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January/February 2005


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Creating the National Training Plan (NTP)

By Joan Speake-Ponow, Program Manager, Office of Training and Development

The National Training Plan (NTP) is a collaborative, agency-wide approach for planning and implementing training. It allows U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to allocate training resources according to mission critical priorities, monitor training delivery, and ensure accountability while maintaining cost efficiencies. The NTP helps organizations understand what is funded centrally versus what must be funded on an individual and/or discretionary level. It also allows for centralized control of allocated training resources to be used only for the agency’s integrated training requirements. Although the NTP covers the standard, core, and recurring training delivered or sponsored through the NTP lead components (e.g., CBP Leadership Center, CBP Academy, BP Academy, functional offices) that accounts for the majority of CBP training―the program does not cover all CBP funded training like the Canine Enforcement Training Center.

Annual call for training (April – September 2005)
In April 2005, the Office of Training and Development (OTD) verifies the standard, core, and recurring training courses that will be offered in the next fiscal year (FY) and funded through the NTP. These courses are used to develop an agency-wide Call for Training (CFT). A comprehensive CFT package is sent to each assistant commissioner to assess their training needs in terms of courses offered and number of seats required.

Assistant commissioners provide responses on their training needs by occupation for the courses listed in the CFT. They may determine training needs at the headquarters level or solicit input from field offices/sectors. OTD should receive all responses by July/August so that an in-depth analysis of needs can begin. During August and September, OTD compiles the responses from the offices and NTP leads.

Developing and implementing the NTP (October – December 2005)
OTD verifies course listings, capacity, and course costs, and assists with developing detailed cost estimates for training delivery, entering training rosters into TRAEN, providing logistical support/guidance for training, approving travel, and providing funding guidance.

To complete the NTP implementation, OTD drafts and publishes the NTP training summary for managers and employees. The Commissioner approves the NTP summary before publication. This document is distributed CBP-wide to be used as a resource for employees and managers to determine what training is available by occupation and organization.

Tracking and monitoring NTP (Ongoing)
OTD establishes training schedules (in TRAEN or other systems) for the approved courses offered. As training is planned and delivered, class rosters are entered into TRAEN and updated to show completions. OTD uses TRAEN to track training delivery (through completed seats) along with other automated systems to track and monitor actual costs.

For more information on NTP training, monthly schedules are located on the OTD site on the CBP Intranet.

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