(COSSC RDF version)
A program for manipulating photon events from EGRET Event-List FITS files.
January 1995

Table of Contents

User's Guide
  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Description
    1. Menus
  4. Event Selection
    1. SELECT_RDFs
    2. MERGE_RDFs
  5. Merging Selections into one file
  6. Quick Look at the Selection
A. Primary Header Keywords for EGRET_RDF FITS file
B. Primary Header Keywords for EGRET_SELECT_RDF FITS file
C. Primary Header Keywords for EGRET_MERGE_RDF FITS file
D. Binary Table Extension Keywords for the EVENT LIST
E. Binary Table Extension keywords for the Exposure History

User's Guide

1. Introduction

This program evolved out of the program QUICKLOOK developed by several scientists of the EGRET team, mainly Gottfried Kanbach & John Mattox. In 1992 Dr Macomb of the Compton Observatory Science Support Center (COSSC) modified it to read FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) files that will be placed in the COSSC Data Archive. The FITS format of the Event List originally mapped directly to the EGRET team's native SDB format, and QUICKLOOK (up to) ver 3.1 relied on these files. However this version was later replaced by FITS files delivered by the team (SMDBs) . In an effort to be more compatible with other missions a new data type evolved, this format is referred to as a Rational Data Format or RDF. The major differences between these formats is mainly with various header keywords and the time fields were combined into a single column, also the exposure history is added as a binary table. Quicklook ver 6.0 works with both versions.

2. Requirements

Since QUICKLOOK uses FITS files as input, it is designed to use the standard library FITSIO for the reading and writing of FITS data, and is available via anonymous FTP @ legacy.gsfc.nasa.gov. The plotting s/w is PGPLOT which is available in the public domain via anonymous FTP @ deimos.caltech.edu. The actual display at your terminal is dependent on the types of PGPLOT devices supported by your computer, /XWINDOW or /TEK4010, and /PS for hardcopy, and the type of terminal used. Under UNIX an environment variable SMDB_DIR should be set equal to the directory with the event files. The program requires one of three file types to be input, these are specified by the value of the FILETYPE keyword of the primary header. The allowed values are EGRET_RDF, EGRET_SELECT_RDF, EGRET_MERGE_RDF, EGRET_SMDB, EGRET_SELECT_SMDB, EGRET_MERGE_SMDB. The environment variable TIMING_DIR should be set to the directory containing the file called psrtime.dat, which is the file containing the pulsar parameters in princeton format. A copy of this file is included with software distribution. These variable are designed to be the same across all EGRET data analysis programs used at the SSC. See the AAAREAD.ME file for a list of current files included in this release.

3. Description

The QUICKLOOK program provides an interactive method for GIs to select EGRET events directly from event list FITS files (RDFs or SMDBs) retrieved from< the archive. Selecting events can be useful for reducing the size of the dataset. Several reasons to do so are listed below:
  1. deselecting unwanted or "background" events
  2. choosing certain portions of the sky
  3. choosing certain time intervals
  4. Selecting a specific energy range.
To get that "quick look" at the data. A simple contour or scatter map can be viewed on the screen and even saved to a simple FITS map. A histogram of the arrival time, energy, earth zenith angle can be plotted. QUICKLOOK also has the ability to epoch fold and plot the data using known pulsar parameters.

Another useful feature is the ability to MERGE RDF files. This can be useful for combining the same region of the sky as viewed in different pointings. Section 5 below explains how the selection criteria is applied when merging files.

The new format contains the exposure history information in its own table and a user can insert his own code into QUICKLOOK to make use of it if he/she desires.

3.1 Menus

Users interact with the program by selecting functions from the current menu. Abbreviated menus can be expanded by using the '?' character. The main menu is shown below.

********** Choose A Function: **********
cg.) Toggle Celestial or Galactic Coords
de.) Display Event information for specified events.
fh.) Display/Comment FITS file header.
hp.) Histogram a (specified) parameter.
mg.) Merge two FITS files.
op.) Select a new FITS file.
ph.) Pulsar Histogram.
cm.) Contour Map of events.
fm.) FITS Map of events.
sm.) Scatter Map of events.
ss.) Specify Selection of events.
ws.) Write FITS file of selected events.
v.) Toggle verbose menus.
q.) Quit !
? - This Menu

4. Event Selection

Events may be selected according to any combination of predefined criteria. The user can then choose a subset of EGRET events on which to do analysis. A brief description of the selection criteria are listed below. These selections can be done from any of the three event-list datasets. However, when making selections from SELECT, or MERGE files any prior selection criteria may prevail, see the following sections for specific details. The exposure history table is simply carried over to the new file with no modifications.

Event Selection Criteria
DateBeginning and ending date of the selection.TJDBEG,TJDEND
EnergyMinimum and maximum energies (in MeV).MINENG,MAXENG
Field of SelectionField of selection center in both celestial (RA,DEC) and galactic (L,B) coordinates, and the corresponding radius of the selection.FOS_L,FOS_B,FOS_RA,
Earth Zenith AngleThe angle b/w the Earth and the z-axis of GRO. Accept all events less than ZENMAX.ZENMAX
Energy ClassThe energy classification code could be ALL for all events or or Class A (i.e., best events).ENCLASS
6 MeV deposition in TASCIf 6 MeV deposited in either TASC PHA.TASC

4.1 SELECT Files

When making selections from SELECT files any previous selections will be used to allow futher selections. The table below shows what restrictions are placed on making further selections. This is done to ensure that no meaning is lost in the selection process.
Restrictions on Further Selections
Selection TypeRestrictions
DateNew selection should reside within the original.
EnergyNew energy range must reside within original selection.
Field of SelectionFOS must reside completely within original selection.
RadiusPart of the FOS selection.
Earth Zenith AngleIf a sigma level was originally chosen then the new level must be greater than the original. If a min and max value was used then the new selection must reside within the first. At the present time these two types can't be mixed.
Energy ClassThis selection can only be changed if the original was 'ALL'.
TascThis selection can only be changed if original was 'F'.

4.2 MERGE Files

Selection of events from a MERGE file is similar to the SELECT file above with a few differences.
Restrictions on Further Selections (MERGE Files)
Selection TypeRestrictions
DateThe original selection will be the earliest photon arrival time and the last photon arrival time, but may contain gaps in between when separate nonconsecutive viewing periods are merged into a single file. The TJDBEG and TJDEND sequence of keywords tell all about time intervals of original selections.
EnergySame as Section 4.1.
Field of SelectionSame as Section 4.1.
RadiusSame as Section 4.1.
Energy ClassSame as Section 4.1.
TascSame as Section 4.1.

5. Merging Selections into one file

Event-list files can be merged into 1 file. The program will check the file to determine if it is already a SELECT or MERGE type of file and what the selection criteria was used prior. If a conflict exists, like trying to add events that have not been selected with a 6 MeV TASC to a file which has had this criteria specified will result in error messages. If a user wishes to break these rules deliberately a "backdoor" is available. Simply turn selections off by choosing ss from the main. The exposure histories are simply concatenated to the end of the file.

As in the case of SELECT files caution must be taken when merging different files, there will be six possiblilities for creating MERGE files, and each is discussed below.

Merge Type
Special Notes
If no selection criteria, then all events are merged into one file and the
appropriate keywords are added (see Appendix C)
The selection criteria from the SELECT file is at first applied to the
origianl. Any subsequent modifications must conform to the Selection
rules in section 4.1 above.
The selection criteria from both datasets are tested and the intersection
of the criteria is applied to the events.

2 SELECT files are to be merged. File 1 has been selected with energy range 100 to 300 Mev, TASC = true, Field of Selection
(J2000 RA,DEC) 301¯ ,36¯ with a 5¯ radius.
File 2 has been selected with Field of Selection (J2000 RA,DEC) 301¯ ,36¯ with a 5¯ radius.
The output dataset contains events in the energy range 100 to 300 Mev, TASC = true, and
FOS 10 wide centered at RA 301 , Dec = 36 .

6. Quick Look at the Selection

After a user has set his selection criteria, he may choose to plot the data in one of six fashions. A contour map or scatter (point plot) of the FOS. These events can then be saved as a FITS map for use with your favorite FITS viewer. A histogram of Energy, Earth Zenith Angle or Arival Time can also plotted. This can be a useful tool for analyzing one's selection criteria. Pulsar parameters can be used to fold the data and output histogram of the light curve will be displayed.

Appendix A. Primary Header Keywords for EGRET_RDF FITS file

SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  18-Apr-1994 12:33:38.00
BITPIX  =                    8 / Not used
NAXIS   =                    0 / No primary data included
EXTEND  =                    T / Extensions are included
COMMENT  End of required structural keywords.
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  This FITS file contains an EGRET photon list and
COMMENT  optionally an extension containing information about
COMMENT  temporal changes in satellite status.  The photon data
COMMENT  are essentially as described in Mattox, et al., The
COMMENT  EGRET data products, in The Compton observatory Science
COMMENT  Workshop, NASA Conference publication 3137, 1992, p126.
COMMENT  Time columns have been combined to a single
COMMENT  column giving the time in seconds since MJD 40000
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  *** Observation description keywords ***
COMMENT  *** Instrument configuration keywords
TELESCOP= 'GRO     '           / Observatory/satellite used
INSTRUME= 'EGRET   '           / Instrument
OBSERVER= 'FICHTEL '           / PI associated with observation
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING'           / Standard observation mode
COMMENT  *** Target/observation identification keywords
GROVPN  = '1.0     '           / GRO Viewing period number
EGRETVPN= '0010    '           / EGRET Viewing period number
COMMENT  *** Timing keywords
DATE-OBS= '16/05/91'           / Date of observation start: dd/mm/yy
TIME-OBS= '17:19:00.000'       / Time of observation start: hh:mm:ss.fff
DATE-END= '30/05/91'           / Date of observation end: dd/mm/yy
TIME-END= '18:51:00.000'       / Time of observation end: hh:mm:ss.fff
STRT_DAY=             1991.136 / Year.ddd of start of obs
STRT_TIM=            62340.000 / Seconds of day of start of obs.
END_DAY =             1991.150 / Year.ddd of end of obs
END_TIM =            67860.000 / Seconds of day of end of obs.
ONTIME  =            1236000.0 / Total of time in all modes (s)
TIMESYS = 'TJD     '           / Timesystem for following keywords
TIMEUNIT= 'd       '           / Units of following keywords.
TIMEZERO=                    0 / Offset of times from TJD 0 (days)
TSTART  =            8392.7215 / Truncated JD of start of obs
TSTOP   =            8406.7854 / Truncated JD of end of obs
TIMEDEL =        1.1574074e-11 / Smallest time increment possible (days)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE'          / Times use satellite clock
CLOCKAPP=                    F / No correction to spacecraft time
COMMENT NOTE that the spacecraft clock is periodically adjusted from
COMMENT from the ground so that no clock correction should be necessary
COMMENT  *** Positional keywords
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of coordinate system
RA_SCZ  =              88.0740 / Spacecraft Z axis
DEC_SCZ =              17.1420 /
RA_SCX  =            339.11900 / Spacecraft X axis
DEC_SCX =              46.4810 /
GLON_SCZ=            190.92000 / Spacecraft Z axis
GLAT_SCZ=             -4.74000 /
GLON_SCX=            100.05600 / Spacecraft X axis
GLAT_SCX=           -10.309000 /
RA_PNT  =              88.0740 / RA of center of FOV
DEC_PNT =              17.1420 / Dec of center of FOV
GLON_PNT=            190.92000 / L of center of FOV
GLAT_PNT=             -4.74000 / B of center of FOB
RADIUS  =              40.0000 / Nominal radius of FOV in degrees.
COMMENT  *** Processing keywords
FILETYPE= 'EGRET_RDF'          / Type of file
HDUCLAS = 'OGIP    '           / Institution defining standard
COMMENT  Following parameters set during generation of EGRET SDB
E_MIN   =                   20 / Minimum energy of photons included
E_MAX   =            99999.000 / Maximum energy of photons included
EUNIT   = 'MeV     '           / Units of energy keywords
MINENG  =                   20 / Repeat E_MIN for EGRET software
MAXENG  =            99999.000 / Repeat E_MAX for EGRET software
ZENMAX  =              105.000 / Maximum zenith angle in degrees
ORIGIN  = 'GSFC/COSSC'         /Creator of this file
COMMENT  This data is derived from EGRET SDB data delivered
COMMENT  to the COSSC archive which was processed by the COSSC
NEVENT  =                36606 / Number of events in event list

Appendix B. Primary Header Keywords for EGRET_SELECT_RDF FITS file

SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  18-Apr-1994 12:33:38.00
BITPIX  =                    8 / Not used
NAXIS   =                    0 / No primary data included
EXTEND  =                    T / Extensions are included
COMMENT  End of required structural keywords.
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  This FITS file contains an EGRET photon list and
COMMENT  optionally an extension containing information about
COMMENT  temporal changes in satellite status.  The photon data
COMMENT  are essentially as described in Mattox, et al., The
COMMENT  EGRET data products, in The Compton observatory Science
COMMENT  Workshop, NASA Conference publication 3137, 1992, p126.
COMMENT  Time columns have been combined to a single
COMMENT  column giving the time in seconds since MJD 40000
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  *** Observation description keywords ***
COMMENT  *** Instrument configuration keywords
TELESCOP= 'GRO     '           / Observatory/satellite used
INSTRUME= 'EGRET   '           / Instrument
OBSERVER= 'FICHTEL '           / PI associated with observation
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING'           / Standard observation mode
COMMENT  *** Target/observation identification keywords
GROVPN  = '1.0     '           / GRO Viewing period number
EGRETVPN= '0010    '           / EGRET Viewing period number
COMMENT  *** Timing keywords
DATE-OBS= '16/05/91'           / Date of observation start: dd/mm/yy
TIME-OBS= '17:19:00.000'       / Time of observation start: hh:mm:ss.fff
DATE-END= '30/05/91'           / Date of observation end: dd/mm/yy
TIME-END= '18:51:00.000'       / Time of observation end: hh:mm:ss.fff
STRT_DAY=             1991.135 / Year.ddd of start of obs
STRT_TIM=            62000.000 / Seconds of day of start of obs.
END_DAY =             1991.150 / Year.ddd of end of obs
END_TIM =            67000.000 / Seconds of day of end of obs.
ONTIME  =            1236000.0 / Total of time in all modes (s)
TIMESYS = 'TJD     '           / Timesystem for following keywords
TIMEUNIT= 'd       '           / Units of following keywords.
TIMEZERO=                    0 / Offset of times from TJD 0 (days)
TSTART  =            8392.7215 / Truncated JD of start of obs
TSTOP   =            8406.7854 / Truncated JD of end of obs
TIMEDEL =        1.1574074e-11 / Smallest time increment possible (days)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE'          / Times use satellite clock
CLOCKAPP=                    F / No correction to spacecraft time
COMMENT NOTE that the spacecraft clock is periodically adjusted from
COMMENT from the ground so that no clock correction should be necessary
COMMENT  *** Positional keywords
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of coordinate system
RA_SCZ  =              88.0740 / Spacecraft Z axis
DEC_SCZ =              17.1420 /
RA_SCX  =            339.11900 / Spacecraft X axis
DEC_SCX =              46.4810 /
GLON_SCZ=            190.92000 / Spacecraft Z axis
GLAT_SCZ=             -4.74000 /
GLON_SCX=            100.05600 / Spacecraft X axis
GLAT_SCX=           -10.309000 /
RA_PNT  =              88.0740 / RA of center of FOV
DEC_PNT =              17.1420 / Dec of center of FOV
GLON_PNT=            190.92000 / L of center of FOV
GLAT_PNT=             -4.74000 / B of center of FOB
RADIUS  =               40.000 / Nominal radius of FOV in degrees.
COMMENT  *** Processing keywords
HDUCLAS = 'OGIP    '           / Institution defining standard
COMMENT  Following parameters set during generation of EGRET SDB
E_MIN   =                   20 / Minimum energy of photons included
E_MAX   =            99999.000 / Maximum energy of photons included
EUNIT   = 'MeV     '           / Units of energy keywords
MINENG  =                100.0 / Repeat E_MIN for EGRET software
MAXENG  =               1000.0 / Repeat E_MAX for EGRET software
ZENMAX  =              105.000 / Maximum zenith angle in degrees
ORIGIN  = 'GSFC/COSSC'         /Creator of this file
COMMENT  This data is derived from EGRET SDB data delivered
COMMENT  to the COSSC archive which was processed by the COSSC
CREATOR = 'Quicklook 4.0'      / Program that wrote this file.
NEVENT  =                36606 / Number of events in event list
DATE    = '21/04/94'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)
CRITER1 = 'ENERGY  '           / Criteria for selection of datasets
CRITER2 = 'TASC    '           / Criteria for selection of datasets
TJDBEG1 =         8391.7215278 / Modified Julian date for begin time of
TJDEND1 = 8406.7854167 / Modified Julian date for end time of selection.
ZENMAX = 180.0000000 / Maximum zenith anlge for this selection. TASC = T / TASC im coincidence (6.5 MeV deposited in TASC)
ENCLAS = 'ALL ' / Energy return code (see EGRET DOCs) FOS_RA = 88.0739975 / J2000 Right Ascencion of Field of Selection. FOS_DEC = 17.1420002 / J2000 Declination of Field of Selection. FOS_L = 190.9203491 / Galactic Longitude of Field of Selection. FOS_B = -4.7400746 / Galactic Lattitude of Field of Selection.

Appendix C. Primary Header Keywords for EGRET_MERGE_RDF FITS file

SIMPLE  =                    T / Written by IDL:  18-Apr-1994 12:33:38.00
BITPIX  =                    8 / Not used
NAXIS   =                    0 / No primary data included
EXTEND  =                    T / Extensions are included
ORIGIN  = 'GSFC/COSSC'         /Creator of this file
STRT_DAY=             1991.112 / Program that wrote this file.
STRT_TIM=            76000.000 / Program that wrote this file.
END_DAY =             1991.150 / Program that wrote this file.
END_TIM =            67000.000 / Program that wrote this file.
TELESCOP= 'GRO     '           / Observatory/satellite used
OBSERVER= 'FICHTEL '           / PI associated with observation
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of coordinate system
RADIUS  =               10.000 / Program that wrote this file.
MINENG  =                 20.0 / Program that wrote this file.
MAXENG  =              99999.0 / Program that wrote this file.
GROVPN  = '1.0     '           / GRO Viewing period number
ZENMAX  =          105.0000000 / Maximum zenith angle in degrees
CREATOR = 'Quicklook 4.0'      / Program that wrote this file.
HDUCLAS = 'OGIP    '           / Institution defining standard
TIMESYS = 'TJD     '           / Timesystem for following keywords
TIMEUNIT= 'd       '           / Units of following keywords.
TIMEZERO=                    0 / Offset of times from TJD 0 (days)
TIMEDEL =        1.1574074e-11 / Smallest time increment possible (days)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE'          / Times use satellite clock
CLOCKAPP=                    F / No correction to spacecraft time
TASC    =                    T / TASC im coincidence (6.5 MeV deposited in
ENCLAS  = 'ALL     '           / Energy return code (see EGRET DOCs)
FOS_RA  =           84.6022491 / J2000 Right Ascencion of Field of
FOS_DEC =           22.0590172 / J2000 Declination of Field of Selection.
FOS_L   =          185.0000000 / Galactic Longitude of Field of Selection.
FOS_B   =           -5.0000000 / Galactic Lattitude of Field of Selection.
FILETYPE= 'EGRET_MERGE_RDF'    / Criteria for selection of datasets&
COMMENT  End of required structural keywords.
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  This FITS file contains an EGRET photon list and
COMMENT  optionally an extension containing information about
COMMENT  temporal changes in satellite status.  The photon data
COMMENT  are essentially as described in Mattox, et al., The
COMMENT  EGRET data products, in The Compton observatory Science
COMMENT  Workshop, NASA Conference publication 3137, 1992, p126.
COMMENT  Time columns have been combined to a single
COMMENT  column giving the time in seconds since MJD 40000
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  *** Observation description keywords ***
COMMENT  *** Instrument configuration keywords
COMMENT  *** Target/observation identification keywords
COMMENT  *** Timing keywords
COMMENT NOTE that the spacecraft clock is periodically adjusted from
COMMENT from the ground so that no clock correction should be necessary
COMMENT  *** Positional keywords
COMMENT  *** Processing keywords
COMMENT  Following parameters set during generation of EGRET SDB
COMMENT  This data is derived from EGRET SDB data delivered
COMMENT  to the COSSC archive which was processed by the COSSC
TJDBEG1 =         8391.7215278 / Truncated Julian date for begin time of
TJDEND1 =         8406.7854167 / Truncated Julian date for end time of
COMMENT  End of required structural keywords.
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  This FITS file contains an EGRET photon list and
COMMENT  optionally an extension containing information about
COMMENT  temporal changes in satellite status.  The photon data
COMMENT  are essentially as described in Mattox, et al., The
COMMENT  EGRET data products, in The Compton observatory Science
COMMENT  Workshop, NASA Conference publication 3137, 1992, p126.
COMMENT  Time columns have been combined to a single
COMMENT  column giving the time in seconds since MJD 40000
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  *** Observation description keywords ***
COMMENT  *** Instrument configuration keywords
COMMENT  *** Target/observation identification keywords
COMMENT  *** Timing keywords
COMMENT NOTE that the spacecraft clock is periodically adjusted from
COMMENT from the ground so that no clock correction should be necessary
COMMENT  *** Positional keywords
COMMENT  *** Processing keywords
COMMENT  Following parameters set during generation of EGRET SDB
COMMENT  This data is derived from EGRET SDB data delivered
COMMENT  to the COSSC archive which was processed by the COSSC
DATE    = '25/04/94'           / FITS file creation date (dd/mm/yy)
HISTORY   Data merged by program QLOOK v. 4.0  on 25-APR-94

Appendix D. Binary Table Extension Keywords for the EVENT LIST

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Standard binary table
BITPIX  =                    8 / Required value
NAXIS   =                    2 / Required value
NAXIS1  =                  122 / Number of bytes in row
NAXIS2  =                36606 / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No group parameters -- Required value
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One group of data -- Required value
TFIELDS =                   37 / Number of fields (columns) in table
COMMENT  End of required structural keywords
EXTNAME = 'EVENT   '           /EGRET events list in RDF style format
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  This FITS file contains an EGRET photon list and
COMMENT  optionally an extension containing information about
COMMENT  temporal changes in satellite status.  The photon data
COMMENT  are essentially as described in Mattox, et al., The
COMMENT  EGRET data products, in The Compton observatory Science
COMMENT  Workshop, NASA Conference publication 3137, 1992, p126.
COMMENT  Time columns have been combined to a single
COMMENT  column giving the time in seconds since MJD 40000
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  *** Observation description keywords ***
COMMENT  *** Instrument configuration keywords
TELESCOP= 'GRO     '           / Observatory/satellite used
INSTRUME= 'EGRET   '           / Instrument
OBSERVER= 'FICHTEL '           / PI associated with observation
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING'           / Standard observation mode
COMMENT  *** Target/observation identification keywords
GROVPN  = '1.0     '           / GRO Viewing period number
EGRETVPN= '0010    '           / EGRET Viewing period number
COMMENT  *** Timing keywords
DATE-OBS= '16/05/91'           / Date of observation start: dd/mm/yy
TIME-OBS= '17:19:00.000'       / Time of observation start: hh:mm:ss.fff
DATE-END= '30/05/91'           / Date of observation end: dd/mm/yy
TIME-END= '18:51:00.000'       / Time of observation end: hh:mm:ss.fff
STRT_DAY=             1991.136 / Year.ddd of start of obs
STRT_TIM=            62340.000 / Seconds of day of start of obs.
END_DAY =             1991.150 / Year.ddd of end of obs
END_TIM =            67860.000 / Seconds of day of end of obs.
ONTIME  =            1236000.0 / Total of time in all modes (s)
TIMESYS = 'TJD     '           / Timesystem for following keywords
TIMEUNIT= 'd       '           / Units of following keywords.
TIMEZERO=                    0 / Offset of times from TJD 0 (days)
TSTART  =            8392.7215 / Truncated JD of start of obs
TSTOP   =            8406.7854 / Truncated JD of end of obs
TIMEDEL =        1.1574074e-11 / Smallest time increment possible (days)
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE'          / Times use satellite clock
CLOCKAPP=                    F / No correction to spacecraft time
COMMENT NOTE that the spacecraft clock is periodically adjusted from
COMMENT from the ground so that no clock correction should be necessary
COMMENT  *** Positional keywords
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of coordinate system
RA_SCZ  =              88.0740 / Spacecraft Z axis
DEC_SCZ =              17.1420 /
RA_SCX  =            339.11900 / Spacecraft X axis
DEC_SCX =              46.4810 /
GLON_SCZ=            190.92000 / Spacecraft Z axis
GLAT_SCZ=             -4.74000 /
GLON_SCX=            100.05600 / Spacecraft X axis
GLAT_SCX=           -10.309000 /
RA_PNT  =              88.0740 / RA of center of FOV
DEC_PNT =              17.1420 / Dec of center of FOV
GLON_PNT=            190.92000 / L of center of FOV
GLAT_PNT=             -4.74000 / B of center of FOB
RADIUS  =              40.0000 / Nominal radius of FOV in degrees.
COMMENT  *** Processing keywords
FILETYPE= 'EGRET_RDF'          / Type of file
FILENAME= 'photon.fit'         / Input file data derived from
HDUCLAS = 'OGIP    '           / Institution defining standard
HDUCLAS1= 'EVENTS  '           / Basis class of data
COMMENT  Following parameters set during generation of EGRET SDB
E_MIN   =                   20 / Minimum energy of photons included
E_MAX   =            99999.000 / Maximum energy of photons included
EUNIT   = 'MeV     '           / Units of energy keywords
MINENG  =                   20 / Repeat E_MIN for EGRET software
MAXENG  =            99999.000 / Repeat E_MAX for EGRET software
ZENMAX  =              105.000 / Maximum zenith angle in degrees
ORIGIN  = 'GSFC/COSSC'         /Creator of this file
COMMENT  This data is derived from EGRET SDB data delivered
COMMENT  to the COSSC archive which was processed by the COSSC
NEVENT  =                36606 / Number of events in event list
COMMENT  *** Column names
TTYPE1  = 'TIME    '           /
TTYPE2  = 'X       '           / X and Y are duplicates of RA and DEC
TTYPE3  = 'Y       '           / All angles are in degrees
TTYPE4  = 'ENERGY  '           /
TTYPE5  = 'ENERGY_ERROR'       / One sigma uncertainty in error
TTYPE6  = 'RA      '           /
TTYPE7  = 'DEC     '           /
TTYPE8  = 'L       '           /
TTYPE9  = 'B       '           /
TTYPE10 = 'XZ_ANGLE'           /
TTYPE11 = 'YZ_ANGLE'           /
TTYPE12 = 'AZIMUTH '           /
TTYPE13 = 'ZEN_ANGLE'          / Angle from Earth zenith
TTYPE14 = 'X_INERTIAL'         / X,Y,Z relative to earth (km).
TTYPE15 = 'Y_INERTIAL'         /
TTYPE16 = 'Z_INERTIAL'         /
TTYPE17 = 'TASC_FLAG_1'        / Instrument configuration codes
TTYPE18 = 'TASC_2_FLAGS'       /
TTYPE19 = 'B_C_TAGS'           /
TTYPE22 = 'BARYTIME_CORRECTION' / Barycenter time correction for
TTYPE23 = 'BARY_PHASE'         /  pulsar at assumed location
TTYPE24 = 'RA_PULSAR'          / RA,DEC assumed for pulsar
TTYPE25 = 'DEC_PULSAR'         / Columns 22-26 may not be filled
TTYPE26 = 'PHASE_PULSAR'       /
TTYPE27 = 'XBARYCEN'           / XYZ in lightseconds from solar barycenter
TTYPE28 = 'YBARYCEN'           /
TTYPE29 = 'ZBARYCEN'           /
TTYPE30 = 'STR_ANAL_WORD'      /
TTYPE31 = 'RC_SINGLE'          / Return codes from EGRET team software
TTYPE32 = 'RC_SAGE '           /
TTYPE33 = 'RC_SFLAGS_1'        /
TTYPE34 = 'RC_SFLAGS_2'        /
TTYPE35 = 'RC_SCATR'           /
TTYPE36 = 'RC_ENERGY'          /
TTYPE37 = 'RC_DIRCTN'          /
COMMENT  *** Column formats
TFORM1  = 'D       '           /
TFORM2  = 'E       '           /
TFORM3  = 'E       '           /
TFORM4  = 'E       '           /
TFORM5  = 'E       '           /
TFORM6  = 'E       '           /
TFORM7  = 'E       '           /
TFORM8  = 'E       '           /
TFORM9  = 'E       '           /
TFORM10 = 'E       '           /
TFORM11 = 'E       '           /
TFORM12 = 'E       '           /
TFORM13 = 'E       '           /
TFORM14 = 'E       '           /
TFORM15 = 'E       '           /
TFORM16 = 'E       '           /
TFORM17 = 'B       '           /
TFORM18 = 'B       '           /
TFORM19 = 'J       '           /
TFORM20 = 'I       '           /
TFORM21 = '2B      '           /
TFORM22 = 'D       '           /
TFORM23 = 'E       '           /
TFORM24 = 'E       '           /
TFORM25 = 'E       '           /
TFORM26 = 'E       '           /
TFORM27 = 'J       '           /
TFORM28 = 'J       '           /
TFORM29 = 'J       '           /
TFORM30 = 'B       '           /
TFORM31 = 'B       '           /
TFORM32 = 'B       '           /
TFORM33 = 'B       '           /
TFORM34 = 'B       '           /
TFORM35 = 'B       '           /
TFORM36 = 'B       '           /
TFORM37 = 'B       '           /
COMMENT  *** Units for columns
TUNIT1  = 's       '           / Seconds
TUNIT2  = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT3  = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT4  = 'MeV     '           /
TUNIT5  = 'MeV     '           /
TUNIT6  = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT7  = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT8  = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT9  = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT10 = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT11 = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT12 = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT13 = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT14 = 'km      '           / Kilometers from earth center
TUNIT15 = 'km      '           / Kilometers from earth center
TUNIT16 = 'km      '           / Kilometers from earth center
TUNIT22 = 's       '           /Seconds
TUNIT24 = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT25 = 'deg     '           / Degrees
TUNIT27 = 'km      '           / Distance from Solar System barycenter
TUNIT28 = 'km      '           /   Unscaled values are in lightmicroseconds
TUNIT29 = 'km      '           /   (TSCALnn = speed of light)
TSCAL27 =         0.2997952000 / Speed of light in km/microseconds
TSCAL28 =         0.2997952000 / Speed of light in km/microseconds
TSCAL29 =         0.2997952000 / Speed of light in km/microseconds
COMMENT  *** Following keywords handle coordinate/projection information.
COMMENT  The following pairs of columns form natural coordinate pairs:
COMMENT  *** Coordinate/projection type information for columns
TCTYP2  = 'RA---CAR'           / Cartesian (Rectangular) projection
TCTYP3  = 'DEC--CAR'           / (X and Y are copies of RA and DEC)
TCTYP6  = 'RA---CAR'           / Cartesian (Rectangular) projection
TCTYP7  = 'DEC--CAR'           /
TCTYP8  = 'GLON-CAR'           / Galactic coordinates can also be
TCTYP9  = 'GLAT-CAR'           / viewed as a Cartesian projection
COMMENT  *** Coordinate/projection scaling information
TCDLT2  =              1.00000 /
TCDLT3  =              1.00000 /
TCDLT6  =              1.00000 /
TCDLT7  =              1.00000 /
TCDLT8  =              1.00000 /
TCDLT9  =              1.00000 /
COMMENT  *** Coordinate/projection offsets
TCRPX2  =              0.00000 /
TCRPX3  =              0.00000 /
TCRPX6  =              0.00000 /
TCRPX7  =              0.00000 /
TCRPX8  =              0.00000 /
TCRPX9  =              0.00000 /
COMMENT  *** Coordinate/projection reference point values
TCRVL2  =              0.00000 /
TCRVL3  =              0.00000 /
TCRVL6  =              0.00000 /
TCRVL7  =              0.00000 /
TCRVL8  =              0.00000 /
TCRVL9  =              0.00000 /

Appendix E. Binary Table Extension keywords for the Exposure History

XTENSION= 'BINTABLE'           / Standard binary table
BITPIX  =                    8 / Required value
NAXIS   =                    2 / Required value
NAXIS1  =                   58 / Number of bytes in row
NAXIS2  =                 3070 / Number of rows in table
PCOUNT  =                    0 / No group parameters -- Required value
GCOUNT  =                    1 / One group of data -- Required value
TFIELDS =                   19 / Number of fields (columns) in table
COMMENT  End of required structural keywords
EXTNAME = 'TSI     '           /Telemetry scalar file (< exposure hist.)
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  This FITS file contains an EGRET photon list and
COMMENT  optionally an extension containing information about
COMMENT  temporal changes in satellite status.  The photon data
COMMENT  are essentially as described in Mattox, et al., The
COMMENT  EGRET data products, in The Compton observatory Science
COMMENT  Workshop, NASA Conference publication 3137, 1992, p126.
COMMENT  Time columns have been combined to a single
COMMENT  column giving the time in seconds since MJD 40000
COMMENT ******************************************************
COMMENT  *** Observation description keywords ***
COMMENT  *** Instrument configuration keywords
TELESCOP= 'GRO     '           / Observatory/satellite used
INSTRUME= 'EGRET   '           / Instrument
OBSERVER= 'FICHTEL '           / PI associated with observation
OBS_MODE= 'POINTING'           / Standard observation mode
COMMENT  *** Target/observation identification keywords
GROVPN  = '1.0     '           / GRO Viewing period number
EGRETVPN= '0010    '           / EGRET Viewing period number
COMMENT  *** Timing keywords
DATE-OBS= '16/05/91'           / Date of observation start: dd/mm/yy
TIME-OBS= '17:19:00.000'       / Time of observation start: hh:mm:ss.fff
DATE-END= '30/05/91'           / Date of observation end: dd/mm/yy
TIME-END= '18:51:00.000'       / Time of observation end: hh:mm:ss.fff
STRT_DAY=             1991.136 / Year.ddd of start of obs
STRT_TIM=            62340.000 / Seconds of day of start of obs.
END_DAY =             1991.150 / Year.ddd of end of obs
END_TIM =            67860.000 / Seconds of day of end of obs.
ONTIME  =            1236000.0 / Total of time in all modes (s)
TIMESYS = 'TJD     '           / Timesystem for following keywords
TIMEUNIT= 'd       '           / Units of following keywords.
TIMEZERO=                    0 / Offset of times from TJD 0 (days)
TSTART  =            8392.7215 / Truncated JD of start of obs
TSTOP   =            8406.7854 / Truncated JD of end of obs
TIMEDEL =        1.1574074e-08 / Time resolution
TASSIGN = 'SATELLITE'          / Times use satellite clock
CLOCKAPP=                    F / No correction to spacecraft time
COMMENT NOTE that the spacecraft clock is periodically adjusted from
COMMENT from the ground so that no clock correction should be necessary
COMMENT  *** Positional keywords
EQUINOX =              2000.00 / Equinox of coordinate system
RA_SCZ  =              88.0740 / Spacecraft Z axis
DEC_SCZ =              17.1420 /
RA_SCX  =            339.11900 / Spacecraft X axis
DEC_SCX =              46.4810 /
GLON_SCZ=            190.92000 / Spacecraft Z axis
GLAT_SCZ=             -4.74000 /
GLON_SCX=            100.05600 / Spacecraft X axis
GLAT_SCX=           -10.309000 /
RA_PNT  =              88.0740 / RA of center of FOV
DEC_PNT =              17.1420 / Dec of center of FOV
GLON_PNT=            190.92000 / L of center of FOV
GLAT_PNT=             -4.74000 / B of center of FOB
RADIUS  =              40.0000 / Nominal radius of FOV in degrees.
COMMENT  *** Processing keywords
FILETYPE= 'EGRET_RDF'          / Type of file
FILENAME= 'exphst.fit'         / File data derived from
HDUCLAS = 'OGIP    '           / Institution defining standard
HDUCLAS1= 'TSI     '           / Telemetry scalar Information
COMMENT  Following parameters set during generation of EGRET SDB
E_MIN   =                   20 / Minimum energy of photons included
E_MAX   =            99999.000 / Maximum energy of photons included
EUNIT   = 'MeV     '           / Units of energy keywords
MINENG  =                   20 / Repeat E_MIN for EGRET software
MAXENG  =            99999.000 / Repeat E_MAX for EGRET software
ZENMAX  =              105.000 / Maximum zenith angle in degrees
ORIGIN  = 'GSFC/COSSC'         /Creator of this file
COMMENT  This data is derived from EGRET SDB data delivered
COMMENT  to the COSSC archive which was processed by the COSSC
COMMENT  *** Column names
TTYPE1  = 'TIME    '           / Time of beginning of interval
TTYPE2  = 'LIVETIME'           / Livetime during interval
TTYPE3  = 'T_ELAPSE'           / Elapsed time during interval
TTYPE4  = 'MODE    '           / EGRET exposure mode index
TTYPE5  = 'SAA     '           / SAA passage interval?
TTYPE6  = 'POINT_DEV'          / Deviation from pointing > .5 deg?
TTYPE7 = 'HODOSCOP' / EGRET HODOSCOPE code TTYPE8 = 'EXCL_FLAG' / Interval excluded in EGRET timeline? TTYPE9 = 'COINCIDENCE' / Coincidence mode of EGRET TTYPE10 = 'TASC1_DEPOSIT' / TASC1 deposition requirements TTYPE11 = 'TASC2_DEPOSIT' / TASC2 deposition requirements TTYPE12 = 'RA_SCZ ' / RA,DEC of Z (pointing) axis TTYPE13 = 'DEC_SCZ ' / TTYPE14 = 'RA_SCX ' / RA,DEC of X axis TTYPE15 = 'DEC_SCX ' / TTYPE16 = 'RA_EARTH_START' / RA,DEC of Earth at start of interval TTYPE17 = 'DEC_EARTH_START' / TTYPE18 = 'RA_EARTH_END' / RA,DEC of Earth at end of interval TTYPE19 = 'DEC_EARTH_END' / COMMENT COMMENT *** Column formats COMMENT TFORM1 = 'D ' / TFORM2 = 'E ' / TFORM3 = 'E ' / TFORM4 = 'I ' / TFORM5 = 'L ' / TFORM6 = 'L ' / TFORM7 = 'L ' / TFORM8 = 'I ' / TFORM9 = 'B ' / TFORM10 = 'B ' / TFORM11 = 'B ' / TFORM12 = 'E ' / TFORM13 = 'E ' / TFORM14 = 'E ' / TFORM15 = 'E ' / TFORM16 = 'E ' / TFORM17 = 'E ' / TFORM18 = 'E ' / TFORM19 = 'E ' / COMMENT Units of columns TUNIT1 = 's ' / Seconds TUNIT2 = 's ' / Seconds TUNIT3 = 's ' / Seconds TUNIT12 = 'deg ' / Degrees TUNIT13 = 'deg ' / Degrees TUNIT14 = 'deg ' / Degrees TUNIT15 = 'deg ' / Degrees TUNIT16 = 'deg ' / Degrees TUNIT17 = 'deg ' / Degrees TUNIT18 = 'deg ' / Degrees TUNIT19 = 'deg ' / Degrees

Appendix F. Primary Header Keywords for the QLOOK_MAP

SIMPLE  =                    T / file does conform to FITS standard
BITPIX  =                   16 / number of bits per data pixel
NAXIS   =                    2 / number of data axes
NAXIS1  =                  120 / length of data axis   1
NAXIS2  =                  120 / length of data axis   2
COMMENT   FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) format defined in Astronomy and
COMMENT   Astrophysics Supplement Series v44/p363, v44/p371, v73/p359,v73/p365.
COMMENT   Contact the NASA Science Office of Standards and Technology for the
COMMENT   FITS Definition document #100 and other FITS information.
CRVAL1  =               137.18 / Min coordinate of reference bin (RA, GLON)
CRPIX1  =                 1.00 / Location of reference point in array
CDELT1  =               0.5000 / Interval in degrees
CTYPE1  = 'GLON    '           / Coordinate type
CRVAL2  =               -39.18 / Min coordinate of reference bin (DEC, GLAT)
CRPIX2  =                 1.00 / Location of reference point in array
CDELT2  =               0.5000 / Interval in degrees
CTYPE2  = 'GLAT    '           / Coordinate type
BUNIT   = 'COUNTS  '           / Units of primary array
BSCALE  =        1.0000000E+00 / Data scaling (none)
BZERO   =        0.0000000E+00 / Data offset (none)
STRT-DAY=             1992.245 / Start time of the file (YYYY.DDD)
STRT-TIM=            22022.680 / Start time of the file (seconds of day)
END-DAY =             1992.261 / END time of the file (YYYY.DDD)
END-TIM =            55055.035 / END time of the file (seconds of day)
ZEMMAX1 =              180.000 / Maximum angle from zenith in level xx&
MINENG1 =               20.000 / Minimum energy of map (Mev)
MAXENG1 =            99999.000 / Maximum energy of map (Mev)
TASC    =                    F / Events selected with 6 Mev in TASC
DETMAX  =               30.000 / Maximum angle from detector axis
ORIGIN  = 'GSFC/COSSC'         / File produced at Compton Science Support
CREATOR = 'Quicklook' / File produced by EGRET QUICKLOOK program. TELESCOP= 'GRO ' / Compton Observatory (Gamma Ray Observatory) INSTRUME= 'EGRET ' / The GRO instrument is EGRET FILETYPE= 'QLOOK_MAP' / Simple map produced by QUICKLOOK. MAPTYPE = 'ALL_SKY ' / Quicklook maps are always all_sky. FILENAME= 'qmap.fits' / Original name of this file HISTORY 14925 events selected.