Description of Heat Pump Specification Data

Mark V
Version 95d

May 1996

In the following pages, the input parameters for the heat pump specification data file are described. This file has the default name HPDATA.DAT.

To provide a comparison to earlier versions, changes from the Mark III version of the ORNL Heat Pump Design Model (HPDM) are identified by vertical change bars in the extreme leftmost column. Changes from the ORNL Mark IV (MODCON) version are denoted by forward slashes in the extreme leftmost column.

The new data file is free format and was designed to minimize changes necessary to update existing Mark III or Mark IV data sets. The one new line, Line 4, enables the user to specify the desired cooling or heating capacity. The remaining new input requirements are appended to existing lines. The options available to the compressor map, flow control, and line loss sections have been expanded. In the case of flow controls, if optional values are left blank or set to zero, default values will be used.

More details of the model changes since Mark III are described in the Mark IV (June 1991) and Mark V (July 1994) reports that accompany this description.

The compressor simulation can now use the standardized ARI ten-coefficient format described in ARI 540-91, Method For Presentation Of Compressor Performance Data. As these coefficients should be generally available from the compressor manufacturers, this is now the easiest—and usually the most accurate—method of representing compressors in the model.

If an ARI standardized ten-coefficient representation is not available or feasible (such as when the user has less than 10 compressor data points), six-coefficient curve-fit representations for the HPDATA file can be generated as an output file from the provided ORNL compressor map-fitting program. This output file can be imported into an existing heat pump model data set with minimal editing as given in the map-fitting program description sheets.

The user can now specify the diameter, length, and number of capillary tubes and short-tube orifices. TXV distributor nozzle and tube sizes and lengths are also user-selectable. Extra line pressure drop for ancillary components based on a nominal refrigerant flow rate is another new option.

In the present Mark V version, eight HFCs, three HCFCs, and one natural refrigerant are available using Downing or Martin-Hou equation-of-state representations. These include leading HFC azeotropic and near-azeotropic R-22 and R-502 alternatives—R-410A, R-507, and R404A. A variety of refrigerant naming conventions are allowed.

Description of HPDATA Input to ORNL Mark V HPDM, Version 95d


First Line

|	HTITLE	Descriptive title for heat pump system defined by this data set		SAMPLE
	(maximum of 80 characters)

New Line

LPRINT	Output switch to control the type and amount of printed results			1
|	=-2,	for minimum output from contour data generation front end,
|		no heat pump model output
|	=-1,	for diagnostic output from contour data generation front end,
|		no heat pump model output
	=0,	for minimum heat pump model output with only an energy 
		input and output summary
	=1,	for a summary of the system operating conditions and 
		component performance calculations as well as the energy summary
	=2,	for output after each intermediate iteration converges
	=3,	for continuous output during intermediate iterations


New Line

NCORH	Switch to specify cooling or heating mode		1
	=1,	for cooling mode
	=2,	for heating mode
	=3,	for dual mode (used in conjunction with contour data generation)

/	NR	Refrigerant -- 12, 22, 114, 502, 134a,  32, 123, 124, 125, 		22
/		143a, 152a, 290, 404A, 410A, and 507 (If NR is omitted, the default is R-22;
/		see following page for currently accepted input formats for refrigerant names:
/		either the refrigerant ID, the refrigerant number, or the listed alternative names,
/		except for those in parentheses, may be specified.)

/       New Line
/	ICAPFLAG	Option for capacity scaling		0
/			=0, for no capacity scaling
/			=1, for capacity scaling
/	CAPACITY        Desired output capacity (Btu/h), cooling or heating,		36000.
/		to be obtained by adjusting compressor displacement.
/	EPSILON	Acceptable tolerance on capacity (Btu/h).		50.


New Line

ICHRGE	Indicator for specifying charge inventory balance choice		0
	=0,	no charge balance -- charge to be determined;
		specify compressor inlet superheat,
		specify flow control requirements.
	=1,	charge balance -- high-side determined;
		specify refrigerant charge,
		estimate compressor inlet superheat,
		specify flow control requirements.
|*		=2,	charge balance -- low-side determined;
|			specify refrigerant charge,
|			specify compressor inlet superheat,
|			determine flow control requirements.

SUPER	Specified (if ICHRGE=0,2) or estimated (if ICHRGE=1)		20.0
	refrigerant superheat (or quality) at the compressor shell inlet 
	(F  or negative of the desired quality fraction)

REFCHG	Specified system refrigerant charge (lbm)		(5.882)
	(not needed if ICHRGE=0)

|	MVOID	Switch to specify heat exchanger void fraction (slip) method		0
|		for charge inventory calculations
|		=0,	default method -- Zivi void fraction model
|			with analytical solution 
|			for a constant heat flux approximation
|		>0,	various user-selected void fraction models
|			with variable heat flux effects
|			(which require slower numerical solutions)
|			--	mass-flow independent methods
|				=1,	Homogeneous (no slip)
|				=2,	Zivi
|				=3,	Lockhart-Martinelli
|				=4,	Thom
|				=5,	Baroczy
|			--	mass-flow dependent methods
|				=6,	Hughmark
|				=7,	Premoli
|				=8,	Tandon

|	New Line	
|	IMASS	Switch for option to omit refrigerant charge calculations, 		1
|		only active for ICHRGE=0 case
|		=0,	if charge calculations are to be omitted
|		=1,	if charge calculations are to be made
|	Compressor and Accumulator Geometry Values for Refrigerant Charge Calculations:
|	(not required if IMASS = 0 and ICHRGE = 0) 
|	(if an accumulator is not used, set accumulator height ACCHGT to 0.0)
|	VOLCMP	Internal void space volume of compressor (cu. in.)		395.0
|	ACCHGT	Height of accumulator (in.)		10.0
|	ACCDIA	Internal diameter of accumulator (in.)		4.834
|	OILDIA	Inner diameter of oil return hole J-tube (in.)		0.035

|	UPPDIA	Inner diameter of upper hole in J-tube (in.)		0.040
|	HOLDIS	Vertical distance between holes (in.)		2.50
|	ATBDIA	Inner diameter of J-tube (in.)		0.680

FLOW CONTROL DEVICE DATA:  (the variables on this line depend
on the type of flow control device selected)

	New Line

Specified or Estimated Condenser Subcooling:

|	IREFC	=0,	for specified or estimated refrigerant subcooling		0
|			at the condenser exit
|	DTROC	Specified (if ICHRGE=0,1) or estimated (if ICHRGE=2)		15.0
|		refrigerant subcooling (or quality) at the condenser exit 
|		(F or negative of the desired quality fraction)

/	Optional Italicized Entries To Override Default Flow Control Specifications 
/	Used For Autosizing At Specified Subcooling 
/	Optional entries must follow DTROC on the same line, be separated by spaces
/       or commas and be entered as follows until all desired changes are made,
/	i.e., capillary tube input, short-tube-orifice input, TXV input, as needed
/	Capillary Tube
/	NCAP, CAPL, default values of 1, 80.
/	Short-Tube-Orifice
/	NORF, ORIFL, ORIFCD, default values of 1, 0.5, and 0.0, respectively
/	Thermostatic Expansion Valve
/	  default values of 6.0, 11.0, 13.0, 1.15, 0.0, 4, 3, 30, respectively

Thermostatic Expansion Valve:
/	(italicized entries are optional) 

	IREFC	=1,	for a thermostatic expansion valve (TXV)		1

	TXVRAT		Rated capacity of the TXV (tons)		1.688

	STATIC	Static superheat setting for the TXV (F°)		6.0

	SUPRAT	TXV superheat at rating conditions (F°)		11.0

	SUPMAX	Maximum effective operating superheat (F°)		13.0

	BLEEDF	TXV bypass or bleed factor		1.15

	NZTBOP	Switch to omit TXV nozzle and tube pressure drop calculations		0.0
/		=0.0,	to include distributor nozzle and tube pressure drops
/		=1.0,	to omit nozzle and tube pressure drop calculations
/	IDNZ	ID number (1-10) of the TXV distributor nozzle size (approx. tons		4
/		of evaporator capacity) based on Sporlan Bulletin 20-10 (1975)

IDNZ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Nozzle Size (tons) 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 6 8 10

/	IDTB	ID number (1-5) selecting TXV distributor tube size (inch OD)  		3

IDTB 1 2 3 4 5
Tube OD (in) 5/32 3/16 1/4 5/16 3/8

/	XLTUBE	length of each distributor tube (inches)		30.
/		(There are as many distributor tubes as there are circuits in the evaporator.)

Capillary Tube(s):
/	(italicized entries are optional) 

IREFC	=2,	for capillary tube(s)		2

/	CAPD	capillary tube inside diameter (in.)		0.1148

	NCAP	Number of capillary tubes in parallel		1

/	CAPL	Capillary tube length (in.)		80.

Short Tube Orifice(s):
/	(italicized entries are optional) 

IREFC	=3,	for short tube orifice(s)		3
/		refrigerant-specific correlations from Kim and O’Neal (1994)
/		used for R-22, R-134a, and R-12;  for other refrigerants, 
/		the R-22 correlations are assumed

ORIFD	Diameter of the short-tube orifice (in.)		0.0715
/		0.043 < ORIFD < 0.0676, within correlation range of model

/	NORF	Number of short-tube-orifices in parallel		1

/	ORIFL	Length of short-tube-orifice (in.)		0.5
/		0.375< ORIFL   1.0,  within correlation range of model

/	ORIFCD	Chamfer depth of inlet to short-tube-orifice (in.)		0.0
/		= 0.0, for a sharp-edged inlet
/		0.0 < ORIFCD   0.02, for a chamfered inlet within correlation range of model


New Line

TSICMP	Estimate of the refrigerant saturation temperature		45.0
	at the compressor shell inlet (°F)

TSOCMP	Estimate of the refrigerant saturation temperature		110.0
	at the compressor shell outlet (°F)


New Line

ICOMP	Switch to specify which compressor submodel is to be used,		2
	=1,	for the efficiency-and-loss model (single-speed only)
	=2,	for the map-based model (single- or variable-speed)

|	DISPL	Total piston displacement for selected compressor (cu. in.)		3.024
|	CMPSPD	Speed/frequency-determining-parameter for selected compressor --
|		Operating frequency ratio (relative to nominal frequency on Line 9.2),		1.0
|			if value   5 and ICOMP= 2;
|		Operating drive frequency (Hz),		(60.0)
|			if value > 5 and ICOMP= 2,
	Synchronous compressor motor speed (rpm)		(3600.)
		if ICOMP=1 and FLMOT is specified on LINE #9;

	Rated compressor motor speed (rpm)		(3450.)
		if ICOMP=1 and FLMOT is to be calculated 

QCAN	Compressor shell heat loss rate (Btu/h), 		0.0
	used if CANFAC is 0.0

CANFAC	Switch to control the method of specifying		0.1
	compressor shell heat loss rate, QCAN
	=0.0,	to specify QCAN explicitly
	<1.0,	to calculate QCAN as a fraction of compressor input power,  
			POW, (i.e., QCAN = CANFAC * POW)
|		=1.0,	QCAN is based on map submodel of CANFAC
|				(Map-based model only, Line 9.8)
	>1.0,	to calculate QCAN from the relationship :
			QCAN = 0.90 * [1 - {motor   * mechanical  }] * POW, 
			(only if ICOMP = 1)


New Line

VR	Compressor actual clearance volume ratio		0.06

EFFMMX	Maximum efficiency of the compressor motor		0.82

ETAISN	Isentropic efficiency of the compressor		0.70

ETAMEC	Mechanical efficiency of the compressor		0.80

New Line

MTRCLC	Switch to determine whether to calculate the		0
	full load motor power (FLMOT) or to use the input value
	=0,	to calculate FLMOT
	=1,	to use the input value of FLMOT

FLMOT	Compressor motor output at full load (kW)		(     )
|		(not used if MTRCLC = 0)

QHILO	Heat transfer rate from the compressor inlet		300.0
	line to the inlet gas (Btu/h), used if HILOFC=0.0
HILOFC	Switch to determine internal heat transfer		0.0
	from the high side to the low side, QHILO
	= 0.0,	to specify QHILO explicitly
	< 1.0,	to calculate QHILO = HILOFC * POW
	  1.0,	to calculate QHILO = 0.03 * POW


|	(ICOMP=2, Preferred Alternative To Efficiency-Based Compressor Input,
|      Alternative input described on following pages)

|	General Input Data (Frequency-Independent):
|	New Line
|	CTITLE	Descriptive title for map-based compressor data		MAP DATA
|	New Line
|	MODEDT	Switch indicating type of compressor data representation		3
|		=1,	six-coefficient biquadratic curve fits to compressor input power 
|			and refrigerant mass flow rate
|		=2,	six-coefficient biquadratic curve fits to compressor shell isentropic
|			and volumetric efficiencies
/		=3,	ten-coefficient ARI 540-91 curve fits to compressor input power 
/			and refrigerant mass flow rate
|	ICMPDT	Switch identifying drive efficiency level of base compressor data		2	
|		=0,	first-generation inverter-driven induction-motor (IDIM) efficiency
|		=1,	state-of-the-art IDIM efficiency
|		=2,	ideal sine-wave-driven, induction motor (SWDIM) efficiency
|		=3,	electronically-commutated motor (ECM) efficiency
|	ICDVCH	Switch choosing selected drive efficiency level		2
|		(to convert base compressor data)
|		=0,	first-generation IDIM efficiency
|		=1,	state-of-the-art IDIM efficiency
|		=2,	ideal SWDIM efficiency
|		=3,	ECM efficiency
|	CSIZMT	If > 0.0,	nominal motor size for selected compressor (hp),		(2.25)
|					used to determine relative motor loading
|					and resultant motor efficiency
|		If < 0.0,	(negative of) specified percentage of nominal loading 		-130.0
|					at which the motor efficiency of the selected compressor 
|					is to be evaluated,  also (if CMPFRQ = CFRQNM) 
|					the required motor size will be calculated (auto-sizing)
|	CFRQNM	Nominal frequency for selected motor rating (Hz)		60.0
|	CVLTNM	Nominal voltage for selected motor rating (Volts)		230.0
|		-- induction motors only
|	CVLHZM	Selected operating volts/Hertz ratio multiplier (range of 0.85 to 1.15)		1.0
|		-- induction motors only

|	General Input Data (Frequency-Independent) Continued:
|	New Line
|	NHZ	Number of frequencies for which compressor-data curve-fits		1
|		are available,
|	DISPLB	Base compressor displacement for compressor map (cubic inches)		3.024
|	SUPERB	Base 'superheat' value for compressor map,	
|		If   0,	base superheat entering compressor (F°),		20.0
|		If < 0,	negative of return gas temperature into compressor (°F) 		(-65.0)
|	CSIZMB	Motor size for base compressor (hp)		2.25
|	CFRQNB	Nominal frequency for base motor rating (Hz)		60.0
|	CVLTNB	Nominal voltage for base motor rating (volts)		230.0
|		-- induction motors only
|	New Line
|	HZVAL	Compressor frequency value (Hz) for which map data follow		60.0
|	RPMVAL	Nominal compressor speed at given frequency (rpm)		3450.0
|		(used to determine nominal compressor motor torque)
|	VLTVAL	Compressor motor voltage (volts) at given frequency 		230.0
|		for which map data apply -- induction motors only
/	(If MODEDT = 1 or 3)
|	POWADJ	Adjustment factor to curve-fit for power at given frequency		1.0
|		(set to 1.0 if value is omitted)
|	XMRADJ	Adjustment factor to curve-fit for mass flow rate at given frequency		1.0
|		(set to 1.0 if value is omitted)
|	(If MODEDT = 2)
|	ETIADJ	Adjustment factor to curve-fit for isentropic efficiency at given frequency		1.0
|		(set to 1.0 if value is omitted)
|	ETVADJ	Adjustment factor to curve-fit for volumetric efficiency at given frequency		1.0
|		(set to 1.0 if value is omitted)
|	( If MODEDT = 1, Read The Following Two Lines) 
|	New Line
|	CPOWER	Coefficients for bi-quadratic fit to compressor power (kW)
|		as a function of compressor suction and discharge
|		saturation temperatures (°F), TSICMP and TSOCMP,
|		of the form --

|		CPOWER (1,IHZ)	*	TSOCMP 2	+	(	)
|		CPOWER (2,IHZ)	*	TSOCMP		+	(	)
|		CPOWER (3,IHZ)	*	TSICMP 2	+	(	)
|		CPOWER (4,IHZ)	*	TSICMP		+	(	)
|		CPOWER (6,IHZ)					(	)
|	New Line
|	CMASSF	Coefficients for bi-quadratic fit 
|		to compressor mass flow rate (lbm/hr) 
|		as a function of compressor suction and discharge 
|		saturation temperatures (°F),TSICMP and TSOCMP,
|		of the form --
|	XMR(IHZ) = 
|		CMASSF (1,IHZ)	*	TSOCMP 2	+	(	)
|		CMASSF (2,IHZ)	*	TSOCMP		+	(	)
|		CMASSF (3,IHZ)	*	TSICMP 2	+	(	)
|		CMASSF (4,IHZ)	*	TSICMP		+	(	)
|		CMASSF (6,IHZ)					(	)
|	(If MODEDT = 2, Read The Following Two Lines)
|	New Line
|	CETAIS	Coefficients for bi-quadratic fit
|		to compressor shell isentropic efficiency 
|		as a function of compressor suction and discharge 
|		saturation temperatures (°F), TSICMP and TSOCMP,
|		of the form --
|		CETAIS (1,IHZ) * TSOCMP 2		+	(	)
|		CETAIS (2,IHZ) * TSOCMP			+	(	)
|		CETAIS (3,IHZ) * TSICMP 2		+	(	)
|		CETAIS (4,IHZ) * TSICMP			+	(	)
|		CETAIS (6,IHZ)					(	)
|	New Line
|	CETAVL	Coefficients for curve fit 
|		to compressor shell volumetric efficiency
|		as a function of pressure ratio PR and discharge pressure PD (psia) 
|		of the form --
|		CETAVL (1,IHZ)	*	(PR - 1.)			+	(	)
|		CETAVL (2,IHZ)	*	(PR - 1.)	*	PD	+	(	)
|		CETAVL (3,IHZ)	*	(PR - 1.)	*	PD * PD	+	(	)
|		CETAVL (4,IHZ)					 		(	)

/	( If MODEDT = 3, Read The Following Two Lines) 
/	New Line
/	CPOWER	Coefficients for ten-coefficient ARI 540-91 representation 
/		of compressor power  (Watts)
/		as a function of compressor suction and discharge saturation temperatures (°F),
/		of the form --
/		CPOWERA (1,IHZ)				+		275.57071
/		CPOWERA (2,IHZ) * TSICMP		+		-21.546331
/		CPOWERA (3,IHZ) * TSOCMP		+		25.208069
/		CPOWERA (4,IHZ) * TSICMP**2 	+		-0.29343623
/		CPOWERA (5,IHZ) * TSOCMP * TSICMP	+		0.48438260
/		CPOWERA (6,IHZ) * TSOCMP**2	+		 -0.15513997
/		CPOWERA (7,IHZ) * TSICMP**3	+		-0.00033087510	
/		CPOWERA (8,IHZ) * TSOCMP * TSICMP**2	+		 0.00098385545
/		CPOWERA (9,IHZ) * TSICMP * TSOCMP**2	+		-0.00036841937
/		CPOWERA(10,IHZ) * TSOCMP**3     			0.00020905216	
/	New Line
/	CMASSF	Coefficients for ten-coefficient ARI 540-91 representation
/		of compressor mass flow rate  (lbm/hr) 
/		as a function of compressor suction and discharge 
/		saturation temperatures (°F),TSICMP and TSOCMP,
/		of the form --
/	XMR(IHZ) = 
/		CMASSFA (1,IHZ)				+		29.000366
/		CMASSFA (2,IHZ) * TSICMP			+		3.4896154
/		CMASSFA (3,IHZ) * TSOCMP		+		5.5909472
/		CMASSFA (4,IHZ) * TSICMP**2 	+		0.058079902
/		CMASSFA (5,IHZ) * TSOCMP * TSICMP	+		0.041391749
/		CMASSFA (6,IHZ) * TSOCMP**2	+		-0.066189520
/		CMASSFA (7,IHZ) * TSICMP**3	+		0.00019594388	
/		CMASSFA (8,IHZ) * TSOCMP * TSICMP**2	+		-0.00016566363
/		CMASSFA (9,IHZ) * TSICMP * TSOCMP**2	+		-0.00021479024	
/		CMASSFA(10,IHZ) * TSOCMP**3     			0.00020337809	
|	(Repeat The Preceding 3 Lines For Each Compressor Frequency,  IHZ=1, NHZ)
|	Compressor Shell Heat Loss Correlation :
/	(This Line Is Only Included If QCAN = 1.0 Under General Compressor Data)
|	New Line
|	CQCAN	Coefficients of quadratic fit to compressor shell heat loss 
|		as a function of compressor dischargesaturation temperature (°F) 
|		of the form --
|		CQCAN (1)	*	TSOCMP	+			-1.704E-02
|		CQCAN (2)	*	TSOCMP 2	+	 	 	5.610E-05
|		CQCAN (3)						  	1.314E+00


New Line

Indoor Operating Conditions:

TAIII	Air temperature entering the indoor unit (°F)			80.0	

RHII	Relative humidity of the air entering the indoor unit 		0.50

|	New Line
|	Indoor Blower:
|	FRQIDF	Operating frequency parameter for indoor blower —
| 		if   5, operating frequency ratio relative to nominal given by FRQNMI 			1.0
|		if > 5, operating frequency  (Hz) 			(60.0)
|	FRQNMI	Nominal indoor blower frequency (Hz)			60.0
|	QANMI	Nominal air flow rate (cfm)				1200.
|	SIZMTI	ECM blower motor sizing parameter —
|		(SIZMTI is only used if ICHIDF=3)
|		> 0.0,	nominal blower motor size (hp),			(0.33)
|				used to determine relative motor loading
|				and resultant ECM efficiency
|		< 0.0,	(negative of) percentage of nominal loading		-75.0
|				at which the ECM efficiency is to be evaluated,
|				also -- if FRQIDF = FRQNMI --
|				the required motor size will be calculated (auto-sizing)
|	FANEFI	Fan / fan-motor  efficiency parameter —
|		  1.0,	specified fixed value of separate or combined
|				efficiencies of fan and/or drive: 
|				(those values not explicitly specified by FANEFI 
|				will be calculated based on ICHIDF selection)
|				If ICHIDF < 0,  specified value of			(0.30)
|				combined fan / fan-motor efficiency
|				If ICHIDF   0, specified fan-only efficiency;		0.45

|	FANEFI...	>1.0,	directly-specified power (watts) of reference drive		(293.0)
|				at nominal air flow rate (if available measured
|				power is not at selected nominal cfm, then ratio
|				the measured power by cube of cfm ratio),
|				at reference inlet air temperatures
|				of 70°F heating and 80°F cooling
|	IRFIDF	Integer switch to identify reference drive type			-1
|		if FANEFI is used to specify nominal fan power
|		(only used if FANEFI > 1.0)
|		< 0,	No reference drive type to be used,
|			gives a constant implicit drive efficiency with speed
|		  0,	Nominal input power is referenced to choice of following drives --
|			(drive efficiency will vary with speed)
|			=	0,	specifies a first-generation IDIM drive
|			=	1,	specifies a state-of-the-art IDIM drive
|			=	2,	specifies an ideal SWDIM drive
|			=	3,	specifies an ECM drive
|	ICHIDF	Integer switch for choosing selected drive type:			-1
|		For use in combination with given FANEFI values
|		(If FANEFI   1.0)
|			or
|		For conversion from reference IRFIDF values 
|		to selected ICHIDF drive type
|		(If FANEFI > 1.0)
|		< 0,	drive efficiency assumed constant as explicitly 
|			or implicitly given by FANEFI
|			(If IRFIDF < 0 and FANEFI > 1.0,
|			 ICHIDF will be automatically set to -1)
|		  0,	drive efficiency computed using choice of following drives -- 
|			(drive efficiency will vary with speed)
|			=	0,	specifies a first-generation IDIM drive
|			=	1,	specifies a state-of-the-art IDIM drive
|			=	2,	specifies an ideal SWDIM drive
|			=	3,	specifies an ECM drive

|	DDUCT	Indoor duct sizing parameter —
	If > 0,	equivalent diameter of each of 6 identical air ducts (in.)		(6.0)
			--	each with an equivalent length of 100 ft 
|		If   0,	(negative of) specified external pressure drop of duct system		-0.15
|				--	independent of specified air flow rate or fan speed
|		(Note: DDUCT is not used in fan power calculations if FANEFI > 1.0)

FIXCAP	House heating load (Btu/h), optional, used to calculate		0.0
	the necessary backup resistance heat in the heating mode

New Line

Indoor Heat Exchanger Configuration:

AAFI	Frontal area of the coil (sq. ft.)				3.802

NTI	Number of refrigerant tube rows in the direction of air flow		4.0
NSECTI	Number of equivalent, parallel refrigerant circuits in heat exchanger		6.0

WTI	Spacing of the refrigerant tubes in the direction of air flow  (in.)			0.625

STI	Spacing of the refrigerant tube passes			1.00
	perpendicular to the direction of air flow (in.)

RTBI	Total number of return bends in heat exchanger (all circuits)		104.0

New Line

Indoor Heat Exchanger Configuration (cont.):

FINTYI	Switch to specify the type of fin surface,			2.0
	=	1.0,	for smooth fins
	=	2.0,	for general wavy (sinusoidal) or zig-zag (corrugated) fins
			-- using multipliers to smooth fin equations
	=	3.0,	for general louvered (simple-strip) fins
			 -- using multipliers to smooth fin equations
|		=	4.0,	for specific zig-zag fin designs
|		=	5.0,	for specific louvered (simple-strip) fin designs

FPI	Fin pitch (fins/in.)				13.0

DELTAI	Fin thickness (in.)				0.010

DEAI	Outside diameter of the refrigerant tubes (in.)			0.3325

DERI	Inside diameter of the refrigerant tubes (in.)			0.3085

XKFI	Thermal conductivity of the fins (Btu/hr-ft-~F)			128.3

XKTI	Thermal conductivity of the tubes (Btu/hr-ft-~F)		225.0

HCONTI	Fraction of the default computed contact conductance 			100.0
	between the fins and tubes

|	New Line
|	Fin Patternation Data for Indoor Coil:
/	If FINTYI < 4.0, input dummy parameters to skip line.
/	NDUM	Dummy integer					0
/	XDUM	Dummy real						0.0
|	If FINTYI = 4.0,
|	NFPZGI	Number of fin patterns per row of tubes in flow direction (integer)		2
|	FPDZGI	Fin pattern depth (in)				0.045
|	If FINTYI = 5.0,
|	NSLVI	Number of strips in an enhanced zone (integer)			(4)
|	XLSLVI	Length of enhanced louvered zone (mm)			(8.0)
|	XWSLVI	Width of single strip in flow direction (mm)			(2.0)
|	New Line
|	Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Multipliers for Indoor Coil :
|	HTRMLI	Refrigerant-side heat transfer multiplier			1.0
|	PDRMLI	Refrigerant-side pressure-drop multiplier			1.0
|	HTAMLI	Air-side heat transfer multiplier				1.0
|	PDAMLI	Air-side coil 		pressure-drop multiplier			1.0
|	CABMLI	Air-side system	pressure-drop multiplier			1.0


New Line

Outdoor Operating Conditions:

TAIIO	Air temperature entering the heat exchanger (F)			82.0

RHIO	Relative humidity of the air entering the heat exchanger		0.40

|	New Line
|	Outdoor Fan:
|	FRQODF	Operating frequency parameter for outdoor fan —
| 		if   5, operating frequency ratio relative to nominal given by FRQNMO 			1.0
|		if > 5, operating frequency (Hz) 			(60.0)
|	FRQNMO	Nominal outdoor fan frequency (Hz)			60.0
|	QANMO	Nominal air flow rate (cfm)				3000.0
|	SIZMTO	ECM blower motor sizing parameter —
|		(SIZMTO is only used if ICHODF=3)
|		> 0.0,	nominal blower motor size (hp),			(0.25)
|				used to determine relative motor loading
|				and resultant ECM efficiency
|		< 0.0,	(negative of) percentage of nominal loading		-75.0
|				at which the ECM efficiency is to be evaluated,
|				also --  if FRQODF = FRQNMO -- 
|				the required motor size will be calculated (auto-sizing)
|	FANEFO	Fan / fan motor  efficiency parameter —
|		  1.0,	specified fixed value of separate or combined
|				efficiencies of fan and/or drive: 
|				(those values not explicitly specified by FANEFO 
|				will be calculated based on MFANFT / ICHODF selections)
|				If MFANFT = 0  and ICHODF < 0, specified value of  		(0.21)
|				combined fan / fan motor efficiency
|				If MFANFT = 0 and ICHODF   0,			(0.35)
|				specified fan-only efficiency
|				If MFANFT = 1 and ICHODF < 0,			(0.60)
|				specified drive efficiency

|	FANEFO	Fan / fan motor  efficiency parameter  (continued) —
|		 1.0
|				If MFANFT = 1 and ICHODF => 0,			0.00
|				specified value is ignored, 
|				model calculates both fan and drive efficiencies
|		>1.0,	directly-specified power (watts) of reference drive		220.0
|				at nominal air flow rate (if available measured
|				power is not at selected nominal cfm, then ratio
|				the measured power by cube of cfm ratio),
|				at reference inlet air temperatures
|				of 47°F heating or 95°F cooling
|	IRFODF	Integer switch to identify reference drive type			-1
|		if FANEFO is used to specify nominal fan power
|		(only used if FANEFO > 1.0)
|		< 0,	No reference drive type to be used,
|			gives a constant implicit drive efficiency with speed
|		  0,	Nominal input power is referenced to choice of following drives --
|			(drive efficiency will vary with speed)
|			=	0,	specifies a first-generation IDIM drive
|			=	1,	specifies a state-of-the-art IDIM drive
|			=	2,	specifies an ideal SWDIM drive
|			=	3,	specifies an ECM drive
|	ICHODF	Integer switch for choosing selected drive type:			-1
|		For use in combination with given FANEFO values
|		(If FANEFO   1.0)
|			or
|		For conversion from reference IRFODF values 
|		to selected ICHODF drive type
|		(If FANEFO > 1.0)
|		< 0,	drive efficiency assumed constant as explicitly 
|			or implicitly given by FANEFO
|			(If IRFODF < 0 and FANEFO > 1.0,
|			 ICHODF will be automatically set to -1)
|		  0,	drive efficiency computed using choice of following drives -- 
|			(drive efficiency will vary with speed)
|			=	0,	specifies a first-generation IDIM drive
|			=	1,	specifies a state-of-the-art IDIM drive
|			=	2,	specifies an ideal SWDIM drive
|			=	3,	specifies an ECM drive

MFANFT	Switch for using static efficiency vs specific speed 		0
	for the efficiency of the outdoor fan —

	=0,	specified value of FANEFO is used

MFANFT...	=1,	curve fit for fan static efficiency is used -- with fan motor efficiency
		either specified by FANEFO or calculated internally
		(should not be chosen if FANEFO > 1.0)

New Line

Outdoor Heat Exchanger Configuration:

AAFO	Frontal area of the coil (sq. ft.)				14.713

NTO	Number of refrigerant tube rows in the direction of air flow			1.0

NSECTO	Number of equivalent, parallel refrigerant circuits in heat exchanger		3.0

WTO	Spacing of the refrigerant tubes in the direction of air flow (in.)			0.866

STO	Spacing of the refrigerant tube passes			1.00
	perpendicular to the direction of the air flow (in.)

RTBO	Total number of return bends in heat exchanger (all circuits)			21.0

New Line

Outdoor Heat Exchanger Configuration (cont.):

FINTYO	Switch to specify the type of fin surface,			2.0
	=	1.0,	for smooth fins
	=	2.0,	for general wavy (sinusoidal) or zig-zag (corrugated) fins
			-- using multipliers to smooth fin equations
	=	3.0,	for general louvered (simple-strip) fins
			-- using multipliers to smooth fin equations
|	=	4.0,	for specific zig-zag fin designs
|	=	5.0,	for specific louvered (simple-strip) fin designs

FPO	Fin pitch (fins/in.)				20.0

DELTAO	Fin thickness (in.)				0.005

DEAO	Outside diameter of the refrigerant tubes (in.)			0.395

DERO	Inside diameter of the refrigerant tubes (in.)			0.371

XKFO	Thermal conductivity of the fins (Btu/hr-ft-°F)			128.3

XKTO	Thermal conductivity of the tubes (Btu/hr-ft-°F)		225.0

HCONTO	Fraction of the default computed contact conductance		100.0
	between the fins and tubes

Fin Patternation Data for Outdoor Coil:

|	New Line
/	If FINTYO < 4.0, input dummy parameters NDUM and XDUM to skip line as for indoor coil.
|	If FINTYO = 4.0,
|	NFPZGO	Number of fin patterns per row of tubes in flow direction (integer)		2
|	FPDZGO	Fin pattern depth (in.)				0.045
|	If FINTYO = 5.0,
|	NSLVO	Number of strips in an enhanced zone (integer)			(4)
|	XLSLVO	Length of enhanced louvered zone (mm)			(8.0)
|	XWSLVO	Width of single strip in flow direction (mm)			(2.0)

|	New Line
|	Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop Multipliers for Outdoor Coil :
|	HTRMLO	Refrigerant-side heat transfer multiplier			1.0
|	PDRMLO	Refrigerant-side pressure-drop multiplier			1.0
|	HTAMLO	Air-side heat transfer multiplier				1.0
|	PDAMLO	Air--side coil	pressure-drop multiplier			1.0
|	CABMLO	Air--side system	pressure-drop multiplier			1.0


New Line

MCMPOP	Switch for adding compressor can heat loss to air in the outdoor coil 		2
=0,	heat loss not added to outdoor air
=1,	heat loss added to air before	crossing the outdoor coil
	=2,	heat loss added to air after	crossing the outdoor coil

MFANIN	Switch for adding heat loss from the indoor fan to air stream,		2
settings are similar to those for MCMPOP

MFANOU	Switch for adding heat loss from the outdoor fan to air stream, 		2
	settings are similar to those for MCMPOP


New Line

/	Heat Transfer And Additional Pressure Drop in Refrigerant Lines :

QSUCLN	If > 0,	rate of heat gain in the compressor suction line (Btu/h);			0.0

	If < 0, 	the negative of the desired temperature rise			(-10.)
	in the suction line (F°)

QDISLN	Rate of heat loss in the compressor discharge line (Btu/h)		0.0

QLIQLN	Rate of heat loss in the liquid line (Btu/h)			0.0

/	The following are optional values that can be added to the previous line.
/	DPSLN	Additional suction line pressure drop at nominal mass flow (psia)			0.0
/	DPDLN	Additional discharge line pressure drop at nominal mass flow (psia)			0.0
/	DPLLN	Additional liquid line pressure drop at nominal mass flow (psia)		0.0
/	XMRNOM	Nominal mass flow rate for above pressure drops (lbm/hr)			0.0
/		(at a given mass flow rate, these added pressure drops are proportional 
/		to [flow / nom. flow]1.8  )

New Line

Lines Between Coils and from Reversing Valve to Coils:

DLL	Inside diameter of the liquid line (in.)			0.2885

XLEQLL	Equivalent length of the liquid line (ft.)			30.0

DLRVIC	Inside diameter of the vapor line between the reversing valve 		0.7260
	and the indoor coil (in.)

XLRVIC	Equivalent length of the vapor line between the reversing valve 		30.0
	and the indoor coil (ft.)

DLRVOC	Inside diameter of the vapor line between the reversing valve 		0.7260
	and the outdoor coil (in.)

XLRVOC	Equivalent length of the vapor line between the reversing valve 		2.0
	and the outdoor coil (ft.)

New Line

Lines from the Reversing Valve to the Compressor:

DSLRV	Inside diameter of the suction line from the reversing valve 		0.7260
	to the compressor inlet (in.)

XLEQLP	Equivalent length of the low-pressure line from the reversing valve		5.0
	to the compressor inlet (ft.)

DDLRV	Inside diameter of the discharge line from the compressor outlet		0.4760
	to the reversing valve (in.)

XLEQHP	Equivalent length of the high-pressure line from the compressor outlet 		2.0
	to the reversing valve (ft.)

|	New Line 
|	Iteration Convergence Parameters :
|	(if set to zero or a blank line, the following defaults will be used)
|	AMBCON	Convergence parameter for the iteration on evaporator inlet air		0.20
|		temperature (°F)
|	CNDCON	Convergence parameter for the iteration on condenser exit subcooling		0.20
|		(or on exit quality * 200) -- used when IREFC = 0 on Line 6 (F°);
|		also the quantity {2 * CNDCON} is used as the convergence parameter 
|		for the charge balancing iteration when ICHRGE =2
|	FLOCON	Convergence parameter for iteration on refrigerant mass flow rate		0.20
|		-- used when IREFC › 0 on Line 6 (equivalent F°),
|		value is specified as if it were in degrees F and is scaled
|		internally  (by 1/20th) to give a mass flow convergence factor
|	EVPCON	Convergence parameter for iteration on evaporator exit superheat (F°),		0.50
|		(or on exit quality * 500);  
|		Also the quantity {2 * EVPCON} is used as the convergence parameter 
|		for the charge balancing iteration when ICHRGE =1
|	CONMST	Convergence parameter for iterations on 			0.003
|		evaporator tube wall temperatures in subroutine EVAP 
|		and dew-point temperature in subroutine XMOIST (F°)	
|	CMPCON	Convergence parameter for iteration on suction gas enthalpy		0.05
|		in the efficiency-and-loss compressor model (Btu/lbm) --
|		only used when ICOMP = 1 on Line 8	
|	TOLH	Tolerance parameter used by refrigerant routines		0.001
|		in calculating properties of superheated vapor 
|		when converging on a known enthalpy value (Btu/lbm)
|	TOLS	Tolerance parameter used by refrigerant routines		0.00005
|		in calculating properties of superheated vapor 
|		when converging on a known entropy value (Btu/lbm/°R)