Useful Tools For You


The Merohedral Crystal Twinning Server.

Ethan Merritt's data about anomalous scatterers: numbers and graphs

Teaching Aides

Biotechnology at Brookhaven for the Beginning Science Student

"Introduction to Crystallography" Reprint from Methods in Enzymology, v.114 (1985) by RM Sweet

Fundamentals of Crystallography

X-Ray Crystallography as an Optical Technique

Bob Sweet's X-Ray Optics Lecture

Lecture on Anomalous (MAD/SAD) data collection from the Beijing CSHL course.

Rotation Geometery -- Designed for the RapiData Courses

Lots of details about data collection -- designed for the ACA summer school and John Kuriyan's course.

Direct Phase Determination by use of Three-Beam Diffraction

Escher Web Sketch: A Fun Java Symmetry Applet

The Interactive Structure Factor Tutorial

Kevin Cowtan's Book of Fourier

XRayView: a virtual X-Ray crystallography laboratory

Synchrotron and Optics Primer from Advanced Design Consulting Inc.

Some Useful Papers

Integrated software for macromolecular crystallography synchrotron beamlines II: revision, robots and a database.

Mail-in crystallography program at Brookhaven National Laboratory's National Synchrotron Light Source.

The 1997 BioSync Report!

A New Record-large Structure from Beamline X12-C

Direct Methods, and the use of Synchrotron Radiation for Macromolecular Crystallography. A paper by Robert M. Sweet, John M. Skinner, and Thomas C. Terwilliger from the 1997 Erice school on the use of Direct Methods in Crystallography.

More Stuff

Protein Crystallography Research Resource (PXRR)In the News

All you ever wanted to know about CBF, the new Crystallographic Binary Format -- a self-describing format for diffraction-data images.

New results on the Lyme Disease Antigen.

Structure of a piece of the AIDS virus coat.

Mark Rould's list of the most-used heavy-atom compounds.

Space-Group Frequency Table.

Space-Group Table.

A paper from the Macromolecular Crystallography Computing School proceedings (1996): Considerations in the Design of Graphical User Interfaces for Macromolecular Crystallography, by Robert M. Sweet and John. M. Skinner

Report from a Workshop on Graphical User Interfaces for Protein Crystallography.

Here's some ancient history for you -- a Gordon Conference Photo from the dim ages.

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