Los Alamos National Laboratory

Nanos message thanks work force for enduring "perfect storm"

By Public Affairs Office

November 23, 2004

In advance of this week's Thanksgiving holiday, Laboratory Director G. Peter Nanos thanked Los Alamos workers for their continued dedication and persevering through the "perfect storm" of crises that has tested the Laboratory.

The director said the Laboratory has come of out these crises stronger and in a better position to continue providing a service to the nation. "This turning of the tide is most remarkable when one considers our journey over the past [18] months. The convergence of crises, allegations and negative media coverage reminds me of what author Sebastian Junger dubbed a 'perfect storm,' " Nanos wrote. "We endured a virtually unprecedented level of external scrutiny. We faced innumerable audits, investigations, inspections and reviews. Our resolve was tested in every way possible. However, amidst this 'perfect storm,' an unmatched spirit and energy emerged."

He continued: "If you take away only two words from this e-mail, let it be these: Thank you! Thank you for demonstrating your courage even when the waves of controversy and questions lashed out at our confidence. Thank you for pressing forward in your hard work, dedication and resolve."

To read the Nanos all-employee memo, click here (Adobe Acrobat Reader required).

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