Chapter 5

Model preprocessor

This chapter will describe the model preprocessors and the related source code. This code will allow the user to easily check or change things that need to done in a different way from the original design. Some major points of how to create the preprocessor files will be addressed. Hopefully, users will now be able to easily find the starting point of the preprocessor, which may be very important.

There are two major input files, sigma and surface file, which are also called the restart files. In order to prepare the restart files, the terrain related files have to be prepared. Some concepts and example of data analysis and assimilation to be used for the model preparation are also discussed.

5.1 Prepare model terrain file and related code

      There are two global terrain or topography data files in this package, however, if you have your own, which may be higher resolution than what we have provided, you can follow this section to locate the source file and scripts to prepare it for the model.

      The related files and the process to get terrain files created are as follows.

script file        : $DISK/common/script/PRMTN
#! /bin/sh
rm -rf topodata*
cp $TOPODATA topodata.Z && uncompress topodata.Z
cp $DIRHOME/LOCRSM rsmlocation
$ASSIGN topodata  $FILEFORM ${UNIT}11
$ASSIGN $rmtnslm  $FILEFORM ${UNIT}51
$ASSIGN $rmtnoro  $FILEFORM ${UNIT}52
$ASSIGN $rmtnvar  $FILEFORM ${UNIT}53
$ASSIGN $rmtnors  $FILEFORM ${UNIT}54
$ASSIGN $rmtnoss  $FILEFORM ${UNIT}55
$rmtnexec <rsmlocation >stdout.rmtn
cat stdout.rmtn
rm -rf ${UNIT}* topodata
include file       : $DISK/common/include/INCRMTN
topo dataset       : $DISK/common/fmtdata/topo05.fmt.Z

do compilation by  : $DISK/[machine]/[exp]/run[case] cmpl
                      with RDMTN=yes in run[case]
                      after DCLSYS is defined.

executable file    : $DISK/run/[exp]exec/rmtn.x

create terrain     : $DISK/[machine]/[exp]/run[case] rmtn
                      after LOCRSM is defined.
output files       : $DISK/run/[exp]/rmtn/
                     rmtnslm  :  sea land mask
                     rmtnvar  :  mountain variance
                     rmtnoro  :  interpolated terrain grid value
                     rmtnors  :  spectral transformed grid
                     rmtnoss  :  Lanczos smoothed grid value
main source file   : $DISK/common/source97/MAINRMTN
related code files : can be seen from INCRMTN as

where [machine] can be sgi, dec, sun or hp etc, [exp] can be g2n97, g2r97, or c2n97 etc, [case] can be g2n, g2r, etc. Then let's go into the code structure.

Code tree  : see $DISK/common/source97/MAINRMTN

main       subroutines

MOUNTAIN - SETGRD   : set latitude/longitude
           DEFG2R   : define data location for each grid
           GETNAVY  : get NAVY10 data or
           GETNETP5 : get TOPO05 data
           ---------> obtained rmtnslm, rmtnoro, rmtnvar
           PLNINI   : define constants for spectral trans in y
           RFTINI   : define constant for FFT in x
           MAXMIN   : show maximum and minimum of a field
           FFACOS   : grid to coefficient by FFT in x
           SUMGGC   : then summation in y to get final spectral
           SUMFFC   : sum coefficient in y to get grid
           FFSCOS   : do FFT in x to get grid
           ---------> obtained rmtnors
           LNCZS    : apply Lanczos smooth
           SUMFFC   : sum coefficient in y to get grid
           FFSCOS   : do FFT in x to get grid
           ---------> obtained rmtnoss
           SHALFO   : shulfer model grid to regular grid
           ---------> write out

For example, in $DISK/sgi/g2n97, we define DCLSYS and LOCRSM, then run the command 'rung2n cmpl' and make sure rmtn.x in $DISK/run/g2n97/exec, then use the command 'rung2n rmtn', and make sure rmtnvar etc is in $DISK/run/g2n97/rmtn.

      There is a general rule, no matter which file you want to change in $DISK/common for a special experiment for compilation. You must first copy this file from the common place, then modify the file, but DO NOT CHANGE ITS NAME, it will be the one used the one in your directory. For example, suppose you want to change the source code MAINRMTN so that it can be used to read different topography data. First copy this file from $DISK/common/source97 to your directory, and make the change. Once you do 'rung2n cmpl', for example, the script PCMPL in $DISK/common/script will first go to the common place first, and then go to your directory to overwrite MAINRMTN in a temporary place and do the compilation for you.

5.2 Preparing the sigma file from a different source

    This section could be explained along with the next section, but since the file type is different and you may need to use a different method. So far, this model has used the global files from NCEP, CWB and EC data. Since we know the structure of the sigma file in the last chapter and since we know the data we want to read, we should be able to write a file for the model to read. There is a trick if you cannot easy to provide a global file which needs to be provided in spectral coefficient for the g2n or g2r experiments. The trick is that the file structure must have the same structure as the global model but only a coarse grid mesh is needed. If the data has grid-point values instead of spectral coefficients, you can simple apply use c2n or c2r programs. Remember that you have to make the initial data and forecast data in the coarse grid mesh and the file structure and grid definitions should be the same as the one now used.

      Let's start from a general approach and then walk through the elements of the input processor.

main source file  : $DISK/common/source97/MAINRINP

related code file : can be seen from the include file

include file      : $DISK/common/include/INCRINP
                     where files before MAINRINP are definition
                     in $DISK/common/definition, after it are
                     all in $DISK/common/source97.

do compilation  : $DISK/[machine]/[exp]/run[case] cmpl
                  with RINPT=yes in run[case]

executable file : $DISK/run/[exp]/exec/rinp.x

define namelist : in $DISK/[machine]/[exp]/run[case], there
                  is a block as

  echo " &NAMRIN                                           "  >rinpparm
  echo "    SIG2RG=.TRUE.,SFC2RG=.FALSE.,PERCMTN=0.2,      " >>rinpparm
  echo "    NEWSIG=.FALSE.,NEWMTN=.TRUE.,NEWHOR=.FALSE.," >>rinpparm
  echo " &END                                              " >>rinpparm

                     which has to be defined before run rinp, the 
                     MEANING of them has been described in chanpter 3.
                     The example here shows there is a need to run
                     sigma file preparation only, thus only two are
                     true, one is SIG2RG and NEWMTN.

script file     : $DISK/common/script/PRINP
#! /bin/sh
set -x
## Prepare regional spectral model input ##
$ASSIGN $mtnvar    $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}10
$ASSIGN siganl     $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}11
$ASSIGN sfcanl     $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}12
$ASSIGN $rmtnslm   $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}13
$ASSIGN $rmtnoss   $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}14
$ASSIGN $rmtnvar   $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}15
$ASSIGN r_sigtmp   $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}51
$ASSIGN r_sfctmp   $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}52
$ASSIGN r_sigi     $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}61
$ASSIGN r_sfci     $FILEFORM  ${UNIT}62
cp $DIRHOME/LOCRSM rsmlocation
cat rinpparm rsmlocation >stdinp.rinp
$rinpexec <stdinp.rinp >stdout.rinp  || exit 1
if [ $NEWMTN = FALSE ]
    cp r_sigtmp r_sigi || exit 2
    cp r_sfctmp r_sfci || exit 3
echo "PRINP exit normally.........."
         : where all $ variables are defined in
           run script. As mentioned before, this script
           is for sigma and surface files preparation.
           But it is flexible that it can be used for
           sigma file with or without new regional
           mountains, or surface file etc, and for g2n,
           g2r, c2n or c2r.
run it           : $DISK/[machine]/[exp]/run[case] rinp

input files      : $DISK/[machine]/condata/mtvar.126 or 62
                   the above is for g2r or g2n.
                   $DISK/run/[exp]/dirrun/siganl and/or sfcanl
                   $DISK/run/[exp]/rmtn/rmtnslm ....

output files     : $DISK/run/[exp]/dirrun/r_sigtmp r_sfctmp 
                   if NEWMTN=.FALSE.
                    or                    r_sigi   r_sfci
                   if NEWMTN=.TRUE.

Code tree        :
REGINP - for g2n or g2r
         G2RINP - SETGRD
                - GLATS
                - G2RINI
                - GTOINI
                - CMPIND
                - GFT_LONF
                - GPLN2I
                - EPSILO
                - GGOZRM
                [ get map factor over globe 
                 - PLN2I
                 - FTI_LONF
                 - FPLFML
                 - FL2I    }
                - SPHQK1
                - SPHQK2
                [ read global spectral coefficent ]
                - DZUVLE
                [ add map factor into u/v 
                 - PLN2I
                 - SUMS2I
                 - SUMTOP
                 - FTI_LONF
                 - FTI_LONF
                 - FPLFML
                 - FL2I     ]
                - SPHQK1
                - RWRITE

         S2RINP - SETGRD
                - GLATS
                - G2RINI
                get sea land ice mask first
                read each field and 
                 - EXPND sea field
                 - EXPND land field
                 - GG2RG sea field
                 - GG2RG land field
                 merge them together
                 - SHALFO
                write each field

         for c2n or c2r      
         C2RINP - SETGRD
                - C2RINI
                - CTORINI
                prepare map factor
                - SHALFO
                - TODXDY
                - SHALFI
                read coarse regional sigma file
                - CGTORG  for map factor
                define wind direction transformation
                 - LL2XY
                 - XY2LL
                change u/v to new projection direction
                - MAXMIN
                - CG2RG   for precipitation (not necessary)
                - RWRITE

          S2RINP : as the same as above but CG2RG.

         for NEWSIG or NEWMTN
         RCHGR - RREAD
               - RSETSIG
               [ if new sig
                - NEWSIG
                - RSETSIG  ]
               [ if new mountain
                read the new terrain data
                - SHALFI 
                blending the mountain along lateral boundary zone
                modify the changes with spectral smoothing
                -  PLNINI
                - RFTINI
                get perturbation
                - GDTOCC
                - CCTOGD
                get full field    ]
               - EXTRAP - NEWPS
                        - SG2SG - TRISPL
                                - VALTS
                        check extrapolated value etc
               - RWRITE
               the remain for horizontal resolution change
               not yet implemented but dummy replacement there.

      There is an option to read global u/v spectral coefficient instead of div/vor coefficient. They are ##DZ and ##UV. If you don't have the options, you should add then into your DCLSYS and change some source code as

in $DISK/common/source97/RSG2RINP and RSGS2BG
change from



##UV    DO J=1,MAXWV2
##UV      ULN(J,K)=DI(J,K)
##UV      VLN(J,K)=ZE(J,K)

and change from (inside of loop 2000 for RSG2RINP & 1000 for RSGS2BG)




and change from (inside of loop 2000 for RSG2RINP & 1000 for RSGS2BG)

      RCSLT = 0.0
      IF( COSLAT.NE.0.0 ) RCSLT = 1. / COSLAT
      KM2P1 = KMAX*2 + 1
      DO 270 J=1,#LONF2
      SYN(J, KM2P1) = SYN(J, KM2P1) * RCSLT


##DZ  RCSLT = 0.0
##DZ  KM2P1 = KMAX*2 + 1
##DZ  DO J=1,#LONF2
##DZ    SYN(J, KM2P1) = SYN(J, KM2P1) * RCSLT

Don't forget to add

% ##DZ = 'C-DZ';
% ##UV = '    ';

in DCLSYS , thus you can read global files for the model with u/v coefficient. But if you want to read global file with div/vor coefficient, you have to define as

% ##DZ = '    ';
% ##UV = 'C-UV';

      Finally, if you don't know how to prepare spectral coefficient data from any grid point data, say Gaussian grid or equal latitude/ longitude grid. You can use the model related projection, interpolated to your Gaussian or lat/lon grid to the model related grid. Of course, the grid should be about the same resolution as the global data resolution and the domain should be large enough to cover the regional fine mesh. How large? You have to cover the fine mesh domain with at least three extra coarse scale grid points outside the regional domain. The related definition of the regional model related projection in RSSETGRD and the interpolation is done in RSGG2RG or RSGGTORG. Note that RSGG2RG uses bi-linear interpolation; RSGGTORG uses bi-cubic interpolation.

5.3 Prepare surface file from different source

Users should refer to the previous section to locate the resource to do the preparation of the surface files, however, the namelist and input files can be have only surface parts, such as

define namelist : in $DISK/[machine]/[exp]/run[case], there
                  is a block as

  echo " &NAMRIN                                         "  >rinpparm
  echo "    SIG2RG=.FALSE.,SFC2RG=.TRUE.,PERCMTN=0.2,    " >>rinpparm
  echo "    NEWSIG=.FALSE.,NEWMTN=.FALSE.,NEWHOR=.FALSE.," >>rinpparm
  echo " &END                                            " >>rinpparm

                     which has to be defined before run rinp, the 
                     MEANING of them has been described in chanpter 3.
                     The example here shows there is a need to run
                     surface file preparation only, thus only one is
                     true, SFC2RG.

input files      : $DISK/[machine]/condata/mtvar.126 or 62
                   the above is for g2r or g2n.
                   $DISK/run/[exp]/rmtn/rmtnslm ....

output files     : $DISK/run/[exp]/dirrun/r_sfctmp 
                   if NEWMTN=.FALSE.
                    or                    r_sfci
                   if NEWMTN=.TRUE.

Even though all other definitions and commands are the same as in the previous section, some of the source code and script commands there are not necessary for the surface preparation.

      Finally, if you don't know how to prepare Gaussian grid data from any grid point data, say equal latitude/ longitude grid. You can use the model related projection, interpolated your lat/lon grid to the model related grid, of course the grid should be about the same resolution as the global data resolution and the domain should be large enough to cover the regional fine mesh. See previous section for how large a grid is needed. The related definition of the regional model related projection is in RSSETGRD and the interpolation is in RSGG2RG or RSGGTORG. Note that RSGG2RG uses bi-linear interpolation; RSGGTORG uses bi-cubic interpolation.

5.4 Data analysis and assimilation

      The current version doesn't have portable data assimilation, since the workable version is Cray version or FORTRAN f90 version. Since data assimilation requires so many observed data and it can read only GRIB or BUFFER types of files. If you are one of the specific users that really needs data assimilation, please don't hesitate to ask (see chapter 1 for details about how to contact us).

      The Cray version of data assimilation contains two parts. One is the grid point version of spectral statistical interpolation with dynamic constraint and background error; the other part is the surface cycling program, which replaced all the possible surface conditions, such as albedo, ice/snow coverage, sea surface temperature, soil moisture and temperature, vegetation, roughness etc. Since the mesoscale features are most likely related to surface conditions, we suggest all the users try to use a higher resolution surface condition before jumping into atmospheric data assimilation, especially since the atmospheric data may not be sufficient for high resolution mesoscale modeling.

webmaster: Hann-Ming Henry Juang