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projects > across trophic level system simulation (atlss) > selected bibliography

Selected Bibliography

Fleming, D.M., W. F. Wolff, and D. L. DeAngelis. 1994. The importance of landscape heterogeneity to a colonial wading bird in the Florida Everglades. Environmental Management 18:743-757.

Wolff, W. F. 1994. An individual-oriented model of a wading bird nesting colony. Ecological Modelling 72:75-114.

Abbott, C. A., M.W. Berry, E. J. Comiskey, L. J. Gross and H.-K. Luh. 1997. Parallel individual-based modeling of Everglades deer ecology. IEEE- Computational Science and Engineering 4:60-72.

Comiskey, E. J., L. J. Gross, D. M. Fleming, M. A. Huston, O. L. Bass, H.-K.Luh and Y. Wu. 1997. A spatially-explicit individual-based simulation model for Florida panther and white-tailed deer in the Everglades and Big Cypress landscapes. Proceedings of the Florida Panther Conference, Ft. Myers Fla., Nov. 1-3, 1994, Dennis Jordan, ed., U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, pp. 494-503.

Luh, H.-K., C. Abbott, M. Berry, E.J. Comiskey, J. Dempsey, and L. J. Gross. 1997. Parallelization in a spatially-explicit individual-based model (I) Spatial data interpolation. Computers and Geosciences 23:293-304.

DeAngelis, D. L., L. J. Gross, M. A. Huston, W. F. Wolff, D. M. Fleming, E. J. Comiskey, S. M. Sylvester. 1998. Landscape Modeling for Everglades Ecosystem Restoration. Ecosystems 1:64-75.

Mellott, L. E., M. W. Berry, E. J. Comiskey, and L. J. Gross. 1999. The design and implementation of an individual-based predator-prey model for a distributed computing environment. Simulation Theory and Practice 7:47-70.

Mooij, W. M., and D. L. DeAngelis. 1999. Individual-based modelling as an integrative approach in theoretical and applied population dynamics and food web studies. Pages 551-575. In: H. Olff, V. K. Brown, and R. H. Drent. Herbivores Between Plants and Predators: 38th Symposium Volume of the British Ecological Society.

Gaff, H., D. L. DeAngelis, L. J. Gross, R. Salinas and M. Shorrosh. 2000. A dynamic landscape model for fish in the Everglades and its application to restoration. Ecological Modelling 127:33 - 52

DeAngelis, D. L., L. J. Gross, W. F. Wolff, D. M. Fleming, M. P. Nott and E. J. Comiskey. 2000. Individual-based models on the landscape: applications to the Everglades. P. 199-211 in J. Sanderson and L. D. Harris (eds.), Landscape Ecology: A Top-Down Approach. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.

Curnutt, J. L., E.J. Comiskey, M. P. Nott and L. J. Gross. 2000. Landscape-based spatially explicit species index models for Everglades restoration. Ecological Applications 10:1849-1860.

Matsinos, Y. G., W. F. Wolff, and D. L. DeAngelis. 2000. Can individual-based models yield a better assessment of population viability? Pages 188-198. In: S. Ferson and M. Burgman (eds.), Quantitative Methods in Conservation Biology. Springer-Verlag, New York.

DeAngelis, D. L., W. M. Mooij, M. P. Nott, and R. E. Bennetts. 2001. Individual-based models: The importance of variability among individuals. Pages 171-195. In: A. Franklin and T. Schenk (editors), Modeling in Natural Resource Management: Development, Interpretation, and Application. Island Press, Covello, California.

Diffendorfer, J. E., P. S. Richards, G. H. Dalrymple, and D. L. DeAngelis. 2001. Applying linear programming to estimate fluxes in ecosystems or food webs: An example from the herpetological assemblage of the freshwater Everglades. Ecological Modelling 144 (2-3):99-120.

Gross, L. J. and D. L. DeAngelis. 2002. Multimodeling: new approaches for linking ecological models. Chapter 40 In Predicting Species Occurrences: Issues of Scale and Accuracy, (Scott, J. M., P. J. Heglund, M. Morrison, M. Raphael, J. Haufler, B. Wall, editors). Island Press, Covello, CA.

DeAngelis, D. L., S. Bellmund, W. M. Mooij, M.P. Nott, E.J. Comiskey, L.J. Gross, M. A. Huston and W.F. Wolff. 2002. Modeling Ecosystem and Population Dynamics on the South Florida Hydroscape. In: The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys: An Ecosystem Sourcebook, J. W. Porter and K. G. Porter (eds.). CRC Press, FL.

Duke-Sylvester, S. and L. J. Gross. 2002. Integrating spatial data into an agent-based modeling system: ideas and lessons from the development of the Across Trophic Level System Simulation (ATLSS). Chapter 6 in: Integrating Geographic Information Systems and Agent-Based Modeling Techniques for Stimulating Social and Ecological Processes, H. R. Gimblett (ed.), Oxford University Press.

Comiskey, E. J., O. L. Bass, Jr., L. J. Gross, R. T. McBride, and R. Salinas. 2002. Panthers and forests in South Florida: an ecological perspective. Conservation Ecology 6(1): 18. [online] URL:

Al-Rabai'ah, H. A.-K., H.-L. Koh, D. L. DeAngelis, and H.-L. Lee. 2002. Modeling fish community dynamics in Florida Everglades: Role of temperature variation. Water Science and Technology 46(9).

Basset, A., M. Fedele, and D. L. DeAngelis. 2002. Optimal exploitation of spatially distributed trophic resources and population stability. Ecological Modelling 151:245-260.

DeAngelis, D. L., and J. L. Curnutt. 2002. Integration of population, community, and landscape indicators for assessing effects of stressors. Page 509-532. In: (S. Marshall Adams, editor), Biological Indicators of Stress in Fish (2nd edition). American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland

Dong, Q., P. V. McCormick, F. H. Sklar, and D. L. DeAngelis. 2002. Structural instability, multiple stable states, and hysteresis in periphyton driven by phosphorus enrichment in the Everglades. Theoretical Population Biology 61:1-13.

Dreitz, V. J., J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, R. E. Bennetts, W.M. Kitchens, and Donald L. DeAngelis. 2002. The use of resighting data to estimate the rate of population growth of the snail kite in Florida. Journal of Applied Statistics 29: 609-623

Kitchens, W. M., Bennetts, R. E., DeAngelis, D. L. 2002. Linkages between the snail kite population and wetland dynamics in a highly fragmented South Florida landscape. Pages 183-204. In: Porter, J. W., and Porter, K. G., (Eds.), The Everglades, Florida Bay and Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys: An Ecosystem Sourcebook, CRC Press, Delray Beach, FL, pp. 183-204.

Mooij, W. M., R. E. Bennetts, W. M. Kitchens, and D. L. DeAngelis. 2002. Exploring the effect of drought extent and interval on the Florida snail kite: Interplay between spatial and temporal scales. Ecological Modelling 149:25-39.

DeAngelis, D. L., L. J. Gross, E. J. Comiskey, W. M. Mooij, M. P. Nott and S. Bellmund. 2003. The Use of Models for a Multiscaled Ecological Monitoring System. Chapter 6 (P. 167-188) in: D. Busch and J. Trexler, eds. Ecological Monitoring of Ecoregional Initiatives: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Determining Status and Trends of Ecosystems. Island Press, Washington, DC.

DeAngelis, D. L. and W.M. Mooij. 2003. In praise of mechanistically-rich models. Pp. 63-82, in C. D. Canham, J. J. Cole, and W. K. Lauenroth (eds.) Models in Ecosystem Science. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey.

DeAngelis, D. L., W. M. Mooij, and A. Basset. 2003. The importance of spatial scale in the modeling of aquatic ecosystems. Chapter 24. In: L. Seuront and P. G. Strutton (eds.), Handbook of Scaling Methods in Aquatic Ecology: Measurement, Analyses, Simulation. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Richards, P. M. 2003. Evaluating the relative effects of life history stages in the conservation of the American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Florida. Florida Scientist 66(4):273-286.

Richards, P. M. 2003. The American crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) in Florida: Conservation issues and population modeling. Ph. D. Dissertation, Department of Biology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL

Wang, D., M. Berry, E. Carr and L. Gross. 2003. Design and Implementation of a Parallel Fish Model for South Florida. Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Comiskey, E. J., A. C. Eller, Jr., and D. W. Perkins. 2004. Evaluating impacts to the Florida panther: how porous is the umbrella? Southeastern Naturalist 3: 51-74.

Gaff, H., J. Chick, J. Trexler, D. L. DeAngelis, L. J. Gross, and R. Salinas. 2004. Evaluation of and insights from ALFISH: a spatially-explicit, landscape-level simulation of fish populations in the Everglades. Hydrobiologia 520 (1-3): 73-86

DeAngelis, D. L., and P. J. Mulholland. 2004. Dynamic consequences of allochthonous nutrient input into freshwater systems. Pages 12-24, In: G. A. Polis, M. E. Power, and G. R. Huxel (eds.), Food Webs at the Landscape Level. University of Chicago Press.

Dreitz, V. J., W. M. Kitchens, and D. L. DeAngelis. 2004. The effects of natal departure and water level on survival of juvenile snail kites in Florida. The Auk 121:894-903.

Richards, P. M., W. M. Mooij, and D. L. DeAngelis. 2004. Evaluating the effect of salinity on a simulated American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) population with applications to conservation and Everglades restoration. Ecological Modelling 180:371-394.

Immanuel, A., M. W. Berry, L. J. Gross, M. Palmer, and D. Wang. 2005. A parallel implementation of ALFISH: simulating hydrological compartmentalization effects on fish dynamics in the Florida Everglades. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 13:55-76.

Wang, D., E. Carr, M. Palmer, M. W. Berry, and L. J. Gross. 2005. A Grid Service Module for Natural Resource Managers. IEEE Internet Computing 9:35-41.

Wang, D., E. Carr, L. J. Gross, and M. W. Berry. 2005. Toward ecosystem modeling on computing grids. Computing in Science and Engineering 7:44-52.

DeAngelis, D. L., J. C. Trexler, and W. F. Loftus. 2005. Life history trade-offs and community dynamics of small fishes in a seasonally pulsed wetland. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62:781-790.

Wang, D. M.W. Berry, and L.J. Gross. 2006 (to appear). A Parallel Structured Ecological Model for High End Shared Memory Computers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science

Wang, D., M.W. Berry, and L.J. Gross. 2006 (to appear) On Parallelization of a Spatially-Explicit Structured Ecological Model for Integrated Ecosystem Simulation. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications.

Wang, D., M.W. Berry, E.A. Carr, and L.J. Gross. 2006 (to appear) A Parallel Fish Landscape Model for Ecosystem Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International

Al-Rabai'ah, Hussam, H.- L. Koh, D. L. DeAngelis, H.-L. Lee, Modeling long-term effects of PCBs on the Everglades fish communities. (In press, Wetland Ecology and Management)

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