Munch: Monday, April 16, 2007



WHEN  : 12:30, MONDAY

















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PDF The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue: The local supermassive black hole mass function in early- and late-type galaxies

Abstract: We provide a new estimate of the local supermassive black hole mass function using (i) the empirical relation between supermassive black hole mass and the Sersic index of the host spheroidal stellar system and (ii) the measured (spheroid) Sersic indices drawn from 10k galaxies in the Millennium Galaxy Catalogue. The observational simplicity of our approach, and the direct measurements of the black hole predictor quantity, i.e. the Sersic index, for both elliptical galaxies and the bulges of disc galaxies makes it straightforward to estimate accurate black hole masses in early- and late-type galaxies alike. We have parameterised the supermassive black hole mass function with a Schechter function and find, at the low-mass end, a logarithmic slope (1+alpha) of ~0.7 for the full galaxy sample and ~1.0 for the early-type galaxy sample. Considering spheroidal stellar systems brighter than M_B = -18 mag, and integrating down to black hole masses of 10^6 M_sun, we find that the local mass density of supermassive black holes in early-type galaxies rho_{bh, early-type} = (3.5+/-1.2) x 10^5 h^3_{70} M_sun Mpc^{-3}, and in late-type galaxies rho_{bh, late-type} = (1.0+/-0.5) x 10^5 h^3_{70} M_sun Mpc^{-3}. The uncertainties are derived from Monte Carlo simulations which include uncertainties in the M_bh-n relation, the catalogue of Sersic indices, the galaxy weights and Malmquist bias. The combined, cosmological, supermassive black hole mass density is thus Omega_{bh, total} = (3.2+/-1.2) x 10^{-6} h_70. That is, using a new and independent method, we conclude that (0.007+/-0.003) h^3_{70} per cent of the universe's baryons are presently locked up in supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies.

PDF Cosmology from String Theory

Abstract: We explore the cosmological content of Salam-Sezgin six dimensional supergravity, and find a solution to the field equations in qualitative agreement with observation of distant supernovae, primordial nucleosynthesis abundances, and recent measurements of the cosmic microwave background. The carrier of the acceleration in the present de Sitter epoch is a quintessence field slowly rolling down its exponential potential. Intrinsic to this model is a source of cold dark matter with a mass proportional to an exponential function of the quintessence field (hence realizing VAMP models within a String context). However, any attempt to saturate the present cold dark matter component in this manner leads to unacceptable deviations from cosmological data -- a numerical study reveals that this source can account for up to about 7% of the total cold dark matter budget. We also show that (1) the model will support a de Sitter energy in agreement with observation at the expense of a miniscule breaking of supersymmetry in the compact space (2) the long time behavior of the model in four dimensions is that of a Robertson-Walker universe with a constant expansion rate (w = -1/3). Finally, we present a String theory background by lifting our six dimensional cosmological solution to ten dimensions.

PDF Observation of Anti-correlation between Scintillation and Ionization for MeV Gamma-Rays in Liquid Xenon

Abstract: A strong anti-correlation between ionization and scintillation signals produced by MeV gamma-rays in liquid xenon has been measured and used to improve the energy resolution by combining the two signals. The improvement is explained by reduced electron-ion recombination fluctuations of the combined signal compared to fluctuations of the individual signals. Simultaneous measurements of ionization and scintillation signals were carried out with Cs-137, Na-22 and Co-60 gamma rays, as a function of electric field in the liquid. A resolution of 1.7%(sigma) at 662 keV was measured at 1 kV/cm, significantly better than the resolution from either scintillation or ionization alone. A detailed analysis indicates that further improvement to less than 1%(sigma) is possible with higher light collection efficiency and lower electronic noise.

PDF Cosmogenic neutrinos as a probe of the transition from Galactic to extragalactic cosmic rays

Abstract: Whether the ankle is the transition point of Galactic/extragalactic cosmic rays or the pair-creation dip is an widely-discussed problem for astroparticle physics. In this work, we discuss the possibility that the cosmogenic neutrinos can be used as a probe for the distinction between these two scenarios. We assume that extragalactic cosmic-rays are protons in the both scenarios. In the ankle-transition scenario, relatively flat neutrino spectrum from $10^{18} {\rm eV}$ to $10^{20} {\rm eV}$ is predicted, though this strongly depends on the maximum acceleration energy of cosmic-rays at their sources. On the other hand, in the pair-creation dip scenario, cosmogenic neutrinos generate a spectral peak around $10^{16} {\rm eV}$ due to collisions with the infrared-ultraviolet background photons. These spectral features are good indicators for the distinction of the two scenarios since the differences of neutrino fluxes between the two scenarios are about one order of magnitude at energies of these features. We also discuss the detectability of these spectral features, considering the neutrino oscillation. The feature of the ankle-transition scenario can be observed by ANITA if cosmological source evolution proportional to star formation rate exists. In order to observe the feature of the pair-creation dip scenario, detector larger than IceCube is required. Detectors which have sensitivities around $10^{18} {\rm eV}$, such as ARIANNA and Auger, are difficult to distinguish the two scenarios, but can constrain source evolution models.

PDF GLAST and Dark Matter Substructure in the Milky Way

Authors: Michael Kuhlen (1), Jürg Diemand (2), Piero Madau (2, 3) ((1) Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, (2) UC Santa Cruz, (3) Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik, Garching, Germany)
Abstract: We discuss the possibility of GLAST detecting gamma-rays from the annihilation of neutralino dark matter in the Galactic halo. We have used "Via Lactea", currently the highest resolution simulation of Galactic cold dark matter substructure, to quantify the contribution of subhalos to the annihilation signal. We present a simulated allsky map of the expected gamma-ray counts from dark matter annihilation, assuming standard values of particle mass and cross section. In this case GLAST should be able to detect the Galactic center and several individual subhalos.

PDF Does the Blazar Gamma-Ray Spectrum Harden with Increasing Flux? Analysis of 9 Years of EGRET Data

Abstract: The Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (CGRO) discovered gamma-ray emission from more than 67 blazars during its 9 yr lifetime. We conducted an exhaustive search of the EGRET archives and selected all the blazars that were observed multiple times and were bright enough to enable a spectral analysis using standard power-law models. The sample consists of 18 flat-spectrum radio quasars(FSRQs), 6 low-frequency peaked BL Lac objects (LBLs) and 2 high-frequency peaked BL Lac objects (HBLs). We do not detect any clear pattern in the variation of spectral index with flux. Some of the blazars do not show any statistical evidence for spectral variability. The spectrum hardens with increasing flux in a few cases. There is also evidence for a flux-hardness anticorrelation at low fluxes in five blazars. The well-observed blazars (3C 279, 3C 273, PKS 0528+134, PKS 1622-297 PKS 0208-512) do not show any overall trend in the long-term spectral dependence on flux, but the sample shows a mixture of hard and soft states. We observed a previously unreported spectral hysteresis at weekly timescales in all three FSRQs for which data from flares lasting for ~(3-4) weeks were available. All three sources show a counterclockwise rotation, despite the widely different flux profiles. We analyze the observed spectral behavior in the context of various inverse Compton mechanisms believed to be responsible for emission in the EGRET energy range. Our analysis uses the EGRET skymaps that were regenerated to include the changes in performance during the mission.

PDF The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Catalog IV. Fifth Data Release

Abstract: We present the fourth edition of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Quasar Catalog. The catalog contains 77,429 objects; this is an increase of over 30,000 entries since the previous edition. The catalog consists of the objects in the SDSS Fifth Data Release that have luminosities larger than M_i = -22.0 (in a cosmology with H_0 = 70 km/s/Mpc, Omega_M = 0.3, and Omega_Lambda = 0.7) have at least one emission line with FWHM larger than 1000 km/s, or have interesting/complex absorption features, are fainter than i=15.0, and have highly reliable redshifts. The area covered by the catalog is 5740 sq. deg. The quasar redshifts range from 0.08 to 5.41, with a median value of 1.48; the catalog includes 891 quasars at redshifts greater than four, of which 36 are at redshifts greater than five. Approximately half of the catalog quasars have i < 19; nearly all have i < 21. For each object the catalog presents positions accurate to better than 0.2 arcsec. rms per coordinate, five-band (ugriz) CCD-based photometry with typical accuracy of 0.03 mag, and information on the morphology and selection method. The catalog also contains basic radio, near-infrared, and X-ray emission properties of the quasars, when available, from other large-area surveys. The calibrated digital spectra cover the wavelength region 3800--9200A at a spectral resolution of ~2000. The spectra can be retrieved from the public database using the information provided in the catalog. The average SDSS colors of quasars as a function of redshift, derived from the catalog entries, are presented in tabular form. Approximately 96% of the objects in the catalog were discovered by the SDSS.

PDF Vertical dynamics of disk galaxies in MOND

Authors: C. Nipoti (1), P. Londrillo (2), H.S. Zhao (3), L. Ciotti (1) ((1) Bologna Univ., (2) INAF - Bologna Astr. Obs. (3) SUPA, St. Andrews Univ.)
Abstract: We investigate the possibility of discriminating between Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) and Newtonian gravity with dark matter, by studying the vertical dynamics of disk galaxies. We consider models with the same circular velocity in the equatorial plane (purely baryonic disks in MOND and the same disks in Newtonian gravity embedded in spherical dark matter haloes), and we construct their intrinsic and projected kinematical fields by solving the Jeans equations under the assumption of a two-integral distribution function. We found that the vertical velocity dispersion of deep-MOND disks can be much larger than in the equivalent spherical Newtonian models. However, in the more realistic case of high-surface density disks this effect is significantly reduced, casting doubts on the possibility of discriminating between MOND and Newtonian gravity with dark matter by using current observations.

PDF Three Different Types of Galaxy Alignment within Dark Matter Halos

Abstract: Using a large galaxy group catalogue based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4 we measure three different types of intrinsic galaxy alignment within groups: halo alignment between the orientation of the brightest group galaxies (BGG) and the distribution of its satellite galaxies, radial alignment between the orientation of a satellite galaxy and the direction towards its BGG, and direct alignment between the orientation of the BGG and that of its satellites. In agreement with previous studies we find that satellite galaxies are preferentially located along the major axis. In addition, on scales r < 0.7 Rvir we find that red satellites are preferentially aligned radially with the direction to the BGG. The orientations of blue satellites, however, are perfectly consistent with being isotropic. Finally, on scales r < 0.1 \Rvir, we find a weak but significant indication for direct alignment between satellites and BGGs. We briefly discuss the implications for weak lensing measurements.

PDF Exploring the Variable Sky with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Abstract: We quantify the variability of faint unresolved optical sources using a catalog based on multiple SDSS imaging observations. The catalog covers SDSS Stripe 82, and contains 58 million photometric observations in the SDSS ugriz system for 1.4 million unresolved sources. In each photometric bandpass we compute various low-order lightcurve statistics and use them to select and study variable sources. We find that 2% of unresolved optical sources brighter than g=20.5 appear variable at the 0.05 mag level (rms) simultaneously in the g and r bands. The majority (2/3) of these variable sources are low-redshift (<2) quasars, although they represent only 2% of all sources in the adopted flux-limited sample. We find that at least 90% of quasars are variable at the 0.03 mag level (rms) and confirm that variability is as good a method for finding low-redshift quasars as is the UV excess color selection (at high Galactic latitudes). We analyze the distribution of lightcurve skewness for quasars and find that is centered on zero. We find that about 1/4 of the variable stars are RR Lyrae stars, and that only 0.5% of stars from the main stellar locus are variable at the 0.05 mag level. The distribution of lightcurve skewness in the g-r vs. u-g color-color diagram on the main stellar locus is found to be bimodal (with one mode consistent with Algol-like behavior). Using over six hundred RR Lyrae stars, we demonstrate rich halo substructure out to distances of 100 kpc. We extrapolate these results to expected performance by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope and estimate that it will obtain well-sampled 2% accurate, multi-color lightcurves for ~2 million low-redshift quasars, and will discover at least 50 million variable stars.