U.S. Census Bureau

Historical Income Tables - Families


 Table F-3 &type.. Mean Income Received by Each Fifth and Top 5 Percent
 of Families, All Races:  1966 to 2007

 (Families as of March of the following year.  Income in current
 and 2007 CPI-U-RS adjusted dollars 28/)
 Year           Lowest    Second     Third    Fourth   Highest     Top 5
                 fifth     fifth     fifth     fifth     fifth   percent

 Current Dollars
 2007           $16,068   $38,304   $61,444   $91,881  $186,529  $316,618
 2006            15,539    36,769    58,485    88,394   187,389   331,702
 2005            14,767    35,137    56,227    84,095   176,292   308,636
 2004 35/        14,199    33,797    54,243    81,041   168,663   293,837
 2003            13,871    32,896    53,016    79,713   163,322   281,467
 2002            14,017    32,521    51,869    77,145   159,298   278,790
 2001            14,021    32,466    51,538    76,646   159,644   280,312
 2000 30/        14,122    32,289    50,747    74,791   156,919   278,063
 1999 29/        13,308    30,934    48,827    72,067   147,702   254,665
 1998            12,526    29,482    46,662    68,430   140,846   246,520
 1997            12,057    28,252    44,575    65,363   134,285   235,021
 1996            11,388    26,847    42,467    62,052   125,627   217,355
 1995 25/        11,265    25,955    40,637    59,457   119,453   204,863
 1994 24/        10,387    24,575    38,808    57,366   115,608   198,336
 1993 23/         9,739    23,390    37,066    54,946   111,017   191,612
 1992 22/         9,586    23,121    36,527    53,094    98,802   155,557
 1991             9,734    23,105    35,851    51,997    95,530   147,817
 1990             9,833    22,935    35,322    50,797    94,404   148,124
 1989             9,464    22,018    34,206    49,213    92,663   148,438
 1988             8,895    20,714    32,234    46,293    84,940   132,716
 1987 21/         8,507    19,911    30,918    44,250    80,868   126,594
 1986             8,238    19,021    29,468    42,105    75,838   115,165
 1985 20/         7,869    18,057    27,879    39,962    71,019   106,131
 1984             7,521    17,220    26,568    37,992    66,029    95,466
 1983 19/         6,987    16,076    24,734    35,251    61,122    88,126
 1982             6,805    15,440    23,576    33,445    57,791    82,684
 1981             6,803    14,794    22,627    31,768    53,303    74,482
 1980             6,411    13,956    21,083    29,250    49,248    70,010
 1979 18/         5,998    12,968    19,557    26,925    46,182    68,360
 1978             5,426    11,767    17,669    24,344    41,309    60,534
 1977             5,007    10,703    16,097    22,205    37,408    54,535
 1976 17/         4,730    10,010    14,932    20,402    34,338    50,257
 1975 16/         4,367     9,232    13,727    18,795    31,673    46,462
 1974 16/15/      4,200     8,866    12,944    17,734    29,882    43,586
 1973             3,752     8,127    11,941    16,319    27,999    42,255
 1972 14/         3,441     7,508    11,028    15,060    26,119    40,042
 1971 13/         3,201     6,968    10,195    13,807    23,781    36,260
 1970             3,064     6,775     9,796    13,214    22,723    34,601
 1969             2,965     6,548     9,370    12,552    21,497    33,018
 1968             2,751     6,000     8,572    11,464    19,589    30,197
 1967 12/         2,456     5,492     7,894    10,587    18,694    29,577
 1966 11/         2,345     5,206     7,449     9,972    17,019    26,133

 2007 Dollars
 2007           $16,068   $38,304   $61,444   $91,881  $186,529   316,618
 2006            15,980    37,812    60,144    90,902   192,705   341,112
 2005            15,684    37,319    59,718    89,316   187,237   327,798
 2004 35/        15,586    37,099    59,542    88,958   185,140   322,543
 2003            15,638    37,086    59,768    89,865   184,123   317,315
 2002            16,155    37,482    59,781    88,912   183,597   321,315
 2001            16,421    38,023    60,359    89,764   186,968   328,288
 2000 30/        17,003    38,877    61,101    90,051   188,936   334,797
 1999 29/        16,560    38,494    60,759    89,679   183,798   316,900
 1998            15,912    37,452    59,277    86,929   178,922   313,164
 1997            15,530    36,391    57,416    84,192   172,969   302,724
 1996            14,986    35,328    55,882    81,654   165,313   286,018
 1995 25/        15,218    35,063    54,898    80,322   161,373   276,756
 1994 24/        14,370    33,999    53,689    79,364   159,939   274,390
 1993 23/        13,761    33,050    52,374    77,638   156,866   270,746
 1992 22/        13,880    33,478    52,889    76,876   143,059   225,236
 1991            14,452    34,303    53,226    77,197   141,828   219,455
 1990            15,122    35,271    54,321    78,120   145,182   227,797
 1989            15,280    35,549    55,227    79,456   149,607   239,657
 1988            14,981    34,886    54,288    77,966   143,054   223,518
 1987 21/        14,853    34,764    53,982    77,260   141,194   221,031
 1986            14,869    34,333    53,189    75,999   136,886   207,870
 1985 20/        14,461    33,183    51,232    73,437   130,509   195,033
 1984            14,296    32,731    50,499    72,213   125,505   181,457
 1983 19/        13,824    31,807    48,938    69,746   120,933   174,362
 1982            14,039    31,853    48,637    68,997   119,223   170,578
 1981            14,882    32,362    49,497    69,493   116,600   162,929
 1980            15,359    33,435    50,510    70,076   117,986   167,727
 1979 18/        15,965    34,517    52,055    71,667   122,923   181,955
 1978            15,826    34,320    51,535    71,003   120,485   176,558
 1977            15,605    33,358    50,169    69,206   116,589   169,968
 1976 17/        15,672    33,167    49,475    67,600   113,775   166,521
 1975 16/        15,302    32,349    48,100    65,858   110,983   162,804
 1974 16/15/     15,927    33,620    49,084    67,248   113,313   165,279
 1973            15,650    33,900    49,809    68,070   116,790   176,255
 1972 14/        15,252    33,278    48,880    66,751   115,768   177,479
 1971 13/        14,613    31,810    46,542    63,032   108,565   165,535
 1970            14,601    32,285    46,680    62,968   108,281   164,883
 1969            14,825    32,740    46,850    62,760   107,485   165,090
 1968            14,368    31,338    44,771    59,876   102,313   157,718
 1967 12/        13,331    29,810    42,847    57,464   101,467   160,538
 1966 11/        13,126    29,140    41,695    55,818    95,263   146,278

See separate page for                                                                                               
See separate page for                                                                                               
 Suggested Citations                                     
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey, Annual Social and Economic Supplements.                      
For information on confidentiality protection, sampling error, nonsampling error, and definitions, see              
FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:                                                                                       
Income Surveys Branch                                                                                               
Housing & Household Economic Statistics Division                                                                    
U.S. Census Bureau                                                                                                  
U.S. Department of Commerce                                                                                         
Washington, D.C.  20233-8500                                                                                        

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division