March 18, 2002
Diana Cross
(208) 378-5020
Steve Dunn
(208) 334-9844

Document Supports Rehabilitation of Boise River Diversion Dam

The Bureau of Reclamation has released its Finding of No Significant Impact for the rehabilitation of the Boise River Diversion Dam Powerplant, placing it back online to generate hydroelectric power after being put out of service in1982. The FONSI documents Reclamation's decision that the project will not significantly affect the human environment and that an environmental impact statement is not necessary to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act.

The Diversion Dam Powerplant is located on the Boise River about seven miles southeast of Boise and downstream of Lucky Peak Dam. It was constructed in 1912 and operated for 70 years, providing power for irrigation pumping for Reclamation’s projects in southern Idaho and eastern Oregon, with surplus power marketed by Bonneville Power Administration. In 1982, the plant was placed on ready reserve status and put out of operation due to maintenance and safety needs.

The proposed rehabilitation is a cooperative effort between Reclamation and Bonneville Power Administration. The rehabilitated powerplant would retain as much of the original equipment as possible to preserve its historic integrity while generating approximately 2,250 kilowatts of electricity to meet the needs of Reclamation’s irrigation pumpers and BPA customers in southern Idaho. Rehabilitation work will begin in the spring of 2002 and take approximately two years.

Reclamation issued a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) in December 2001 analyzing the environmental effects of rehabilitating and returning The Boise River Diversion Dam Powerplant to operation. After receiving public comments on the Draft EA, Reclamation prepared the FONSI incorporating public comments and revisions to the Draft EA.

The FONSI and Draft EA are available on Reclamation’s Pacific Northwest Region’s website at For more information, contact Steve Dunn at (208) 334-9844.

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