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Online Chat
7th Graders Of Thetford Academy
Thetford, Vermont
March 18, 2003

Senator Patrick Leahy (12:04:58 PM): I have voted and now I am back with you. Hope you are doing well.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:05:06 PM):
Good afternoon Senator Leahy. Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to speak with us. I am here at Thetford Academy with 52 seventh-graders. We are in the process of studying how our government works. Our first question is a concern of a lot of our students. Justin Windsor speaks for many of us when he asks your opinion of the situation with Iraq, especially considering President Bush's speech last night.
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:07:41 PM): Thanks Casey, and Justin raises the right question. I have assumed the President long ago made up his mind to go to war and we will. I worry that we come across as very unilateral in that part of the world and we may find that we will be there for years afterwards. Imposing an American form of democracy on the area will not be as easy as the President feels and down the road we will wish that more effort had been made to form a coalition. I wish that more had been done to avoid war.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:07:52 PM):
On a related issue, Ellis Ganley would like to know how your job will change if we go to war in the near future.
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:09:07 PM): Ellis my job remains the same but I expect I will have to spend a lot of time with the Appropriations committee as we figure out how to pay for this. We have to assume there is now a greater risk of terrorism inside the United States and today the Capitol resembles an armed camp.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:09:19 PM):
Will Wickham wonders if Senator's decisions on war are affected by anti-war protests.
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:10:53 PM): Will, in a democracy we should listen to all voices. I have heard from Vermonters on both sides of this issue but eventually I have to use my best judgment and conscience and vote the way I think is right. That is why I opposed going to war.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:11:02 PM):
Ally Brown would like to know what is frustrating about your job.
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:12:41 PM): Ally the most frustrating thing is there is not enough time. Many times my day ends after midnight and starts very early in the morning - and there are still too many things to get done. However I have a superb staff who also work very hard to help me . The other frustrating thing is that it has become too partisan in Washington. Having said that I still love the job and all its challenges.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:12:57 PM):
Chantal Wood and Matt Jenks wonder if you wanted to be a senator when you were in Junior High school.
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:14:26 PM): Chantal and Matt I have to admit I did. I was born and grew up in Montpelier and being there generated an interest in politics. I also knew that coming from a small state like Vermont I could do the most for the state in the US Senate where every state is equal and every state has two senators.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:14:34 PM):
We are all interested in the vote you just stepped out to make. What was it?
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:16:01 PM): The vote was on a cloture motion on Miguel Estrada. It is clear that he will not be voted on until the White House is willing to show the Senate the papers they relied on when he was nominated to a lifetime appointment on one of the most powerful courts in the country.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:16:04 PM):
Do you have time for a few more questions?
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:16:13 PM): Sure - ask away
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:16:36 PM):
Louis Peters wants to know if you are able to just go out and grab a burger or see a movie?
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:18:00 PM): Louis I love movies and I enjoy going to a pizza place or somewhere really casual. Every so often my wife and I go out and do that. Feels good not wearing a tie, getting away from a phone and just enjoying time. We do it either with one of our children or old friends from Vermont.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:18:06 PM):
Caitlin Breslin would like to know if you have any pets.
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:19:05 PM): Caitlin I don't have any pets but our children all have dogs. I go back and forth between Vermont and Washington several times a month and it makes it impossible to have a pet. I do enjoy those of the kids though.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:19:14 PM):
One of our last question comes from Jonas Cole. He understands you are a Grateful Dead fan and wants to know about your favorite songs
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:20:02 PM): Jonas my favorite is Black Muddy River but we always play Trucking on election night at my headquarters.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:20:37 PM):
What are the names of your children, Megan Sevigny wants to know.
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:20:52 PM): Caitlin and Jonas I am also a U2 fan and my wife, daughter and I had dinner with Bono this weekend.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:21:27 PM):
A very popular question comes from Zack Stanley: What is your favorite baseball team?
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:21:33 PM): Megan I have a son Kevin and wife Carolyn, a son Mark and wife Kristine and a daughter Alicia as well as two grandchildren
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:21:59 PM): I am a Red Sox fan Zack even though they break my heart every year.
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:22:13 PM):
What do you think about UVM being the NCAA tournament?
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:23:13 PM): Our final question comes from Zoe Sirjane. What do you think about Howard Dean's presidential campaign?
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:23:26 PM): I was cheering about UVM and I called Coach Brennan and wished him and the team the best. The team really has improved this year and winning as they did in the last moments of the game made it even better. I will be watching them this week and keeping my fingers crossed.
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:24:39 PM): Zoe I am proud of Governor Dean. He knows this is a long shot coming from a small state without a large campaign organization. However he has a proud record and people are responding to him. I wish the country had some of the health plans he has gotten for Vermont
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:24:53 PM):
Thank you very much for taking the time to talk with us today. We hope you can come visit us here in Thetford. We have the best view of any school in VT.
Senator Patrick Leahy (12:25:25 PM): To Casey and all the rest I enjoyed this. The questions show you have very bright students and great teachers. I do hope I can visit some time. Pat Leahy
Thetford Academy 7th Graders (12:25:41 PM):
Thank you.

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