64• —2— reached Peimaylvania about dam. After they had gone same distanoe iii Pezmeylvenia three men with guns overtook them; but five nien and one woman of Pennsylvania with guns and clubs stopped them. In the meantima the sheriff and two of hie deputies come up. The sheriff said he had to hold them for the authorities of the county. They were taken by the sheriff froen the three zaen, carried about 15 miles further in Pennsylvania and then were told to go to Chester whore they would be safe. “Mr. Davis came to Chester vrith Mr. Tuttle to claim the escaping slaves. They were badly beaten, Mr. Tuttle receiving a fractured skull. There were several white nien in Chester who were very much interested in colored people, they gave us money to go to Philadelphia. After arriving in Philadelphia, we went to Allen‘s mission, a colored church that helped escaping slaves. I stayed in. Philadelphia until I was about 19 years old, then all the colored people were free. I returned to Talbot, there remained until 1904, carne to Balthnore where I secured a job with James Ilitchens, a colored man, who had six furniture vans drawn by two horses each and soxr~etimes by three atd ~four horses • Mr • i‘ office and warehouse were on North Street near Pleasant. I stayed there;with Mr. Ltitchens until he sold his business to Mr. O. Farror after he had taken sick. “In March I Will be 90 years old. I have been sick three times in my life. I am, and have been a member of North Street Nptist Church for thirty-three years. •I am the father of nine children, have been married twice and a grandfather of twenty-three granddaughters and grandsons and forty-five great gr~nd-ohildren. “While in Philadelphia I attended free school for colored children conducted at Allen‘ e Mission; when I returned to Talbot county I was in the sixth grade or the sixth reader. Since then I have always been fond of reading. N~! ~favored books are the ~ Bun~‘nn‘ s P~~III‘S Progre~a ‚ Uncle o&e Ç~14n, the lives of Napoleon, Frederick Douglas a • and Booker T • Washington, and church