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GSA Classes in 1996

Particle Physics Summer School
July 22 thru August 2, 1996

The GSA has arranged for a two-week course in Particle Physics to be taught at Fermilab, to be held in Curia II in Wilson Hall -- taught by Lynne Orr of U of Rochester. Classes will begin each weekday at 10 AM and run through 1 PM with a ten+ minute break in the middle. The course is free, but Lynne has limited registration to 30 students.

A syllabus of the class is below, followed by registration information.

Particle Physics and the Standard Model
Prof. Lynne H. Orr
University of Rochester

This course is an introduction to the Standard Model of Particle Physics for graduates students in experimental high energy physics. We will discuss the electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions, and how they fit together in the SM. We've all heard the mantra that SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) describes the strong, weak, and electromagnetic interactions, and that the electroweak force breaks down to the U(1) of electromagnetism, and that this has something to do with the Higgs. The aim of this course is to give students a better idea of what this all means and how it fits in with past, present, and future experiments.

More Information

  • Course format This will be an intensive, two-week course with two approximately hour-and-fifteen-minute lectures per day, with additional time for informal discussion.
  • Texts
    There is no required text for this course; the lectures will be drawn from a variety of sources. Students looking for supplemental reading may find the following texts helpful:
    D.H. Perkins, Introduction to High Energy Physics
    R.N. Cahn and G. Goldhaber, The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics
    C. Quigg, Gauge Theories of the Strong, Weak, and EM Interactions
    I.J.R. Aitchison and A.J.G. Hey, Gauge Theories and Particle Physics
    V.D. Barger and R.J.N. Phillips, Collider Physics
    Your favorite field theory text
  • Level of Course and Prerequisites
    This course is aimed at graduate students working in experimental particle physics, and there are no prerequisites. It is not meant to be a formal, rigorous theory course; rather it is meant to give a (more or less) working knowledge of the connection between the theory in the form of the SM and experiment. However, doing so in two weeks will require that I use some results from relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum field theory without actually teaching them. Therefore, although I will not assume intimate knowledge of these subjects on the part of the students, some familiarity will be extremely helpful. (For students who want to brush up beforehand, I recommend Aitchison and Hey's book.)
  • Assignments
    There will be several homework assignments, consistent with constraints due to the course format. There will be no exams.

Course Outline

  1. Introduction and Overview
    The Standard Model and its limitations
    Anatomy of a cross section
    Current and future HEP experiments
  2. Electromagnetic Interactions
    Review of relativistic kinematics
    Gauge invariance in classical E&M and nonrelativistic QM
    Quick review of Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations
    Dirac Lagrangian and Feynman rules for QED
    Cross section for e+e- -> mu+ mu-
  3. Weak Interactions and Electroweak Theory
    GIM mechanism, CKM matrix, and CP violation
    Physics at the Z
    Electroweak symmetry breaking
    Physics of the Higgs Boson
    EWSB beyond the SM
  4. QCD and the Parton Model
    Deep inelastic scattering and structure functions
    Hadron-hadron collisions
    Renormalization and asymptotic freedom
  5. Wrapup: Status of the SM and Future Prospects

In order to register, please send the following information to the ``registrar'', Michael Begel, at: begel@fnal.gov

Year in Grad school:

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