United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health

2008AB LOINC Source Information

Relationship Relationship Attribute Count (MRREL.RRF)
PAR * 117265
RO has_component 107215
SY has_expanded_form 101480
RO has_system 70045
RO has_class 53707
RO has_time_aspect 52119
RO has_scale 52114
RO has_property 51698
RO measured_by 49285
RO analyzed_by 49110
RO has_fragments_for_synonyms 29856
RO has_method 26208
RO has_suffix 24694
RO has_challenge 11991
RO has_supersystem 3877
RO has_divisor 3272
RO associated_with 2690
RQ mapped_from 1158
RO has_evaluation 838
RO has_adjustment 135
RO has_time_modifier 4

  • * Indicates blank relationship attribute (rela); not all relationships are assigned an attribute
  • Orange colored rel/rela pairs indicate that the current row is an inverse relationship of the row above it. All relationships in MRREL.RRF are bi-directional.
  • Metathesaurus relationships are traditionally read from right to left.
  • Every row in MRREL.RRF has a RUI (relationship unique identifier).
  • Samples below are taken from MRREL.RRF, although not every field is shown. Associated terms (str) from MRCONSO.RRF are also shown for clarity.
  • Relationship abbreviations appear in MRREL, i.e., SY

  • AQ: allowed qualifier
  • CHD: has child (narrower hierarchical term)
  • DEL: deleted concept
  • PAR: has parent (broader hierarchical term)
  • QB: can be qualifier by
  • RB: has a broader relationship
  • RL: has similar or like relationship
  • RN: has narrower relationship
  • RO: has relationship other than synonymous, narrower or broader
  • RQ: related and possibly synonymous
  • SIB: has sibling
  • SY: source-asserted synonymy

PAR  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0364305 A11865058 AUI Cobalamins.unsaturated binding capacity:MCnc:Pt:Ser:Qn PAR C1986243 A15627790 AUI Cyanocobalamin.unsaturated binding capacity | bld-ser-plas
C1986243 A15627790 AUI Cyanocobalamin.unsaturated binding capacity | bld-ser-plas CHD C0364305 A11865058 AUI Cobalamins.unsaturated binding capacity:MCnc:Pt:Ser:Qn
C1991721 A15628467 AUI Liver calf | bld-ser-plas PAR C1446430 A15610742 AUI Cow
C1446430 A15610742 AUI Cow CHD C1991721 A15628467 AUI Liver calf | bld-ser-plas
C0365607 A11886469 AUI Barbiturate screen present:Prid:Pt:Urine:Nom PAR C1315017 A3871433 AUI Drug levels and Toxicology
C1315017 A3871433 AUI Drug levels and Toxicology CHD C0365607 A11886469 AUI Barbiturate screen present:Prid:Pt:Urine:Nom
C1716032 A11785982 AUI Brucella abortus Ab.IgG:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Qn:IF PAR C0085672 A3866191 AUI Microbiology
C0085672 A3866191 AUI Microbiology CHD C1716032 A11785982 AUI Brucella abortus Ab.IgG:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Qn:IF
C1977529 A13325272 AUI Coagulation factor VII Ag actual/Normal:RelACnc:Pt:PPP:Qn:Imm PAR C0005790 A3870772 AUI Coagulation study
C0005790 A3870772 AUI Coagulation study CHD C1977529 A13325272 AUI Coagulation factor VII Ag actual/Normal:RelACnc:Pt:PPP:Qn:Imm
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0023607 A15604050 CODE Lutropin RO has_component C0943544 A11867059 CODE Lutropin^6th specimen post XXX challenge:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative
C0943544 A11867059 CODE Lutropin^6th specimen post XXX challenge:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative RO component_of C0023607 A15604050 CODE Lutropin
C0042776 A15641439 CODE Virus RO has_component C0485642 A11910047 CODE Respiratory syncytial virus Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative
C0485642 A11910047 CODE Respiratory syncytial virus Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative RO component_of C0042776 A15641439 CODE Virus
C1440859 A15618514 CODE L little e NOS RO has_component C0482309 A11843554 CODE Le not otherwise specified Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Ordinal
C0482309 A11843554 CODE Le not otherwise specified Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Ordinal RO component_of C1440859 A15618514 CODE L little e NOS
C1417408 A15611341 CODE MTATP6 gene RO has_component C0804498 A11847673 CODE MTATP6 gene.p.L156R:Arbitrary:Point in time:Whole blood/Tissue, unspecified:Ordinal:MOLECULAR GENETICS
C0804498 A11847673 CODE MTATP6 gene.p.L156R:Arbitrary:Point in time:Whole blood/Tissue, unspecified:Ordinal:MOLECULAR GENETICS RO component_of C1417408 A15611341 CODE MTATP6 gene
C1631278 A15626287 CODE Porphyrins fractionated RO has_component C1955051 A12960717 CODE Porphyrins fractionated:Impression/interpretation of study:24 hours:Urine:Narrative
C1955051 A12960717 CODE Porphyrins fractionated:Impression/interpretation of study:24 hours:Urine:Narrative RO component_of C1631278 A15626287 CODE Porphyrins fractionated
SY  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0367881 A11912768 AUI Methanol:ACnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Ord SY has_expanded_form C0367881 A2485662 AUI Methanol SerPl Ql
C0367881 A2485662 AUI Methanol SerPl Ql SY expanded_form_of C0367881 A11912768 AUI Methanol:ACnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Ord
C0882418 A11883166 AUI Grepafloxacin:Susc:Pt:Isolate:OrdQn SY has_expanded_form C0882418 A11813684 AUI Grepafloxacin Susc Islt
C0882418 A11813684 AUI Grepafloxacin Susc Islt SY expanded_form_of C0882418 A11883166 AUI Grepafloxacin:Susc:Pt:Isolate:OrdQn
C1545203 A11802023 AUI Appearance:Aper:Pt:Synv fld:Nom:Spun SY has_expanded_form C1545203 A8302593 AUI Appearance Snv Spun
C1545203 A8302593 AUI Appearance Snv Spun SY expanded_form_of C1545203 A11802023 AUI Appearance:Aper:Pt:Synv fld:Nom:Spun
C1147264 A11885781 AUI Purkinje cells Ab.IgG:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Qn SY has_expanded_form C1147264 A2490534 AUI Purkinje Cells IgG Ser-aCnc
C1147264 A2490534 AUI Purkinje Cells IgG Ser-aCnc SY expanded_form_of C1147264 A11885781 AUI Purkinje cells Ab.IgG:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Qn
C1147625 A11868410 AUI Pneumocystis jiroveci Ag:ACnc:Pt:Thrt:Ord SY has_expanded_form C1147625 A10843780 AUI P jiroveci Ag Throat Ql
C1147625 A10843780 AUI P jiroveci Ag Throat Ql SY expanded_form_of C1147625 A11868410 AUI Pneumocystis jiroveci Ag:ACnc:Pt:Thrt:Ord
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0006141 A15629528 CODE Breast RO has_system C0881831 A11779006 CODE Guidance for needle localization of mass:Finding:Point in time:Breast:Narrative:Mam
C0881831 A11779006 CODE Guidance for needle localization of mass:Finding:Point in time:Breast:Narrative:Mam RO system_of C0006141 A15629528 CODE Breast
C1138603 A15629652 CODE Provider RO has_system C0551520 A11826285 CODE ED consultant practitioner profession:Type:Point in time:Provider:Nominal
C0551520 A11826285 CODE ED consultant practitioner profession:Type:Point in time:Provider:Nominal RO system_of C1138603 A15629652 CODE Provider
C0229671 A15651813 CODE Ser RO has_system C0881438 A15622871 CODE Testosterone.free index:Substance Concentration Relative Density:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative:Calculated
C0881438 A15622871 CODE Testosterone.free index:Substance Concentration Relative Density:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative:Calculated RO system_of C0229671 A15651813 CODE Ser
C0229671 A15651813 CODE Ser RO has_system C2359915 A15601890 CODE Rickettsia conorii Antibody.immunoglobulin M:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative:ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY
C2359915 A15601890 CODE Rickettsia conorii Antibody.immunoglobulin M:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative:ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY RO system_of C0229671 A15651813 CODE Ser
C1442442 A15614992 CODE XXX RO has_system C1316342 A11869057 CODE Protein.monoclonal:Mass Concentration:Point in time:To be specified in another part of the message:Quantitative:Immunofixation
C1316342 A11869057 CODE Protein.monoclonal:Mass Concentration:Point in time:To be specified in another part of the message:Quantitative:Immunofixation RO system_of C1442442 A15614992 CODE XXX
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0807679 A15610229 CODE RAD RO has_class C1525284 A11835279 CODE Multisection^WO contrast:Finding:Point in time:Abdomen+Pelvis:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY
C1525284 A11835279 CODE Multisection^WO contrast:Finding:Point in time:Abdomen+Pelvis:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY RO class_of C0807679 A15610229 CODE RAD
C0807679 A15610229 CODE RAD RO has_class C1715452 A11872594 CODE Views AP & oblique & odontoid & lateral portable^W flexion & W extension:Finding:Point in time:Spine.cervical:Narrative:XR
C1715452 A11872594 CODE Views AP & oblique & odontoid & lateral portable^W flexion & W extension:Finding:Point in time:Spine.cervical:Narrative:XR RO class_of C0807679 A15610229 CODE RAD
C1315034 A15639573 CODE HEM/BC RO has_class C1369787 A11782277 CODE Lymphocytes.plasmacytoid/100 leukocytes:Number Fraction:Point in time:Whole blood:Quantitative
C1369787 A11782277 CODE Lymphocytes.plasmacytoid/100 leukocytes:Number Fraction:Point in time:Whole blood:Quantitative RO class_of C1315034 A15639573 CODE HEM/BC
C0085672 A15602927 CODE MICRO RO has_class C0485479 A11839838 CODE Influenza virus identified:Presence or Identity:Point in time:Sputum - tracheal aspirate:Nominal:Organism specific culture
C0485479 A11839838 CODE Influenza virus identified:Presence or Identity:Point in time:Sputum - tracheal aspirate:Nominal:Organism specific culture RO class_of C0085672 A15602927 CODE MICRO
C1979599 A15624900 CODE MOLPATH RO has_class C1545009 A11819353 CODE SLC22A18 gene mutation analysis:Presence or Identity:Point in time:Whole blood/Tissue, unspecified:Nominal:MOLECULAR GENETICS
C1545009 A11819353 CODE SLC22A18 gene mutation analysis:Presence or Identity:Point in time:Whole blood/Tissue, unspecified:Nominal:MOLECULAR GENETICS RO class_of C1979599 A15624900 CODE MOLPATH
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt RO has_time_aspect C0798191 A11845320 CODE Alkaline phosphatase.renal/Alkaline phosphatase.total:Catalytic Fraction:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative
C0798191 A11845320 CODE Alkaline phosphatase.renal/Alkaline phosphatase.total:Catalytic Fraction:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative RO time_aspect_of C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt
C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt RO has_time_aspect C0799358 A11776405 CODE Pentobarbital:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Urine:Ordinal:Confirm
C0799358 A11776405 CODE Pentobarbital:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Urine:Ordinal:Confirm RO time_aspect_of C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt
C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt RO has_time_aspect C0364029 A11881529 CODE Arginine:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Urine:Quantitative
C0364029 A11881529 CODE Arginine:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Urine:Quantitative RO time_aspect_of C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt
C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt RO has_time_aspect C1524390 A11904770 CODE Multisection:Finding:Point in time:Forearm.bilateral:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY
C1524390 A11904770 CODE Multisection:Finding:Point in time:Forearm.bilateral:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY RO time_aspect_of C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt
C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt RO has_time_aspect C0367401 A11787149 CODE Cryoglobulin:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Ordinal
C0367401 A11787149 CODE Cryoglobulin:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Ordinal RO time_aspect_of C1442880 A15651863 CODE Pt
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C1442114 A15629320 CODE Ord RO has_scale C1715308 A11855055 CODE Aspergillus flavus H Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Ordinal:Immune diffusion
C1715308 A11855055 CODE Aspergillus flavus H Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Ordinal:Immune diffusion RO scale_of C1442114 A15629320 CODE Ord
C1442116 A15607323 CODE Qn RO has_scale C0799929 A11793877 CODE Dopamine^4th specimen post XXX challenge:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Urine:Quantitative
C0799929 A11793877 CODE Dopamine^4th specimen post XXX challenge:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Urine:Quantitative RO scale_of C1442116 A15607323 CODE Qn
C1442116 A15607323 CODE Qn RO has_scale C1147207 A11868304 CODE Myxoma virus Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative
C1147207 A11868304 CODE Myxoma virus Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative RO scale_of C1442116 A15607323 CODE Qn
C1442116 A15607323 CODE Qn RO has_scale C1316627 A15645390 CODE N-Acetylglucosamine-6-Sulfatase:Catalytic Content:Point in time:Tissue, unspecified:Quantitative
C1316627 A15645390 CODE N-Acetylglucosamine-6-Sulfatase:Catalytic Content:Point in time:Tissue, unspecified:Quantitative RO scale_of C1442116 A15607323 CODE Qn
C1442116 A15607323 CODE Qn RO has_scale C1977722 A13329902 CODE Cells.CD55/100 cells:Number Fraction:Point in time:Marrow (bone):Quantitative
C1977722 A13329902 CODE Cells.CD55/100 cells:Number Fraction:Point in time:Marrow (bone):Quantitative RO scale_of C1442116 A15607323 CODE Qn
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0243095 A15621919 CODE Find RO has_property C0552215 A11792140 CODE Study observation:Finding:Point in time:Nuchal fold^Fetus:Narrative:ULTRASOUND
C0552215 A11792140 CODE Study observation:Finding:Point in time:Nuchal fold^Fetus:Narrative:ULTRASOUND RO property_of C0243095 A15621919 CODE Find
C0560150 A15644117 CODE MCnc RO has_property C0365252 A11902576 CODE Urobilinogen:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Stool = Fecal:Quantitative
C0365252 A11902576 CODE Urobilinogen:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Stool = Fecal:Quantitative RO property_of C0560150 A15644117 CODE MCnc
C1264663 A15629309 CODE MFr RO has_property C1978578 A15616530 CODE Phosphatidylcholine.saturated/Surfactant.total:Mass Fraction:Point in time:Amniotic fluid:Quantitative
C1978578 A15616530 CODE Phosphatidylcholine.saturated/Surfactant.total:Mass Fraction:Point in time:Amniotic fluid:Quantitative RO property_of C1264663 A15629309 CODE MFr
C1264641 A15651462 CODE Prctl RO has_property C1717406 A11803451 CODE Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit.free multiple of the median:Percentile:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative
C1717406 A11803451 CODE Choriogonadotropin.beta subunit.free multiple of the median:Percentile:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative RO property_of C1264641 A15651462 CODE Prctl
C0439830 A15651474 CODE Vel RO has_property C0802989 A11777518 CODE Acceleration slope:Velocity:Point in time:Aortic valve:Quantitative:ULTRASOUND
C0802989 A11777518 CODE Acceleration slope:Velocity:Point in time:Aortic valve:Quantitative:ULTRASOUND RO property_of C0439830 A15651474 CODE Vel
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C1544247 A11784363 AUI Creatinine^5H post XXX challenge:SCnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Qn RO measured_by C0010294 A11826654 AUI Creatinine
C0010294 A11826654 AUI Creatinine RO measures C1544247 A11784363 AUI Creatinine^5H post XXX challenge:SCnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Qn
C0799316 A11863087 AUI Dechlorane:ACnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Ord RO measured_by C0805859 A11897932 AUI Dechlorane
C0805859 A11897932 AUI Dechlorane RO measures C0799316 A11863087 AUI Dechlorane:ACnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Ord
C1147398 A11850999 AUI Adenovirus Ag:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord RO measured_by C0368612 A11903390 AUI Adenovirus Ag
C0368612 A11903390 AUI Adenovirus Ag RO measures C1147398 A11850999 AUI Adenovirus Ag:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord
C1952983 A12960102 AUI Prostate specific Ag:MCnc:Pt:Body fld:Qn RO measured_by C0138741 A11878334 AUI Prostate specific Ag
C0138741 A11878334 AUI Prostate specific Ag RO measures C1952983 A12960102 AUI Prostate specific Ag:MCnc:Pt:Body fld:Qn
C1954369 A12958465 AUI Guidance for sentinel lymph node injection:Find:Pt:Breast:Nar:Mam RO measured_by C1954365 A12962416 AUI Guidance for sentinel lymph node injection
C1954365 A12962416 AUI Guidance for sentinel lymph node injection RO measures C1954369 A12958465 AUI Guidance for sentinel lymph node injection:Find:Pt:Breast:Nar:Mam
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C1369919 A11886540 AUI Salicylates:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord RO analyzed_by C1830038 A11773988 AUI To be specified in another part of the message
C1830038 A11773988 AUI To be specified in another part of the message RO analyzes C1369919 A11886540 AUI Salicylates:ACnc:Pt:XXX:Ord
C1716522 A11803477 AUI Calcium phosphate crystals:Naric:Pt:Urine sed:Qn:Microscopy.light.LPF RO analyzed_by C1261248 A11774096 AUI Urine sediment
C1261248 A11774096 AUI Urine sediment RO analyzes C1716522 A11803477 AUI Calcium phosphate crystals:Naric:Pt:Urine sed:Qn:Microscopy.light.LPF
C0368497 A11787635 AUI Legionella pneumophila Ag:ACnc:Pt:Urine:Ord:RIA RO analyzed_by C0042036 A11895781 AUI Urine
C0042036 A11895781 AUI Urine RO analyzes C0368497 A11787635 AUI Legionella pneumophila Ag:ACnc:Pt:Urine:Ord:RIA
C0484431 A11909510 AUI Leukocytes:NCnc:Pt:Body fld:Qn:Manual count RO analyzed_by C1550640 A11826163 AUI Body fluid, unsp
C1550640 A11826163 AUI Body fluid, unsp RO analyzes C0484431 A11909510 AUI Leukocytes:NCnc:Pt:Body fld:Qn:Manual count
C1316096 A11886422 AUI Cytomegalovirus Ul54+Ul97 gene mutations detected:Prid:Pt:Isolate:Nom RO analyzed_by C0370215 A11895716 AUI Isolate
C0370215 A11895716 AUI Isolate RO analyzes C1316096 A11886422 AUI Cytomegalovirus Ul54+Ul97 gene mutations detected:Prid:Pt:Isolate:Nom
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0041215 A15634216 CODE Trypanosoma RO has_fragments_for_synonyms C0880919 A11865660 CODE Trypanosoma evansi Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Ordinal
C0880919 A11865660 CODE Trypanosoma evansi Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Ordinal RO fragments_for_synonyms_of C0041215 A15634216 CODE Trypanosoma
C0687676 A15626898 CODE Post RO has_fragments_for_synonyms C1544315 A11853813 CODE Somatotropin^3 hours post dose triple bolus:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative
C1544315 A11853813 CODE Somatotropin^3 hours post dose triple bolus:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative RO fragments_for_synonyms_of C0687676 A15626898 CODE Post
C0205447 A15619347 CODE 1 RO has_fragments_for_synonyms C1954239 A12956409 CODE MART-1:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Tissue, unspecified:Ordinal:Immune stain
C1954239 A12956409 CODE MART-1:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Tissue, unspecified:Ordinal:Immune stain RO fragments_for_synonyms_of C0205447 A15619347 CODE 1
C1979985 A15634211 CODE t(11,22)(WT1,EWSR1) RO has_fragments_for_synonyms C0804593 A12949266 CODE t(11,22)(WT1,EWSR1) gene translocation:Arbitrary:Point in time:Whole blood/Tissue, unspecified:Ordinal:MOLECULAR GENETICS
C0804593 A12949266 CODE t(11,22)(WT1,EWSR1) gene translocation:Arbitrary:Point in time:Whole blood/Tissue, unspecified:Ordinal:MOLECULAR GENETICS RO fragments_for_synonyms_of C1979985 A15634211 CODE t(11,22)(WT1,EWSR1)
C1979849 A15656336 CODE Antimouse RO has_fragments_for_synonyms C1977545 A13315976 CODE Human antimouse Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Ordinal
C1977545 A13315976 CODE Human antimouse Antibody:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Ordinal RO fragments_for_synonyms_of C1979849 A15656336 CODE Antimouse
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C1962945 A15612257 CODE XR RO has_method C1525820 A11887763 CODE Views:Finding:Point in time:Finger.fifth.bilateral:Narrative:XR
C1525820 A11887763 CODE Views:Finding:Point in time:Finger.fifth.bilateral:Narrative:XR RO method_of C1962945 A15612257 CODE XR
C1441535 A15634241 CODE CT.angio RO has_method C1114610 A11868049 CODE Multisection^W & WO contrast Intravenous:Finding:Point in time:Lower extremity vessels:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY.angio
C1114610 A11868049 CODE Multisection^W & WO contrast Intravenous:Finding:Point in time:Lower extremity vessels:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY.angio RO method_of C1441535 A15634241 CODE CT.angio
C0040405 A15619482 CODE CT RO has_method C1630180 A11906845 CODE Guidance for biopsy.needle:Finding:Point in time:Kidney:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY
C1630180 A11906845 CODE Guidance for biopsy.needle:Finding:Point in time:Kidney:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY RO method_of C0040405 A15619482 CODE CT
C1441649 A15605001 CODE Microscopy.light.HPF RO has_method C0941351 A15600992 CODE Cystine crystals:Number Aeric (number per area):Point in time:Urine sediment:Quantitative:Microscopy.light.HPF
C0941351 A15600992 CODE Cystine crystals:Number Aeric (number per area):Point in time:Urine sediment:Quantitative:Microscopy.light.HPF RO method_of C1441649 A15605001 CODE Microscopy.light.HPF
C0031831 A15605012 CODE Physician RO has_method C0945636 A11867342 CODE Transfer summarization note:Finding:Point in time:{Setting}:Document:Physician
C0945636 A11867342 CODE Transfer summarization note:Finding:Point in time:{Setting}:Document:Physician RO method_of C0031831 A15605012 CODE Physician
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0003320 A15658784 CODE Ag RO has_suffix C0803758 A11899662 CODE Sarcocystis neurona Antigen:Arbitrary Content:Point in time:Tissue, unspecified:Ordinal:Immune stain
C0803758 A11899662 CODE Sarcocystis neurona Antigen:Arbitrary Content:Point in time:Tissue, unspecified:Ordinal:Immune stain RO suffix_of C0003320 A15658784 CODE Ag
C0003241 A15644128 CODE Ab RO has_suffix C0800433 A11811446 CODE Myelin associated glycoprotein Antibody.immunoglobulin G:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative
C0800433 A11811446 CODE Myelin associated glycoprotein Antibody.immunoglobulin G:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative RO suffix_of C0003241 A15644128 CODE Ab
C1442148 A15614554 CODE Ab.IgG RO has_suffix C0797196 A11775479 CODE Phosphatidylcholine Antibody.immunoglobulin G:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative:ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY
C0797196 A11775479 CODE Phosphatidylcholine Antibody.immunoglobulin G:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative:ENZYME IMMUNOASSAY RO suffix_of C1442148 A15614554 CODE Ab.IgG
C0035701 A15658788 CODE rRNA RO has_suffix C0798655 A12961113 CODE Mycoplasma gallisepticum ribosomal ribonucleic acid:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Nose (nasal passage)/Trac:Ordinal:DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE
C0798655 A12961113 CODE Mycoplasma gallisepticum ribosomal ribonucleic acid:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Nose (nasal passage)/Trac:Ordinal:DNA NUCLEIC ACID PROBE RO suffix_of C0035701 A15658788 CODE rRNA
C0348016 A15614559 CODE IV RO has_suffix C1953192 A12962099 CODE Prolactin^2 1/2 hours post dose TRH Intravenous:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative
C1953192 A12962099 CODE Prolactin^2 1/2 hours post dose TRH Intravenous:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative RO suffix_of C0348016 A15614559 CODE IV
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C1441347 A15646876 CODE 1st specimen RO has_challenge C0880131 A11881907 CODE Varicella zoster virus Antibody.immunoglobulin G^1st specimen:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative
C0880131 A11881907 CODE Varicella zoster virus Antibody.immunoglobulin G^1st specimen:Arbitrary Concentration:Point in time:Serum:Quantitative RO challenge_of C1441347 A15646876 CODE 1st specimen
C0439568 A15646989 CODE post dose RO has_challenge C1507479 A11886546 CODE Amylase^2nd specimen post dose sincalide:Catalytic Concentration:Point in time:Body fluid, unsp:Quantitative
C1507479 A11886546 CODE Amylase^2nd specimen post dose sincalide:Catalytic Concentration:Point in time:Body fluid, unsp:Quantitative RO challenge_of C0439568 A15646989 CODE post dose
C0023607 A15646980 CODE Lutropin RO has_challenge C0363719 A11793603 CODE Lutropin^1 1/2 hours post 100 g lutropin Intravenous:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative
C0363719 A11793603 CODE Lutropin^1 1/2 hours post 100 g lutropin Intravenous:Mass Concentration:Point in time:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative RO challenge_of C0023607 A15646980 CODE Lutropin
C1507248 A15639531 CODE W contrast RO has_challenge C1524505 A11851909 CODE Multisection^W contrast Intravenous:Finding:Point in time:Elbow.right:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY
C1524505 A11851909 CODE Multisection^W contrast Intravenous:Finding:Point in time:Elbow.right:Narrative:COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY RO challenge_of C1507248 A15639531 CODE W contrast
C1507255 A15632178 CODE W contrast intra salivary duct RO has_challenge C1526782 A11801234 CODE Views^W contrast intra salivary duct:Finding:Point in time:Parotid gland.right:Narrative:XR.fluor
C1526782 A11801234 CODE Views^W contrast intra salivary duct:Finding:Point in time:Parotid gland.right:Narrative:XR.fluor RO challenge_of C1507255 A15632178 CODE W contrast intra salivary duct
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0015965 A15607333 CODE fetus RO has_supersystem C0551846 A11878910 CODE Body weight:Mass:Point in time:^Fetus:Quantitative:ULTRASOUND.estimated
C0551846 A11878910 CODE Body weight:Mass:Point in time:^Fetus:Quantitative:ULTRASOUND.estimated RO supersystem_of C0015965 A15607333 CODE fetus
C0015965 A15607333 CODE fetus RO has_supersystem C0552059 A11861487 CODE Gestational age:Time:Point in time:^Fetus:Quantitative:ULTRASOUND.estimated from tibia length.Merz.87
C0552059 A11861487 CODE Gestational age:Time:Point in time:^Fetus:Quantitative:ULTRASOUND.estimated from tibia length.Merz.87 RO supersystem_of C0015965 A15607333 CODE fetus
C0030705 A15607334 CODE patient RO has_supersystem C1650894 A11837034 CODE Calories burned:Power = Energy/Time:1 week:^Patient:Quantitative:Calculated
C1650894 A11837034 CODE Calories burned:Power = Energy/Time:1 week:^Patient:Quantitative:Calculated RO supersystem_of C0030705 A15607334 CODE patient
C0030705 A15607334 CODE patient RO has_supersystem C1716902 A12782849 CODE Number of days diuretic medication received:Number:Point in time:^Patient:Quantitative:MDS
C1716902 A12782849 CODE Number of days diuretic medication received:Number:Point in time:^Patient:Quantitative:MDS RO supersystem_of C0030705 A15607334 CODE patient
C0030705 A15607334 CODE patient RO has_supersystem C1717015 A13320311 CODE Other current or more detailed diagnoses & ICD9 codes^^^3:Presence or Identity:Point in time:^Patient:Nominal:MDS
C1717015 A13320311 CODE Other current or more detailed diagnoses & ICD9 codes^^^3:Presence or Identity:Point in time:^Patient:Nominal:MDS RO supersystem_of C0030705 A15607334 CODE patient
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C1441340 A15634093 CODE 100 cells RO has_divisor C1979287 A13330420 CODE Cells.CD105/100 cells:Number Fraction:Point in time:Tissue, unspecified:Quantitative
C1979287 A13330420 CODE Cells.CD105/100 cells:Number Fraction:Point in time:Tissue, unspecified:Quantitative RO divisor_of C1441340 A15634093 CODE 100 cells
C1441340 A15634093 CODE 100 cells RO has_divisor C2360252 A15602066 CODE Other cells/100 cells:Number Fraction:Point in time:Marrow (bone):Quantitative
C2360252 A15602066 CODE Other cells/100 cells:Number Fraction:Point in time:Marrow (bone):Quantitative RO divisor_of C1441340 A15634093 CODE 100 cells
C1441342 A15604807 CODE 100 leukocytes RO has_divisor C1316313 A11851711 CODE Plasma cell precursor/100 leukocytes:Number Fraction:Point in time:Whole blood:Quantitative:Manual count
C1316313 A11851711 CODE Plasma cell precursor/100 leukocytes:Number Fraction:Point in time:Whole blood:Quantitative:Manual count RO divisor_of C1441342 A15604807 CODE 100 leukocytes
C0010294 A15619332 CODE Creatinine RO has_divisor C0945631 A15615711 CODE Alpha aminoadipate/Creatinine:Relative Density:Point in time:Urine:Quantitative
C0945631 A15615711 CODE Alpha aminoadipate/Creatinine:Relative Density:Point in time:Urine:Quantitative RO divisor_of C0010294 A15619332 CODE Creatinine
C0041485 A15612018 CODE Tyrosine RO has_divisor C2361420 A15653930 CODE Citrulline/Tyrosine:Substance Concentration Relative Density:Point in time:Blood filter paper:Quantitative
C2361420 A15653930 CODE Citrulline/Tyrosine:Substance Concentration Relative Density:Point in time:Blood filter paper:Quantitative RO divisor_of C0041485 A15612018 CODE Tyrosine
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C2360970 A15646353 AUI Additional assessment:Find:Pt:Cardiac rehabilitation treatment plan:Nar RO associated_with C2359834 A15623806 AUI Additional assessment
C2359834 A15623806 AUI Additional assessment RO associated_with C2360970 A15646353 AUI Additional assessment:Find:Pt:Cardiac rehabilitation treatment plan:Nar
C2360595 A15653684 AUI Property and casualty state mandated forms attachment:Find:Pt:^Patient:Doc RO associated_with C2360596 A15653685 AUI Property and casualty state mandated forms attachment
C2360596 A15653685 AUI Property and casualty state mandated forms attachment RO associated_with C2360595 A15653684 AUI Property and casualty state mandated forms attachment:Find:Pt:^Patient:Doc
C0945158 A11826072 AUI Study report:Find:Pt:^Patient:Doc:Nerve conduction RO associated_with C1317750 A11844094 AUI Study report
C1317750 A11844094 AUI Study report RO associated_with C0945158 A11826072 AUI Study report:Find:Pt:^Patient:Doc:Nerve conduction
C0943301 A11779768 AUI Diagnosis.addressed by plan:Txt:Pt:Alcohol-substance abuse rehabilitation treatment:Nar RO associated_with C0805896 A11846645 AUI Diagnosis.addressed by plan
C0805896 A11846645 AUI Diagnosis.addressed by plan RO associated_with C0943301 A11779768 AUI Diagnosis.addressed by plan:Txt:Pt:Alcohol-substance abuse rehabilitation treatment:Nar
C0943359 A11901998 AUI Signature date:TmStp:Pt:Occupational therapy treatment plan:Qn RO associated_with C0807937 A11881443 AUI Signature date
C0807937 A11881443 AUI Signature date RO associated_with C0943359 A11901998 AUI Signature date:TmStp:Pt:Occupational therapy treatment plan:Qn
RQ  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0363803 A15644842 AUI 17-Hydroxyprogesterone:MCnc:Pt:Ser:Qn RQ mapped_from C0363802 A15615330 AUI 17-Hydroxyprogesterone:MCnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Qn
C0363802 A15615330 AUI 17-Hydroxyprogesterone:MCnc:Pt:Ser/Plas:Qn RQ mapped_to C0363803 A15644842 AUI 17-Hydroxyprogesterone:MCnc:Pt:Ser:Qn
C0879756 A11847308 AUI Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus Ab:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Ord:ID RQ mapped_from C0803543 A11845460 AUI Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus Ab:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Ord:Immune diffusion
C0803543 A11845460 AUI Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus Ab:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Ord:Immune diffusion RQ mapped_to C0879756 A11847308 AUI Caprine arthritis encephalitis virus Ab:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Ord:ID
C0484535 A11776766 AUI Cells.CD14/100 cells:NFr:Pt:Bld:Qn RQ mapped_from C0484535 A11823058 AUI Cells.CD14/100 cells:NFr:Pt:Bld:Qn
C0484535 A11823058 AUI Cells.CD14/100 cells:NFr:Pt:Bld:Qn RQ mapped_to C0484535 A11776766 AUI Cells.CD14/100 cells:NFr:Pt:Bld:Qn
C0484144 A11892418 AUI Avena sativa Ab.IgE:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Qn RQ mapped_from C0484144 A11874367 AUI Avena sativa Ab.IgE:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Qn
C0484144 A11874367 AUI Avena sativa Ab.IgE:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Qn RQ mapped_to C0484144 A11892418 AUI Avena sativa Ab.IgE:ACnc:Pt:Ser:Qn
C0483112 A11891581 AUI CD34+DR+:ACnc:Pt:WBC:Qn RQ mapped_from C0800267 A11794044 AUI Cells.CD34+DR+/100 cells:NFr:Pt:Bld:Qn
C0800267 A11794044 AUI Cells.CD34+DR+/100 cells:NFr:Pt:Bld:Qn RQ mapped_to C0483112 A11891581 AUI CD34+DR+:ACnc:Pt:WBC:Qn
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0943935 A13315417 AUI Neuro-musculo-skeletal function.behavior:Find:Pt:^Patient:Ord:Observed.Omaha RO has_evaluation C0947328 A11797664 AUI Neuro-musculo-skeletal function.behavior
C0947328 A11797664 AUI Neuro-musculo-skeletal function.behavior RO evaluation_of C0943935 A13315417 AUI Neuro-musculo-skeletal function.behavior:Find:Pt:^Patient:Ord:Observed.Omaha
C1830711 A11855959 AUI Kneeling:Find:Pt:^Patient:Ord:RFC assessment RO has_evaluation C1260920 A11855960 AUI Kneeling
C1260920 A11855960 AUI Kneeling RO evaluation_of C1830711 A11855959 AUI Kneeling:Find:Pt:^Patient:Ord:RFC assessment
C0943868 A11815176 AUI Unspecified constipation:Find:Pt:Gastrointestinal system:Ord:Observed.CCC RO has_evaluation C0009806 A11815177 AUI Unspecified constipation
C0009806 A11815177 AUI Unspecified constipation RO evaluation_of C0943868 A11815176 AUI Unspecified constipation:Find:Pt:Gastrointestinal system:Ord:Observed.CCC
C1954036 A12958379 AUI Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you:Find:Pt:^patient:Ord:Reported.GDS RO has_evaluation C1954037 A12962332 AUI Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you
C1954037 A12962332 AUI Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you RO evaluation_of C1954036 A12958379 AUI Are you afraid that something bad is going to happen to you:Find:Pt:^patient:Ord:Reported.GDS
C1954048 A12950385 AUI Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most:Find:Pt:^patient:Ord:Reported.GDS RO has_evaluation C1954049 A12952323 AUI Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most
C1954049 A12952323 AUI Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most RO evaluation_of C1954048 A12950385 AUI Do you feel you have more problems with memory than most:Find:Pt:^patient:Ord:Reported.GDS
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0456081 A15624738 CODE adjusted RO has_adjustment C1153751 A11777458 CODE Oxygen^^saturation adjusted to 0.5:Pressure (partial):Point in time:Blood venous:Quantitative
C1153751 A11777458 CODE Oxygen^^saturation adjusted to 0.5:Pressure (partial):Point in time:Blood venous:Quantitative RO adjustment_of C0456081 A15624738 CODE adjusted
C0456081 A15624738 CODE adjusted RO has_adjustment C1544575 A11784492 CODE Carbon dioxide^^adjusted to patients actual temperature:Pressure (partial):Point in time:Blood venous:Quantitative
C1544575 A11784492 CODE Carbon dioxide^^adjusted to patients actual temperature:Pressure (partial):Point in time:Blood venous:Quantitative RO adjustment_of C0456081 A15624738 CODE adjusted
C1439359 A15632040 CODE adjusted to pH 7.4 RO has_adjustment C1952829 A12957998 CODE Calcium.ionized^^adjusted to pH 7.4:Substance Concentration:Point in time:Whole blood:Quantitative
C1952829 A12957998 CODE Calcium.ionized^^adjusted to pH 7.4:Substance Concentration:Point in time:Whole blood:Quantitative RO adjustment_of C1439359 A15632040 CODE adjusted to pH 7.4
C1442989 A15602741 CODE standard RO has_adjustment C0812460 A11829637 CODE Bicarbonate^^standard:Substance Concentration:Point in time:Blood arterial:Quantitative
C0812460 A11829637 CODE Bicarbonate^^standard:Substance Concentration:Point in time:Blood arterial:Quantitative RO adjustment_of C1442989 A15602741 CODE standard
C1439358 A15610065 CODE adjusted to patients actual temperature RO has_adjustment C1976957 A13329621 CODE Carbon dioxide^^adjusted to patients actual temperature:Pressure (partial):Point in time:BldCoA:Quantitative
C1976957 A13329621 CODE Carbon dioxide^^adjusted to patients actual temperature:Pressure (partial):Point in time:BldCoA:Quantitative RO adjustment_of C1439358 A15610065 CODE adjusted to patients actual temperature
RO  (return to top)
cui1 aui1 stype1 str rel rela cui2 aui2 stype2 str
C0806909 A15615003 CODE max RO has_time_modifier C1716000 A12949853 CODE Sodium:Substance Concentration:Duration of the study^Maximum value over interval:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative
C1716000 A12949853 CODE Sodium:Substance Concentration:Duration of the study^Maximum value over interval:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative RO time_modifier_of C0806909 A15615003 CODE max
C0806909 A15615003 CODE max RO has_time_modifier C1716001 A12961824 CODE Creatinine:Mass Concentration:Duration of the study^Maximum value over interval:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative
C1716001 A12961824 CODE Creatinine:Mass Concentration:Duration of the study^Maximum value over interval:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative RO time_modifier_of C0806909 A15615003 CODE max
C0806909 A15615003 CODE max RO has_time_modifier C1716002 A12959888 CODE Alanine aminotransferase:Catalytic Concentration:Duration of the study^Maximum value over interval:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative:Without P-5'-P
C1716002 A12959888 CODE Alanine aminotransferase:Catalytic Concentration:Duration of the study^Maximum value over interval:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative:Without P-5'-P RO time_modifier_of C0806909 A15615003 CODE max
C0806909 A15615003 CODE max RO has_time_modifier C1716003 A12959931 CODE Aspartate aminotransferase:Catalytic Concentration:Duration of the study^Maximum value over interval:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative
C1716003 A12959931 CODE Aspartate aminotransferase:Catalytic Concentration:Duration of the study^Maximum value over interval:Serum/Plasma:Quantitative RO time_modifier_of C0806909 A15615003 CODE max

Last reviewed: 20 November 2008
Last updated: 20 November 2008
First published: 20 November 2008
Metadata| Permanence level: Permanence Not Guaranteed