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A Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform Ocean Surface Wind Velocity Product for Meteorological and Oceanographic Applications

Data Products

A Cross-Calibrated Multi-Platform Ocean Surface Wind Velocity Product for Meteorological and Oceanographic Applications

Two product streams are produced by this project : First-look (FLK) and Late-look (LLK). Each data stream contains three standard products designated as level 3.0, 3.5 and 2.5. The primary data set, denoted Level 3.0, contains 6-hourly gridded VAM analyses. These analyses are time averaged over 5-day and monthly periods to derive the Level 3.5 products. Only those grid points with one or more analyzed observations are used in the average. Finally, directions from the VAM analyses are assigned to the wind speed observations for each microwave sensor to derive the Level 2.5 products.

Level 3.0 and 3.5 data sets are stored in the Network Common Data Format (NeTCDF) in compressed form to minimize storage requirements. NeTCDF is an industry standard for managing scientific data and is freely available. Applications using the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) can also be used to read these files.

Level 2.5 products are stored in binary "bytemap" files to parallel the original satellite data files from RSS. These are easy to use files that employ maximum compression techniques to reduce storage requirements for large volumes of satellite data. Daily observations are mapped to a 25km grid and packed into 1-byte integers. AM and PM passes are stored separately to minimize overlap. The grid auto-navigates the data thus reducing the need to store latitudes and longitudes. In addition, bytemap files are highly compressable using GNU zip (gzip). gzip is an industry standard, fully supported compression utility available to all users.

Each data set is archived using the following naming convention:

NAME unique identifier describing the data
YYYYMMDD date/time expressed as year, month, day
VV product version number (in tenths)
LL product level designation (in tenths)
PPP product stream (flk or llk)
TTT file type designating the data format

For example, "" designates a level 3.0 (l30) data set containing VAM analyses for January 1, 2004 from version 1.0 (v10) of the first-look (flk) product stream in NetCDF (.nc) format. The ".gz" node indicates that the file must first be de-compressed using the GNU zip (gzip) compression utility.

Below is a detailed description of available data sets and their contents:

NAME analysis VAM analyses centered at 0,6,12 and 18z. See grid-1
pentad 5-day means starting on the first day of each year. In leap years, the pentad starting on 2/26 will include 6-days such that the starting date for each pentad remains the same across all years. See grid-1
monthly Monthly means starting on the first day of each month. See grid-1
f08,f10,f11,f13,f14,f15 DMSP SSM/I satellite wind speeds with assigned directions (stored 2x daily as AM and PM orbits). See grid-2
amsre AMSRE satellite wind speeds with assigned directions (stored 2x daily as AM and PM orbits). See grid-2
tmi TRMM TMI satellite wind speeds with assigned directions (stored 2x daily as AM and PM orbits). See grid-3
YYYY 1987-2007 4-digit year
MM 01-12 2-digit month
DD 01-31 2-digit day
VV 11 Version 1.1
PPP flk First-look data stream
llk Late-look data stream
LL 30 Level 3.0 instantaneous analyses containing: time,uwnd,vwnd,nobs
35 Level 3.5 time averaged analyses containing: time,uwnd,vwnd,upstr,vpstr,wspd,nobs
25 Level 2.5 satellite wind speed observations with assigned directions: time,uwnd,vwnd
TTT nc NetCDF (network Common Data Form)
bmap Bytemap: flat binary data format containing 1-byte lat/lon grids
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