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Community Toolkit

The Too Smart To Start Web site helps youth, families, educators, and communities prevent underage alcohol use and its related problems. It provides useful programs and strategies, downloadable materials, interactive games and exercises, and other resources to support you in responding to The Surgeon General's Call to Action To Prevent and Reduce Underage Drinking.

Reach Out Now

Promote underage drinking prevention. Host Reach Out Now Teach-Ins in classrooms in your community. Learn more about the initiative and sign up.

Get the Facts

Learn about alcohol facts, consequences, and myths.


Learn What You Can Do

Find out about ways you can help youth stay too smart to start using alcohol.

Have Fun

Games, puzzles, and quizzes explain how alcohol affects the body and youth behavior.

Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Center for Substance Abuse and Prevention Stop Alcohol Abuse Reach Out Now Teach-In

Persons with disabilities having problems accessing the files on this page may e-mail or call 240-276-2130 for assistance.

Updated on 3/10/2009