( 194 ) which appeared to be a privateer, and a person came on board, who said, that he was prize-master of said schooner.—Mr. Bradford then made known to him that he had a precept or writ of replevin, and by virtue of that he had taken possession of the schooner.—The prize- master, then requested that he might call for Mr. Jutau, who was said to be on board the frigate Concorde, soon after which Mr. Jutau came on board with some other persons, the said marshal then made known to Mr. Jutau the purpose and authority by which he had come on board, said Jutau explained the same to those per- sons on board said schooner.—Mr. Jutau soon after went on board the frigate; an officer and about twelve men came on board the schooner from the frigate, all armed—The said officer,soon after, ordered the schooner to be removed near to the frigate.—The marshal told said officer his authority by which he had taken pos- session, and forbid him to move the said schooner, this removal was between ten and eleven o'clock the same evening, shortly afterwards the french consul with Mr. Jutau came on board.—The marshal then informed them by what authority he came on board, and had taken pos- session of the schooner—the consul then informed the marshal that he should keep possession of the schooner— the marshal then told the said consul, he would not quit the schooner—the said schooner for one or two days remained in possession of the officer and armed men, contrary to the orders and will of the said marshal, but the marshal remained on board of said schooner—I was also on board the frigate in the morn- ing of the 22d. August, with Mr. Amory, attorney to and on the part of Messrs. Brymer and Belcher, and when the captain informed said Amory, he should protect and retain said schooner under his protection notwithstanding the authority and doings of said marshal, as mentioned to him by Mr. Amory, who related the same to him. Nathl. Byd. Lyde. Sworn to, September 10th,1793> before JohnLowell, Judge of the district-court of Massachusett's district.