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Summary of State Biennial Reports of Wellhead Protection Program Progress

(As Required by Section 1428(g) of the SDWA amendments of 1986)

October 1995 through September 1997


Section 1428 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) requires States that have EPA-approved Wellhead Protection Programs to report their progress to EPA through biennial reports.  The 1997 report covers three periods from 1991 through 1997. The 1999 report, due October 2000, covers the period 1997 through 1999.

The 1997 report results in summary by number of Community Water Systems are:

Step one:

Getting started (reporting optional)

6,000 CWS

Step two:


7,000 CWS

Step three:

Contaminant Source Inventory

5,000 CWS

Step four:

Source Management

3,000 CWS

Step five:

Contingency planning

4,000 CWS

Specific questions regarding the biennial report may be addressed to EPA Regional WHP/SWAP coordinators or to State wellhead contacts.  Please address general questions to



The Wellhead Protection (WHP) Program is a pollution prevention and management program used to protect underground based sources of drinking water. The national WHP Program was established in 1986 by the Safe Drinking Water Act. The law specified that certain program activities, such as delineation, contaminant source inventory, and source management, be incorporated into State Wellhead Protection Programs (WHPPs), which are approved by EPA prior to implementation. While Section 1428 applies only to States, a number of Tribes are implementing the program as well.

State WHP Programs vary greatly. For example, some require community water systems to develop management plans, while others rely on education and technical assistance to encourage voluntary action. WHPPs are the foundation for many of the state Source Water Assessment Programs required under the 1996 SDWA amendments.

Under SDWA Section 1428, States that have EPA-approved programs must report their progress to EPA in biennial reports. Three reports have been published since 1991. They cover the periods 1991 to 1993, 1993 to 1995, and 1995 to 1997. The reports are cumulative.  

The 1997 Wellhead Protection Biennial Report will be used as the benchmark of ground water data for implementing and tracking goals for the Wellhead Protection Program. It will also serve to document progress for the Source Water Protection Program, the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) and environmental planning efforts on Tribal Lands.

Since the program’s inception in 1986 EPA has approved 50 Wellhead Protection programs, including the territories of Guam and Puerto Rico. Approval is pending for Alaska, and Virginia has not yet submitted a program. The District of Columbia has no groundwater sources of drinking water. For the 1995-1997 period, 43 of 49 States reported their Wellhead Protection implementation progress. The recently approved states of California and Iowa are not required to report until October 2001.


Download the entire report, including appendices with detailed numerical summaries for each state, in PDF format.

Read the report online.

View a map with links to state-specific implementation summaries.

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