Step 1


If the tutorial is being given by somebody then sit back and enjoy a demonstration of how Gsharp works with data. If not then don't worry it is pretty simple.

The DataManager





The DataManager is a tool which can be used to manage your data in Gsharp. To view the DataManager click on its icon in the command (upper) toolbar. It's the fifthh one from the left. 

Click on it now.

All Gsharp data is stored in datasets. Gsharp supports four types of data:

  • Numbers (real or integer)

  • Strings

  • Dates

  • Times

Datasets can be of up to three dimensions. The Size field shows the dimensions of each dataset - [num rows, num columns, num planes].

The range field shows the min and max of Number, Date and Time fields. For string fields it shows the first and last values.

You can view a dataset by clicking on it and then on the DataEditor icon.

You can rename a dataset by clicking on it once and then clicking on it again as you would do in Windows Explorer.

Datasets are organised into Folders, the default folder is called WORK.

There are a lot of functions for working with your data once it is in the DataManager, but for the moment we are just going to plot it as it is.

Click on the file open icon. Set the file type to Folder (*.fol). Open example.fol. Folders are binary files specific to Gsharp which can be used to archive a folder. Example.fol contains a number of example datasets.

Once the data has been read in explore its contents by clicking on each dataset and then the DataEditor icon.

When you are happy that you know how to use the DataManager then we are ready to begin