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  BDA Template Scripts - static-analysis-build.xml
Added by Steven Saksa, last edited by Steven Saksa on Nov 20, 2008


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BDA Template Scripts -static-analysis-build.xml

Ant Target Flow

Target Names in bold are targets users may call. Targets name not in bold are generally supporting targets and users will probably never call them
If a target has no documentation then it was probably documented on some line above your current line.

Sub-Project build.xml

Static Analysis Targets

The static analysis targets run the static analysis tools on the code base. Each static-analysis tool has one target and one macro. The macro actually calls the static-analysis custom ant target and does work. The target calls the macro for each sub-project so that reports can be generated on a sub-project basis. These reports will be parsed the Hudson CI server to display trend graphs and also can be used to determine the health of the build or even the pass/fail status of the build. These CI server will archive the reports so you can view the results from any build on that server. It is best to run static analysis on all projects so doing it in the build.xml of the root project makes the most sense. Because of the highly configurable nature of the static-analysis custom ant tasks, it was determined that these targets/macros would not be added the BDA-Utils but instead reside in these template scripts, allowing for customization without involving BDA team.

  • static-analysis - call all static-analysis tools
    • static-analysis:ivy-init - Runs all ivy targets for downloading static analysis tool from the NCICB Ivy Enterprise Repository.
    • static-analysis:init - Creates paths and directories for use by static-analysis targets.
    • findbugs-init - Downloads findbugs application from the NCICB Binary Repository
    • static-analysis:simian - calls static-analysis-simian macrodef for each sub-project
    • static-analysis:pmd - calls static-analysis-pmd macrodef for each sub-project
    • static-analysis:checkstyle -calls static-analysis-checkstyle macrodef for each sub-project
    • static-analysis:javancss - calls static-analysis-javancss macrodef for each sub-project
    • static-analysis:cobertura - calls static-analysis-cobertura macrodef for each sub-project
    • static-analysis:findbugs - calls static-analysis-findbugs macrodef for each sub-project
  • static-analysis:ivy-init - Wrapper target calls below
    • static-analysis:ivy-settings - Sets Ivy configuration
    • static-analysis:ivy-test-checkstyle - Downloads Ivy checkstyle module from the ivy repository, into its own directory to avoid conflicts with other static-analysis tools
    • static-analysis:ivy-test-cobertura - Downloads Ivy cobertura module from the ivy repository, into its own directory to avoid conflicts with other static-analysis tools
    • static-analysis:ivy-test-javancss - Downloads Ivy javancss module from the ivy repository, into its own directory to avoid conflicts with other static-analysis tools
    • static-analysis:ivy-test-junit - Downloads Ivy junit module from the ivy repository, into its own directory to avoid conflicts with other static-analysis tools
    • static-analysis:ivy-test-pmd - Downloads Ivy pmd module from the ivy repository, into its own directory to avoid conflicts with other static-analysis tools

National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health