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Re: What is PHENIX? Physics and 5W pages on New Home Page.

Dear THINCers,

	It is bad form to be the first to start the thread to one's 
own message, but I thought you might be curious about just who is
currently subscribed to phenix-thinc-l.  All the "recent" subscriber
lists are available from the "ListArchives" page, but here is the
one for phenix-thinc-l that was generated on April 30:

MARK@calvin.physics.mcgill.ca            Tommy Mark
bathe@ikp.uni-muenster.de                Stefan Bathe
santo@ikp.uni-muenster.de                Rainer Santo
bucher@ikp.uni-muenster.de               Damian Bucher
paul@kosufy.lu.se                        Paul B. Nilsson
sabh@mipsa.ciae.ac.cn                    Ben-Hao Sa
yemh@ccastb.ccast.ac.cn                  Minghan Ye
miake@utktdm.tac.tsukuba.ac.jp           Yasuo MIAKE
hamagaki@cns.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp             Hideki Hamagaki
nagle@nevis1.columbia.edu                Jamie Nagle
steinber@nevis1.columbia.edu             Peter Steinberg
zajc@nevis1.nevis.columbia.edu           Bill (Mr. Nice) Zajc
snoopy@skipper.physics.sunysb.edu        Stephen Johnson
mrosati@iastate.edu                      Marzia Rosati
soren-sorensen@utk.edu                   Soren P. Sorensen
Barish@phyun0.ucr.edu                    Ken Barish
seto@phyun0.ucr.edu                      Richard Seto
FUNG@ucrac1.ucr.edu                      Sun-yiu Fung
richard.seto@ucr.edu                     Richard Seto
MAGUIRC@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu            Charles Maguire
andrew.rose@vanderbilt.edu               Andrew Rose
vivek@petitt.phy-astr.gsu.edu            Vivek Penumetcha
xhe@gsu.edu                              Xiao-chun He
vogt@nta2.lbl.gov                        Ramona Vogt
CARROLL@csa5.lbl.gov                     jim carroll
moss@p2hp1.lanl.gov                      Joel Moss
schlei@p2hp2.lanl.gov                    schlei
sullivan@p2hp4.lanl.gov                  John Sullivan
leitch@hp866b.lanl.gov                   Mike Leitch
bennett@hpmvd.lanl.gov                   mjbennett@lanl.gov
saito@riksg01.rhic.bnl.gov               Naohito Saito
goto@riksg01.rhic.bnl.gov                Yuji Goto
brant@rsgi02.rhic.bnl.gov                Brant Johnson
ph_list@rsgi02.rhic.bnl.gov              Phenix Www Listarchiver
akiba@sgs0.hirg.bnl.gov                  Yasuyuki Akiba
sako@sgs0.hirg.bnl.gov                   Hiroyuki Sako
KISTENEV@bnlarm.bnl.gov                  Edouard Kistenev
gaius@bnlku5.phy.bnl.gov                 witzig@bnl.gov
dave@bnl.gov                             Dave Morrison
wchang@bnl.gov                           Wen-Chen Chang
mitchell@bnl.gov                         Jeffery Mitchell
aronsons@bnl.gov                         Sam Aronson
mjt@bnl.gov                              Michael Tannenbaum
soltz@moses.llnl.gov                     Ron Soltz
held@mail.phy.ornl.gov                   Sam Held
young@mail.phy.ornl.gov                  Glenn R. Young
plasil@mail.phy.ornl.gov                 Frank Plasil
awes@mail.phy.ornl.gov                   Terry Awes
stankus@mail.phy.ornl.gov                Paul Stankus
Total number of subscribers: 49 (49 shown here)

There are actually only 48 humans, because one of the subscribers
to all PHENIX lists is ph_list (the Archiver).  The 48 are a pretty
impressive list of THINCers.  Surely, some of you have suggestions
for improving the "What is PHENIX?", "5 Ws", and "Physics" pages
that I drafted.  Please let me know your thoughts.   Thanks.
