***** File MODE_BIN.DOC Mission: VEGA 1 Instrument: PUMA Submission: IKI Binary File Original Format The data for these files were received as a single file containing 6400 binary spectra with their parameter values, combined into a single table. The spectra in this table appeared to constitute a superset of the FITS spectra in the other submission from IKI. The actual parameter values and spectrum bytes were in the same order and format as in the separate FITS files of that submission. As in that dataset, the spectrum format varied slightly with mode. In the amplitude sample bytes of the spectra, the sign bit was used as a flag bit to indicate amplitude-triggered samples. In this form a value of 1 (sign bit set) indicated a non- triggered value. Reformatting at SBN The following changes were made to the data: o The single table was split into one table for each mode. o The sign bit in all spectrum samples was turned off. o The mode 1, 2 and 3 spectra, the only ones which included sample flagging, were expanded so that a separate flag field could be associated with each amplitude sample. o Where the sample had previously been flagged as amplitude-triggered (original sign bit not equal to 1), the accompanying flag byte was set equal to 1. o The spectrum length parameter was adjusted to give the total number of bytes in the spectrum itself, without the parameter values. (The length of the parameter values was included in the original field.) o All spectra were then padded with nulls (zeroes) out to the maximum spectrum length of the particular mode. o The original ordering of the spectra in the single binary table, assumed to be chronological, was preserved in the mode tables. Known Anomalies/Problems: o Little or no explanation was available for some of the parameters in the spectrum headers. This is indicated in the DESCRIPTION part of the PDS label for these datasets. o There are more spectra in this submission than in the FITS files also submitted by IKI or the text files submitted by MPI. These data appear to be a strict superset of the IKI FITS tables, with most but not all of the "extra" spectra in this submission having later time values than the spectra in the other dataset. However, while there is a large amount of overlap between the IKI and MPI submissions, each contains spectra not included in the other. o It has not yet been possible to translate the times in this file, which are apparently in units of seconds, to UT. o Four spectra, ostensibly of mode 2, were found which had sequence number and event number equal to 0 and odd spectrum lengths, which should have been even. The first three of these spectra are identical, the fourth differs only in a few spectrum values. These spectra were omitted from the binary mode 2 table, but their text form is included here: SEQ 0 ENR 0 TIME 0 LEN 195 DIST 0 VOL 0 IMP 35 LIMP 32 SIMP 3 CC 0/ 64/ 0/ 0/ 0 SEN 202/128/ 0/ 0/ 0 MODE 2 CLASS 2 AMP 205/ 80/ 64/ 14/137 NOISE 0/ 0/ 72 0 0X 0 77 64 18X 242 96 248 0X 0 0X 1 12X 14 9 138 0X 9 3X 0 0X 0 0X 0 0X 0 77 80 0X 2 38X 40 0X 2 35X 40 0X 0 3X 0 0 0 0X 1 0X 0 0X 0 0X 0 0X 1 0X 0 0X 0 0X 14 10 64 0X 0 8X 24 71X 240 48X 12 66 214 87 193 64X 243 75X 240 24X 33 65X 0 0X 120 88X 16 80 76 30X 1 85X 0 64 12 71X 208 48X 38 88X 240 64 116 5X 239 88X 240 80 72 16 240 16X 72 80X 208 16X 4 24X 209 18 136 80 0 18 0 80 1 88X 16 80 4 0 SEQ 0 ENR 0 TIME 0 LEN 195 DIST 0 VOL 0 IMP 35 LIMP 32 SIMP 3 CC 0/ 64/ 0/ 0/ 0 SEN 202/128/ 0/ 0/ 0 MODE 2 CLASS 2 AMP 205/ 80/ 64/ 14/137 NOISE 0/ 0/ 72 0 0X 0 77 64 18X 242 96 248 0X 0 0X 1 12X 14 9 138 0X 9 3X 0 0X 0 0X 0 0X 0 77 80 0X 2 38X 40 0X 2 35X 40 0X 0 3X 0 0 0 0X 1 0X 0 0X 0 0X 0 0X 1 0X 0 0X 0 0X 14 10 64 0X 0 8X 24 71X 240 48X 12 66 214 87 193 64X 243 75X 240 24X 33 65X 0 0X 120 88X 16 80 76 30X 1 85X 0 64 12 71X 208 48X 38 88X 240 64 116 5X 239 88X 240 80 72 16 240 16X 72 80X 208 16X 4 24X 209 18 136 80 0 18 0 80 1 88X 16 80 4 0 SEQ 0 ENR 0 TIME 0 LEN 195 DIST 0 VOL 0 IMP 35 LIMP 32 SIMP 3 CC 0/ 64/ 0/ 0/ 0 SEN 202/128/ 0/ 0/ 0 MODE 2 CLASS 2 AMP 205/ 80/ 64/ 14/137 NOISE 0/ 0/ 72 0 0X 0 77 64 18X 242 96 248 0X 0 0X 1 12X 14 9 138 0X 9 3X 0 0X 0 0X 0 0X 0 77 80 0X 2 38X 40 0X 2 35X 40 0X 0 3X 0 0 0 0X 1 0X 0 0X 0 0X 0 0X 1 0X 0 0X 0 0X 14 10 64 0X 0 8X 24 71X 240 48X 12 66 214 87 193 64X 243 75X 240 24X 33 65X 0 0X 120 88X 16 80 76 30X 1 85X 0 64 12 71X 208 48X 38 88X 240 64 116 5X 239 88X 240 80 72 16 240 16X 72 80X 208 16X 4 24X 209 18 136 80 0 18 0 80 1 88X 16 80 4 0 SEQ 0 ENR 0 TIME 0 LEN 195 DIST 0 VOL 0 IMP 35 LIMP 32 SIMP 3 CC 0/ 64/ 0/ 0/ 0 SEN 202/128/ 0/ 0/ 0 MODE 2 CLASS 2 AMP 205/ 80/ 64/ 14/137 NOISE 0/ 0/ 72 0 0X 0 77 64 18X 242 96 248 0X 0 0X 1 12X 14 9 138 0X 9 3X 0 0X 0 0X 0 0X 0 77 80 0X 2 41X 40 0X 2 38X 40 0X 0 3X 0 0 0 0X 1 0X 0 0X 0 0X 0 0X 1 0X 0 0X 0 0X 14 10 64 0X 0 8X 24 71X 240 48X 12 66 214 87 193 64X 243 75X 240 24X 33 65X 0 0X 120 88X 16 80 76 30X 1 85X 0 64 12 71X 208 48X 38 88X 240 64 116 5X 239 88X 240 80 72 16 240 16X 72 80X 208 16X 4 24X 209 18 136 80 0 18 0 80 1 88X 16 80 4 0