As of: March 16, 2009
Comments Due: November 02, 2005
  Late comments are accepted

Docket: FAA-2004-17005
Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area Special Flight Rules Area

Comment On: FAA-2004-17005-0001
U.S. DOT/FAA - Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM)

Document: FAA-2004-17005-15075
Jay Masino - Comments

Submitter Information

Name: Jay  Masino

3813 Winchester Lane
Bowie,  MD,  20715


General Comment

I am a 1000+ hour private pilot, with instrument rating, and aircraft owner that has done
most of my 20 years of flying in the Washington DC area. Airports such as College Park
and Freeway were my home away from home for many years. The frustration that I've felt
over dealing with the Washington ADIZ has driven me to move from my home of 40+ years
in an attempt to "escape" the ADIZ. I hate it. Doing so has negatively effected my career
and generally stopped my own, personal "pursuit of happiness". But what for?

I think that many of us concede that the internal Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) around the
Capitol is probably an unfortunate necessity, and result of the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks,
but the ADIZ makes no sense, and provides no security. The only thing that the ADIZ does is
to hamper the businesses that are dependent on General Aviation in the DC area, and
aggravate the pilots that need to put up with it on a daily basis.

The ADIZ provides no security, because any "evil doer", terrorist or otherwise, would simply
file a flight plan, and adhere to the other procedures. The ADIZ stops no one. Any motivated
terrorist would have no problem entering the airspace. So what's the point??

It's obvious to anyone who stops and logically analyzes the requirements of this sensitive
area that the combination of the FRZ and the AOPA Airport Watch program would more than
adequately defend us from terrorist attacks. The ADIZ adds nothing to this equation.

I urge the FAA to not only reject making the ADIZ permanent, but to also remove it from existence as a temporary measure.