        DAFOPW         Open for write.
        DAFONW         Open new.
        DAFOPN         Open new. (Obsolete, use DAFONW )

        DAFCLS         Close.

        DAFHSF         Handle to summary format.

        DAFHLU         Handle to logical unit.
        DAFLUH         Logical to handle.

        DAFHFN         Handle to name.
        DAFFNH         File name to handle.

        DAFHOF         Handles of open files.
        DAFSIH         Signal invalid handles.

     Before a DAF can be used, it must be opened. Entry points
     DAFOPR and DAFOPW provide the only means for opening an
     existing DAF.

     Several files may be opened for use simultaneously. (This makes
     it convenient to combine data from several files to produce a
     single result.) As each DAF is opened, it is assigned a file
     handle, which is used to keep track of the file internally, and
     which is used by the calling program to refer to the file in all
     subsequent calls to DAF routines.

     DAFs may be opened for two kinds of access: read, and write.
     Files opened for read access may not be changed in any way. Files
     opened for write access may be both read and written.

     DAFONW is used to open a new DAF file. This routine extends the
     functionality of DAFOPN by providing a mechanism for associating a
     type with the data in the DAF file. The use of this entry over
     DAFOPN is highly recommended.

     Since the only reason for creating a new file is to write
     something in it, all new files are opened for write access.

     Entry point DAFOPN, for opening a new DAF file, has been rendered
     obsolete by the new entry point DAFONW. The entry point DAFOPN
     will continue to be supported for purposes of backward
     compatibility, but its use in new software development is

     Entry point DAFCLS provides the only official means of closing
     a DAF that is currently open. Closing a DAF any other way (for
     example, by determining its logical unit and using the Fortran
     CLOSE statement directly) may affect your calling program in
     mysterious ways.

     Entry point DAFHSF allows you to determine the summary format
     of any DAF that is currently open, without calling DAFRFR to
     re-read the file record.

     Entry point DAFHOF allows you to determine which DAFs are open
     at any time.  In particular, you can use DAFHOF to determine
     whether any file handle points to an open DAF.

     Entry point DAFSIH signals errors when it is supplied with invalid
     handles, so it serves to centralize error handling associated
     with invalid handles.

     The remaining entry points exist mainly to translate between
     alternative representations of DAFs. There are three ways to
     identify any open DAF: by name, by handle, and by logical
     unit. Given any one of these, you may use these entry points to
     find the other two.


     specific to those entry points.


     1) The value of parameter RECL may need to be changed when DAFAH
        and its entry points are ported to a new environment (CPU and

     2) An integer overflow may occur if the number of files opened
        by a single program exceeds the maximum number that can be
        stored in an integer variable.


     1) NAIF Document 167.0, "Double Precision Array Files (DAF)
        Specification and User's Guide"

     2) Sun Fortran Programmer's Guide

     3) Microsoft Fortran Optimizing Compiler User's Guide

     4) Lahey F77 EM/32 Language Reference Manual, page 144

     5) Language Systems FORTRAN Reference Manual, Version 1.2,
        page 12-7

     6) "FORTRAN/9000 Reference HP 9000 Series 700 Computers",
        First Edition, June 1991, Hewlett Packard Company, page 5-110.


     K.R. Gehringer  (JPL)
     N.J. Bachman    (JPL)
     J.M. Lynch      (JPL)
     J.E. McLean     (JPL)
     H.A. Neilan     (JPL)
     M.J. Spencer    (JPL)
     W.L. Taber      (JPL)
     F.S. Turner     (JPL)
     I.M. Underwood  (JPL)


    SPICELIB Version 9.0.0, 09-NOV-2006 (NJB)

        Updated the entry point DAFONW so that a non-empty reserved
        record area will also be a valid empty comment area.  DAFONW
        now writes a EOC character to the first byte of the second
        record when the input number of reserved records NRESV is
        greater than zero.

    SPICELIB Version 8.1.0, 02-APR-2002 (FST)

        Updated the following entry points in response to changes
        to the handle manager interfaces:


        See the Revisions section for details.

        Minor bug fix to DAFFNH.  An error was signaled but the
        intended call to CHKOUT and RETURN statement were omitted.

    SPICELIB Version 8.0.0, 14-NOV-2000 (FST)

        Cleaned up entry point headers by removing duplicate
        entries from the Revisions section where appropriate.

        Integrated the new handle manager code into this module.
        The number of DAFs the system can load is now 1000,
        and some supported environments can read non-native
        binary DAFs.  See the Convert User's Guide for details.

    SPICELIB Version 7.0.4, 08-OCT-1999 (WLT)

        The environment lines were expanded so that the supported
        environments are now explicitely given.  New
        environments are WIN-NT

    SPICELIB Version 7.0.3, 16-SEP-1999 (NJB)

        CSPICE environments were added.  Some typos were corrected.

    SPICELIB Version 7.0.2, 28-JUL-1999 (WLT)

        The environment lines were expanded so that the supported
        environments are now explicitly given.  New
        environments are PC-DIGITAL, SGI-O32 and SGI-N32.

    SPICELIB Version 7.0.1, 22-MAR-1999 (WLT)

        The environment lines were expanded so that the supported
        environments are now explicitly given.  Previously,
        environments such as SUN-SUNOS and SUN-SOLARIS were implied
        by the environment label SUN.

    SPICELIB Version 7.0.0, 22-MAR-1999 (FST)

        To accommodate the DAF FTP validation check, the following
        entry points were modified:


        See their headers and code for the details of the changes.

    SPICELIB Version 6.0.0, 05-APR-1998 (NJB)

        Added references to the PC-LINUX environment.

    SPICELIB Version 5.1.0, 08-MAR-1996 (KRG)

        The Following entry points have been modified: DAFONW and

        The modifications support the notion of a DAF comment area,
        and involve writing NULL filled reserved records when the
        number of reserved records is greater than zero (0).

        Some nested IF...THEN...ELSE IF...THEN...END IF constructs
        were expanded to be independent IF...THEN...END IF tests.
        The tests were for IOSTAT errors on cascading write statements
        nested in the IF...ELSE IF... statements, and this was
        confusing. These tests were restructured so that IOSTAT is
        tested after each write statement which is equicalent to the
        original intent and easier to read.

    SPICELIB Version 5.0.0, 27-SEP-1993 (KRG)

        The following entry points have had code modifications:

        A new entry point has been added: DAFONW.

        The modifications are to allow a type to be associated with a
        DAF file.

        A new parameter has been added to this subroutine's parameter
        list, FTYPE, so that type information may be passed to the
        entry point DAFONW. Two new variables were added to the
        routine as well, TARCH and TTYPE, which provide temporary
        storage for the file architecture and type.

        Several new parameters have been added to the declarations for
        this routine:

           ARCLEN   The length of a file architecture.

           MAXPC    The maximum decimal value for the range of
                    printable characters.

           MINPC    The minimum decimal value for the range of
                    printable characters.

           TYPLEN   The length of a file type.

        See the individual entry points for detailed descriptions of
        their modifications.

        Removed the variables MINHAN and NIL, as they were not used in
        any of the entry points, yet they had values assigned to them
        through DATA statements.

        Made all occurrences of error message formatting of filenames
        consistent. All filenames will be single quoted in the output
        error message.

    SPICELIB Version 4.0.0, 25-FEB-1993 (JML)

        In the entry points DAFOPR, DAFOPW, and DAFFNH, the INQUIRE
        statement that checks if the file is already open now also
        checks that the file exists.

        IOSTAT is now checked after all INQUIRE statements.

        A new variable LUN is used in DAFOPR, DAFOPW, and DAFOPN
        for the logical unit number returned by GETLUN.

        The IF-THEN statements in DAFOPR and DAFOPW were reorganized
        to make the routines more readable.

        In DAFOPR and DAFOPW, a long error message was added for the
        case when the NAIF/DAF id word was not recognized. Also, the
        file is closed when this error is signalled.

        In DAFOPR and DAFOPW, IOSTAT is now checked after the file
        record is read.

        In DAFOPR, DAFOPW, DAFOPN, and DAFFNH, the file name is
        checked to see if it is blank.

        In DAFOPR, DAFOPW, DAFOPN, and DAFFNH, the file name passed
        to the FORTRAN OPEN and INQUIRE statements has been chopped
        at the last non-blank character.

        A minor error in the particulars section of the header of
        DAFCLS was corrected.  It formerly stated that a file could be
        open more than once for read or write access instead of just
        read access.

    SPICELIB Version 3.2.0, 6-OCT-1992 (HAN)

        Module was updated to include the record length and source
        for the Hewlett Packard UX 9000/750 environment. Moved FILEN
        to the Declarations section, and corrected Revisions section
        to include the last code change description, 3.1.0.

    SPICELIB Version 3.1.1, 10-MAR-1992 (WLT)

        Comment section for permuted index source lines was added
        following the header.

    SPICELIB Version 3.1.0, 13-NOV-1991 (MJS)

        Module was updated to operate in the Lahey F77 EM/32
        PC environment.

    SPICELIB Version 3.0.0, 03-SEP-1991 (NJB) (WLT)

        DAFAH and its entry points were modified to permit multiple
        DAFs to be open for writing at the same time.  Also, the
        entry points DAFHOF and DAFSIH were added.

    SPICELIB Version 2.0.0, 25-MAR-1991 (JEM) (MJS)

        The variable MINHAN was initialized to zero and the variable
        NEXT was saved.  DAFOPW now accepts the ID word 'NAIF/NIP'
        as well 'NAIF/DAF'.  Spelling mistakes were corrected.

    SPICELIB Version 1.1.0, 5-NOV-1990 (HAN)

        The parameter FTSIZE was increased from 4 to 20.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.1, 22-MAR-1990 (HAN)

        Literature references added to the header.

    SPICELIB Version 1.0.0, 31-JAN-1990 (IMU)
Tue Mar  4 09:36:28 2008