[Cdf_production_farm] fncdfsrv0 JID 101472 summary

cdfcaf at fnal.gov cdfcaf at fnal.gov
Sat Sep 16 23:47:25 CDT 2006

CAF  : fncdfsrv0
JID  : 101472
User : cdfprd
Group: long Limit: 72:00:00
DH   : None

Segment number from 1 to 21
Initial command: ./cdfopr/farm/start_loader --station=cdf-fncdfsrv0 --dataset=stntuple_0d_blpc0d_140129_140218 --project=cdfprd_cdf-fncdfsrv0_stntuple_0d_blpc0d_140129_140218_20060916_232840 --exec_script=./cdfopr/farm/do_exe.sh --setup_script=./Stntuple/scripts/stntuple_farm_setup.sh --verbose=1 -x FCP_USER=cdfprd -x FCP_HOST=fncdfsrv8.fnal.gov -x FCP_PATH=/export/stage/stnmaker_prod_0d_blpc0d -x CALIB_PASS_NAME=17 -x CALIB_PARM_SET=Pass17Prod -x prodPass=0d -x OUTPUTFILELIST=./Stntuple/scripts/farm_output_list.lst -x FCP_HIST=blpcad -x FCP_LOGS=logs -x FCP_META=meta -x FCP_CRASHED=crashed --job=$ 
Output file    : cdfprd at fncdfsrv8.fnal.gov:/export/stage/stnmaker_prod_0d_blpc0d/Cafoutdir/stntuple.cdfprd_cdf-fncdfsrv0_stntuple_0d_blpc0d_140129_140218_20060916_232840.$.tgz
Submitted   : Sat Sep 16 23:29:34 2006
Ended       : Sat Sep 16 23:45:51 2006
Job duration:   0:16:17

     Wait times:       Max   	     Min    	Abs.Avg.	Start Avg.
	       :     0:06:10 	    0:01:22 	  0:00:17 	  0:00:13

  Segment times:      Total  	      Mean  	     RMS	     Max
	   Real:     3:30:57 	    0:10:02 	  0:00:05 	  0:10:22
	    CPU:     0:36:01 	    0:01:42 	  0:00:12 	  0:02:19

Completed with exit status = 0 (OK):                   0
Completed with exit status != 0:                      21

segment      node        exit      Wait     Real     CPU    WaitDH        Read      Written  
      1 fncdf204.fnal.gov  61696   0:01:22  0:10:01  0:01:43                                   
      2 fncdf204.fnal.gov  61696   0:01:42  0:10:00  0:01:37                                   
      3 fncdf204.fnal.gov  61696   0:01:51  0:10:00  0:01:42                                   
      4 fncdf252.fnal.gov  61696   0:02:27  0:10:22  0:02:19                                   
      5 fncdf252.fnal.gov  61696   0:02:30  0:10:10  0:01:37                                   
      6 fncdf252.fnal.gov  61696   0:03:11  0:10:00  0:01:33                                   
      7 fncdf253.fnal.gov  61696   0:03:25  0:10:06  0:01:40                                   
      8 fncdf253.fnal.gov  61696   0:03:33  0:10:01  0:02:16                                   
      9 fncdf254.fnal.gov  61696   0:03:00  0:10:00  0:01:30                                   
     10 fncdf253.fnal.gov  61696   0:03:23  0:10:15  0:01:40                                   
     11 fncdf254.fnal.gov  61696   0:04:09  0:10:00  0:01:42                                   
     12 fncdf255.fnal.gov  61696   0:03:54  0:10:00  0:01:40                                   
     13 fncdf256.fnal.gov  61696   0:04:48  0:10:00  0:01:41                                   
     14 fncdf256.fnal.gov  61696   0:04:49  0:10:00  0:01:46                                   
     15 fncdf258.fnal.gov  61696   0:05:59  0:10:00  0:01:40                                   
     16 fncdf257.fnal.gov  61696   0:06:01  0:10:00  0:01:36                                   
     17 fncdf258.fnal.gov  61696   0:05:59  0:10:00  0:01:45                                   
     18 fncdf300.fnal.gov  61696   0:05:57  0:10:00  0:01:45                                   
     19 fncdf300.fnal.gov  61696   0:06:10  0:10:01  0:01:47                                   
     20 fncdf260.fnal.gov  61696   0:05:53  0:10:00  0:01:27                                   
     21 fncdf301.fnal.gov  61696   0:06:07  0:10:01  0:01:35                                   

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