Technical Information Services

Office of Information Management
Office of Information Management EH-72Issue 31
July 26, 1996
cc:Mail: Office of Information ManagementVoice: 800-473-4375
Internet address: HSSUserSupport@hq.doe.govFax: 301-903-9823

This Bulletin is published to highlight current information acquisitions, upcoming events, and resources available from the Office of Information Management. It is distributed electronically on the EH LAN and is available on the Internet. The Internet URL is .Material highlighted in the Bulletin may be obtained either from the Office of Information Management (IC) or from the DOE Library (L).

The Office of Information Management is located at 20030 Century Boulevard, Germantown, MD. It is staffed daily from 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Requests for information may be made by contacting the Office of Information Management by telephone, fax, or E-mail as indicated above.

Questions or comments concerning the Office of Information Management may be directed to me by telephone at (301) 903-8686 or by DOE cc: Mail, or by the Internet at: SHARON.ROOT@HQ.DOE.GOV

Sharon A. Root
Office of Information Management


August 12 - 17, 1996: Safety System:Exploring New Opportunities Albuquerque, NM. Sponsored in part by Sandia National Laboratories. For more information, call 505-844-1285, send Email to

August 22 - 23, 1996: EPRI Conference on Operating Nuclear Power Plant Fatigue Issues & Resolutions Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort, Snowbird, UT. For more information, contact Susan Otto at 704-547-6072.

August 27 - 30, 1996: 13th DOE Office Information Technology Conference Baltimore, MD. For more information, see:

September 3 - 4, 1996: EPRI PSE Nuclear Power Plant Performance Improvement Seminar Asheville, NC. For more information, contact Susan Otto at 704-547-6072.

September 4 - 6, 1996: Empower '96 The Ritz-Carlton, Boston, MA. For more information, call 800-575-3367, or see:

September 11 - 13, 1996: EPRIweb Hotel Nikko Atlanta, Atlanta, GA. For more information, contact Chenoa Jorgansen at 415-855-2528, or see:

September 16 - 20, 1996: Object-Oriented Rapid Application Development Workshop Washington, D.C. For more information, call 508-470-3880, or see:


DOE/ONFS: "Operating Experience Weekly Summary," 96-27, 6/28/96 - 7/4/96

  • "Buildings in Evacuation Zones Found Without Criticality Accident Alarms"
  • "Criticality Alarm System Violation During Preventive Maintenance"
  • "Inadequate Lockout/Tagouts"
  • "Pressure Oscillations Cause Reactor Trip"
  • "Air and Oil Mixture Ignites During Air Compressor Start Up"
  • "Lessons Learned From the Idaho Fall Fatality"

DOE/ONFS: "Operating Experience Weekly Summary," 96-28, 7/5/96 - 7/11/96

  • "As-Found Condition Results in Unreviewed Safety Question"
  • "Criticality Safety Violation During Glovebox Cleanup"
  • "Onsite Shipment Results in Criticality Safety Violation"
  • "Florescent Light/Heat Cause Deterioration of Latex Gloves"
  • "Excavator Severs Energized 480-Volt Cable"
  • "Regulatory Agencies May Impose Fines for Violations"
  • "Data Analysis and Sampling Techniques Used in the Weekly Summary"
  • "Inaccurate Drawings Cause Unsafe Conditions"

DOE/ONFS: "Operating Experience Weekly Summary," 96-29, 7/12/96 - 7/18/96

  • "Electrical Shock While Working on Microwave Oven"
  • "Combustible Material Use Violates Authorization Basis"
  • "Operational Safety Requirements Not Verified"
  • "Interlock Failure Causes Damage to Press"
  • "Unauthorized Work on Fan Controllers"
  • "Radiographer and Co-worker Overexposed"
  • "Defense Programs Safety Information Letters"
  • "Effective Use of Fall Protection Equipment"

DOE/NRS--96/3 (PB96-913503): "Nuclear Reactor Safety", March 1996

DOE/NRS--96/4 (PB96-913504): "Nuclear Reactor Safety", April 1996

DOE/NRS--96/5 (PB96-913505): "Nuclear Reactor Safety", May 1996

DOE/EH-052: HSS Safety & Health Notice, Issue 96-2, June 1996

DOE/EH-0527: ONFS Safety Notice, Issue 96-03, June 1996

Safety Information Letter: Issue 96-03, "Electrical Shock", July 1996


NUREG/CR-6350 BNL-NUREG-52467:

"A Technique for Human Error Analysis (ATHEANA)"




  • "Burnup Verification Measurements on Spent-Fuel Assemblies at Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 1"
  • "Losses of Off-Site Power at U.S. Nuclear Power Plants - Through 1995"
  • "Proceedings: 1996 Heat Rate Improvement Conference"


  • "Evaluation of Expected Behavior of LWR Stainless Steel-Clad Fuel in Long-Term Dry Storage"
  • "Integrated Knowledge Framework (IKF) for Coal-Fired Power Plants"


7/15/96, Hazmat News: (IC)

  • "Home Depot Takes Over Site Cleanup on Condition Government Doesn't Sue"
  • "EPA Lists States and Companies That Have Released Highest Amounts of Toxic Chemicals"
  • "Proposal Would Have Control Over Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal at Reactor Sites"

6/21/96, Defense Cleanup: (IC)

  • "DOE Hires Johnson Controls"
  • "EPA to Relax Standards"
  • "Hanford Looks Into Deep Rads"

Second Quarter, The Pollution Protection Advisor: (IC)

  • " Savannah River Site Opens its Gates and Landfills Close"
  • "Earth Day Brings DOE Sites Awards, 'Bizarre Contraption'"
  • "ORCMT Saves Jobs, Money, Environment"