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You can fill in as many or few of the search fields as you want. The first two, Common Name and Scientific Name, you type into. The others you just hold the mouse down on the field and choose from the pop-up menu. Then click the Search Button. If you are trying to identify a plant you have, you will want to narrow down your search by choosing as many fields as you know, for example, the color, the height, the type of plant, etc. If you are just looking for all the plants in the Fermilab Prairie that are composite, just select the Composite Family and click the Search Button. To start a new search, click on the Clear Choices button. You can also choose how many plants you want per page. It defaults to 10. At the bottom of the page, you can choose whether you want plants with all the characteristics you have chosen or any of the characteristics. If you do not change the Search Requirements, it will require that all the characteristics are present.

Once you hit the Search button, you will get a list of all plants that satisfy all your choices. Click on each plant to see the data and picture for that plant. Click Back in the browser application to go back to your list of plants. If you have more plants that are not shown, click on Next page of plants.

How it's classified:

  Common Name:

 If you know all or part of the common name of a plant, type it in and choose whether it "equals", "contains", "begins with", or "ends with" what you typed.

 Plant Family:

 Choose a family name from the pop-up menu. If you do not know the family, just skip this.

 Scientific Name:

  If you know all or part of the scientific name of a plant, type it in and choose whether it "equals", "contains", "begins with", or "ends with" what you typed.

 Plant Type:

Choose one of the following from the pop-up menu:

fern- flowerless, seedless plants with root, stem and leaflike frond.

forb - a non-grass, non-woody plant. Prairie wildflowers are forbs. Most of the plants in this database are forbs.

grass - a plant with jointed stems, slender sheathing leaves, and flowers borne in small spikes.

sedge - tufted marsh plants

shrub - a low woody plant.

woody tree - a tree.

How it looks:

 Flower Color:

 Choose the flower color from the pop-up menu. Grasses have "none" for the color.


 Choose the height:

low: under 15 cm (6 inches).

short: 15.2 to 76.2 cm. (6 inches to 2 1/2 feet).

medium: 76 to 1.2 meters (2.5 to 4 feet).

tall: 1.22 meters (4 feet) or more.

 Blooming Months:

Choose the month(s) when it blooms.

Where, when and how often it grows and if it's native to Fermilab:

  Typical Habitat:

 Choose where the plant tend to live

woodland: in the woods or forest.

wetland: marshy, low lying wet areas.

prairie: - a large expanse of grassland, with few trees, which contains specific plants and animals.

disturbed ground: dug up areas often around construction.

savannah: a grassland with scattered trees (often Bur Oak trees).

aquatic: growing in the water.

 Growth Pattern:

Choose the plant's growth pattern.

perennial: plants that come up from roots and other underground parts year after year.

annual: plants that last only one year.

bienniel: plants that come up from roots and other underground parts one year and then bloom the next year.

multiyear cycle: plants that bloom only every few years.

  How Common:

 Choose how common the plant is:

abundant (vey common)




 Native to Fermilab:

Choose "Yes" if you want only plants that are native to the Fermilab area and "No" if you want plants that are not native. Plants that are not native include both weeds and/or non-native plants. Some of these may be plants from Europe and others may be plants that are native to other parts of the U.S., but not in the Fermilab area.

If you do not choose either, you will get both native and non-native plants found in the Fermilab prairie.

Search Requirements:

Show insects with:

Choose one of the items below. Search will be for all characteristics selected if you do not change anything.

all characteristics selected above.

any characteristics selected above.

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