Cambridge Scientific Abstracts - Published Literature Citations

Title: Protective immunity induced by DNA vaccination of channel catfish with early and late transcripts of the channel catfish herpesvirus (IHV-1)

Description: Seven full-length transcripts encoding four early and three late genes of the channel catfish virus (CCV), ictalurid herpesvirus I (IHV-1), have been cloned following rt-PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Transcripts were selected based on their p...

Author: KE Nusbaum, BF Smith, P DeInnocentes, RC Bird

Subject: Vaccines; DNA vaccines; Immunity; Polymerase chain reaction; Gene amplification; Fish immunity; Glycoproteins; Envelopes; Capsid protein; Disease control; Disease resistance; Ictalurid herpesvirus 1; Channel catfish herpesvirus; Channel catfish virus; Ictalurus punctatus; Herpesvirus; Ictalurid herpesvirus ; Channel catfish; Graceful catfish

Publisher: Elsevier Science

Date Issued: 2002

Resource Type: Journal Article

Resource Identifier (URI) :

Source: Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology [Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol.]. Vol. 84, no. 3-4, pp. 151-168. 15 Jan 2002.

Language: English

Rights: Copyright held by Publisher

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