Report problems to ATLAS LXR Team (with time and IP address indicated)

The LXR Cross Referencer

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Architecture: linux ]
Version: release_12_0_2 ] [ release_12_0_3 ] [ release_12_0_4 ] [ release_12_0_5 ] [ release_12_0_6 ] [ release_12_0_7 ] [ release_12_0_8 ]

001 Sat Dec  9 14:51:05 CET 2006
002 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
003 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
004 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
005 ApplicationMgr       INFO Application Manager Configured successfully
006 StatusCodeSvc        INFO initialize
007 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
008 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
009 Athena               INFO including file "StoreGate/"
010 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : StoreGate, CLIDSvc, GaudiAud
011 Athena               INFO including file "IOVSvc/"
012 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVSvc
013 Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
014 Warning in <TClass::TClass>: no dictionary for class IProxyDict is available
015 Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCnvSvc/"
016 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCnvSvc
017 Athena               INFO including file "IdDictDetDescrCnv/"
018 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IdDictDetDescrCnv
019 Athena               INFO including file "RecExCommon/"
020 Athena               INFO including file "RecExCommon/"
021 py:RecExCommon_topOptions    INFO Memory address space VSize soft limit : unlimited hard limit: unlimited 
022 py:RecExCommon_topOptions    INFO Memory resident state RSS soft limit : unlimited hard limit: unlimited 
023 Athena               INFO including file "RecExCommon/"
024 Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/"
025 py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO Executing
026 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaCommon/"
027 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
028 py:RecExCommon_flags    INFO TrackRecordFilter alg switched on. 
029 flags values:
030 CollInputQuery = 
031 doTruth = True
032 doMoore = True
033 RootNtupleOutput = ntuple.root
034 doMuonIDStandAlone = True
035 doDumpTES = False
036 PoolESDOutput = ESD.pool.root
037 useNova = False
038 PoolRDOInput = ['LFN:top_CSC-01-02-00_RDO_extract.pool']
039 doiPatRec = True
040 PoolESDInput = ['ESD.pool.root']
041 readESD = False
042 doTileMuID = True
043 doWriteRDO = False
044 doRestrictedESD = False
045 doObjMissingET = True
046 readG3 = False
047 doCheckJOT = False
048 doMuonboy = True
049 doConversion = True
050 doJiveXML = False
051 doDumpPoolInputContent = False
052 doMuGirl = True
053 doJetRec = True
054 doCBNT = True
055 doDetailedAuditor = False
056 doMuidLowPt = False
057 doxKalman = True
058 PoolHitsOutput = Hits.pool.root
059 doShowSizeStatistics = False
060 doBackNavigation = False
061 PoolEvgenInput = ['Evgen.pool.root']
062 PoolAODOutput = AOD.pool.root
063 doMuTag = True
064 doAODall = True
065 doCaloTopoCluster = True
066 CBNTAthenaAware = True
067 doCheckDictionary = False
068 doDumpMC = False
069 readColl = False
070 doTauRec = True
071 doAOD = False
072 doMissingET = True
073 RootHistoOutput = histo.root
074 BSRDOInput = ['./']
075 SkipEvents = 0
076 doWriteESD = True
077 doEmCluster = True
078 OutputLevel = 3
079 EvtMax = 5
080 doDumpProperties = False
081 doEFlow = False
082 doTrigger = False
083 doBtagging = False
084 PoolEvgenOutput = Evgen.pool.root
085 doEgamma = True
086 doHist = True
087 donewTracking = True
088 doMuonIDCombined = True
089 noESDTrigger = False
090 UserAlgs = 
091 CollOutput = MyColl
092 CollFromRDO = False
093 doTimeLimit = False
094 AllAlgs = True
095 PoolAODInput = ['AOD.pool.root']
096 readAOD = False
097 doEFlowJet = False
098 doSAN = False
099 doNameAuditor = False
100 doWriteTAG = False
101 useROOTNtuple = True
102 PoolRDOOutput = RDO.pool.root
103 doPersint = False
104 doStaco = True
105 HbookNtupleOutput = ntuple.hbook
106 doCaloCluster = True
107 doDumpTDS = False
108 doWriteAOD = False
109 CollInput = ['MyColl']
110 HbookHistoOutput = histo.hbook
111 PoolHitsInput = ['Hits.pool.root']
112               : pixel   SCT   TRT    em   HEC  FCal  Tile   MDT   CSC   TGC   RPC Truth  LVL1
113      detdescr :    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON
114      digitize :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
115      geometry :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
116       haveRDO :    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON
117       haveRIO :    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON
118       makeRIO :    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON
119        pileup :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
120     readRDOBS :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
121   readRDOPool :    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON    ON
122     readRIOBS :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
123   readRIOPool :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
124      simulate :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
125  simulateLVL1 :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
126       writeBS :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
127  writeRDOPool :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
128  writeRIOPool :    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --    --
129       DetGeo : atlas
130   DataSource : geant4
131  InputFormat : pool
132   Luminosity : zero
133 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/"
134 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolCnvSvc/"
135 ClassIDSvc           INFO Initializing ClassIDSvc - package version CLIDSvc-00-02-09
136 ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 49 CLIDRegistry entries for module ALL
137 ClassIDSvc           INFO ClassIDSvc Initialized successfully 
138 ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 79 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
139 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PoolSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvc, AthenaPoolCnvSvcPoolCnv, EventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
140 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/"
141 ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 79 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaSealSvc
142 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaSealSvc
143 ['STLRflx', 'DetDescrDict']
144 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaSealSvc/"
145 Athena               INFO including file "AthenaPoolServices/"
146 ServiceManager    WARNING Service factory for type AthenaRootStreamerSvc already declared
147 ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 79 CLIDRegistry entries for module AthenaRootStreamerSvc
148 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AthenaRootStreamerSvc
149 Athena               INFO including file "AtlasSealCLHEP/"
150 ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventSelectorAthenaPool
151 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventSelectorAthenaPool
152 Athena               INFO including file "PartPropSvc/"
153 ClassIDSvc           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 82 CLIDRegistry entries for module PartPropSvc
154 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PartPropSvc
155 ApplicationMgr       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
156 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 89 CLIDRegistry entries for module AnalysisTools
157 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AnalysisTools
158 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 89 CLIDRegistry entries for module RootHistCnv
159 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RootHistCnv
160 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 89 CLIDRegistry entries for module GaudiAlg
161 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GaudiAlg
162 Athena               INFO including file "RecExCommon/"
163 Athena               INFO including file "RecExCond/"
164 Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/"
165 Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/"
166 Athena               INFO including file "IOVDbSvc/"
167 Athena               INFO including file "DBConnectionSvc/"
168 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 89 CLIDRegistry entries for module DBConnectionSvc
169 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DBConnectionSvc
170 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 93 CLIDRegistry entries for module IOVDbSvc
171 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : IOVDbSvc
172 Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrDictionary/"
173 Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
174 Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
175 Athena               INFO including file "EventInfoMgt/"
176 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 95 CLIDRegistry entries for module EventInfoMgt
177 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : EventInfoMgt
178 EventInfoMgt jobOptions: Got release version  AtlasAnalysis-2.0.4
179 Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
180 Athena               INFO including file "RDBAccessSvc/"
181 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 95 CLIDRegistry entries for module RDBAccessSvc
182 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RDBAccessSvc
183 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 95 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeoModelSvc
184 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeoModelSvc
185 Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
186 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 232 CLIDRegistry entries for module PixelGeoModel
187 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : PixelGeoModel
188 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 307 CLIDRegistry entries for module SCT_GeoModel
189 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SCT_GeoModel
190 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 319 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_GeoModel
191 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_GeoModel
192 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 335 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetServMatGeoModel
193 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetServMatGeoModel
194 Athena               INFO including file "InDetAlignExample/"
195 Athena               INFO including file "DetDescrCondAthenaPool/"
196 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 353 CLIDRegistry entries for module DetDescrCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
197 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : DetDescrCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
198 Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
199 Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/"
200 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 408 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileIdCnv
201 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileIdCnv
202 Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/"
203 now executing CaloIdCnv
204 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 443 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloIdCnv
205 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloIdCnv
206 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 626 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArGeoAlgs
207 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArGeoAlgs
208 Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv/"
209 now executing CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv_CaloDetDescrCnv
210 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 731 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
211 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetMgrDetDescrCnv
212 Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/"
213 Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
214 Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/"
215 Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/"
216 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 798 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileGeoModel
217 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileGeoModel
218 Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
219 Loading Muon Detector
220 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1076 CLIDRegistry entries for module MuonGeoModel
221 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MuonGeoModel
222 Athena               INFO including file "AtlasGeoModel/"
223 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1081 CLIDRegistry entries for module BeamPipeGeoModel
224 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BeamPipeGeoModel
225 Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/"
226 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1081 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileConditions
227 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileConditions
228 Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/"
229 Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/"
230 Athena               INFO including file "TileIdCnv/"
231 Athena               INFO including file "LArDetDescr/"
232 now initializing the LAr readout geometry : standard Atlas flavour
233 Athena               INFO including file "LArIdCnv/"
234 Now executing LArIdCnv
235 Athena               INFO including file "LArTools/"
236 Athena               INFO including file "CaloIdCnv/"
237 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1092 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArTools
238 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArTools
239 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 1110 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArIdCnv
240 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArIdCnv
241 Athena               INFO including file "LArCondCnv/"
242 Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/"
243 Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/"
244 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 2547 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
245 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCondAthenaPoolPoolCnv
246 Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/"
247 Athena               INFO including file "LArCondCnv/"
248 Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/"
249 Athena               INFO including file "LArCondAthenaPool/"
250 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
251 Athena               INFO including file "LArRawConditions/"
252 Athena               INFO including file "CaloTools/"
253 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3176 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTools
254 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTools
255 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 3443 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCellRec
256 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCellRec
257 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4159 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArCalibUtils
258 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArCalibUtils
259 Athena               INFO including file "TileConditions/"
260 Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/"
261 Athena               INFO including file "LArCalibUtils/"
262 Athena               INFO including file "InDetCondServices/"
263 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4164 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetCondServices
264 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetCondServices
265 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRegionSelector/"
266 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4253 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetRegionSelector
267 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetRegionSelector
268 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4261 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetCabling
269 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetCabling
270 Athena               INFO including file "AmdcAth/"
271 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4261 CLIDRegistry entries for module AmdcAth
272 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : AmdcAth
273 Amdc : DetDescrVersion not set or unknown, try POOL
274 Athena               INFO including file "MdtCalibSvc/"
275 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4388 CLIDRegistry entries for module MdtCalibSvc
276 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MdtCalibSvc
277 Athena               INFO including file "MdtCalibDbAsciiTool/"
278 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4399 CLIDRegistry entries for module MdtCalibDbAsciiTool
279 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MdtCalibDbAsciiTool
280 Athena               INFO including file "MuonEventCnvTools/"
281 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4437 CLIDRegistry entries for module MuonEventCnvTools
282 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MuonEventCnvTools
283 Athena               INFO including file "MuonTrackSummaryHelperTool/"
284 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4451 CLIDRegistry entries for module MuonTrackSummaryHelperTool
285 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MuonTrackSummaryHelperTool
286 Athena               INFO including file "BFieldAth/"
287 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4451 CLIDRegistry entries for module BFieldAth
288 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : BFieldAth
289 Athena               INFO including file "RecExCommon/"
290 Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/"
291 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
292 Athena               INFO including file "RecAthenaPool/"
293 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 4926 CLIDRegistry entries for module RecAthenaPoolPoolCnv
294 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RecAthenaPoolPoolCnv
295 Athena               INFO including file "ParticleEventAthenaPool/"
296 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5429 CLIDRegistry entries for module ParticleEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
297 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : ParticleEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
298 Athena               INFO including file "GeneratorObjectsAthenaPool/"
299 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5434 CLIDRegistry entries for module GeneratorObjectsAthenaPoolPoolCnv
300 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : GeneratorObjectsAthenaPoolPoolCnv
301 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
302 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5886 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileRecAlgs
303 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileRecAlgs
304 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5940 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArClusterRec
305 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArClusterRec
306 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 5952 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloRec
307 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloRec
308 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6009 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileRec
309 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileRec
310 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6108 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
311 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloAthenaPoolPoolCnv
312 Athena               INFO including file "LArAthenaPool/"
313 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6178 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArAthenaPoolPoolCnv
314 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArAthenaPoolPoolCnv
315 Athena               INFO including file "TileEventAthenaPool/"
316 ConverterFactory                                  WARNING Converter for class:T_AthenaPoolCnv<CaloCalibrationHitContainer> already exists.
317 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6273 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
318 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
319 Athena               INFO including file "InDetEventCnvTools/"
320 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6293 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetEventCnvTools
321 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetEventCnvTools
322 Athena               INFO including file "InDetEventAthenaPool/"
323 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6407 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
324 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
325 Athena               INFO including file "TrkEventAthenaPool/"
326 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6450 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
327 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
328 Athena               INFO including file "MuonEventAthenaPool/"
329 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6701 CLIDRegistry entries for module MuonEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
330 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MuonEventAthenaPoolPoolCnv
331 Athena               INFO including file "MuonRIO_OnTrack/"
332 Athena               INFO including file "TrkEventAthenaPool/"
333 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
334 ConverterFactory                                  WARNING Converter for class:TrackRecordCollectionCnv already exists.
335 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6703 CLIDRegistry entries for module G4SimAthenaPOOLPoolCnv
336 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : G4SimAthenaPOOLPoolCnv
337 Athena               INFO including file "VxMultiVertex/"
338 Athena               INFO including file "G4SimAthenaPOOL/"
339 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
340 Athena               INFO including file "InDetEventAthenaPool/"
341 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
342 Athena               INFO including file "LArAthenaPool/"
343 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
344 Athena               INFO including file "TileEventAthenaPool/"
345 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
346 Athena               INFO including file "MuonEventAthenaPool/"
347 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
348 Athena               INFO including file "EventAthenaPool/"
349 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
350 Athena               INFO including file "GeneratorObjectsAthenaPool/"
351 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
352 Athena               INFO including file "RecExCommon/"
353 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
354 ****** Inner Detector Flags ********************************************************
355 *
356 * --------------------> write AOD classes for alll trackers !
357 *
358 * PreProcessing:
359 * ==============
360 *
361 * - run PrepRawDataFormation
362 * - run SpacePointFormation
363 *
364 * TrackFinding:
365 * =============
366 *
367 * - run xKalman
368 * - run iPatRec
369 * - convert output to new EDM (TrkTrack)
370 *
371 * following algorithms from newTracking are executed:
372 * - run SiSPSeededTrackFinder (part of RTF tracking)
373 *   and use ZvertexTool !
374 * - run AmbiguitySolver
375 * - run TRT_TrackExtension
376 * - run TrackExtensionProcessor
377 *
378 * - run TRT Segment finding
379 *
380 *
381 * PostProcessing:
382 * ===============
383 *
384 * - run primary vertex finding
385 * - do Particle creation at end of event reconstruction (AOD)
386 *   and do shared hits search
387 *
388 * - run truth association
389 * - run statistics package
390 *
391 * Configurable Services loaded:
392 * =============================
393 *
394 * - load tracking geometry for Inner Detector
395 *
396 * - use Beam Spot Constraint in reconstruction/vertexing
397 *
398 * Configurable Tools loaded:
399 * ==========================
400 *
401 * - load ROT_Creator for Inner Detector
402 * - load Extrapolator
403 *   load Runge Kutta propagator
404 *   load MagFieldTool
405 *   use material corrections in extrapolation and fit
406 * - load MeasurementUpdator
407 * - load track fitter of type  KalmanFitter
408 *   refit from ROT
409 * - load TrackSummaryTool
410 *   and do holes on track search
411 * - load TrackScoringTool
412 *
413 ************************************************************************************
414 InDetRec_jobOptions: InDetCutValues not set - setting to defaults
415 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
416 ****** Inner Detector Track Reconstruction Cuts ************************************
417 *
418 * min pT:                   500.0  MeV
419 * max IP (primary tracks):  10.0  mm
420 *
421 * min number of clusters:   7
422 * max number of holes   :   2
423 * min number of shared  :   1
424 *
425 * max IP (sec. tracks):     100.0  mm (IPat for now)
426 *
427 ************************************************************************************
428 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
429 Athena               INFO including file "TrkRIO_OnTrackCreator/"
430 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6706 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkRIO_OnTrackCreator
431 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkRIO_OnTrackCreator
432 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6712 CLIDRegistry entries for module SiClusterOnTrackTool
433 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SiClusterOnTrackTool
434 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6727 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool
435 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool
436 ***** ConfiguredRIO_OnTrackCreator ***********************************************
437 * - ToolName:               Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator
438 * - ToolInstance:           InDetRotCreator
439 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
440 * - Pixel ROT creator:        PixelClusterOnTrackTool/PixelClusterOnTrackTool
441 * - SCT   ROT creator:        SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool/SCT_ClusterOnTrackTool
442 * - TRT   ROT creator:        TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool/TRT_DriftCircleOnTrackTool
443 * - RPC/TGC/CSC ROT creator:  none
444 * - MDT   ROT creator:        none
445 **********************************************************************************
446 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6727 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkMeasurementUpdator
447 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkMeasurementUpdator
448 ***** ConfiguredKalmanUpdator ****************************************************
449 * - Tool:  Trk::KalmanUpdator under instance:  InDetUpdator
450 **********************************************************************************
451 Athena               INFO including file "TrkMagFieldTools/"
452 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6727 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkMagFieldTools
453 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkMagFieldTools
454 Athena               INFO including file "TrkDetDescrSvc/"
455 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6734 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkDetDescrAthenaPoolPoolCnv
456 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkDetDescrAthenaPoolPoolCnv
457 Athena               INFO including file "TrkDetDescrTools/"
458 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6736 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkDetDescrTools
459 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkDetDescrTools
460 Athena               INFO including file "TrkMagFieldTools/"
461 TrackingGeometry switched on: Inner Detector 
462 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6768 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetTrackingGeometry
463 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetTrackingGeometry
464 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackingGeometry/"
465 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackingGeometry/"
466 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackingGeometry/"
467 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackingGeometry/"
468 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackingGeometry/"
469 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackingGeometry/"
470 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackingGeometry/"
471 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackingGeometry/"
472 Athena               INFO including file "TrkDetDescrSvc/"
473 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6772 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkDetDescrSvc
474 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkDetDescrSvc
475 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExTools/"
476 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExTools/"
477 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExTools/"
478 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExTools/"
479 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExTools/"
480 Athena               INFO including file "TrkDetDescrSvc/"
481 Athena               INFO including file "TrkDetDescrTools/"
482 Athena               INFO including file "TrkMagFieldTools/"
483 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6774 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkExTools
484 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkExTools
485 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6774 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkExRungeKuttaPropagator
486 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkExRungeKuttaPropagator
487 Athena               INFO including file "TrkKalmanFitter/"
488 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6776 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkKalmanFitter
489 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkKalmanFitter
490 ***** ConfiguredKalmanFitter *****************************************************
491 * - Tool:   Trk::KalmanFitter  under instance:  InDetTrackFitter
492 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
493 * - Kalman ForwardFilter    FwKalmanFitter
494 * - Kalman Smoother         KalmanSmoother
495 * - Kalman OutlierLogic     KalmanOutLogic
496 * - RIO_OnTrackCreator:     Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRotCreator
497 * - Extrapolator:           Trk::Extrapolator/InDetExtrapolator
498 * - KalmanMeasUpdator:      Trk::KalmanUpdator/InDetUpdator
499 * - DynamicNoiseAdjustor:   none
500 **********************************************************************************
501 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTrackSummaryTool/"
502 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6778 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkTrackSummaryTool
503 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkTrackSummaryTool
504 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/"
505 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6782 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool
506 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool
507 ***** ConfiguredTrkTrackSummaryTool **********************************************
508 * - ToolName:              ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryTool
509 * - load ID summary helper tool, instance:  InDetTrackSummaryToolInDetHelper
510 * - load Muon summary helper tool
511 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
512 * Do search for holes !
513 *
514 **********************************************************************************
515 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
516 Athena               INFO including file "InDetPrepRawDataFormation/"
517 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6974 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetPrepRawDataFormation
518 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetPrepRawDataFormation
519 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 6980 CLIDRegistry entries for module SiClusterizationTool
520 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SiClusterizationTool
521 Athena               INFO including file "InDetPrepRawDataFormation/"
522 Athena               INFO including file "InDetPrepRawDataFormation/"
523 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7028 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_DriftCircleTool
524 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_DriftCircleTool
525 Athena               INFO including file "TRT_DriftFunctionTool/"
526 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7040 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_DriftFunctionTool
527 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_DriftFunctionTool
528 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7096 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_ConditionsAlgs
529 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_ConditionsAlgs
530 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTruthAlgs/"
531 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7162 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetTruthAlgs
532 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetTruthAlgs
533 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7168 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetTruthTools
534 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetTruthTools
535 Athena               INFO including file "SiSpacePointFormation/"
536 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7188 CLIDRegistry entries for module SiSpacePointTool
537 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SiSpacePointTool
538 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7224 CLIDRegistry entries for module SiSpacePointFormation
539 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SiSpacePointFormation
540 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
541 Athena               INFO including file "iPatRecExample/"
542 Athena               INFO including file "iPatRecAlgs/"
543 Athena               INFO including file "iPatRecAlgs/"
544 Athena               INFO including file "TRT_Rec/"
545 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7239 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_Rec
546 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_Rec
547 Athena               INFO including file "RegionSelector/"
548 ServiceManager                                    WARNING Service factory for type RegSelSvc already declared
549 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7239 CLIDRegistry entries for module RegionSelector
550 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RegionSelector
551 RegSelSvc.GeometryLayout =  ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00  DetDescrVersion =  ATLAS-CSC-01-02-00
552 RegSelSvc detector switches in config: indet= True  calo= True  muon= True
553 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExTools/"
554 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExDynamicLayerCreator/"
555 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7239 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkExDynamicLayerCreator
556 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkExDynamicLayerCreator
557 Athena               INFO including file "iPatGeometry/"
558 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7252 CLIDRegistry entries for module iPatGeometry
559 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : iPatGeometry
560 Athena               INFO including file "iPatTrackFinder/"
561 Athena               INFO including file "iPatTrackFitter/"
562 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExRungeKuttaIntersector/"
563 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7252 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkExRungeKuttaIntersector
564 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkExRungeKuttaIntersector
565 ***** ConfiguredRungeKuttaIntersectorTool *************************************************
566 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.Trk::RungeKuttaIntersector
567 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
568 *   FieldTool    Trk::MagneticFieldTool (Instance:  AtlasMagneticFieldTool )
569 **********************************************************************************
570 Athena               INFO including file "iPatTrajectory/"
571 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7252 CLIDRegistry entries for module iPatTrajectory
572 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : iPatTrajectory
573 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExSolenoidalIntersector/"
574 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7252 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkExSolenoidalIntersector
575 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkExSolenoidalIntersector
576 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7252 CLIDRegistry entries for module iPatTrackFitter
577 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : iPatTrackFitter
578 Athena               INFO including file "iPatTrackFollower/"
579 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7265 CLIDRegistry entries for module iPatTrackFollower
580 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : iPatTrackFollower
581 Athena               INFO including file "TruthTools/"
582 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7266 CLIDRegistry entries for module TruthTools
583 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TruthTools
584 Athena               INFO including file "iPatTruthTrajectory/"
585 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7267 CLIDRegistry entries for module iPatTruthTrajectory
586 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : iPatTruthTrajectory
587 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7308 CLIDRegistry entries for module iPatRecAlgs
588 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : iPatRecAlgs
589 Athena               INFO including file "iPatGeometry/"
590 Athena               INFO including file "iPatGeometry/"
591 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7309 CLIDRegistry entries for module iPatTrackFinder
592 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : iPatTrackFinder
593 Athena               INFO including file "iPatTrackFinder/"
594 Athena               INFO including file "iPatTrackFinder/"
595 Athena               INFO including file "iPatRecAlgs/"
596 Athena               INFO including file "iPatRecAlgs/"
597 Athena               INFO including file "xKalmanppAthena/"
598 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7675 CLIDRegistry entries for module xKalmanppAthena
599 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : xKalmanppAthena
600 setting xKalman selectivity to 2 for any ID layout at low-lumi
601 Athena               INFO including file "TrkRIO_OnTrackCreator/"
602 Athena               INFO including file "InDetLegacyCnvAlgs/"
603 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7697 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetLegacyCnvTools
604 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetLegacyCnvTools
605 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7717 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetLegacyCnvAlgs
606 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetLegacyCnvAlgs
607 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
608 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTruthAlgs/"
609 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7741 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkTruthCreatorTools
610 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkTruthCreatorTools
611 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTruthAlgs/"
612 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7755 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkTruthAlgs
613 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkTruthAlgs
614 ***** ConfiguredInDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker *********************************************
615 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
616 * - AlgorithmName:       ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruthMaker
617 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
618 * - Input track collection:  ConvertedXKalmanTracks
619 * - Track Truth collection:  ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruth
620 * - TruthNamePixel:  PRD_MultiTruthPixel
621 * - TruthNameSCT:  PRD_MultiTruthSCT
622 * - TruthNameTRT:  PRD_MultiTruthTRT
623 **********************************************************************************
624 ***** ConfiguredTrackTruthSelector *********************************************
625 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
626 * - AlgorithmName:       ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruthSelector
627 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
628 * - Input DetailedTrackTruthCollection:  ConvertedXKalmanTracksDetailedTruth
629 * - Output TrackTruthCollection:  ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruth
630 **********************************************************************************
631 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTruthAlgs/"
632 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTruthAlgs/"
633 ***** ConfiguredInDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker *********************************************
634 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
635 * - AlgorithmName:       ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruthMaker
636 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
637 * - Input track collection:  ConvertedIPatTracks
638 * - Track Truth collection:  ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruth
639 * - TruthNamePixel:  PRD_MultiTruthPixel
640 * - TruthNameSCT:  PRD_MultiTruthSCT
641 * - TruthNameTRT:  PRD_MultiTruthTRT
642 **********************************************************************************
643 ***** ConfiguredTrackTruthSelector *********************************************
644 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
645 * - AlgorithmName:       ConvertedIPatTracksTruthSelector
646 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
647 * - Input DetailedTrackTruthCollection:  ConvertedIPatTracksDetailedTruth
648 * - Output TrackTruthCollection:  ConvertedIPatTracksTruth
649 **********************************************************************************
650 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
651 Athena               INFO including file "TrkMeasurementUpdator_xk/"
652 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7755 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkMeasurementUpdator_xk
653 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkMeasurementUpdator_xk
654 ***** ConfiguredTrkMeasuredUpdator_xk ********************************************
655 * - ToolName:      Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk  under instance:  InDetPatternUpdator
656 **********************************************************************************
657 Athena               INFO including file "SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk/"
658 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7761 CLIDRegistry entries for module SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk
659 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SiSpacePointsSeedTool_xk
660 ***** ConfigurableSiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk***********************************
661 * - ToolName:      InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk  under instance:  InDetSpSeedsMaker
662 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
663 * - Magnetic field tool           :  Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField
664 * - Beam conditions service       :  BeamCondSvc
665 * - Pixel   space points location :  PixelSpacePoints
666 * - SCT     space points location :  SCT_SpacePoints
667 * - Overlap space points location :  OverlapSpacePoints
668 **********************************************************************************
669 Athena               INFO including file "SiZvertexTool_xk/"
670 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7765 CLIDRegistry entries for module SiZvertexTool_xk
671 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SiZvertexTool_xk
672 ***** ConfigurableSiZvertexTool_xk ********************************************
673 * - ToolName:      InDet::SiZvertexMaker_xk  under instance:  InDetZvertexMaker
674 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
675 * - Space points seeds maker   :  InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk/InDetSpSeedsMaker
676 **********************************************************************************
677 Athena               INFO including file "SiDetElementsRoadTool_xk/"
678 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7779 CLIDRegistry entries for module SiDetElementsRoadTool_xk
679 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SiDetElementsRoadTool_xk
680 ***** ConfigurableSiDetElementsRoadTool_xk ***************************************
681 * - ToolName:      InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk  under instance:  InDetSiRoadMaker
682 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
683 * - Propagator     tool         :  Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator
684 * - Magnetic field tool         :  Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField
685 * - Detector managers  location :  DetectorStore
686 * - SCT   det. manager location :  SCT
687 * - Pixel det. manager location :  Pixel
688 * - Magnetic field mode         :  MapSolenoid
689 **********************************************************************************
690 Athena               INFO including file "SiTrackMakerTool_xk/"
691 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7807 CLIDRegistry entries for module SiTrackMakerTool_xk
692 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SiTrackMakerTool_xk
693 ***** ConfigurableSiTrackMakerTool_xk ********************************************
694 * - ToolName:      InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk  under instance:  InDetSiTrackMaker
695 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
696 * - Magnetic field tool         :  Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField
697 * - Propagator     tool         :  Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator
698 * - Updator        tool         :  Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator
699 * - RIO on track   tool         :  Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRotCreator
700 * - Road           tool         :  InDet::SiDetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetSiRoadMaker
701 * - Magnetic field mode         :  MapSolenoid
702 * - Pixel clusters location     :  PixelClusters
703 * - SCT   clusters location     :  SCT_Clusters
704 **********************************************************************************
705 Athena               INFO including file "SiSPSeededTrackFinder/"
706 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7814 CLIDRegistry entries for module SiSPSeededTrackFinder
707 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : SiSPSeededTrackFinder
708 ***** ConfiguredSiSPSeededTrackFinder *********************************************
709 * - AlgorithmName:      InDet::SiSPSeededTrackFinder  under instance:  InDetSiSPTrackFinder
710 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
711 * - Space points seeds maker   :  InDet::SiSpacePointsSeedMaker_ATLxk/InDetSpSeedsMaker
712 * - Z-vertices         maker   :  InDet::SiZvertexMaker_xk/InDetZvertexMaker
713 * - Track              maker   :  InDet::SiTrackMaker_xk/InDetSiTrackMaker
714 * - Output tracks collection   :  SiSPSeededTracks
715 **********************************************************************************
716 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTruthAlgs/"
717 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTruthAlgs/"
718 ***** ConfiguredInDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker *********************************************
719 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
720 * - AlgorithmName:       SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruthMaker
721 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
722 * - Input track collection:  SiSPSeededTracks
723 * - Track Truth collection:  SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruth
724 * - TruthNamePixel:  PRD_MultiTruthPixel
725 * - TruthNameSCT:  PRD_MultiTruthSCT
726 * - TruthNameTRT:  PRD_MultiTruthTRT
727 **********************************************************************************
728 ***** ConfiguredTrackTruthSelector *********************************************
729 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
730 * - AlgorithmName:       SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollectionSelector
731 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
732 * - Input DetailedTrackTruthCollection:  SiSPSeededTracksDetailedTruth
733 * - Output TrackTruthCollection:  SiSPSeededTracksTruthCollection
734 **********************************************************************************
735 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackScoringTools/"
736 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7814 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetTrackScoringTools
737 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetTrackScoringTools
738 ***** ConfiguredInDetAmbiScoringToolTool *************************************************
739 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.InDetScoringTool
740 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
741 *   SummaryTool    Trk::TrackSummaryTool (Instance:  InDetTrackSummaryTool )
742 **********************************************************************************
743 Athena               INFO including file "InDetAssociationTools/"
744 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7818 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetAssociationTools
745 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetAssociationTools
746 ***** ConfiguredPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels **********************************
747 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
748 * - AlgorithmName:       ToolSvc.InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels
749 * - Ambiguities Map Name:  PixelClusterAmbiguitiesMap
750 **********************************************************************************
751 Athena               INFO including file "TrkAmbiguityProcessor/"
752 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7821 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkAmbiguityProcessor
753 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkAmbiguityProcessor
754 ***** ConfiguredAmbiguityProcessor ***********************************************
755 * - ToolName:              ToolSvc.InDetAmbiguityProcessor
756 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
757 * - Scoring tool     :  InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool (Instance:  InDetScoringTool )
758 * - Association tool :  InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels (Instance:  InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels )
759 * - Track refitter   :  Trk::KalmanFitter (Instance:  InDetTrackFitter )
760 * - Particle hypothesis used in refit:  3
761 * refit ROTs, no new creation
762 **********************************************************************************
763 Athena               INFO including file "InDetAmbiguitySolver/"
764 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7823 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetAmbiguitySolver
765 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetAmbiguitySolver
766 ***** ConfiguredAmbiguitySolver ***********************************************
767 * - AlgorithmName:              InDetAmbiguitySolver
768 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
769 * - Ambiguity Processor   :  Trk::SimpleAmbiguityProcessorTool (Instance:  InDetAmbiguityProcessor )
770 *   and resolve events !
771 **********************************************************************************
772 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTruthAlgs/"
773 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTruthAlgs/"
774 ***** ConfiguredInDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker *********************************************
775 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
776 * - AlgorithmName:       ResolvedTracksDetailedTruthMaker
777 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
778 * - Input track collection:  ResolvedTracks
779 * - Track Truth collection:  ResolvedTracksDetailedTruth
780 * - TruthNamePixel:  PRD_MultiTruthPixel
781 * - TruthNameSCT:  PRD_MultiTruthSCT
782 * - TruthNameTRT:  PRD_MultiTruthTRT
783 **********************************************************************************
784 ***** ConfiguredTrackTruthSelector *********************************************
785 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
786 * - AlgorithmName:       ResolvedTracksTruthCollectionSelector
787 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
788 * - Input DetailedTrackTruthCollection:  ResolvedTracksDetailedTruth
789 * - Output TrackTruthCollection:  ResolvedTracksTruthCollection
790 **********************************************************************************
791 Athena               INFO including file "TRT_DetElementsRoadTool_xk/"
792 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7830 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_DetElementsRoadTool_xk
793 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_DetElementsRoadTool_xk
794 ***** ConfigurableTRT_DetElementsRoadTool_xk ***************************************
795 * - ToolName:      InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk  under instance:  InDetTRTRoadMaker
796 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
797 * - Propagator     tool         :  Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator
798 * - Magnetic field tool         :  Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField
799 * - Detector managers  location :  DetectorStore
800 * - TRT   det. manager location :  TRT
801 * - Magnetic field mode         :  MapSolenoid
802 * - Road half width             :  10.0
803 * - Max. step                   :  20.0
804 **********************************************************************************
805 Athena               INFO including file "TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/"
806 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7850 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk
807 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk
808 ***** ConfigurableTRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk **************************************
809 * - ToolName:      InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk  under instance:  InDetTRTExtensionTool
810 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
811 * - TRT drift circles location  :  TRT_DriftCircles
812 * - Magnetic field tool         :  Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField
813 * - Propagator     tool         :  Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator
814 * - Updator        tool         :  Trk::KalmanUpdator_xk/InDetPatternUpdator
815 * - RIO on track   tool         :  Trk::RIO_OnTrackCreator/InDetRotCreator
816 * - Road           tool         :  InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRTRoadMaker
817 * - Magnetic field mode         :  MapSolenoid
818 * - Segment  find  mode         :  3
819 * - Use drift radius ?          :  True
820 * - Road width                  :  10.0
821 * - Min. number of DriftCircles :  9
822 **********************************************************************************
823 Athena               INFO including file "TRT_TrackExtensionAlg/"
824 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7852 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_TrackExtensionAlg
825 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_TrackExtensionAlg
826 ***** ConfigureTRT_TrackExtensionAlg *********************************************
827 * - AlgorithmName:      InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionAlg  under instance:  InDetTRTExtension
828 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
829 * - TRT-track extension tool   :  InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRTExtensionTool
830 * - Input  tracks collection   :  ResolvedTracks
831 * - Output tracks collection   :  ExtendedTracksMap
832 **********************************************************************************
833 Athena               INFO including file "InDetExtensionProcessor/"
834 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7856 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetExtensionProcessor
835 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetExtensionProcessor
836 ***** ConfiguredInDetExtensionProcessor ******************************************
837 * - AlgorithmName:          InDet::InDetExtensionProcessor/InDetExtensionProcessor
838 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
839 * - TrackFitter:            Trk::KalmanFitter/InDetTrackFitter
840 * - ScoringTool:            InDet::InDetAmbiScoringTool/InDetScoringTool
841 * - input track collection: ResolvedTracks
842 * - extended tracks map   : ExtendedTracksMap
843 * - output track coll.    : ExtendedTracks
844 * - refit ROTs, no new creation
845 * - use material corrections in fit with hypothesis # 3
846 * - TRT hits from a failed extension will be kept as outliers on the track.
847 **********************************************************************************
848 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTruthAlgs/"
849 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTruthAlgs/"
850 ***** ConfiguredInDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker *********************************************
851 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
852 * - AlgorithmName:       ExtendedTracksDetailedTruthMaker
853 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
854 * - Input track collection:  ExtendedTracks
855 * - Track Truth collection:  ExtendedTracksDetailedTruth
856 * - TruthNamePixel:  PRD_MultiTruthPixel
857 * - TruthNameSCT:  PRD_MultiTruthSCT
858 * - TruthNameTRT:  PRD_MultiTruthTRT
859 **********************************************************************************
860 ***** ConfiguredTrackTruthSelector *********************************************
861 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
862 * - AlgorithmName:       ExtendedTracksTruthCollectionSelector
863 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
864 * - Input DetailedTrackTruthCollection:  ExtendedTracksDetailedTruth
865 * - Output TrackTruthCollection:  ExtendedTracksTruthCollection
866 **********************************************************************************
867 Athena               INFO including file "TRT_TrackSegmentsTool_xk/"
868 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7876 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_TrackSegmentsTool_xk
869 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_TrackSegmentsTool_xk
870 ***** ConfigurableTRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk***********************************
871 * - ToolName:      InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk  under instance:  InDetTRTSeedsMaker
872 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
873 * - Magnetic field tool         :  Trk::MagneticFieldTool/InDetMagField
874 * - Propagator     tool         :  Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator/InDetPropagator
875 * - Road           tool         :  InDet::TRT_DetElementsRoadMaker_xk/InDetTRTRoadMaker
876 * - TRT-track extension tool    :  InDet::TRT_TrackExtensionTool_xk/InDetTRTExtensionTool
877 * - TRT drift circles location  :  TRT_DriftCircles
878 **********************************************************************************
879 Athena               INFO including file "TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder/"
880 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7877 CLIDRegistry entries for module TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder
881 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder
882 ***** ConfiguredTRT_TrackFinder *********************************************
883 * - AlgorithmName:      InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsFinder  under instance:  InDetTRTTrackSegmentsFinder
884 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
885 * - TRT drift circles segments maker :  InDet::TRT_TrackSegmentsMaker_ATLxk/InDetTRTSeedsMaker
886 * - Output segments collection       :  TRTSegments
887 **********************************************************************************
888 Athena               INFO including file "InDetAmbiguitySolver/"
889 ***** ConfiguredAmbiguitySolver ***********************************************
890 * - AlgorithmName:              InDetOutputCopyAlg
891 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
892 * - No ambiguity processor. Making copy of tracks.
893 **********************************************************************************
894 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTruthAlgs/"
895 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTruthAlgs/"
896 ***** ConfiguredInDetDetailedTrackTruthMaker *********************************************
897 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
898 * - AlgorithmName:       DetailedTracksTruthMaker
899 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
900 * - Input track collection:  Tracks
901 * - Track Truth collection:  DetailedTracksTruth
902 * - TruthNamePixel:  PRD_MultiTruthPixel
903 * - TruthNameSCT:  PRD_MultiTruthSCT
904 * - TruthNameTRT:  PRD_MultiTruthTRT
905 **********************************************************************************
906 ***** ConfiguredTrackTruthSelector *********************************************
907 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
908 * - AlgorithmName:       TrackTruthCollectionSelector
909 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
910 * - Input DetailedTrackTruthCollection:  DetailedTracksTruth
911 * - Output TrackTruthCollection:  TrackTruthCollection
912 **********************************************************************************
913 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecExample/"
914 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexFitterUtils/"
915 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7882 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkVertexFitterUtils
916 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkVertexFitterUtils
917 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexFitterUtils/"
918 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexFitterUtils/"
919 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexFitters/"
920 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7887 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkVertexFitters
921 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkVertexFitters
922 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexFitterUtils/"
923 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7887 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkExSlPropagator
924 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkExSlPropagator
925 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7887 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkExHelixPropagator
926 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkExHelixPropagator
927 ***** ConfiguredTrackLinearizerAlgo *****************************************
928 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.AVF_LinearizedTrackFactory
929 *****************************************************************************
930 *   Extrapolator   Trk::Extrapolator  Instance  FastVertexFitterExtrapolator
931 *   MagneticFieldTool   Trk::MagneticFieldTool  Instance  MagneticFieldTool
932 *****************************************************************************
933 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexFitterUtils/"
934 ***** ConfiguredChi2TrackCompatibilityEstimator *****************************************
935 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.AVF_TrackCompatibilityEstimator
936 *****************************************************************************
937 ***** ConfiguredImpactPoint3dAtaPlaneFactory ********************************
938 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.AVF_ImpactPoint3dAtaPlane
939 *****************************************************************************
940 *   ExtrapolatorName   Trk::Extrapolator  Instance  InDetExtrapolator
941 *   ImpactPoint3dEstimatorName   AVF_ImpactPoint3dEstimator  Instance  AVF_ImpactPoint3dEstimator
942 *****************************************************************************
943 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexFitterUtils/"
944 ***** ConfiguredVertexUpdator: Init Summary ***********************
945 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.AVF_Vertexupdator
946 *
947 *   Instance name AVF_Vertexupdator
948 *******************************************************************
949 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexFitters/"
950 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexFitterUtils/"
951 ***** ConfiguredVertexTrackUpdator: Init Summary ******************
952 *   ToolName                        ToolSvc.KalmanVertexTrackUpdator
953 *   Instance name                   KalmanVertexTrackUpdator
954 *
955 *   Max weight producing no warning 0.001
956 *
957 *******************************************************************
958 ************ConfiguredSequentialVertexSmoother: Init Summary***
959 *     Algo name:      ToolSvc.AVF_VertexSmoother
960 *     Instance name:  AVF_VertexSmoother
961 *     Vertex Track Updator Name:   Trk::KalmanVertexTrackUpdator
962 *************************************************************
963 ***** ConfiguredDetAnnealingMaker *******************************************
964 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.AVF_DetAnnealingMaker  IstanceName  AVF_DetAnnealingMaker
965 *****************************************************************************
966 *   setoftemperature  [64.0, 16.0, 4.0, 2.0, 1.5, 1.0]
967 *   cutoff            9
968 *****************************************************************************
969 ***** ConfiguredMultiAdaptiveVertexFitter *********************************************
970 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter
971 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
972 *   LinearizedTrackFactory   Trk::FullPerigeeLinearizedTrackFactory (Instance:  AVF_LinearizedTrackFactory )
973 *   TrackCompatibilityEstimator   Trk::Chi2TrackCompatibilityEstimator (Instance:  AVF_LinearizedTrackFactory )
974 *   VertexUpdator    Trk::KalmanVertexUpdator (Instance:  AVF_Vertexupdator )
975 *   AnnealingMaker   Trk::DetAnnealingMaker (Instance:  AVF_DetAnnealingMaker )
976 *     Smoothing Required:    True
977 *     VertexSmoother Name:   Trk::SequentialVertexSmoother
978 **********************************************************************************
979 Athena               INFO including file "InDetPriVxFinderTool/"
980 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7894 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetPriVxFinderTool
981 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetPriVxFinderTool
982 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexSeedFinderTools/"
983 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7895 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkVertexSeedFinderTools
984 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkVertexSeedFinderTools
985 Athena               INFO including file "TrkVertexSeedFinderUtils/"
986 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7895 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkVertexSeedFinderUtils
987 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkVertexSeedFinderUtils
988 ***** ConfiguredMode1dFinder*************************************************
989 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.AVF_Mode1dFinder
990 *****************************************************************************
991 * FirstFraction  0.5  Fraction after first  0.5
992 *****************************************************************************
993 ***** ConfiguredTrkSeedFinder* **********************************************
994 *   ToolName       ToolSvc.MVF_SeedFinder
995 *****************************************************************************
996 *   Mode1dFinder   Trk::FsmwMode1dFinder (Instance:  AVF_Mode1dFinder )
997 *   UsePt          False ExpPt         1.0
998 *   CutOnPt        500.0 CutOnSig3d    3.0
999 *   CutOnD0        1.0
1000 Disable AllWeights    False
1001 **********************************************************************************
1002 ***** ConfiguredAdaptiveMultiPrimaryVertexFinderTool *****************************
1003 *   ToolName        ToolSvc.InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool
1004 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1005 *   Fitter Name     Trk::AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter (Instance:  AdaptiveMultiVertexFitter )
1006 *   Summary Tool    Trk::TrackSummaryTool (Instance:  InDetTrackSummaryTool )
1007 *   BeamConstraint is always On and taken from BeamCondDB (check there for constraint settings)
1008 *   SignalVertexSelectionType  0 ==0 Sum(pT^2) ==1 NN 
1009 **********************************************************************************
1010 Athena               INFO including file "InDetPriVxFinder/"
1011 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7897 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetPriVxFinder
1012 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetPriVxFinder
1013 ***** ConfiguredPrimaryVertexFinder ***********************************************
1014 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1015 * - AlgorithmName:     InDetPriVxFinder
1016 * - Finder Tool Name:  InDet::InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool (Instance:  InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool )
1017 * - Track Input:       Tracks , Vertex Output:  VxPrimaryCandidate
1018 **********************************************************************************
1019 ***** ConfiguredPrimaryVertexFinder ***********************************************
1020 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1021 * - AlgorithmName:     InDetIPatPriVxFinder
1022 * - Finder Tool Name:  InDet::InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool (Instance:  InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool )
1023 * - Track Input:       ConvertedIPatTracks , Vertex Output:  IPatVxPrimaryCandidate
1024 **********************************************************************************
1025 ***** ConfiguredPrimaryVertexFinder ***********************************************
1026 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1027 * - AlgorithmName:     InDetXKalPriVxFinder
1028 * - Finder Tool Name:  InDet::InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool (Instance:  InDetAdaptiveMultiPriVxFinderTool )
1029 * - Track Input:       ConvertedXKalmanTracks , Vertex Output:  XKalVxPrimaryCandidate
1030 **********************************************************************************
1031 Athena               INFO including file "InDetAssociationTools/"
1032 ***** ConfiguredPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels **********************************
1033 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1034 * - AlgorithmName:       ToolSvc.InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels
1035 * - Ambiguities Map Name:  PixelClusterAmbiguitiesMap
1036 **********************************************************************************
1037 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTrackSummaryTool/"
1038 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/"
1039 ***** ConfiguredTrkTrackSummaryTool **********************************************
1040 * - ToolName:              ToolSvc.InDetTrackSummaryToolHolesShared
1041 * - load ID summary helper tool, instance:  InDetTrackSummaryToolHolesSharedInDetHelper
1042 * - load Muon summary helper tool
1043 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1044 * Do search for holes !
1045 *
1046 * - Do search for shared hits in Pix+SCT !
1047 *   Association tool name:  InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels (Instance:  InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels )
1048 **********************************************************************************
1049 Athena               INFO including file "TrkParticleCreator/"
1050 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7903 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkParticleCreator
1051 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkParticleCreator
1052 Athena               INFO including file "InDetParticleCreation/"
1053 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7908 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetParticleCreation
1054 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetParticleCreation
1055 ***** ConfiguredParticleCreator ***********************************************
1056 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1057 * - Algorithm Name:      InDetParticleCreation
1058 * - ParticleCreatorTool Name:  Trk::ParticleCreatorTool (Instance:  InDetParticleCreatorTool )
1059 * - TrackInputColl          :  Tracks
1060 * - PriVtxInputColl         :  VxPrimaryCandidate
1061 * - TrackParticleOutputColl :  TrackParticleCandidate
1062 * - run shared hits alogrithm
1063 *   Association tool name:  InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels (Instance:  InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels )
1064 **********************************************************************************
1065 ***** ConfiguredParticleCreator ***********************************************
1066 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1067 * - Algorithm Name:      InDetIPatParticleCreation
1068 * - ParticleCreatorTool Name:  Trk::ParticleCreatorTool (Instance:  InDetParticleCreatorTool )
1069 * - TrackInputColl          :  ConvertedIPatTracks
1070 * - PriVtxInputColl         :  IPatVxPrimaryCandidate
1071 * - TrackParticleOutputColl :  IPatTrackParticleCandidate
1072 * - run shared hits alogrithm
1073 *   Association tool name:  InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels (Instance:  InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels )
1074 **********************************************************************************
1075 ***** ConfiguredParticleCreator ***********************************************
1076 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1077 * - Algorithm Name:      InDetXKalParticleCreation
1078 * - ParticleCreatorTool Name:  Trk::ParticleCreatorTool (Instance:  InDetParticleCreatorTool )
1079 * - TrackInputColl          :  ConvertedXKalmanTracks
1080 * - PriVtxInputColl         :  XKalVxPrimaryCandidate
1081 * - TrackParticleOutputColl :  XKalTrackParticleCandidate
1082 * - run shared hits alogrithm
1083 *   Association tool name:  InDet::InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels (Instance:  InDetPRD_AssociationToolGangedPixels )
1084 **********************************************************************************
1085 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTruthAlgs/"
1086 ***** ConfiguredInDetTrackParticleTruthMaker *************************************
1087 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1088 * - AlgorithmName:       InDetTrackParticleTruthMaker
1089 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1090 * - Input Tracks:               Tracks
1091 * - Input Tracks truth:         TrackTruthCollection
1092 * - Input Patricle collection:  TrackParticleCandidate
1093 * - Patricle Truth collection:  TrackParticleTruthCollection
1094 **********************************************************************************
1095 ***** ConfiguredInDetTrackParticleTruthMaker *************************************
1096 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1097 * - AlgorithmName:       InDetIPatTrackParticleTruthMaker
1098 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1099 * - Input Tracks:               ConvertedIPatTracks
1100 * - Input Tracks truth:         ConvertedIPatTracksTruth
1101 * - Input Patricle collection:  IPatTrackParticleCandidate
1102 * - Patricle Truth collection:  IPatTrackParticleTruthCollection
1103 **********************************************************************************
1104 ***** ConfiguredInDetTrackParticleTruthMaker *************************************
1105 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1106 * - AlgorithmName:       InDetXKalTrackParticleTruthMaker
1107 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1108 * - Input Tracks:               ConvertedXKalmanTracks
1109 * - Input Tracks truth:         ConvertedXKalmanTracksTruth
1110 * - Input Patricle collection:  XKalTrackParticleCandidate
1111 * - Patricle Truth collection:  XKalTrackParticleTruthCollection
1112 **********************************************************************************
1113 Athena               INFO including file "InDetRecStatistics/"
1114 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTruthToTrack/"
1115 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7908 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrkTruthToTrack
1116 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrkTruthToTrack
1117 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExExample/"
1118 Athena               INFO including file "TrkExTools/"
1119 ***** ConfiguredExtrapolator *****************************************************
1120 * - ToolName:              ToolSvc.AtlasExtrapolator
1121 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1122 * - Propagator  0 :  Trk::RungeKuttaPropagator (Instance:  AtlasPropagator )
1123 * - Navigator     :  Trk::Navigator (Instance:  AtlasNavigator )
1124 * - Updator       :  Trk::MaterialEffectsUpdator (Instance:  AtlasMaterialUpdator )
1125 **********************************************************************************
1126 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7935 CLIDRegistry entries for module InDetRecStatistics
1127 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : InDetRecStatistics
1128 ***** ConfiguredInDetRecStatistics ***********************************************
1129 * - Instance Name :  InDetRecStatistics
1130 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1131 * - Ntuple is off
1132 *   SummaryTool    Trk::TrackSummaryTool (Instance:  InDetTrackSummaryToolHolesShared )
1133 **********************************************************************************
1134 Athena               INFO including file "CaloRec/"
1135 Athena               INFO including file "CaloRec/"
1136 Athena               INFO including file "CaloRec/"
1137 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1138 Athena               INFO including file "LArCellRec/"
1139 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1140 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1141 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7938 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArRawUtils
1142 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 7955 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArRecUtils
1143 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArRawUtils, LArRecUtils
1144 Athena               INFO including file "TileRecUtils/"
1145 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8081 CLIDRegistry entries for module TileRecUtils
1146 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TileRecUtils
1147 Athena               INFO including file "CaloRec/"
1148 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1149 Athena               INFO including file "LArClusterRec/"
1150 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8515 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloClusterCorrection
1151 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloClusterCorrection
1152 Athena               INFO including file "CaloClusterCorrection/"
1153 EM corrections for ele55 () using version v4
1154  correction layers_ele55 (CaloFillRectangularCluster)
1155  correction rfac_v4_ele55 (CaloScaleCluster)
1156  correction etaoffb1_v4_ele55 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1157  correction etaoffe1_v4_ele55 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1158  correction etaoffb2_v4_ele55 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1159  correction etaoffe2_v4_ele55 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1160  correction phioffb2_v4_ele55 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1161  correction phioffe2_v4_ele55 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1162  correction larupdate_ele55 (CaloClusterUpdate)
1163  correction gap_v4_ele55 (CaloSwGap_v2)
1164  correction lwc_v4_ele55 (CaloSwLongWeights)
1165  correction phimod_v4_ele55 (CaloSwPhimod_v2)
1166  correction etamod_v4_ele55 (CaloSwEtamod_v2)
1167 EM corrections for gam55 () using version v4
1168  correction layers_gam55 (CaloFillRectangularCluster)
1169  correction rfac_v4_gam55 (CaloScaleCluster)
1170  correction etaoffb1_v4_gam55 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1171  correction etaoffe1_v4_gam55 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1172  correction etaoffb2_v4_gam55 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1173  correction etaoffe2_v4_gam55 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1174  correction phioffb2_v4_gam55 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1175  correction phioffe2_v4_gam55 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1176  correction larupdate_gam55 (CaloClusterUpdate)
1177  correction gap_v4_gam55 (CaloSwGap_v2)
1178  correction lwc_v4_gam55 (CaloSwLongWeights)
1179  correction phimod_v4_gam55 (CaloSwPhimod_v2)
1180  correction etamod_v4_gam55 (CaloSwEtamod_v2)
1181 Athena               INFO including file "LArClusterRec/"
1182 EM corrections for ele35 () using version v4
1183  correction layers_ele35 (CaloFillRectangularCluster)
1184  correction rfac_v4_ele35 (CaloScaleCluster)
1185  correction etaoffb1_v4_ele35 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1186  correction etaoffe1_v4_ele35 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1187  correction etaoffb2_v4_ele35 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1188  correction etaoffe2_v4_ele35 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1189  correction phioffb2_v4_ele35 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1190  correction phioffe2_v4_ele35 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1191  correction larupdate_ele35 (CaloClusterUpdate)
1192  correction gap_v4_ele35 (CaloSwGap_v2)
1193  correction lwc_v4_ele35 (CaloSwLongWeights)
1194  correction phimod_v4_ele35 (CaloSwPhimod_v2)
1195  correction etamod_v4_ele35 (CaloSwEtamod_v2)
1196 EM corrections for ele37 () using version v4
1197  correction layers_ele37 (CaloFillRectangularCluster)
1198  correction rfac_v4_ele37 (CaloScaleCluster)
1199  correction etaoffb1_v4_ele37 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1200  correction etaoffe1_v4_ele37 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1201  correction etaoffb2_v4_ele37 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1202  correction etaoffe2_v4_ele37 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1203  correction phioffb2_v4_ele37 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1204  correction phioffe2_v4_ele37 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1205  correction larupdate_ele37 (CaloClusterUpdate)
1206  correction gap_v4_ele37 (CaloSwGap_v2)
1207  correction lwc_v4_ele37 (CaloSwLongWeights)
1208  correction phimod_v4_ele37 (CaloSwPhimod_v2)
1209  correction etamod_v4_ele37 (CaloSwEtamod_v2)
1210 EM corrections for gam35 () using version v4
1211  correction layers_gam35 (CaloFillRectangularCluster)
1212  correction rfac_v4_gam35 (CaloScaleCluster)
1213  correction etaoffb1_v4_gam35 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1214  correction etaoffe1_v4_gam35 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1215  correction etaoffb2_v4_gam35 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1216  correction etaoffe2_v4_gam35 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1217  correction phioffb2_v4_gam35 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1218  correction phioffe2_v4_gam35 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1219  correction larupdate_gam35 (CaloClusterUpdate)
1220  correction gap_v4_gam35 (CaloSwGap_v2)
1221  correction lwc_v4_gam35 (CaloSwLongWeights)
1222  correction phimod_v4_gam35 (CaloSwPhimod_v2)
1223  correction etamod_v4_gam35 (CaloSwEtamod_v2)
1224 EM corrections for gam37 () using version v4
1225  correction layers_gam37 (CaloFillRectangularCluster)
1226  correction rfac_v4_gam37 (CaloScaleCluster)
1227  correction etaoffb1_v4_gam37 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1228  correction etaoffe1_v4_gam37 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1229  correction etaoffb2_v4_gam37 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1230  correction etaoffe2_v4_gam37 (CaloSwEtaoff_v3)
1231  correction phioffb2_v4_gam37 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1232  correction phioffe2_v4_gam37 (CaloSwPhioff_v2)
1233  correction larupdate_gam37 (CaloClusterUpdate)
1234  correction gap_v4_gam37 (CaloSwGap_v2)
1235  correction lwc_v4_gam37 (CaloSwLongWeights)
1236  correction phimod_v4_gam37 (CaloSwPhimod_v2)
1237  correction etamod_v4_gam37 (CaloSwEtamod_v2)
1238 Athena               INFO including file "CaloRec/"
1239 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8522 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloDetDescr
1240 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloDetDescr
1241 Athena               INFO including file "CaloClusterCorrection/"
1242 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8533 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloUtils
1243 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloUtils
1244 Athena               INFO including file "CaloClusterCorrection/"
1245 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1246 Athena               INFO including file "CaloRec/"
1247 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1248 Athena               INFO including file "CaloClusterCorrection/"
1249 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1250 Athena               INFO including file "MuonRecExample/"
1251 Athena               INFO including file "RecExCommon/"
1252 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8924 CLIDRegistry entries for module MuonByteStreamCnvTest
1253 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MuonByteStreamCnvTest
1254 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8927 CLIDRegistry entries for module MDTcabling
1255 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MDTcabling
1256 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8927 CLIDRegistry entries for module RPCgeometry
1257 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RPCgeometry
1258 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8929 CLIDRegistry entries for module RPCcabling
1259 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : RPCcabling
1260 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8929 CLIDRegistry entries for module TGCcabling
1261 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TGCcabling
1262 Athena               INFO including file "CscCalibTools/"
1263 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 8929 CLIDRegistry entries for module CscCalibTools
1264 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CscCalibTools
1265 Athena               INFO including file "MuonByteStreamCnvTest/"
1266 Athena               INFO including file "CscCalibTools/"
1267 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1268 Athena               INFO including file "MuonRdoToPrepData/"
1269 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9012 CLIDRegistry entries for module MuonRdoToPrepData
1270 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MuonRdoToPrepData
1271 Athena               INFO including file "MuonRdoToPrepData/"
1272 Athena               INFO including file "CscCalibTools/"
1273 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1274 Athena               INFO including file "MuonRdoToPrepData/"
1275 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1276 Athena               INFO including file "MuonRdoToPrepData/"
1277 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1278 Athena               INFO including file "MuonRdoToPrepData/"
1279 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1280 Athena               INFO including file "CscClusterization/"
1281 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9073 CLIDRegistry entries for module CscClusterization
1282 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CscClusterization
1283 Athena               INFO including file "MCTruthAlgs/"
1284 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9076 CLIDRegistry entries for module MCTruthAlgs
1285 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MCTruthAlgs
1286 Athena               INFO including file "MuonboyAth/"
1287 Athena               INFO including file "MuonboyAth/"
1288 Athena               INFO including file "MboySvc/"
1289 Athena               INFO including file "MboySvc/"
1290 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9463 CLIDRegistry entries for module MboySvc
1291 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MboySvc
1292 Athena               INFO including file "MboyEDMTool/"
1293 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9493 CLIDRegistry entries for module MboyEDMTool
1294 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MboyEDMTool
1295 Athena               INFO including file "TrkParticleCreator/"
1296 Athena               INFO including file "TrkTrackSummaryTool/"
1297 Athena               INFO including file "InDetTrackSummaryHelperTool/"
1298 Athena               INFO including file "MuonIsolationTools/"
1299 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9513 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrackInCaloTools
1300 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrackInCaloTools
1301 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9516 CLIDRegistry entries for module MuonIsolationTools
1302 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MuonIsolationTools
1303 Athena               INFO including file "TrackToCalo/"
1304 Athena               INFO including file "CaloDetDescr/"
1305 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9554 CLIDRegistry entries for module TrackToCalo
1306 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TrackToCalo
1307 Athena               INFO including file "CaloTrackingGeometry/"
1308 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9571 CLIDRegistry entries for module CaloTrackingGeometry
1309 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : CaloTrackingGeometry
1310 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : 
1311 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9578 CLIDRegistry entries for module LArDetDescr
1312 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : LArDetDescr
1313 Athena               INFO including file "TBCaloGeometry/"
1314 now executing TBCaloGeometry - for Atlas will do nothing
1315 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9586 CLIDRegistry entries for module TBCaloGeometry
1316 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : TBCaloGeometry
1317 Athena               INFO including file "MuonboyAth/"
1318 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9782 CLIDRegistry entries for module MuonboyAth
1319 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MuonboyAth
1320 Athena               INFO including file "MuonRecExample/"
1321 Athena               INFO including file "MooPatternFinderAlgs/"
1322 ClassIDSvc                                           INFO  getRegistryEntries: read 9858 CLIDRegistry entries for module MooPatternFinderAlgs
1323 ApplicationMgr                                       INFO Successfully loaded modules : MooPatternFinderAlgs
1324 Traceback (most recent call last):
1325   File "/afs/", line 377, in ?
1326     include( script )
1327   File "/afs/", line 112, in __call__
1328     execfile( name, __main__.__dict__, __main__.__dict__ )
1329   File "/afs/", line 14, in ?
1330     include ("RecExCommon/")
1331   File "/afs/", line 112, in __call__
1332     execfile( name, __main__.__dict__, __main__.__dict__ )
1333   File "/afs/", line 442, in ?
1334     include ("RecExCommon/")
1335   File "/afs/", line 112, in __call__
1336     execfile( name, __main__.__dict__, __main__.__dict__ )
1337   File "/afs/", line 126, in ?
1338     include ("MuonRecExample/")
1339   File "/afs/", line 112, in __call__
1340     execfile( name, __main__.__dict__, __main__.__dict__ )
1341   File "/afs/", line 58, in ?
1342     include ("MuonRecExample/")
1343   File "/afs/", line 112, in __call__
1344     execfile( name, __main__.__dict__, __main__.__dict__ )
1345   File "/afs/", line 85, in ?
1346     include( "MooSegmentMakerAlgs/" )
1347   File "/afs/", line 77, in __call__
1348     raise IncludeError( 'include file %s can not be found' % fn )
1349 AthenaCommon.Include.IncludeError: include file MooSegmentMakerAlgs/ can not be found
1350 athena> 

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